Flat feet in children: causes and treatment

Flat feet in children: causes and treatment
Flat feet in children: causes and treatment

Flat feet in children occur due to the fact that the configuration of the foot is disturbed. This leads to a change in the mechanics of walking. In children, this is manifested by severe fatigue, pain, swelling, problems with movements and impaired gait. The diagnosis can only be made after a clinical examination, as well as radiography. In order to cure such a disease in children, conservative methods are used, that is, gymnastics, massages, and so on. Surgery is practically not carried out.

Problem description

It should be noted that flat feet in children 2-3 years old is a fairly common problem. It is observed in almost 30% of children. In 3% of cases, it worries newborns. By the age of 7, it is diagnosed in 40%, and by 12 - in 50%. Every month there is a big load on the foot. Therefore, the development of this disease occurs gradually. The critical period is the age from 8 months to 1.5 years. It is at this time that most children learn to walk. At such an early age, the guys have a flat foot, which is due to anatomical features. During this period, all musclesweak. Injuries are experienced quite painfully. This is due to the fact that the ligaments are easily stretched. Only by the age of 6 in children, with proper development, muscle endurance increases. And if little time is given to the child, then flat feet can form, which will lead to a decrease in the potential of the foot. This is fraught with serious problems with the spine, internal organs, as well as knee and hip joints. Due to flat feet, the entire musculoskeletal system can suffer.

degrees of flat feet in children
degrees of flat feet in children

Disease classification

The foot has several types of arches, ligaments and muscles that allow you to distribute the load while running and walking, and also increase endurance for active physical activities. In addition, they provide balance. In the medical field, flat feet are divided according to anatomical features into three types: longitudinal, transverse and combined.

It should be noted that most often in preschool children, flat feet are diagnosed with the first type. This lengthens the foot. The longitudinal arch thickens. If we are talking about the transverse form of the disease, then in this case the length of the foot decreases.

In addition, this disease is divided into congenital and acquired. The first form is associated with the development of the bone structure, which has a deformation. In addition, the musculoskeletal apparatus is probably broken. Acquired disease can be traumatic, paralytic.

Most often, school-age children are diagnosed with statistical flat feet. It is connected with the fact that on the footlays down several types of loads of different strengths. Because of this, the disease develops.

Causes of disease

Flat feet in preschool children can develop for various reasons. They can be associated with congenital damage to muscles, bones, and so on. Acquired most often occurs due to the fact that the child has pathologies associated with connective tissue. Sometimes this is affected by an extra chord in the heart muscle or even problems with the gallbladder. The genetic factor also matters.

The disease can occur in those children who receive a lot of physical activity. Flat feet in rickets is common. Often it is due to improperly fused bones after a fracture or injury, muscle paralysis, and so on.

Statistical flat feet in a 3-year-old child often occurs due to improperly selected shoes. That is why parents need to pay special attention to the quality of the purchased pair. Excess weight, too long walking also contributes to the development of pathology.

flat feet in a child 3
flat feet in a child 3

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, with a congenital type of disease in children, only one foot is problematic, in which the sole is convex and slightly flattened. Sometimes there are violations in the heel and toes.

If there is a strong static load, the disease begins to worsen. Flat feet in children 6 years old has a characteristic symptomatology. The child gets tired quickly, tramples shoes in the area of the heel and the inner edge. When it comes to clinicalmanifestations, then severe pain appears, swelling and fatigue occur. It should be noted that the longitudinal disease is divided into several stages.

  • At the first time, the arch of the foot reaches a height of up to 35 mm. The deformation does not develop.
  • The second degree is characterized by a vault height of up to 17 mm. The foot begins to flatten, which is very noticeable. The child has pain that radiates to the ankle joint and calf muscles. The foot begins to increase, expand. The gait is heavy and clumsy.
  • The third degree of flat feet is characterized by an arch height of up to 17 mm. The child has constant pain in the legs, lower back, head. It is difficult to walk in normal shoes. Very often, due to flat feet, fingers suffer, calluses appear, scoliosis is formed, as well as some other diseases of the spine.
flat feet in preschool children
flat feet in preschool children

Disease diagnosis

It should be noted that it is very difficult to diagnose the disease and find out the degree of flat feet in children under 6 years old. During the examination, parameters such as the width of the foot, its length and range of motion are taken into account. The doctor checks whether the arches are deformed. How quickly shoes wear out also plays an important role.

If we are talking about older children, then plantography is carried out. It is performed in this way: the child steps on the paper and leaves a footprint on it. Podometry indicates a violation of the vaults. To clarify the diagnosis and make the correct one, an x-ray is needed, which is done necessarily in two projections.

diagnosis of flat feet
diagnosis of flat feet


It should be noted that flat feet in children is a rapidly progressive disease, so you need to start treating it as early as possible, then the therapy will be effective.

If we are talking about a congenital type of pathology, treatment should begin from the first weeks. This will completely prevent any deformation of the foot. It is necessary to do massage, therapeutic exercises. Babies can be held with a foot bandage in the correct position. Plaster casts and night cuts are also allowed.

