The burning sensation in the chest usually appears after eating fatty, fried or spicy foods. But can apples cause heartburn? Many people consume these fruits in order to get rid of discomfort in the esophagus. However, if you eat apples in excessive amounts, especially on an empty stomach, then heartburn can only get worse. Why is this happening? And how to get rid of the burning sensation?
What is heartburn
If the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus, then there is a burning sensation in the chest. This is accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth. This feeling is called heartburn.
This is far from safe. After all, gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, which has strong irritating properties. Contact of this substance with the walls of the esophagus may cause painful ulcers and areas of necrosis on the mucosa.

Why there is a feelingburning sensation
Consider the main causes and treatment of heartburn. The reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus most often occurs with gastritis and stomach ulcers. However, heartburn often occurs in he althy people. The following factors contribute to this:
- overeating (especially at night);
- abuse of spicy, fatty and fried foods;
- bad habits;
- pregnancy;
- obesity;
- squeezing the abdomen with tight clothing;
- intolerance to certain foods;
- increased acidity of gastric juice;
- taking antibiotics.
For heartburn, doctors recommend taking antacids that neutralize hydrochloric acid. For mild cases, regular baking soda may help.
Apples are good or bad
What is the benefit and harm of apples for the human body? Consider the composition of this fruit. It contains vitamin C, fiber, pectin and phytoncides. These substances have the following effects on the body:
- strengthen immunity;
- increase resistance to infections;
- prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
- improve digestion;
- increase hemoglobin levels.
Also, apples make you feel full and are low in calories. Therefore, they are included in the diet while following a diet for weight loss.

It can be concluded that apples are good for the body. However, the named fruit contains malic acid,which irritates the gastric mucosa. Therefore, people with gastrointestinal diseases are not recommended to abuse sour varieties of apples.
How apples act on the stomach
Speaking about whether apples can cause heartburn, it should be noted that doctors usually recommend including this fruit in the diet for stomach diseases. It is very easy to digest and at the same time has antacid properties. In some cases, eating a small amount of apples can help relieve heartburn symptoms.
However, very often apples cause a new attack of illness. This usually happens after eating a lot of fruit. Malic acid irritates the stomach, which leads to the described symptom, which occurs due to increased production of hydrochloric acid.

Apples and burning in the esophagus
Why does heartburn occur after eating apples? Causes of burning in the esophagus can be as follows:
- Fast digestion. Apples are very light foods. They are processed in the stomach almost instantly. This increases the secretion of gastric juice, which can provoke an attack of heartburn.
- Eating apples on an empty stomach. This fruit is not recommended to eat on an empty stomach. Apples increase the production of hydrochloric acid, which can cause heartburn. Therefore, doctors do not recommend snacking on apples alone.
- Eating sour varieties. These types of fruit contain an increased concentration of malic acid, which irritates the walls of the stomach.
- Bad peel chewing. Solid particles of the peel irritate the mucous membrane. This leads to a spasm of the stomach and the reflux of its contents into the esophagus.
- Excessively firm flesh. Some varieties of apples have a fairly firm texture. Their pulp can irritate the stomach and cause heartburn.
He althy people rarely get heartburn from apples. This is possible, as already mentioned, only by eating a large amount of acidic fruits. A burning sensation in the chest after eating apples is often one of the early signs of gastritis or ulcers.
Ways to get rid of heartburn
What to do if you have heartburn from apples? To eliminate it, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of honey. This product has enveloping properties and reduces discomfort. Other home remedies exist:
- Alkaline mineral waters ("Borjomi", "Essentuki"). These drinks help neutralize stomach acid and reduce burning sensation.
- Mint. You need to chew some mint leaves. This will quickly eliminate discomfort.
- Baking soda. This is a pretty popular tool. It helps to quickly neutralize the gastric juice and extinguish the burning sensation. However, it is not recommended to use soda too often, as it aggressively affects the digestive tract.
- Decoction of a mixture of herbs. You need to take in equal parts fennel, anise and dill. Pour the spice mixture with hot water and leave for about 20 minutes. Drink in small sips.
- Carrot-beetroot juice. A mixture of freshly squeezed beetroot and carrot juicesreduces the burning sensation.

Heartburn from apples should not be eaten with other fruits. This will only make the situation worse. If the burning sensation does not go away for a long time, then antacids should be used ("Renny", "Gastal").
How to eat apples
If you are prone to heartburn, it is recommended to choose sweet red varieties of apples. They contain a small amount of malic acid and are less likely to cause a burning sensation. Peel off fruit completely.
You should avoid eating apples on an empty stomach. This fruit is good to eat about half an hour after a meal.
It is very useful for the stomach lining to eat crushed apples mixed with honey. This dish helps to normalize digestion and acidity.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of eating apples, you must also follow these recommendations:
- Do not eat apple grains. They contain iodine and organic acids. These substances can trigger an attack of heartburn.
- People suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer can only eat baked apples. Fresh fruits contain too many acids.
- After eating apples, be sure to rinse your mouth. Acid can damage tooth enamel.
Apples for heartburn
In some cases, apples can even serve as a home remedy for heartburn. A small amount of these fruits helps neutralizeaggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the esophagus. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of natural apple juice. But before use, it should be kept at room temperature for 30 - 45 minutes. Juice is more useful for burning in the esophagus than pulp.

For nighttime heartburn attacks, it is recommended to eat one small sweet apple. The fruit is quickly digested, relieves discomfort and does not disturb sleep.
Many people drink apple cider vinegar for heartburn. However, this is a rather controversial method of treatment. After all, vinegar is a highly fermented juice. Even people with a he althy stomach should not use such a product.
If you suffer from heartburn, this does not mean that you should give up such a tasty and he althy fruit as apples. You just need to be careful and eat this product correctly.