"Gexoral" - candles or spray? His association with "Hexicon"

"Gexoral" - candles or spray? His association with "Hexicon"
"Gexoral" - candles or spray? His association with "Hexicon"

Gexoral Sore Throat Spray is an aerosol containing a colorless mixture with a menthol flavor. The functioning substance of the aerosol is a strong antiseptic hexetidine, which can help treat diseases of the larynx, fighting the main cause of the pathology - infection. There is also Hexoral in lozenges. In order to remove unpleasant feelings and heal an unhe althy throat, you should irrigate the oropharynx for adults and children from 3 years old 2 times a day after meals. If necessary, the medication can be used more. But it is often confused with Hexicon suppositories for the treatment of vaginal infections. Although these are completely different drugs, with different active ingredients.

What is "Hexicon"?

For every woman, it is important to find a safe remedy that would be effective for the treatment and prevention of a variety of sexual infections. The main thing is that the use of the drug does not harm the microflora, and it can also be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Partially, the above requirements are met by the popular Hexicon candles, which most effectively cope with various sexual infections. The photo shows the Hexoral spray (Hexicon candles are always confused with it).

hexoral spray
hexoral spray

Pharmacological effects of the drug

"Hexicon" contains a rather powerful chlorhexidine bigluconate - an effective antiseptic. It, in turn, is active against gram-positive and gram-negative protozoan bacteria. It is noteworthy that this drug makes it possible to cure infections caused by Chlamydia, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Gardnerella vaginalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Treponema pallidum, and Ureaplasma spp.

But, as doctors say, certain strains may be insensitive to the active substance chlorhexidine. "Hexicon" most carefully affects the vaginal microflora. Acid-resistant species of fungi, bacteria can also show resistance to this drug. In the presence of blood and a large amount of pus, Hexicon candles may have reduced activity and effectiveness.

woman stomach pain
woman stomach pain

Indications for use

Many say that vaginal suppositories "Geksoral" are called. Instructions for use indicate that this remedy is used for ENT diseases. And the candles are called "Hexicon". They are used in the following cases:

  1. Prevention of variousinfectious processes of the female genital organs: chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, syphilis and trichomoniasis.
  2. Elimination of burning sensation, intimate discharge, and itching.
  3. Preventive gynecological treatment before childbirth, upcoming abortion or pelvic surgery. This group also includes minor operations: hysterosalpingography, the introduction of contraceptive drugs into the uterus, as well as diathermocoagulation of the uterine cervix.
  4. Influence on the root cause of the disease, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria.
  5. Treatment of chronic, acute exo- and endocervicitis, as well as trichomonas vaginitis, non-specific and mixed origin.
  6. Preservation of useful intimate flora, protection against recurrence of exacerbations.
  7. Local effect on the focus of inflammation and infection, which does not adversely affect the developing fetus.
woman in pain
woman in pain

How to use

The candle must be inserted in a supine position inside the vagina, do not get out of bed for about 15-20 minutes. For treatment, take 1 candle in the morning and evening for 7-10 days. For preventive purposes, the gynecologist usually prescribes 1 suppository every 2-2.5 hours after sexual contact.

In order to avoid repeated exacerbations of unpleasant sexual diseases, it is necessary to follow the optimal frequency of use, and be sure to complete the course of treatment.

The course of therapy is usually 7-10 days.

Rules for using candles

Since Geksoral suppositories are not used in gynecology (suppositorieswith such a name does not exist at all), consider a real drug. "Hexicon" in the form of suppositories should be injected deep into the vagina with clean hands, without long nails, preferably at bedtime. It is not recommended to start treatment during menstruation, if it began in the middle of the course, do not interrupt it! At elevated temperatures, the bactericidal effect of Hexicon will noticeably increase.

It is important that when treating with candles there is no need to avoid work, driving, and increased mental stress. This is an ideal option for pregnant and breastfeeding women, allowing you to quickly and effectively eliminate the signs of various genital infections and vaginal discharge.

hexicon vaginal
hexicon vaginal


It is worth noting that "Hexicon" in the form of candles does not allow you to get rid of thrush, it can even aggravate the signs of the disease. As noted above, chlorhexidine does not suppress the fungi that cause thrush, it simply neutralizes some types of bacteria that enter the vaginal microflora, allowing thrush to further disrupt this microflora.

Drug interactions

These candles should not be used in combination with iodine preparations. In addition, it is not recommended to use Hexicon in combination with soaps containing an anionic group - sodium carboxymethylcellulose, saponins and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Side Effects

In general, the use of suppositories is well tolerated by the woman's body, onlysometimes causing side effects. So, side effects are manifested by severe skin allergies, accompanied by itching, swelling and rash.

In addition, some patients may experience local reactions, represented by irritation and itching in the place where the suppository comes into contact with the body. Topical use may cause dry skin, dermatitis, photosensitivity, and taste disturbance.

It is noteworthy that the above anomalies will disappear after stopping the medication almost immediately, and some side effects (burning and redness) will stop bothering the woman a few minutes after the candle is inserted.

hexoral tabs
hexoral tabs


Given the safety of vaginal suppositories ("Gexoral" is a completely different drug), a gynecologist should prescribe the medicine, especially during pregnancy. Every woman should undergo medical examinations in a timely manner, monitoring the condition of the genitals. Yes, during pregnancy it is better to refrain from taking certain drugs, but it has been proven that Hexicon does not negatively affect the fetus.
