This article will look at the symptoms of a benign brain tumor.
This is a pathological formation, in the process of development of which the mature cells that make up the brain tissue take part. Each type of tissue corresponds to a specific type of tumor. For example, schwannoma is formed from Schwann cells. They begin to form a sheath that covers the surface of the nerves. An ependymoma is formed by the cells that make up the ventricle of the brain. Meningiomas are formed by cells in the meninges, or the tissue that surrounds the brain. Adenoma is formed from glandular cells, osteoma - from the bone structures of the cranium, hemangioblastoma - from blood vessel cells.

What are tumors?
There are benign brain tumors that have a congenital etiology, to theminclude the following:
- craniopharyngiomachordoma;
- teratoma;
- germinoma;
- angioma;
- dermoid cyst.
It is important to recognize the symptoms of a benign brain tumor in a timely manner.
This is a benign formation, which is characterized by secondary, and it is observed even after surgical removal. Often it affects women of different age categories. Symptoms, therapeutic methods, as well as the consequences of this type of pathology for he alth depend on the size of the tumor, its growth rate and localization.
Too large size of a benign neoplasm of the brain significantly impairs its function. These types of tumors do not have cancer cells. They are characterized by slow development, but this fact does not calm at all, because with an increase in the size of pathological formations, some parts of the brain are compressed, which contributes to the development of edema, an inflammatory process in he althy nerve tissues, as well as an increase in intracranial pressure. At the same time, the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one is a very rare occurrence.

What are the symptoms of a benign tumor of the cerebellum of the brain? This is a tumor that originates in the blood vessels of the brain with localization in the cerebellum. Symptoms depend on location and include headaches, nausea, dizziness, asthenia, cerebellar syndrome,congestive optic discs, sensory and motor disorders, changes in the functions of the cranial nerves and pelvic organs.
Hemangioblastoma accounts for approximately 2% of all tumors located in the cranium. Often such a neoplasm is observed in people aged 45 to 60 years.
Like other neoplasms (craniopharyngioma, ganglioneuroma, cerebral astrocytoma, meningioma, ganglioneuroblastoma, etc.), hemangioblastoma can occur as a result of various carcinogenic factors, which include:
- increased insolation;
- ionizing radiation;
- contact with carcinogens (benzene, asbestos, vinyl chloride, coal and petroleum tar, etc.);
- oncogenic viruses (retrovirus, adenovirus, herpes virus).
This tumor has a genetic etiology and is associated with mutations in the third chromosome, which leads to disruption of the production of a tumor suppressor.
Types of hemangioblastomas
According to the macroscopic structure, 3 types of hemangioblastomas are distinguished:
- cystic;
- solid;
- mixed.
Solid hemangioblastoma consists of cells collected in a single node, which has a dark cherry color and a soft texture. A cystic tumor is a smooth-walled cyst. In most cases, there is a solid nodule of small size on its wall. In about 5% of cases, hemangioblastomas of a mixed type are observed, which are characterized by the presence of a solid node, inside which is locatedlots of cysts.

The following hemangioblastomas are distinguished by histological structure:
- juvenile;
- transitional;
- pure cell.
Juvenile consists of thin-walled capillaries closely adjacent to each other. Transitional hemangioblastoma contains stromal cells and capillaries in equal proportions. Pure cell is distinguished by numerous cells that are located on altered vessels.
Symptoms of a benign brain tumor can be very unpleasant.
This is a benign tumor that can form from pituitary cells due to neuroinfections, chronic poisoning, traumatic brain injuries, and the effects of ionizing radiation. Although there are no signs of malignancy in this type of brain neoplasms, when enlarged, they are able to mechanically compress the surrounding brain structures. This contributes to the development of visual impairment, neurological and endocrine diseases, cystic formations, apoplexy. A brain adenoma can grow within its location, or it can go beyond it.

