Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract that occurs as a result of the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchi. The main mechanism for the appearance of pathology is the entry of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria into the human body. From this article you will learn about the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic of bronchitis, the treatment and diagnosis of which should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. What is an affliction?
Bronchitis Clinic
Clinical manifestations of bronchitis directly depend on the form and stage of the disease. The symptomatology of the acute form of bronchitis has a number of significant differences from the clinical picture and symptoms of bronchitis in its chronic form. So, the main manifestations of acute bronchitis include the following phenomena:
- in the acute initial stage, there is a dry cough, which is often accompanied by painful sensations behind the sternum, the voice becomes hoarse, swallowing is painful;
- symptoms of general intoxication are expressed: fever, weakness, headache, fever;
- along with this, there are symptomsprimary disease (SARS, influenza, upper respiratory infections).

The following symptoms are characteristic of the chronic bronchitis clinic:
- coughing attacks present continuously for three months for two years;
- sputum is separated when coughing (the consistency of sputum depends on the degree of bronchial damage: from mucous and light to mucopurulent and opaque);
- at advanced stages, shortness of breath appears and breathing becomes difficult as a result of obstructive processes in the bronchi and lungs.
Etiology of bronchitis
The main cause of the clinic of obstructive bronchitis is infection of the upper respiratory tract. Basically, the development of bronchitis is promoted by viral colds (rhinoviruses, SARS, adenoviruses, influenza), as well as bacterial infections (for example, streptococcus or chlamydia). It should be noted that the development of bronchitis in colds often occurs in the body, weakened by smoking, poor lifestyle, as well as the presence of a number of diseases in history.

The clinic of acute bronchitis in children and adults means that various external influences can also provoke the disease: inhalation of harmful chemicals, dustiness of the room, regular hypothermia. Chronic bronchitis, as a rule, is the result of untimely treatment of acute bronchitis. Among the main etiological reasons, one should also dwell onthe following:
- environmental problems (air pollution with hazardous emissions);
- smoking;
- harmful working conditions (for example, work in a chemical plant);
- severe cold climate tolerance.
Pathogenesis of acute and chronic bronchitis
With the progressive development of bronchitis, the walls of the bronchi, in which atrophic processes begin, are exposed to pathological effects first of all. This, in turn, leads to a weakening of the protective functions of the bronchi, which causes a decrease in the function of the immune system. When an infection enters the respiratory tract, an inflammatory process develops in the body in its acute form. If appropriate drug therapy is not carried out, then the further development of the pathological process leads to edema and hyperemia of the mucous membranes, the appearance of mucopurulent exudate. With full treatment, it is possible to get rid of bronchitis in two to three weeks, it will take about a month to restore bronchial function, but if atrophic processes have led to irreversible changes, then bronchitis becomes chronic.

Bronchitis damages the walls of the bronchi, which can occur due to a number of reasons such as:
- Infection with viral infections - acute bronchitis is caused in 90% of cases by viruses. In adults, the disease is usually caused by myxoviruses (influenza, parainfluenza).
- Infection with bacterial infections - in 5-10% of cases, the cause of bronchitis isbacteria (streptococcus, hemophilus and chlamydia), bacterial infections often become secondary infections as a result of viral infection.
- Weakened immunity and beriberi.
- Hypercooling.
- Living in places with high humidity, polluted air and poor ecology.
- Active and passive smoking - when cigarette smoke is inhaled, various chemicals settle on the lungs, which leads to irritation of the walls.
- Inhalation of toxic and harmful gases and toxins that damage the walls of the lungs and bronchi (ammonia, hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, etc.).
- A consequence of other chronic or acute diseases - if treated incorrectly or incompletely, bacteria can enter the lungs and begin to spread there.
- Wrong diet.
- Due to an allergic reaction.

The manifestation of acute bronchitis begins with a cold. Severe fatigue, weakness, perspiration and cough. In the midst of the disease, the cough is dry, sputum soon joins. Allocations can be both mucous and have a purulent character. Bronchitis may be accompanied by fever. A form of chronic bronchitis is diagnosed after a few months of illness. A wet and painful cough with sputum torments a person every day. Contact with irritants may increase the cough reflex. A long process leads to difficulty breathing and the development of emphysema.
What symptomsaccompanied by infectious bronchitis? At the beginning of the disease, a dry cough, a feeling of weakness, an increase in body temperature are disturbing, when dry cough changes to wet, discomfort in the chest area joins.
How does allergic bronchitis manifest itself? Contact with the pathogen gives discomfort and the appearance of a cough. Sputum in allergic bronchitis always has a mucous secret. There is no increase in body temperature. Symptoms of bronchitis disappear when the irritant is removed.
Toxic bronchitis is disturbed by a strong cough that causes difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath or suffocation.

