Throughout life, the human body is exposed to the negative effects of various types of bacteria and microorganisms. Most often they enter through the respiratory organs, which are responsible for vital functions. The larynx acts as a kind of filter, as its mucous membranes purify the inhaled air from pathogenic viruses and microbes.
The largest number of colds falls on this organ, because it receives the main blow of bacteria. The good work of the immune system makes it easy to cope with such attacks. But if the body's defense system is broken by various diseases and hypothermia, it will be difficult to resist viruses. Among the diseases of a catarrhal nature, pharyngitis is one of the most common ailments. Let us analyze in detail what kind of disease it is, and also describe the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and methods of treatment.

What is atrophic pharyngitis?
Inflammation of the walls of the larynx is called pharyngitis. The disease is classified as acute and chronic. Atrophic pharyngitis is the most complex form of throat disease. Its characteristic features are thinning anddrying of the mucous membranes of the larynx, as well as the release of viscous sputum. The word "atrophic" itself is derived from the Latin atrophic, which means "dry" in translation. A distinctive feature of the disease is the desiccated mucous membrane of the larynx and nasopharynx, which causes pain when swallowing, as well as the formation of a crust.
Chronic atrophic pharyngitis in the initial stage is easy to cure, while a neglected disease can lead to complications and a severe course of the disease. The mucous membrane of the throat becomes thinner and is not able to cope with its protective functions. Chronic inflammation leads to compaction of the mucous, submucosal, glandular and lymphoid tissues of the nasopharynx and larynx. The capillaries responsible for the blood supply to the organ are damaged. The lumen in the vessels becomes smaller, while their walls thicken. Pathological changes also affect the nerve endings, which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the larynx and nasopharynx.

Main causes of disease
Atrophic pharyngitis is a chronic disease, the occurrence of which is influenced by a number of factors:
- Acute phase that has not been properly treated.
- Endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and others.
- Inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity.
- Disturbances in the digestive tract, in which there is a release of bile into the esophagus.
- Bad habits: drinking and smoking.
- Using vasoconstrictor drops and sprays.
- Diseases of the nasopharynx: sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and others.
Interesting fact! It has been established that atrophic pharyngitis in most cases occurs in the adult population, while such an ailment is very rare among children.

Disease symptoms
In the early stages of the disease, the patient may not feel any special manifestations. But as the disease progresses, the following symptoms occur:
- dryness and scratchy throat;
- barking, dry cough;
- voice changes timbre;
- drooling gets thick;
- crusts formed from sputum on the back of the larynx are difficult to separate.
The patient may experience irritability and nervousness, sleep is often disturbed. Atrophic pharyngitis in the classical form proceeds without an increase in body temperature. The doctor, when examining the throat, can detect other symptoms of the disease:
- The mucous membranes are pale pink.
- The wall of the larynx is thinned, which makes the blood vessels visible.
- The mucous membranes are dry and have a slight sheen.
- Mucus in the form of dried crusts covers the walls of the larynx.

Given all the above information, we can imagine what atrophic pharyngitis is. Symptoms detected in the initial stage of the disease make it easy to cure the disease. Launched pharyngitis leads to complications. First, the nerve endings lose their sensitivity. In-second, the pharyngeal reflex disappears.
Dangerous Consequences
Atrophic pharyngitis, the photo of which can be seen above, can be accompanied by various respiratory diseases along the way:
- tracheitis;
- laryngitis;
- bronchitis;
- sinusitis;
- rhinitis, etc.
The most dangerous consequence of chronic atrophic pharyngitis is oncology. Malignant tumors can form at sites of tissue damage. In frequent cases of pharyngitis with symptoms of atrophy, patients are advised to undergo a biopsy of the mucous membranes, after which the test material is sent for histological examination.

What you need to know when treating a disease?
It is impossible to completely cure atrophic pharyngitis, as it is a chronic disease. From time to time it makes itself felt. The main course of therapy is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition, eliminating factors that cause irritation of the laryngeal mucosa, and reducing the frequency of relapses. There are certain recommendations that a patient with pharyngitis should follow:
- Exclude spicy, sour and s alty foods from the diet. Hot, cold and carbonated drinks are not recommended, as they are irritants to the affected mucous membrane.
- Quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Alcohol and tobacco smoke contribute to an increase in the inflammatory process, due to the fact that they dry out the mucous membranes of the throat.
- Plentiful warm drink (2-2, 5l per day).
- As little as possible to strain voice communications, do not sing or talk if possible.
- The air in the room should be humidified. For this, special equipment is used. If there are no such devices, there is a proven way: you need to put a damp cloth or towel on the battery.
- During exacerbations of the disease, you can soak your feet in hot water, put a compress to warm your throat, drink warm milk with honey.

If disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract or metabolic processes in the body have caused a disease such as atrophic pharyngitis, treatment should take place in combination. In such a situation, the involvement of other doctors of narrow specializations will be required.
Medication treatment
Drug therapy should include drugs aimed at increasing secretion and improving mucosal function. The doctor also prescribes medications that are responsible for the regeneration of damaged tissues and a decrease in the viscosity of sputum. What drugs are used to treat atrophic pharyngitis? Here is a list of essential medicines:
- Sodium chloride (1%) combined with a few drops of iodine is used as a rinse. This method allows you to clean the mucous membrane from dry crusts and sputum.
- The larynx is treated with Lugol or Vinylin every 4 hours.
- Irrigation of the nasopharynx is carried out using Aqualor or Aquamaris sprays.
- With pharyngitis, the use of inhalations based on drugs is effective"Lazolvan" and "Ambrobene". These mucolytic drugs can relieve coughs and sore throats.
- For the regeneration of damaged tissues of the mucous membrane, Solcoseryl-gel, Kartalin and propolis extract are used.
For atrophic pharyngitis, physiotherapy is often prescribed: UV, UHF, magnetic and laser therapy.

Treatment with folk methods
Traditional medicine is often used in the treatment of colds. Atrophic pharyngitis is no exception, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article. To alleviate the patient's condition, you can use:
- Honey. A rinse aid is prepared from this product: 2 tsp are taken for 150 ml of water. honey. Gargle with a warm solution twice a day.
- Essential oils are used to lubricate the walls of the larynx and as a basis for inhalations. After treating the throat and removing mucus and crusts, you need to rinse. For this procedure, an alkaline solution (1% sodium chloride) or a decoction of chamomile and sage is suitable.
- An enveloping agent is prepared from egg white (1 pc.) with the addition of 1 ml of sea buckthorn or rosehip oil. It moisturizes the mucous membrane and covers it with a protective film. Apply it to the walls of the larynx with a cotton-tipped stick.
It should be remembered that it is unsafe to do inhalation with atrophic pharyngitis, since hot air can increase irritation of the mucosa. Before the procedure is necessaryconsult a doctor.

Very often with a cold, soda is used to rinse, but it is pharyngitis that cannot be treated with such means. Although this substance is alkaline, its properties can be harmful to he alth and lead to an increase in the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the larynx.
Preventive measures
Prevention is easier than cure. Prevention of pharyngitis is quite simple:
- At the first symptoms of the disease, timely treatment should be started.
- Take care of the he alth of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.
- Give up bad habits (smoking and drinking).
- Maintain hormonal levels in a normal state.
Atrophic pharyngitis is considered one of the most serious diseases of the throat. Timely treatment will eliminate the severe course of the disease and prevent complications.