Treatment of gout at home: diet, features and effective ways

Treatment of gout at home: diet, features and effective ways
Treatment of gout at home: diet, features and effective ways

Gout is a chronic disease that is characterized by problems with purine metabolism and is accompanied by an increased level of uric acid in the blood, as well as deposits of sodium urate in articular cartilage and other tissues. Since this disease affects mobility, gout is most commonly treated at home.


Inflammatory process
Inflammatory process

The beginning of the problem lies in the change in metabolism, as a result of which compounds such as guanine, adenine, xanthine and hypoxanthine begin to form, all of which are combined into a group of purine bases. As a result of such changes in the tissues of the body, needle-like crystals of uric acid s alts begin to form. All this leads to tissue damage and inflammation in them.

Gout symptoms

Home treatment and diagnosis are possible if you know the signs of the disease, which include:

  • increase in temperature of the affected area;
  • acute joint pain;
  • limited mobility;
  • skin turns red and has a corresponding sheen, increased sensitivity;
  • puffiness present.

Most often, the disease affects the thumb joint, and can also cause unstable mood, loss of appetite, nausea, overexcitability and shortness of breath.

A clear symptom of gout is the formation of dense nodules (tophi) formed on the wrist, elbow joints, calcaneal tendons and auricles.


Juices for gout therapy
Juices for gout therapy

Gout is a metabolic disease, the main cause of which lies in the excessive secretion of uric acid or hyperuricemia. An excess of a substance may be the result of genetic predispositions, when there is a lack of an enzyme in the body that is responsible for the transformation of the necessary compounds.

Another factor in the appearance may be proliferative disorders of the bone marrow or the use of such groups of drugs as "salicylates", "diuretics" and "sulfonamides".

Uric acid accumulation is mainly caused by an unhe althy diet, which is rich in purines, primarily sourced from red meat and alcohol. A sedentary lifestyle can also be the culprit, because it helps to slow down the metabolism, and ultimately retains uric acid in the body.


As the reviews say,treating gout symptoms at home shows very good results. But in order to choose the right therapy, you need to know the types of this disease.

Today, medicine distinguishes between primary (hereditary factor) and secondary gout.

The last type of disease develops in the presence of provoking factors:

  • failures in the functioning of metabolic processes;
  • high cholesterol;
  • thyroid problems;
  • diabetes;
  • acquired or congenital kidney disease.

The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Classic - occurs in 80% of cases, occurs suddenly, most often at night. Manifested by severe fatigue, headaches and arthralgia. It is formed due to hypothermia, injuries, drinking alcohol and fatty foods in significant quantities.
  2. Subacute - most often observed in the joint area of the thumb, accompanied by acute pain and reduced mobility.
  3. Rheumatoid - characterizes the primary lesion of the hands and wrist joints.
  4. Pseudo-phlegmonous - manifested by pronounced inflammatory processes, not only the joints, but also the tissues and skin around are affected.
  5. Infectious-allergic - rare (5%), quickly formed and has serious consequences.
  6. Asymptomatic - the problem is almost imperceptible, but it exists, without timely diagnosis and treatment it becomes more serious.
  7. Periatic - diseaselocalized not in the joints, but in the tendons.

Features of treating gout at home

Dmagnostics of gout
Dmagnostics of gout

Most often, the treatment of such an ailment is done at home, but before you start taking any medication, you must definitely visit a doctor. Even if the patient is sure that he knows everything about the disease, then according to the results of blood and urine tests, the content of urates can be established, and only a specialist can prescribe such a diagnosis. Timely examination will help to recognize the problem and prescribe adequate therapy.

Methods of treating gout at home are different, and since it is a chronic disease and cannot be completely cured, it is therefore necessary to minimize the severity and frequency of exacerbation of the disease. And if, nevertheless, it is not possible to avoid an attack, then the main task is to alleviate the patient's problematic condition and accelerate the onset of remission.

Prevention of exacerbations

Initially, you need to start controlling your diet. From the menu it is required to exclude or significantly limit the use of alcohol, meat, rich broths, jelly, canned food, smoked meats, legumes, coffee, tea, caviar and chocolate. And you need to eat dairy products, nuts, chicken, pasta, cereals and vegetables.

For the prevention and treatment of gout at home on the hands and feet, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, approximately 2-3 liters, not counting the water that is part of the first courses. Any alkaline drinks are considered he althy, as well as berry and citrus juices.

Very often nutritional adjustment isenough to achieve a stable remission. Only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor makes a decision about the use of certain medications. The following groups of drugs may be prescribed:

  • anthuran - accelerates the withdrawal of urates;
  • allopurinols - aimed at blocking the formation of uric acid.