Diagnosis of bronchitis
The easiest disease, if we consider the issue of diagnosis, is bronchitis. Currently, there are many objective and modern methods for diagnosing the clinic of bronchitis in children and adults:
- Conversation with the doctor. In most cases, the diagnosis of "bronchitis" is made on the basis of a patient interview and the identification of complaints related to the respiratory system. During the interview, the doctor also finds out the approximate onset of the disease and possible causes.
- Inspection. The doctor checks for breath sounds in the chest with a phonendoscope. Auscultation reveals harsh breathing, as well as the presence of dry and wet rales. For differential diagnosis and exclusion of pneumonia and pleurisy, it is possible to use the percussion method. In chronic bronchitis, the percussion sound changes due to changes in the lung tissue.
- Clinical tests. Producedblood and sputum examination to substantiate the diagnosis. With bronchitis, blood counts in the general analysis will vary depending on the pathogen. The bacterial flora will lead to an increase in ESR, as well as the number of leukocytes and neutrophils. With viral bronchitis, there is a decrease in the number of leukocytes and an increase in lymphocytes.
- X-ray of the chest in two projections - a method for diagnosing diseases of the bronchial tree.
- Spirography. A modern method for detecting a decrease in the functions of the respiratory tract. In bronchitis, due to the inflammatory component, there is an obstacle to inhalation and exhalation, which will undoubtedly affect the decrease in the total volume of the lungs.

Bronchitis treatment
Clinic and treatment of acute bronchitis is to follow the doctor's recommendations:
- Bed rest is prescribed and complete physical and mental peace of the patient.
- It is necessary to provide the patient with enough to drink.
- Using necessary physiotherapy treatments.
- Taking necessary medications.
- It should also be noted that depending on the causes contributing to the development of diseases, the methods of treating the disease also differ.

So, in the treatment of bronchitis of viral etiology, the following types of antiviral drugs are prescribed:
- "Viferon". This is a preparation containing combined human interferon. This substance belongs tobroad-spectrum medicines, available in the form of ointments and suppositories of various dosages. The course of therapy is from five to ten days. Possible side effects include an allergic reaction.
- "Laferobion". This drug can be used both for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by pathogens of various viruses. Produced in the form of a solution. The course of therapy should not exceed ten days.
As a rule, the following groups of drugs are selected for the treatment of bronchitis of bacterial origin:
- Aminopenicillins.
- Cephalosporins.
- Macrolides.
- Fluoroquinolones.
It is also necessary to prescribe the necessary prebiotics to prevent the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis in a patient. All of these substances must be used in a complex for the treatment of the disease. Also, all patients with bronchitis, regardless of etiology, are prescribed physiotherapeutic methods of exposure. This method of treatment is one of the oldest in medical practice, its use allows for a safe and he althy way to achieve an effective result in influencing the disease.

The following physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used in the treatment of the disease:
- Inhalation. This way of influencing the respiratory system allows it to be used in the treatment of pregnant women and children with bronchitis. For the procedurea special inhaler device is used. This method of exposure can effectively eliminate such clinical manifestations of the disease as the presence of sputum, cough, pathogens. Also, the undoubted advantage of this method is the possibility of home use.
- Massage techniques. For the treatment of bronchitis, the masseur conducts dynamic tapping and stroking with his fingertips. Mandatory in the procedure is the use of essential oils. Manipulations are carried out only on the human thoracic spine. The duration of the procedure is from five to ten minutes daily, the course of treatment is five days.
- Inductothermy. The basis of this method is the effect of heat rays on a person. Under the influence of electromagnetic waves, there is an increase in blood circulation in the tissues affected by inflammation. The duration of the manipulation is twenty minutes. Depending on the severity of the condition, the course of the procedure can vary from six to twelve manipulations.
- Electrophoresis. This technology is used to thin the secretion released from the bronchi. The procedure is performed using a special apparatus that allows the substance to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, which contributes to the expansion of the bronchi and the restoration of damaged mucous membranes of the organ.
- Halotherapy. This method consists in artificially creating a climate similar to that which exists in s alt caves. Used to improve lung ventilation.
- Heat therapy. For this procedure, special paraffinpads that are preheated and then applied to the patient's chest, which helps to reduce spasms during coughing fits. The duration of this manipulation is ten minutes.
Best Herbs
Also, medicinal herbs and breast fees can be used to treat the disease. Preparation of herbal infusions from licorice root and thyme helps to accelerate the removal of secretions from the bronchi. From coughing fits, the collection of herbs such as coltsfoot, elecampane root, anise will help.