The human brain is a complex mechanism of the body, which is not fully understood and studied. For many centuries, scientists have been trying to unravel all its mysteries. Sometimes this mechanism can fail, as benign or malignant neoplasms develop in it. One of the benign brain tumors is the arachnoid cyst. It is a thin-walled neoplasm that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The shell of the cyst consists of the arachnoid (arachnoid) membrane of the brain. This pathology is most often diagnosed by chance during an examination for another disease.
Problem description
Arachnoid cyst is a benign neoplasm located between the surface of the brain and the arachnoid mater, it is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). At the location of the neoplasm, the arachnoid membrane of the brain is thickened, it is divided into two sheets, between which the cerebrospinal fluid accumulates. The cyst usually hassmall in size, but as it grows, it can put pressure on the cerebral cortex, which provokes the manifestation of negative symptoms of the disease.
Arachnoid CSF cyst may have different localization. Most often, the tumor is located in the region of the cerebellopontine angle, temporal regions, or above the Turkish saddle. According to medical data, pathology is observed in 4% of the world's population, most often in the stronger sex. Usually, the neoplasm does not show signs of development, it does not threaten the life and he alth of the patient. It is necessary to distinguish between such benign neoplasms as retrocerebellar and arachnoid cyst of the brain. In the first case, the tumor forms inside the brain, while the second develops on its surface.

In medicine, congenital and acquired forms of pathology are distinguished. In the first case, the neoplasm begins to form in the prenatal period. Acquired pathology develops as a result of infectious diseases of the brain, TBI, surgical procedures, and so on.
Like a retrocerebellar cyst, an arachnoid cyst is a benign formation that does not always require surgical intervention. This neoplasm does not metastasize and does not transform into a cancerous tumor.
Varieties of pathology
According to morphological features, it is customary to distinguish simple cysts consisting of cells of the arachnoid membrane (they are endowed with the ability to produce liquor), and complex cysts, which include othersstructures. In practical neurology, this type of neoplasm is not taken into account, physicians take into account only the etiological classification of the pathology.
According to the clinical course, the arachnoid cyst of the brain can be progressive, which is characterized by an increase in symptoms due to an increase in its size, and frozen, which does not grow and has a latent course. In medicine, an important point is the definition of the type of cyst according to this classification, since the therapy of pathology depends on this.
By location, neoplasms in the parietal zone of the head and an arachnoid cyst of the temporal region are distinguished. Also, such cysts can develop in the lumbar spine and in the spinal canal.

Causes of disease
Primary, or congenital, cyst occurs due to a disorder in the formation of the subarachnoid space or arachnoid membrane as a result of abnormal intrauterine development in the initial period of a woman's pregnancy. The arachnoid is then filled with a clear liquid having the same composition as the cerebrospinal fluid. The negative factors that contribute to the emergence of this pathology include the impact on the fetus of intrauterine infections, intoxication of the body of a pregnant woman, her bad habits, radiation exposure, overheating.
Secondary, or acquired, arachnoid cyst of the brain develops as a result of complications after previous inflammation of the brain, TBI, hemorrhage insubarachnoid space, surgical intervention on the brain, as well as in Marfan's disease and agenesis, cerebrovascular accident. If the development of the cyst is affected by any diseases, then it will consist of scar tissue.
Cyst growth
Neoplasms in the brain can grow for the following reasons:
- Increased CSF pressure inside the cyst.
- Inflammation of the meninges as a result of infection or arachnoiditis.
- Concussion in a person who had a cyst earlier.
If the size of the tumor increases, it means that the brain continues to be affected by provoking factors that need to be eliminated.