In any case, the treatment of gout at home is required to be carried out according to the doctor's clear prescription.

Relief of an acute attack

In order to quickly get rid of an acute attack of gout, you must:

  • Keep lying down.
  • Keep the diseased limb in an elevated position, for example, put your foot on a pillow.
  • Apply swabs soaked in Vishnevsky ointment or moistened with Dimexide on the inflamed joint.
  • To treat gout at home during an exacerbation, you need to adhere to a semi-starvation strict diet. The menu should contain sparse cereals, vegetable broths, milk, jelly, oat broth.
  • Each day to drink plenty of fluids (up to 3 liters per day), the best alkaline composition.
  • It should be noted that during periods of exacerbation, drugs prescribed to prevent seizures cannot help. Therefore, if the patient did not take them or stopped using them, then you should not start. And if regular therapy was present, then you should drink everything as directed by the doctor.
  • In order to understand how to relieve gout pain at home, you definitely need to contact a specialist. The doctor will prescribe non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs - Nice, Indomethacin, Ketorol, Movalis, Diclofenac and Nimesulide.
  • The drug "Colchicine" is considered very popular. It is taken according to the following scheme - on the first day 3 times 1 tablet, on the second and third 1 tablet 2 times a day, and from the fourth until the end of the attack, 1 tablet at bedtime.

Cleansing the body

Allowed foods for gout
Allowed foods for gout

If the patient decided to treat gout at home, then before using a variety of folk remedies, it is necessary to undergo a special cleansing of the body. The fact is that when using this method, you can try to cleanse the body of uric acid and stagnant s alt in the joints without further treatment. This can be done easily with the “rice menu” for breakfast. For him, in the evening, pour 2 tbsp. l. cereals with a liter of water and leave everything overnight. In the morning, the old liquid is drained and the new one is poured again. After send to medium heat and boil for 3 minutes, drain and add water again. This procedure must be done 4 times. Then cooked breakfast is consumed on an empty stomach. After it, you need to refuse food and water for at least a few hours. Follow your diet throughout the day.

Effective Methods

Home treatment of gout on the legs and in other parts of the body is very diverse, so everyone chooses the most suitable and effective for themselves.

1. Honey for any joint problems is considered the first folk remedy that is advised to use. You can simply rub this unique product into the painful areas, and after a few weeks a positive result is achieved. This is explained by the fact that the product helps to develop intra-articular lubrication, due to which it turns out to lure uric acid more strongly, thereby significantly improving the patient's position. It is also recommended to use the product with other ingredients that enhance its effect.

honey for gout
honey for gout

A well-established home remedy for gout is massage with honey. Initially, with the help of a hot heating pad, the joint is heated, and after 15 minutes, a massage is performed, rubbing the composition into the affected area. At the end of the procedure, it is required to apply a napkin richly moistened with honey to the joint, cover with polyethylene and insulate. Everything is aged for 4 hours, and then washed off with warm water. The course of therapy takes 12 sessions, the first of which are carried out from day to day, and after the fourth - every other day.

2. When preventing symptoms and treating gout at home, special baths are used. To do this, a glass of chamomile flowers is poured with 10 liters of water and 2 glasses of sea s alt are sent there. The solution is left to infuse. Next, you need to perform a 15-minute bath

3. And also compresses are used as therapy.

  • 3 bottles of valerian tincture is mixed with triple cologne, and the affected areas are lubricated with this liquid before going to bed. For a better result, it is recommended to soak a cotton swab in the mixture and put it on the affected area,and cover everything with polyethylene on top.
  • Pour half a kilo of s alt with iodine with clean water, and then boil until all the liquid has evaporated. Add 200 grams of vaseline or chicken fat to the resulting mass, mix everything and apply to the problem area. Close the place with a woolen cloth, and then wrap it with a bandage.
  • Mix elderberry and chamomile flowers and prepare an infusion based on them, pour boiling water over them for 2 hours. Such a composition is applied to the diseased area.

4. Treating gout at home with iodine is a very effective way. To do this, you need to take 10 grams of iodine and 5 aspirin tablets. In a separate container, the tablets are crushed to a powdery state, everything is poured with iodine, mixed. The resulting mass is applied to the inflammatory area. Next, you need to wear warm socks or gloves. This procedure is recommended to be carried out before going to bed.

5. You can independently prepare various ointments that help well with the disease.

  • It is advised to use hop cones for this. They are crushed to a powder state and mixed in the same amount with butter, and then heated in a water bath. The resulting composition is rubbed into the affected area.
  • In Russian villages, an ointment based on alcohol and butter was used for therapy. The ingredients are mixed together, and then heated until the alcohol evaporates, after which the product is completely ready for use.

