What is the name of the blood test for viscosity? Hematocrit is low - what does it mean?

What is the name of the blood test for viscosity? Hematocrit is low - what does it mean?
What is the name of the blood test for viscosity? Hematocrit is low - what does it mean?

A blood test can tell a lot about a person's he alth. Indicators of the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets can become informative. And the study of plasma indicates the state of hematocrit (HTC). It can be downgraded or upgraded.

The word "hematocrit" is not used so often, but many people have heard about blood viscosity. Although these expressions are identical. That is, hematocrit is the ratio of red blood cells to plasma. Both its increased and decreased levels indicate a pathological state of the body.

What is hematocrit

low hematocrit what does it mean
low hematocrit what does it mean

Blood is made up of red cells called erythrocytes. Hematocrit determines the level of red blood cells in the blood. In the overall analysis, these data may be missing, so additional research is being carried out.

What is the name of the blood test for viscosity? It's called a hematocrit test. In addition, a comprehensive coagulation test, called a "blood coagulogram", can be given, whichshows, and so clearly - the level of clotting of human blood fluid and activated partial thromboplastin time. Analyzes indicate the percentage of red blood cells. When indicated above the norm, this indicates changes in the blood.

Each person's average volume of erythrocytes can be individual. The liquid part of the blood is called plasma, it is in the human fluid most of all, up to 60%. The remaining 40% are erythrocytes (99%) and a combination of platelets with leukocytes (1%).

For the analysis of the definition of APTT, any blood is suitable, it is placed in a special test tube, and then in a centrifuge. After it stops, the separation of erythrocytes is observed, which begin to settle. By these indicators, you can determine how much plasma and blood cells are in the blood. The hematocrit level is calculated using a specific formula.

How and why is the analysis carried out?

How to check blood viscosity? The analysis is given in medical institutions that have a special device for centrifuging blood. In the general analysis, it is indicated whether the hematocrit, blood fluidity and other data are increased. In the results insert, it is written as hct. With elevated rates, we can talk about a pathological process in the body, which can be temporary or permanent.

Analysis readings and norm

what affects blood viscosity
what affects blood viscosity

HBT blood test determines the level of hemoglobin. It is mandatory for pregnant women. The analysis is able to identify a disease that leads to a deviation from the norm.hematocrit.

Research may be ordered under other circumstances:

  1. To detect the degree of anemia if the level is low and polycythemia if the level is high.
  2. After the treatment, in order to determine the effectiveness, in this case, the total number of red blood cells should also change.
  3. If a blood transfusion or other therapy is needed.
  4. To determine the degree of dehydration of the body.

The norm may be different, it depends on the age, gender and individual characteristics of a single organism.

If we take men, then the indicators of the norm will be such data - 44-50%. Blood viscosity in women is considered normal with such indicators - 36-42%. Infant hematocrit averages 54-68%.

Which symptoms suggest a hematocrit test?

blood viscosity index
blood viscosity index

Now we know the name of the blood test for viscosity. But under what signs it is prescribed, it is worth finding out.

Research can be scheduled based on the state of human he alth:

  • with constant weakness and fatigue;
  • if a person often loses consciousness;
  • for pale skin;
  • lack of oxygen, accompanied by shortness of breath;
  • vision loss;
  • regular dizziness and headaches;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • feeling of a rush of blood to the face;
  • dry mouth and constant thirst;
  • whenlittle urine is excreted.

Causes of low hematocrit

methods for determining blood viscosity
methods for determining blood viscosity

If the hematocrit is low, what does it mean, what causes it and is it dangerous? These questions often worry many patients.

If iron is not supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, then we can talk about a decrease in hematocrit. In addition, blood viscosity is affected by a decrease in hemoglobin synthesis. In particular, this condition affects the fair sex, who for a long time sit on strict diets or practice curative starvation.

In childhood, the hematocrit can be lowered as a result of such reasons:

  1. Poor nutrition, in which the child's body receives little food containing iron in its composition. These are products such as meat, apples, pomegranate juice, buckwheat porridge.
  2. A period of accelerated growth.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system, in which there is poor absorption of iron.

Low hematocrit is not a separate disease. But it can have a negative impact on the state of immunity, poor blood clotting and other dangerous consequences. Therefore, at any age, you need to monitor the correctness of your diet.

Also, the coefficient of blood viscosity decreases due to large blood loss. They happen against the background of such conditions:

  • long periods;
  • internal bleeding;
  • injuries and fractures with damage to internal organs orfabrics;
  • uterine bleeding, etc.

Hematocrit may decrease due to blood thinning. This can be affected by diseased kidneys, which hardly process the incoming liquid, a person’s passion for s alty and spicy foods, and prolonged lying down.

At what diseases does the hematocrit decrease?