Symptoms and signs of pathology
Arachnoid cyst can have different sizes, so the symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways. Usually the disease is discovered during examinations associated with other he alth problems. Sometimes the neoplasm shows unpleasant and dangerous symptoms, therefore, in this case, it requires therapy. This usually occurs with vascular, infectious or traumatic brain damage.
Since the most common arachnoid cyst of the left or right temporal lobe, it can cause nausea, causeless vomiting, dizziness. In severe cases, ataxia and paresis, mental disorders, convulsions, hallucinations may develop.
If neoplasmformed at the brain stem, it provokes the appearance of intervertebral hernias, disruption of the activity of some organs. In some cases, the disease causes secondary hydrocephalus, while the danger of this pathology lies in the possible rupture of the cyst.
When a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid accumulates inside the neoplasm, it begins to grow, intracranial pressure appears, neuralgia, the nature of the course of which will depend on the location of the cyst. With the growth of the neoplasm, new signs of pathology may appear. Often a person has pressure on the eyeballs, impaired hearing and vision, the appearance of flies before the eyes, numbness of the limbs, dysarthria. In some cases, the arachnoid cyst, the affected areas of which are extensive, leads to loss of consciousness and the development of a convulsive syndrome. A vivid manifestation of neuralgic symptoms indicates the active growth of a neoplasm that compresses the brain. When the cyst ruptures, death occurs. In the absence of treatment, irreversible degenerative processes develop in the brain tissues. But the bright symptoms of pathology are observed only in 20% of cases.

Diagnostic measures
Since in most cases, the arachnoid cyst does not show signs, the diagnosis is made using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. The exact location and size of the tumor helps to establish MRI and CT. Next, the doctor needs to find out the causes of the disease. For this heassigns:
- Laboratory blood tests for blood clotting and cholesterol levels.
- Dopplerometry of the vessels of the neck and head.
- Research on the cardiac and vascular systems.
- Monitoring blood pressure.
- Electroencephalography.
- Rheoencephalography.
- Testing for neuroinfections and autoimmune diseases.
Differential Diagnosis
The doctor differentiates pathology from diseases such as subdural hygroma, epidermoid cyst, chronic subdural bleeding, hemangioblastoma, astrocytoma, abscess, encephalitis, stroke, as well as non-tumor cysts and neurocysticercosis, metastatic brain tumors.
After a comprehensive examination, the doctor evaluates all the results, identifies possible causes of the disease and develops a treatment regimen.

Therapy of disease
If the arachnoid cyst is small and does not show any symptoms, no therapy is given. In this case, the patient is monitored, undergoing an annual MRI.
When the cyst is large, it shows symptoms, provokes the development of seizures and hemorrhages, then the doctor suggests surgery. Operations are prescribed in case of rapid growth of the cyst, an increase in intracranial pressure, a high risk of rupture of the neoplasm, manifestations of negative signs of pathology that prevent the patient from living.
In modern medicine, the endoscopic method is often used for this purpose, in whichpiercing the neoplasm and pumping out the cerebrospinal fluid from it. If there are contraindications to this operation, it is possible to use shunting or microneurosurgical surgery, during which the arachnoid cyst of the brain is removed.

After that, the doctor prescribes antioxidants that contribute to the development of resistance of brain cells to intracranial pressure, nootropic drugs to saturate brain cells with oxygen.
To normalize intracranial pressure, doctors usually prescribe therapy for several courses a year with Diakarb. Herbs that help reduce blood pressure may also be prescribed, such as omentum, violet, black elderberry, or horsetail.
Arachnoid cyst with proper and timely treatment has a favorable prognosis. With a secondary neoplasm, in the absence of treatment, a significant deterioration in the patient's condition occurs, he may develop complications that will be associated with a disorder of mental functions, the appearance of hydrocephalus and even death. Sometimes new cysts can form, the growth of which will cause a cerebral hemorrhage. Regular MRI examinations enable doctors to monitor the progression of the disease and make predictions about the possible development of complications, which helps to avoid unnecessary surgical interventions.

Soas a congenital pathology begins to form even in the prenatal period, the prevention method in this case is taking care of a he althy pregnancy, eliminating addictions and exposure to toxins, radiation and carcinogens. The main preventive method in this case is the prevention of the development of fetal hypoxia.
Secondary pathology is preventable, since the cause of its occurrence is the primary disease. To prevent the formation of neoplasms in the brain, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood, treat infectious and autoimmune diseases in a timely manner, follow the recommendations and prescriptions of doctors after a concussion or surgical procedures.
Arachnoid cyst can proceed in different ways. Most often, it does not show symptoms and signs, so it does not require special treatment. The main danger is a progressive neoplasm; if diagnosed late, it can cause a person's disability due to a neurological deficit and even lead to death. As a complication after the operation to remove the cyst, a relapse may occur.
It is important when diagnosing this disease to have regular MRI examinations to monitor the growth of the cyst. This will make it possible to respond in a timely manner to the progression of the pathology and eliminate it.