In this article, we will consider help with a burn with boiling water at home.
Thermal burns are one of the most common household problems and injuries. Unfortunately, very often people are burned with boiling water. The number of such victims usually increases in the summer. Apparently, this is due to the shutdown of hot water, which makes citizens often boil water, moreover, in large volumes. It must be said that due to an oversight of adults, a lot of children suffer from this problem. Next, we will tell you what symptoms are observed when you get a burn with boiling water, and find out how the treatment is carried out.

Probably, there is no such person who has not been burned at least once in his life with boiling water or some hot liquid. It is good that such burns are usually minor and heal fairly quickly, leaving no traces. But if there is an extensive lesion and prolonged exposure to boiling water on the skin, you can get quite a serious injury. Help with a burn with boiling watershould be timely.
First of all, it is important to assess the total area of damage. In the event that up to ten percent of the body surface is burned with boiling water, then the burn is considered local. And when more than ten percent of the surface is affected, we are talking about an extensive burn. It is well known that the area of the palm is exactly one percent of the surface of the skin. Children have a much smaller total skin surface area than adults, so a small burn can be quite traumatic for them.
Degrees of burns
The first degree of a burn with boiling water is characterized by reddening of the skin area that has suffered from hot liquid. In this case, most likely, there will be a strong burning pain, and a slight swelling is also likely.
Second-degree burns with boiling water will present with more severe symptoms. For example, at the site of the lesion, in addition to the main redness and swelling, blisters will appear that will be filled with a light liquid. The contents of these blisters are usually clear. In case of damage to the bladder cover, the wound surface may be exposed, which after a few days should be covered with a thin crust.

The biggest danger of burns with boiling water of the second degree are precisely the resulting blisters. It is well known that the skin is one of the protective barriers that prevents various microorganisms from entering the body. Against the background of exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin, an unprotected surface forms under it,this factor greatly increases the likelihood of all kinds of bacterial infections.
Third and fourth degree burns that affect the deepest skin layers, including fatty tissue along with muscles and bone, are usually quite rare against the background of careless handling of boiling water in everyday life. Such severe lesions, which cover up to one hundred percent of the body surface, are usually the result of a violation of industrial safety.
What is the first aid for a burn with boiling water?
First Aid
As a rule, at home, the case is limited to only first or second degree injuries. Such burns can be completely cured on their own. Help quickly provided in such a situation can significantly speed up the healing process of a wound, and after a few days a person can forget about a burn.
The first thing to do is to remove clothes from the affected area of the body as carefully as possible. Then this area of the skin must be cooled. Next, the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe body should be held under cold water, but it should not be icy. Keep the wound under water for a long time, about twenty minutes. In the event that this is not possible, ice or a towel moistened with water is applied to the wound. In this case, the towel needs to be constantly cooled as it heats up.
This is first aid for a burn with boiling water.

The injured person should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible ifhe received an extensive and deep burn. Medical attention is especially needed when blisters appear. During transportation, it is advisable to warm the person and give him pain medication with a warm drink.
Burns with boiling water in children happen very often. It is important for even very cautious and prudent parents to know how to act if the baby is burned, how to help him and how to treat him.
Treatment of burns at home
In the presence of a first or second degree burn, the affected skin is treated with Panthenol or Solcoseryl. In the event that there are no violations of the integrity of the covers, it is recommended to apply such agents as Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, and so on to the affected area. The above preparations are applied to the skin in a thin layer, they should not be rubbed or soaked in a bandage, they should be allowed to absorb on their own.
It's important to keep in mind that many home remedies for boiling water burns come in several forms. For therapy, you should choose those of them that relate specifically to medical, and not to cosmetics. Immediately after treatment and application of the drug, the wound is covered with a clean bandage. The application of such wound-healing preparations should be repeated up to four times a day.
What else is help for burns with boiling water at home?
Can bubbles pop?
The answer to this question worries everyone who has been burned. It must be said that on the one hand, the bubble cap isprotection against infection in the wound. And on the other hand, under this bubble there is a liquid that by itself will not resolve without a puncture, since there is simply nowhere for it to go. In this regard, doctors do not have a clear answer to this question.