If the hematocrit is low, what does it mean and what diseases contribute to this? Ht can decrease against the background of various pathologies. In adulthood, such diseases include:

  1. Violation of the protein structure in hemoglobin.
  2. Presence of genetic and autoimmune diseases.
  3. The presence of various infections, against which fluid accumulates in the tissues of internal organs and subcutaneous fat.
  4. Myeloma is the presence of cancer cells in plasma.
  5. A tumor process in the hematopoietic system and lymph, which is called hemoblastosis.

In children, the hematocrit is most often reduced by diseases associated with the appearance of bleeding, a decrease in the production of red blood cells in the spinal cord, and a high protein content in the blood.

Low hematocrit in pregnant women

how to check blood viscosity
how to check blood viscosity

During pregnancy, a woman's body is forced to rebuild and consume more trace elements, which affects the immune system. There are also changes in the circulatory system. A new circle is formed that connects the body of the mother and fetus. This necessitates the need for additional blood volume. With its increase, the concentration of suspended particles remainsthe former, but the level of plasma increases. Thus, the analysis will show a reduced hematocrit, blood viscosity and hemoglobin level. All this is an indicator of the norm, if the level is not lower than 35%.

In the second trimester, almost every woman has a decrease in hematocrit, which is also considered normal. But if there is a critical difference, and severe swelling is observed, then it is better to inform the doctor about this, since this condition can be dangerous. In particular, it is necessary to regularly donate blood for analysis to patients who, even before pregnancy, suffered from hemolytic conditions, and in the presence of a hereditary predisposition.

False results

Now it is clear what the blood test for viscosity is called and what it determines. But there is a caveat - there are times when false results come out.

In some situations, methods for determining blood viscosity are not always appropriate, as the result will be temporarily underestimated. This happens after significant blood loss or after menstruation. The result will also be distorted if the blood is taken from the place where the drugs were previously administered, as a result of which it was diluted under the influence of the solution. The result will also be distorted if the veins were tightened with a tourniquet for a certain time or blood was taken from a vein from a lying person. All of these situations require a second blood donation.

Low scores in a child: why do they occur?

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what does a blood coagulation chart show

Before the age of 10, children usually have Htfluctuates constantly. Therefore, you need to know the approximate rate of the indicator in order to identify the deviation. The norm at each age will be as follows:

  • immediately after birth, the normal rate for babies is 50-68%;
  • in children up to a week of age - 44-65%;
  • up to a month of life - 30-42%;
  • up to 12 months - 29-41%;
  • in the next years up to 10 years, the indicators may vary slightly, but on average 36-44% is considered the norm.

What affects blood viscosity in children?

As a reason for the decrease in hematocrit, hereditary pathological conditions of the hematopoietic system, or acquired pathologies that affect the rate of red blood cells in the blood, can serve. Often the main factor in this condition is anemia.

If the baby is breastfed, you can increase the level of hemoglobin by increasing the mother's diet of iron-containing foods. If this is not enough, then drugs with a similar effect are prescribed.

Deviations are also observed in children whose physical development is too active, as a result, the body may not receive enough iron. Everything will return to normal when the active growth stops. But if the low hematocrit is not associated with iron deficiency anemia, then additional testing will be needed to identify the underlying cause of liquid blood.

Who is at risk?

There are certain categories of people who are more likely than others to have low hematocrit levels:

  1. Women in a position whose term has exceeded4 months.
  2. Women who have just given birth.
  3. People with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.
  4. Children who eat low amounts of high iron foods.
  5. Children who are actively growing but not getting enough nutrition.
  6. Smokers.
  7. Bed patients.

Hematocrit is low: how to fight?

fluidity of blood
fluidity of blood

Iron deficiency anemia is not difficult to eliminate. The main thing is to correctly adjust the diet, enriching it with the following products:

  • eggs;
  • bean dishes;
  • red meat;
  • chicken meat;
  • seafood;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables and fruits mostly red.

In order for iron to be well absorbed, start taking vitamin C at the same time. It is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, strawberries and tomatoes.

Vitamin B12 also plays an important role. It is found in the following foods:

  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • bell pepper;
  • peanuts;
  • eggs;
  • buckwheat.

The lack of folic acid is replenished by the liver, legumes, greens, etc.

Thus, now you know the name of the blood test for viscosity, and you will be able to distinguish between normal and deviation from it when receiving the results of a hematocrit study. It should also be borne in mind that in children, erythrocyte counts can often change, which is considered the norm. Atnewborn babies will have a slightly higher hematocrit than adults. In the male body, the percentage of viscosity is higher than the female. If a decrease in hematocrit is determined in the analyzes for a long time, you should consult a doctor about this. And if the hematocrit is less than 13%, then such a person needs to be urgently hospitalized.