6. For the treatment of a gout attack at home, contrast treatments are excellent. On the first day to the sore spotcold is applied, and on the second, an alcohol warming compress is performed. To do this, the napkin is folded into four parts and moistened with alcohol, and then laid out on the joint, wrapped in cling film and fixed with a bandage. Procedures are performed until the end of the acute phase of the disease.

7. For therapy, bee stings are used, but you need to understand that apitherapy is not suitable for everyone, since many are allergic to bee venom. If it is still missing, then this method gives an excellent result. It is carried out according to the following scheme - on the first day 2 bees are applied to the joint, on the second - 3, on the third - 4, and thus the therapy takes 7 days.

Using herbs

Herbal remedies are considered the best helpers in modern therapy. However, gout herbal treatment at home should be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Here are some folk recipes:

  1. The closed spruce cone together with the seeds is washed and poured with boiling water (350 ml) overnight. This infusion is taken 3 times a day.
  2. Bay leaf is great for cleaning joints, 10 grams of raw materials need to be poured into 300 ml of water and boiled in an enamel pan without covering with a lid. Next, the container is removed from the fire and wrapped in a clean towel and left for 4 hours to infuse. The received medicine is drunk in small portions.
  3. To maintain the body, it is recommended to drink birch sap, as well as make an infusion from its leaves. To do this, 10 grams of dry material is poured into 300 ml of water and drunk 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.
  4. In the treatment of gout in the knee and in other parts of the body at home, a decoction of celery roots is used. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured into 400 ml of water and everything is cooked for about 5-7 minutes. Ready decoction is taken 25 grams before meals.
  5. Another therapy drink is tea from a string. It is recommended to drink it hot.

Gout Diet

Prohibited foods for gout
Prohibited foods for gout

Home treatment of this ailment has a fundamental effect in all therapy. The main nutritional requirement is the exclusion of ingredients that contribute to the increased formation of uric acid.

Prohibited products:

  • spicy and smoked food, as well as appropriate sauces (ketchup, mustard) are not allowed;
  • drinks that excite the nervous system, namely coffee, strong tea and cocoa;
  • meat-based concentrated broths and other similar semi-finished products, by-products;
  • meat and fish canned food, but not yet allowed to eat fatty fish itself;
  • chocolate, cocoa beans and other sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • drinks containing preservatives.

The ban on these products in case of illness extends due to the fact that they contain such substances, due to which purine compounds are formed in the body, and in the process of its assimilation an increased amount of uric acid is formed.

Diagnosis and treatment of signs of gout at home is very important, asthey have a good effect on the functionality of the body as a whole, therefore, in case of illness, it is recommended to consume a lot of juices. Grapefruit and lemon extracts are considered the most useful and good for the body.

Steamed food, boiled lean meat and lots of vegetables are good. Ideal meat is turkey, chicken or rabbit.

The menu for gout should be supported by a large amount of liquid food, namely various cereals and sour-milk and dairy products. Meals that are regularly consumed during the diet should help reduce overall weight, which will reduce the load on the kidneys. It is recommended that the menu include eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, durum wheat, pasta and a variety of cereals.

Cabbage is required to give a significant place in the diet. The product contains a minimal amount of purine, and due to its ability to reduce overall weight, this vegetable can very well contribute to a speedy recovery of the patient.

It is mandatory to increase the amount of fluid you drink. The minimum dose is 2 liters per day, but it is better if the indicator is higher. It is not recommended to drink ordinary teas in case of illness, as they contain substances that stimulate the nervous system. The only options are tea drinks, which include lapacho, rooibos and herbs. Mineral water in case of illness is used with an average degree of salinity ("Luzhanskaya", "Borjomi").


cabbage in the treatment of gout
cabbage in the treatment of gout

What do people say in their reviews? Treatment of gout at homethey think is effective enough. According to patients, they do most of the therapy at home. Despite the fact that the use of drugs is still almost impossible to avoid, alternative therapy occupies a significant place. The use of various ointments, compresses and baths has a positive effect on the condition of the joint. A diet and the use of products containing a minimum amount of purines, not only completely affects the condition of the joints, but also perfectly leads to the shape of patients. Drinking plenty of fluids is very helpful in reducing pain in the acute course of the disease.

According to doctors, home therapy is effective and very useful, but they still insist that before starting any procedures, go to the hospital for diagnosis and testing, and after that, the experts themselves will tell you what the best prescription for the patient will be.
