What is calculous cholecystitis?

What is calculous cholecystitis?
What is calculous cholecystitis?

Cholecystitis calculus is considered in medicine as a manifestation of cholelithiasis. With this disease, there is a consistent formation of stones in the gallbladder and subsequent inflammation of its walls. In this article, we will talk about this disease, as well as consider in detail the main causes of its occurrence and modern methods of treatment.

cholecystitis calculus
cholecystitis calculus

Case history: calculous cholecystitis

As you know, stones are formed in the gallbladder due to the successive settling of the so-called insoluble components of bile and their crystallization. As for the main reasons that lead to stone formation, experts distinguish the following: diabetes mellitus, bile stasis due to pregnancy or a sedentary lifestyle in general, obesity, impaired fat metabolism, etc. In general, calculous cholecystitis, as a rule, accompanies various kinds of chronic liver diseases.


First of all, patients with this disease begin to complain of biliary colic (pain in the right hypochondrium, which is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting). In some cases, vomitingthere is an admixture of bile itself, which most often provokes a constant taste of bitterness in the mouth. On the other hand, calculous cholecystitis practically does not manifest itself outside this attack.

acute calculous cholecystitis
acute calculous cholecystitis


The most common method of diagnosing this disease is currently recognized as ultrasound. Thanks to him, it becomes possible to assess the condition of the bile ducts themselves, the presence and number of stones. In addition, an endoscopic examination of the stomach itself and (if necessary) the duodenum is considered mandatory for such an ailment as calculous cholecystitis. As an additional method, an x-ray examination is often prescribed, including with the use of special contrast.

medical history of calculous cholecystitis
medical history of calculous cholecystitis


According to experts, most often patients are already diagnosed with acute calculous cholecystitis, therefore, the main methods of therapy should be aimed at eliminating attacks, as well as preventing their recurrence. So, doctors conditionally distinguish two main methods - surgical and conservative - to solve this problem. As for the first, the operation, as a rule, is prescribed in the presence of stones larger than 5 cm. In other situations, conservative drug treatment is used. In addition, all patients, without exception, are prescribed a special diet. It implies a sharp restriction of fried and spicy foods, as well as those rich in cholesterol.products. Doctors recommend enriching your diet with fiber-rich vegetable dishes.

To relieve pain in this disease, medicine today uses antispasmodic drugs. Mostly they are introduced into the body through injections, since taking pills against the background of illness is extremely ineffective.
