Cystitis is a disease of the bladder. This is a very unpleasant disease, which is very rare in men and children, because to a greater extent it is characteristic of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Most often manifested in spring and early summer, after the slightest hypothermia. However, this is not the only cause of cystitis.
General characteristics of pathology
Cystitis is a disease that can appear against the background of a huge number of factors, so it is classified as a group of polyetiological pathologies. The causative agents of cystitis can be staphylococci, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and other bacteria. Trichomonas, chlamydia and worms can be added to them. Statistics show that in 80–90% of cases, cystitis occurs against the background of the presence of E. coli in the body. The risk of kidney infection exists in both acute and chronic forms of the disease.

How infection can get in
Despite the rather strong protection of the bladder from pathogens of cystitis, nevertheless, under certain conditions, microorganisms can penetrateinside. In particular, there is a possibility of bacteria entering through the urethra. This form of penetration is called urethral or ascending. Most common.
The next form is called descending, that is, the infection "descends" into the bladder from above, passing through the kidney along the ureter.
The lymphogenic form is characterized by the penetration of bacteria through the lymphatic pathways, from neighboring organs, usually the pelvis, since it is between them that there is a direct lymphatic pathway.
There is also a hematogenous way. In this case, the bacteria "go" through the blood vessels: the infection enters the bladder even from distant, infected organs and systems.
Bacteria rarely enter the bladder directly. This can happen due to the opening of the wound directly into the bladder. There is a possibility of infection and due to injury to the bladder or pelvic organs.
Risk group
Most often, the causative agents of cystitis enter the body of women who already have thrush or other chronic sexual infections.
Those who have been diagnosed with urolithiasis or have hormonal disorders should also be wary of the appearance of cystitis. Naturally, as with many other pathologies, cystitis appears in people with weakened immune systems.

Bacterial nature of the origin of the disease
The main causative agent of cystitis in women is Escherichia coli.
Bacteria of natural origin alsoeligible:
- Klebsiella;
- enterococcus;
- Proteus;
- staph.
The entry of these bacteria occurs against the background of a decrease in immunity or in the case when the outflow of urine is disturbed. That is, the complete emptying of the bladder does not occur, as a result of which bacteria begin to multiply in it.
Symptomatics in the bacterial nature of the origin of cystitis is the same as in other cases: there is a burning sensation during urination, false urges occur, sometimes cutting pains. There may be an unpleasant smell from the urine, which appears against the background of the presence of bacteria in it.
Therapy in this case involves the use of a number of drugs:
- "Amoxiclav";
- Cefazolin;
- Norbaktin and others.
If the causative agents of cystitis are of a bacterial nature, then, as a rule, the pathology can be cured in a fairly short period of time - about 7 days. Of the latest generation of medicines, the drug "Monural" is presented on the pharmaceutical market - it is an antibacterial agent that requires only a single dose.
Extremely rare, but still there are very severe pathologies that require even washing the bladder. Do this with special antiseptic agents. But such a procedure brings quite a lot of discomfort to the patient, since it requires the use of a Foley catheter.

Viral nature of origin
In this case, pathogenscystitis is most often caused by viruses that are already in the body, including the herpes virus. The second condition for the development of pathology is a decrease in the body's immune forces. Thus, viruses that attack the immune system also fall into this category:
- HIV;
- antiretroviruses.
In light of this, the treatment of viral cystitis is possible only with the correct treatment of the underlying disease - the provocateur of the inflammatory process in the bladder.

Fungal nature of origin
The development of this type of cystitis is also possible only against the background of a weakening of the patient's immunity. In this case, the infection of the bladder occurs in an ascending way, that is, in addition to a weakened body, a fungal infection must also get into it.
Most often, patients are faced with a fungus from the genus Candida. The disease is typical for pregnant women, as they weaken the work of the entire protective system, which works during this period for two.
This type of bacterial penetration is also typical for men, it can happen against the background of unprotected intercourse with a woman who, for example, has thrush.
Treatment measures
If acute cystitis has begun, and the introduction of pathogens occurred against the background of the penetration of a fungal infection, then the treatment is based on the following drugs:
- "Mikosept";
- Lamisil;
- "Fluconazole".
These drugs have a mycocidal effect, that is, they act on a greaterpart of fungus.
Even foreign living organisms can cause cystitis. We are talking about helminthic invasions. How can they affect the bladder? The fact is that some worms can destroy not only intestinal tissue, but also the bladder. This pathology is quite severe and you can get rid of it exclusively by surgery. The second danger of worms is that their presence in the bladder causes a bacterial infection to attach, as a result of which complications begin.

Other factors in the development of pathology
In addition to the pathogens described above, acute cystitis can appear against the background of wearing tight underwear, especially from synthetic materials. It is artificial materials that contribute to the reproduction of bacteria, and we are talking about the genitals.
The likelihood of the disease in people who often change sexual partners or prefer unprotected sex is high. In addition to the bladder itself, even the urinary tract can become inflamed.
Features of the disease in childhood
Cystitis is not so rare in children, and in both sexes, but still about 5 times more common in girls aged 4 to 12 years. This is due only to the peculiarities of the structure of the genitourinary system.
As well as in adults, a common causative agent of acute cystitis in children is Escherichia coli, less often Klebsiella, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Although in about 25% of cases, it is not possible to diagnose at allsignificant bacteria.
At risk are also children who have anomalies in the structure of the internal and external genital organs. For example, in boys it may be a narrowing of the foreskin. If we talk about babies, then the cause of cystitis can even be an infrequently changed diaper.
If the disease is detected in a child before the age of one, then all therapeutic measures are carried out in a hospital.

Chronic and acute form
Regardless of the causative agent of the disease, acute cystitis occurs suddenly, immediately after exposure to a provoking factor, for example, after hypothermia.
The acute form can be transformed into a chronic one, in particular, due to incorrectly chosen treatment tactics or in the absence of treatment at all. It is also possible, provided that another pathology and pathogens are “hidden” behind cystitis. Chronic cystitis has less pronounced symptoms compared to the acute form of pathology.
Diagnostic measures
Correct diagnosis plays a huge role in the choice of treatment tactics. First of all, it is required to pass a general urine test and sowing on the flora. If the data of these studies is not enough, then an ultrasound, urodynamic study or cystoscopy is performed.

In general, bladder inflammation is treated with antiviral and antibacterial agents. Also included in the therapy are drugs that activate the immune system. It may even be assignedphysiotherapy.
The course of treatment with antibacterial agents, as a rule, does not exceed 5-7 days. If we are talking about an acute complicated form, then therapy is extended up to 14 days. In cases where the patient complains of frequent manifestations of cystitis, he may be recommended anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Aevit or Canephron-N, which are drunk in courses for no more than 30 days.
In the chronic form of pathology, therapeutic measures are aimed at restoring the norm of urine outflow. In this case, preparations are often used, the active substance of which is plant extracts. Along with this, it is imperative to get rid of all existing infectious foci in the body, it can be caries or tonsillitis.
During treatment, the patient will have to stop eating smoked and fried foods and by all means exclude spices, marinades and spicy dishes.
It is also not recommended to replace traditional therapy with folk remedies, they can only act as an additional treatment, but provided that the use of herbs is agreed with the attending physician.
During treatment and as a preventive measure, patients are required to drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. Underwear should be selected only from natural materials. In no case should you delay treatment, as cystitis can cause the development of other, more complex pathologies, such as kidney failure, pyelonephritis or hematuria.