Adenoma classification is based on this:
- endosellar, which is located inside the bone pocket;
- endosuprasellar adenoma grows upwards;
- endoinfrasellar - downwards;
- endolaterosellar adenoma grows insides;
- mixed type is located diagonally.
Macroadenoma and microadenoma are distinguished by size. In half of the cases, such a benign tumor is hormonally inactive. Hormonal formations are:
- gonadotropinoma, which produces a large amount of gonadotropic hormones;
- thyrotropinoma, in which thyroid-stimulating hormone is synthesized;
- corticotropinoma - it increases the level of production of glucocorticoids and adrenocorticotropic hormone;
- prolactinoma, in which prolactin synthesis is increased.
- synthesis of the hormone responsible for lactation in women.
The outer shell of ganglia and nerve fibers consists of Schwann cells. A benign tumor that develops from these tissues is a schwannoma. The disease becomes malignant in 7% of clinical cases. The mutation can affect all the nerve endings in the human body.
This tumor develops in the form of a single node. In some cases, the disease occurs in the form of multiple nodes, but this is extremely rare.
The main method of treating this pathology is surgery, which provides a good prognosis for recovery.
Symptoms of a benign brain tumor depend on its size.
The main part of the schwannoma is localized in the area of the eighth pair of cerebral nerves, in the region of the auditory nerve. Such an arrangement of the pathological formation is fraught with deafness and is dangerous for its inoperability. With herdevelopment, damage to the facial and trigeminal nerves is observed, which is accompanied by paralysis of facial muscles and severe pain. Typically, there is no tumor growth in the region of the olfactory and optic nerves.

Does a benign brain tumor need to be removed?
Schwannomas pose a danger to life, especially when they reach large sizes. In such cases, pathological tissues put pressure on the brain and can damage the brain centers that are important for the life of the patient. Patients also feel severe pain in the growth zone of the neoplasm.
A characteristic feature of this benign formation is slow growth and affects patients over 60 years of age.
Many people are interested in the life expectancy of a benign brain tumor after its detection.
Before a clear diagnosis of benign brain tumors, the patient is recommended to undergo a lot of neurological examinations, check his vision, which includes examination of the fundus. This is how the vestibular apparatus is examined, the functions of balance, the organs of smell, taste and hearing are checked. The state of the blood vessels of the eyes shows the level of intracranial pressure. The use of functional techniques is the key to an accurate diagnosis.
Diagnostic techniques for benign brain tumors:
- electroencephalography - the use of this method helps to identifythe presence of local and general changes in the brain;
- radiology - computed, magnetic resonance imaging of the head and x-rays allow you to determine the location of the pathological neoplasm and its distinctive features;
- laboratory studies that study the cerebrospinal fluid and features of the tumor.

Treatment of a benign brain tumor
Treatment of a benign neoplasm in the brain does not involve chemotherapy. Symptoms of the disease require an individual plan for individual patients. The treatment is influenced by the patient's well-being and the presence of concomitant pathological processes in the body. One of the main methods that involves the treatment of benign brain tumors is an operation called craniotomy. This is an intervention during which the skull is opened and the neoplasm is cut out. After removal of a benign brain tumor, radiation therapy is used, in which the consequences of the disease are eliminated. Traditional forms of radiation therapy are most commonly used, but in some cases proton therapy or radiosurgery, gamma knife treatment is used.
Medicated therapeutic approaches include the appointment of corticosteroids, which can reduce swelling of the brain tissue.
The use of proton therapy is the most effective method of influencing a benign neoplasm, since it allows you to eliminate some formstumors completely without damaging adjacent tissues, and such treatment is not characterized by the development of complications. After the procedure is completed, the patient can immediately lead a normal life. Proton therapy reduces the radiation doses used by up to half, which allows minimal damage to neurocognitive and hormonal functions. The probability of developing a tumor again is almost halved, the organs of hearing, eyes and central nervous system are less irradiated.

How many live with symptoms of a benign brain tumor? Most often it is about five years.
One can talk about the effective outcome of the surgical intervention if the patient has passed this mark. However, it happens that people live for a longer time. It depends on the growth rate of the neoplasm in the brain.