In the article, we will consider how badger fat is used for pneumonia.
In alternative medicine, many different methods are used to treat the inflammatory process in the lungs. The most common of these is the use of badger fat for pneumonia. This method has been known since ancient times. It was used in Russia and in many other countries. In hibernation, the badger retains vital activity for a long time due to unique fats, which contain substances that are healing for the human body and can cure pneumonia.

What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia is an inflammation of human lung tissue. Pathology progresses rapidly as a result of the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. In the absence of immediate treatment, respiratoryinsufficiency, which may result in death.
The disease poses a great danger to children with weak immunity and a tendency to infectious infections.
Provoking factors
Factors that contribute to the occurrence of the disease are:
- flu, SARS acute forms;
- lung cancer;
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
- chronic lung pathology;
- insulin dependence;
- immunodeficiency;
- elderly and children's age;
- hypothermia;
- artificial lung ventilation;
- general anesthesia.
Symptoms of this disease include:
- appearance of severe shortness of breath;
- high temperature;
- pronounced general weakness;
- sputum expectoration;
- chest pain.
Using badger fat for pneumonia
Badger fat is effective in diseases of the respiratory tract of various origins. The most dangerous of them is pneumonia. In unconventional practice, such a remedy is also popular for colds, which are accompanied by a wet or dry cough. In addition, it has been successfully used in tuberculosis, which is a good addition to the main methods of treatment, such as drug therapy.

How is badger fat useful for pneumonia in adults?
The action of such a natural medicine is based on the expressedbactericidal property. Badger fat is especially effective at the initial stage of the pathological process in the lungs.
Inside or outside
The medicine can be used both externally and by ingestion. Fat helps to strengthen the immune system, saturates the body with useful substances and vitamins. Rubbing the chest with badger fat in pneumonia significantly increases the effectiveness of various medications and physiotherapy, and has a positive effect on the therapeutic process.
Composition of badger fat
This remedy owes its high therapeutic and prophylactic properties to the composition in which the following elements are present:
- Polyunsaturated omega acids are substances that cannot be synthesized by the human body. These acids have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, improve all processes in the body.
- Vitamin K. This substance normalizes the functioning of the liver and has a positive effect on blood clotting.
- Vitamins from group B, which improve metabolism, have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, help strengthen immunity, etc.
- Vitamins A and E. These substances, in addition to their antioxidant effect, can improve regenerative processes.
Badger fat can be used as an independent medicine only in case of a mild course of the disease or in the initial stages, since badger fat is an exclusively auxiliary remedy. In the treatment of pneumoniaThe main quality of badger fat is its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory characteristics. This remedy is also used as an expectorant.
Is it possible to use badger fat for pneumonia, it is better to check with the doctor.

How to use?
In folk medicine, several recipes with badger fat are used to treat inflammation in the lung tissues:
- Badger fat is mixed with currant jam in a ratio of 1:3. It is recommended to take such a drug in the amount of a dessert spoon three times a day. Reception must be carried out at least 30 minutes before meals. Instead of currant jam, any jam and honey can be used in the same ratio.
- You can also take badger fat for pneumonia in its pure form. In this case, the product must be slightly warmed up. It is enough for an adult patient to take 20 grams of fat before meals three times a day. For children, the dosage should be halved. It should be borne in mind that the taste of badger fat is not very pleasant, so many babies cannot consume it in its pure form.
- To eliminate the inflammatory process of lung tissues, you can use another folk recipe with badger fat. To prepare it, you need to take ceramic or glassware, in which to place 100 grams of badger fat, the same amount of cocoa and honey. The resulting mixture is slightly stirred and 50 grams of uns alted butter and agave pulp, 5 grams of propolis and mummy, 30 grams of alcohol are added to it. receivedthe mass is thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous consistency. The finished medicinal product should be stored in the refrigerator. Before taking it, you need to mix a tablespoon of the medicine with a glass of water. Taken before meals.

It is important to note that when taking pure badger fat or using honey or jam, the best therapeutic effect is achieved when the medicine is washed down with a glass of warm milk.
The use of badger fat in pneumonia is also advisable in order to increase the functionality of immunity after suffering pneumonia or another disease. This tool is also successfully used for prophylactic purposes in cold or wet weather, after cases of hypothermia, feet getting wet during rain, etc. To prepare a preventive medicine, badger fat, honey, nuts, dried apricots and raisins are mixed. Each ingredient must be taken in equal proportions. All components are crushed. The medicine is taken in a teaspoon (children) or a tablespoon (adults) once a day.
When the form is running
It should not be forgotten that with advanced and severe pneumonia, badger fat should not be used as an independent medicine, since this disease is dangerous and often provokes the development of serious complications. Therefore, with a complex form of inflammation of the lung tissues, therapy is carried out with the use of antibiotics, under the supervision of a doctor in stationary conditions. Badger fat in such a case is used exclusively asan additional therapeutic agent, in order to improve the immunity and condition of the patient, to saturate his body with nutrients.
How to drink badger fat with pneumonia, it is important to find out in advance.

The treatment of pneumonia with badger fat is a very common method of traditional medicine. This tool is often used for various pathologies of the respiratory system. Badger fat really helps in many cases. However, do not think that this remedy has no contraindications.
Don't take badger fat in the following cases:
- With individual intolerance to fat. You should not forcibly take such a remedy if the body does not perceive it, if there is severe nausea and vomiting. It will only hurt the patient. Inflammation of the lungs is also successfully treated in other ways.
- Use this tool can not be patients who have a tendency to develop allergic dermatitis. In addition, it is better not to take badger fat if the patient has concomitant inflammation of the biliary tract, there are problems in the liver and pancreas.
- Pregnant women should not drink badger fat with pneumonia. It should also be discarded during the lactation period.
- In the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory system in children, this traditional medicine should be used with great care, since self-medication often provokes serious complications. So on your ownit is impossible to prescribe treatment with badger fat for inflammation of the lungs to a child. It is imperative to consult a pediatrician.
Take badger fat for pneumonia with caution, monitoring the reaction of the body.

Outdoor use
For external use of a medicinal drug, it should be used as a rubbing agent or as warming compresses, but only after the symptoms of fever, which is a frequent companion of inflammation of the lung tissue, have been eliminated. The use of badger fat at the stage of recovery will help to remove stagnant fluid from the cavity of the lungs and bronchi, remove accumulated sputum.
To properly make a warming compress, it is necessary to spread a thick layer of fat on the chest, back, surfaces of the feet, then wrap the treated areas of the body with cellophane film, wrap yourself in a warm blanket. A similar medical procedure can be carried out twice a day.
Strengthen the impact and cure pneumonia faster if you mix badger fat with a small amount of eucalyptus, juniper or cedar oil. This will contribute not only to providing a warming effect, but also an antispasmodic, bactericidal action.

Sometimes small children cannot make such compresses, so they simply rub their legs, chest and back with badger fat at night and cover them with a blanket. This not only helps create a warming effect, but alsoimproves blood circulation processes, increases immunity, reduces the risk of exacerbation of the pathological process in the respiratory tract.
Reviews on badger fat for pneumonia
There are a lot of reviews, but they are very contradictory. Most patients clearly believe that traditional methods cannot be used as monotherapy, but badger fat is very effective as an adjuvant. Those who used it for pneumonia note that when rubbed, fat creates a good warming effect, helps to quickly relieve inflammation, and remove sputum. Those patients who took fat inside say that this remedy does not give a visible effect, but it weakens the course of the disease and promotes recovery. Fat doesn't taste good and people in the reviews say it's best mixed with honey or jam.
We looked at how to use badger fat for pneumonia.