If such little patients have an aggravation of the disease, then surgery can be done. It will solve the problem. Well helps from flat feet orthopedic mat for children.

In general, treatment comes down to massage courses, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. You should refuse soft shoes, such as felt boots, boots or Czech shoes. It is best to use shoes with a small heel that can fix the ankle joints.

If the child is older, they should wear shoes with special insoles. It's called a supinator. With its help, you can return the foot to the correct position. Well helps hydromassage, paraffin applications, as well as magnetotherapy. If there is no effect from the treatment, splints are sometimes used.

In severe cases, children are treated with surgery, which is performed on the bones and soft tissues. The operation can only be done from 8 to 12 years old.

flat feet in children
flat feet in children

Preventive measures

Preventionflat feet in children is a rather important aspect, so it cannot be ignored. A weak form of the disease can be completely eliminated with the help of modern methods. If we are talking about neglected cases, then it is almost impossible to correct them.

When conducting therapy that does not work, you should change the means. Otherwise, it can lead to problems with the joints and directly with the spine.

With regard to preventive measures, it is necessary first of all to note the wearing of the right shoes, constant physical education, especially sports such as football or basketball, and swimming. Walking barefoot on pebbles or sand is effective. Be sure to control the weight of the child.


The various consequences that flat feet can cause in children have already been given above. Some parents think that this disease is mild and does not affect the life of the child. However, this is misleading. In addition to serious problems with walking and gait, serious diseases such as arthritis or osteochondrosis can occur. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Due to the fact that with flat feet the foot does not perform the function of a shock absorber, the entire load during walking and various active movements falls on the ankle joints, ligaments, hip joint and so on. Because of this, a person develops arthrosis. Often the problem of scoliosis occurs due to the described pathology. Nails can grow in, and fingers can also be bent. Flat feet also lead to lameness, clubfoot, and sciatica. That's whyyou should not delay in contacting a doctor. It is best to show the child to a specialist at a younger age, because timely treatment will bring more results and can prevent the progression of the disease. It should be noted that flat feet do not go away on their own.

flat feet in preschool children
flat feet in preschool children

Specialist doctor

Many people are interested in who to contact if a child has flat feet at 2 years old. It is necessary to come to an orthopedist who is directly involved in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Most often, surgery is not required, so you will have to visit physiotherapists, massage therapists and chiropractors. If we are talking about older children who have already had consequences in the form of scoliosis and various disorders, then a neurologist will be involved in the therapy.

Therapeutic exercises for flat feet

In order to prevent flat feet in children, it is necessary to do therapeutic exercises. There are two types of exercises. On a chair and in a standing position.

Sitting on a support, you need to unbend and bend your fingers, lift socks and heels off the floor. It is necessary to make circular movements with the foot, stretching the fingers towards you. You should also, without taking your socks off the floor, spread your heels.

In a standing position, you should squat without lifting your heels, constantly walk on your toes, as well as on the outer ribs of the foot. You should just rise on your toes in place.

All exercises should be shown to the child. He must repeat them several times. These exercises should be doneeveryday. And if he practices constantly, then the risk of developing such a disease is minimal.

Exercise therapy for flat feet
Exercise therapy for flat feet

Lotions and compresses

Depending on the degree of flat feet, children can be treated with lotions and compresses. However, they are more focused not on the treatment of pathology, but on the elimination of symptoms. Many patients claim that the methods are the most useful.

Bitter wormwood is considered the most effective. Its leaves must be washed and applied to the feet. Next, you should wrap your legs with a warm cloth. This will get rid of the pain. A similar remedy can also be used for dislocations and various injuries.

Another good remedy is iodine and citric acid, taken in a one to one ratio. Two tablets of acetylsalicylic acid should be added. This mixture should be applied to the painful area and wrapped. It should be noted that only 3% iodine can be used for such methods. Otherwise, the skin will be burned. This procedure should be carried out for three days in a row, after which a week-long break is taken.

Herbal baths

If a person decides to use herbal baths along with massage for flat feet in children, then this will be a fairly effective treatment. It should be noted that with the right technology for preparing herbs, pain can be reduced in several procedures. Baths with sea s alt will strengthen the bones and even relax the joints.

In order to prepare the mixture, you must use 1 liter of warm water, in which to dilute no more than one tablespoonspoons of s alt. Next, you need to lower your legs into it and hold for 20 minutes. Then wipe the feet and grease with a fat cream.

It will be nice if you have a massage after this procedure. Contrasting baths are also considered good water procedures. Two containers should be used, where both cold and hot water will be poured. Then you just need to alternately lower your legs into one or the other container.

s alt baths
s alt baths

Contrast shower

In the treatment of flat feet in children, you can also use a contrast shower. It will not only reduce the symptoms of the disease, but also harden the body. The only restriction: if a girl starts menstruating, then these days you should not resort to such methods.

You can also use an alcohol tincture prepared on the basis of immortelle. It will reduce the pain. You should buy a mat for flat feet for children. It will maximize the effect of treatment.


As already mentioned, flat feet are not such a serious problem. However, it can lead to serious consequences. That is why it is necessary to treat flat feet in children from childhood. This is the only way to avoid unpleasant consequences.
