Allergic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment

Allergic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment
Allergic bronchitis: symptoms and treatment

If a person has a strong and persistent cough, then this may be a sign of hypersensitivity of the body. This feature manifests itself in the form of allergic bronchitis. It can occur when exposed to a wide variety of stimuli.

allergic bronchitis
allergic bronchitis

Once in the body, allergens cause a strong reaction, due to which the blood vessels dilate, the muscles of the respiratory system contract. As a result, a characteristic symptomatology appears in the form of a cough. According to experts, it is impossible to completely get rid of allergic bronchitis. However, there are treatment options that improve the body's defenses, so that it gradually gets used to the allergen and stops overreacting to it.

A type of pathology

There are several forms of this pathology. Bronchitis happens:

  • Atopic. In this case, the most pronounced symptoms are observed. This indicates that the person's immune system is working well and is fighting back against the allergen.
  • Tracheobronchitis. In this case, inthe development of pathology also affects the trachea.
  • Obstructive. With the development of this type of disease, a narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi occurs. In most cases, this results in hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Causes of occurrence

If we talk about the factors that affect the development of allergic bronchitis, then most often they include irritants that enter the human body along with the air. They settle on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and cause severe inflammation.

It is impossible to list all allergens. However, most often people suffer from reactions to plant pollen, pet hair, bird feathers, household chemicals, dust, certain foods and medications.

Man coughing
Man coughing

It should be borne in mind that pathology does not always develop exclusively upon contact with an irritant. This happens only in those people who are highly sensitive to provocateurs. It is also worth considering that other factors can affect the development of the disease.

For example, symptoms of allergic bronchitis in adults and children may appear if:

  • A person lives in an area with poor ecology.
  • Acute bacterial or viral infections have entered the airways.
  • During pregnancy, the woman had severe bouts of toxicosis. In this case, we are talking about the development of allergic bronchitis in children (obstructive or non-obstructive type).
  • Man lives in too humid climate.
  • Nexta smoker is constantly with the patient.
  • The patient has already had bronchitis before, or he suffers from poor heredity.

Speaking about allergic bronchitis, symptoms and treatment of the disease, it is worth noting that the first signs of pathology can be determined in a person in early childhood. Most often this is due to the fact that during this period of life, the protective functions of the body are just beginning to form. Sometimes some of them are not activated. In this case, the baby's body may begin to react to even the most harmless substances.

Features of the course of the disease

As a rule, allergic bronchitis is characterized by several important factors that help diagnose this disease. First of all, you should pay attention to exactly when the coughing fits stop. If this happens as soon as a person stops contacting the irritant, then this is a clear symptom of this particular pathology.

coughing fit
coughing fit

Also, this type of bronchitis differs from the standard one in that in this case, the patient does not experience an increase in body temperature. It is also worth paying attention to other symptoms.

Symptoms of pathology

If we are talking about the symptoms and treatment of allergic bronchitis in adults or children, then you should pay attention to the fact that in young patients the disease manifests itself more actively. The main symptom of developing pathology is a cough. To distinguish it from viral diseases, you need to pay attention to its features.

First of all, a personan attack occurs, which is a reflex spasm of the airways. As a rule, patients suffer most from coughing at night, but attacks can also occur during the daytime. At the very beginning of the development of the pathology, no expectoration of mucus occurs during coughing. At a later stage in the development of bronchitis, a person develops sputum.

Also, another distinguishing feature of this pathology is that seizures can be easily provoked by stress, physical exertion or overexcitation.

Additional symptoms

In addition to the characteristic symptom of allergic bronchitis in children and adults (cough), patients also complain of shortness of breath, shortness of breath and dry wheezing. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that one of the distinguishing features of this pathology is that coughing attacks occur and stop unexpectedly.

severe malaise
severe malaise

After an attack of severe coughing, the patient feels great relief, and it seems to him that he is on the mend. However, it is impossible to alleviate the patient's condition without the qualified help of specialists.

Clinical picture

According to statistics, allergic-type bronchitis can occur in children and adults at any age. This disease is characterized by relapses. As a rule, an exacerbation occurs several times a month (lasting 1-2 days).

In addition to the typical symptoms of allergic bronchitis in adults and children, patients often complain of a sore throat. Sometimes pathology is preceded by rhinitis or congestionnose. When it comes to children, sometimes this pathology occurs in conjunction with other allergic diseases (for example, skin diathesis or neurodermatitis). When it comes to babies, then very often the symptoms of the pathology are supplemented by increased lethargy, heavy sweating and irritability.


