Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a fairly common disease. Symptoms of IBS include severe stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation, and bloating. According to statistics, about 15 percent of all people suffer from this disease, and there is one man for every three women. The disease is not included in the dangerous group, but can significantly impair the quality of life.

IBS symptoms
IBS symptoms

Possible causes

Whatever the symptoms of IBS, they can be due to a variety of reasons. Do not forget that doctors attribute this disorder to a number of functional ones: the most thorough research may not bring any results. Studies have shown that bowel problems are most often caused by factors such as stress, overwork and hereditary predisposition. In addition, the condition of our intestines largely depends on which foods dominate our diet.


As noted above, the symptoms of IBS are typical for people who are under severe stress. The increase in seizures is usually associated with an unfavorable family situation, the loss of a loved one and chronic overwork.


IBS treatment
IBS treatment

Those who suffer from undiagnosed abdominal pain report their increase after eating the following foods: milk, cereals, eggs, nuts, fatty meats (especially pork). If you notice a connection between digestive problems and a certain dish, you should eliminate it from your diet, or at least limit its consumption.

IBS symptoms

At the beginning of the article, we already mentioned that irritable bowel syndrome is characterized mainly by pain in the stomach. Let's talk about this in more detail. Most patients characterize the pain arising in the abdomen as "acute", "cutting", "twisting". In addition, pain occurs quite suddenly and is accompanied by a defecation disorder. In some people, it manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, in others - in the form of constipation. Symptoms of IBS can occur several times a day, but most often they make themselves felt a couple of times a month. It should be noted that they are very rarely considered the basis for a visit to the doctor: most people are convinced that they have become victims of food poisoning, and are treated accordingly. However, all these signs indicate the presence of IBS; treatment in this case is necessary.

IBS symptoms
IBS symptoms

When should I go to the hospital?

You are more likely to need medical attention if:

  • Your stool shows traces of blood;
  • during the test, you were diagnosed with a low level of hemoglobin;
  • diarrhea attacks are more common at night;
  • you have constantly increasedtemperature;
  • A member of your family has been diagnosed with Crohn's disease or bowel cancer.


What can you personally do to alleviate your condition? First of all, pay attention to your diet. Think about it, do you abuse fatty, spicy, fried foods? If you suffer from constipation, try to eat more fiber, eat bran bread instead of regular white bread, drink as much water as possible (namely water, not tea and coffee). Do you suffer from frequent diarrhea? You will have to completely give up cabbage and milk. The consumption of dairy products will need to be limited to a minimum.