In accuracy, we can say that if the liquid in the vial becomes cloudy, this indicates the attachment of an infection and the development of some kind of inflammation. In this situation, the bubble must definitely be opened and its contents removed, conducting local therapy with antibacterial drugs such as Baneocin or Levomekol. But when it comes this far, the opening of the blisters must be done by a doctor who will do it under sterile conditions, treating the wound properly. Also, the specialist will give further recommendations regarding subsequent treatment. It is imperative to consult a doctor even if the bubbles that appeared as a result of a burn have a thick cover, and the area of the affected surface is very large.
How to open?
In other situations, blisters from a burn with boiling water at home can be opened on your own, while you must use a sterile needle from a syringe and pre-treat the affected area with alcohol. After opening, the bladder cover should not be removed, as it still protects the wound from dirt and infection. In the event that the bubble is not opened, sooner or later damage to its tire will still occur, and the contents will leak out. You can treat the wound with a non-alcoholic antiseptic, for example,"Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin". Gently lubricate the diseased surface with an antibacterial agent and apply a dry bandage on top.
Physiotherapy for burns
Methods of physical treatment, which are used as part of the complex therapy of burns, reduce pain intensity, reducing the symptoms of inflammation and speeding up the reparative process. All this helps to alleviate the condition of the victim and leads to recovery in a fairly short time. The following measures are usually taken:
- After the patient recovers from shock, doctors use transcranial electrical stimulation using devices called Transair and Lenar to relieve pain.
- At the stage of scab formation, the patient is assigned exposure to the burn surface of red and blue light from an apparatus called "Geska". This procedure usually lasts for twenty minutes.
- And at the stage of formation of keloid scars, patients are prescribed electrophoresis.
Can I smear a burn with brilliant green or iodine?
Answering this question, it is worth emphasizing that it is absolutely impossible to lubricate the damaged area with brilliant green, iodine or potassium permanganate. This is not only useless, but in addition will cause unnecessary pain, and, in addition, will create difficulties during the diagnosis if you have to see a doctor.

Can oil heal burns?
It is impossible to lubricate the damaged area with oil immediately after receiving a burn. First, the skin needs to be cooled. Oil, on the contrary, prevents heat transfer, thereby aggravating the burn. But it is allowed to use oil at the healing stage, sea buckthorn oil has an excellent wound healing property. Next, we will find out how effective treatment is with the help of folk methods.
Treatment of burns: the use of folk methods
It is recommended to apply potato gruel on chilled skin. Or you can sprinkle the wound area with potato starch. Also suitable for this are products such as soda, kefir or sour cream. Judging by the reviews that people leave on the Internet, such methods are quite effective, and you can confidently use them if the necessary medicines are not at hand. But do not experiment once again in the presence of extensive burns with blisters. In this regard, it is important to emphasize that it is advisable to use folk remedies only for first-degree burns.

In many sources you can find recommendations regarding the treatment of burns with aloe juice. But it should be noted that lubricating the burn site with aloe juice is far from safe, as this can cause allergic reactions, which will only aggravate the patient's condition. Alternative methods should be used with great care.
Now we know what to do with a burn with boiling water at home.
When is the best time to see a doctor?
Many people believe that burns are absolutely not a serious injury. But sometimes a small burn can cause a serious one.complications. After all, cases of infection and the development of inflammation in the burn area are far from uncommon, it is also fraught with the appearance of scars after healing. You need to see a doctor if the burn is localized on the face. For example, opening blisters on the leg is a completely harmless procedure, but when they are present on the face, it is better to have a qualified doctor take care of them.
In the event that the liquid that fills the burn bladder suddenly becomes cloudy and turns red or brown, the surface of the blister remains tense even a couple of days after the burn, and throbbing pain occurs in the wound area, then this serves a sign of incipient inflammation. To open the bladder in this case, it is best to contact a surgeon who will professionally treat the wound.

Children in particular need to be treated with care. Even against the background of a frivolous, at first glance, burn, it is better to consult a specialist, since a bacterial complication in a child can develop much faster than it does in adults. And not every parent can correctly assess the degree of damage and choose the necessary treatment tactics. Here's what to do for a boiled water burn at home.
Which doctor should I go to?
If you get serious burns from boiling water, call an ambulance. You can also go to the emergency room yourself. Mild injury is treated by a surgeon. In the event that due toIntoxication, a burn disease has developed, and the area of damage is very large, the victim is likely to be sent for treatment to a hospital. Usually such patients are assigned to the surgical department.