Before treating allergic bronchitis in adults or children, it is necessary to accurately establish the presence of this particular disease. To do this, be sure to visit an allergist, immunologist and pulmonologist.

Specialists quickly determine the presence of pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, in order to diagnose this type of bronchitis, it is necessary to carefully study laboratory tests, as well as conduct an instrumental and physical examination.

Lung problems
Lung problems

In the presence of pathology, some characteristic indicators are observed in patients. First of all, the doctor pays attention to the chest. If allergic reactions occur, it should not deform or change size. The patient's breathing may be hard and with characteristic whistles or wheezing. On the x-ray, the specialist detects a pulmonary pattern and excludes the fact that thickening has appeared in the tonsil.

As a rule, lateral irritation is characteristic of the bronchial form of allergy. The mucous membranes may not show any symptoms, but in some cases, the doctor will find pus there.

First Aid

If a person has an attack of an allergicbronchitis, then in this case it is necessary to eliminate the allergen as soon as possible. If it is not possible to call a doctor or you need to stabilize the patient before the arrival of an ambulance, it is recommended to carry out inhalations that will help temporarily reduce the exacerbation.

To do this, send the patient to the bathroom, turn on hot water and close the door of the room. As the bathtub fills with steam, a person will begin to experience relief. Increased humidity and high temperature reduce allergic symptoms.

Features of the treatment of allergic bronchitis in children and adults

First of all, the doctor determines the allergen that causes unpleasant attacks. To get rid of acute reactions, it is necessary to completely exclude contact with the irritant. Most often, conservative therapy is prescribed. For this, drugs, traditional medicine, and physiotherapy are used.


Similar treatment of allergic bronchitis is aimed at reducing the intensity of the reaction and facilitating breathing during coughing fits. In order for a person to feel relief, the doctor prescribes antihistamines for him. It helps to cope with allergies. To reduce the strength of the cough, it is necessary to undergo treatment with bronchodilators and expectorants.

Drugs to help reduce the intensity of an attack

These drugs include Suprastin, Tavegil and other drugs that help get rid of allergic reactions. As a rule, they cope with the most commonirritants and help a person during an exacerbation of pathology. However, before treating allergic bronchitis with these drugs, it is necessary to consult a specialist and clarify if the patient has intolerance to one or another component that is part of the drug.

Lots of pills
Lots of pills

Drugs to relieve symptoms

To get rid of a strong cough and sputum, you need to take "Bronholitin", "Muk altin", "Pectusin" and other drugs. However, some of these remedies are considered quite strong and are therefore not recommended for young children.

In no case should you prescribe a course of treatment with such medications on your own. You should first consult with a specialist or consider more gentle treatment options.


Physical procedures help to get rid of pathologies not only for children, but also for adults. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the inflammatory process, prevent the occurrence of obstruction and improve the overall condition of the bronchi.

There are several procedures recommended by experts. First of all, the ventilation of the respiratory organs with the help of s alt air is the most effective. This improves the patency of the tracks.

Also rarefied mountain air is used to treat attacks. Thanks to him, it is possible to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and increase the overall resistance of the body to various irritants.

Also fortreatment of allergic bronchitis, experts recommend therapeutic exercises. Thanks to it, you can get rid of shortness of breath and significantly reduce the intensity of asthma attacks. It is also recommended to perform exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the sternum.

Folk remedies

This type of treatment should only be used after consultation with your doctor. In this case, you can not use herbs that are characterized by increased allergenicity. Also, do not use the same remedy for a long time. The specific dosage of folk remedies should be consulted with your doctor.

There are several remedies that help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. For example, you can prepare a tincture of marshmallow root. To do this, the plant must be filled with water and wait until mucus forms in the liquid, which must be mixed with vodka. This product can only be used to treat adults.

If a person suffers from increased sputum formation, then he should know that violet, chamomile, viburnum and linden have effective properties. Cough can be reduced with calendula, psyllium, or a mixture of onion and honey. With a dry cough, it is recommended to use honey and Cahors, as well as aloe.

Laryngitis effectively fights honey with milk (the drink must be drunk at night). Carrot juice is used to treat children. Inhalations on boiled potatoes will also help.


In order not to experience bouts of allergic bronchitis, it is recommended to follow a few tips. First of all, periodically it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment.


In the room where the patient lives, it is not recommended to start indoor plants, install upholstered furniture or use soft toys. Avoid contact with pets. The menu should not contain products that can cause an allergic reaction. During the flowering season, it is not recommended to go outside (subject to extreme heat or windy weather). It is also necessary to timely treat rhinitis and other viral diseases. The patient needs rest and fresh air.
