Psoriasis is a common skin disease. Various means are used for its treatment. Tar soap helps with psoriasis, which allows you to quickly get rid of the pathology. The rules for its use are described in the article.
About psoriasis
The disease can appear in any person. Genetic predisposition is important. Psoriasis is not transmitted through everyday life, it is an immune pathology and appears from internal and external stimuli. Disease occurs:
- due to endocrine ailments;
- infectious pathologies;
- hormonal disorders;
- injuries;
- burns;
- allergies;
- chemical and mechanical impact;
- strong cooling of the body.

With psoriasis, round and oval spots appear on the skin. Itching is also common. But in the next stages, the disease manifests itself aggressively, and significant lesions appear on the skin.
Benefits of soap
The main component of tar soap is birch tar andconiferous trees. According to experts, this is a safe and hypoallergenic remedy that allows you to get rid of hyperemia and pain in the skin, to have an anti-inflammatory effect. After all, wood tar is recognized as an effective antiseptic component.

With the help of tar soap you get:
- prevent fungal skin diseases and the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria;
- provide a keratolic effect, which allows you to eliminate dead skin keratinization;
- disinfect the skin;
- eliminate inflammation;
- accelerate skin recovery.
According to experts, tar soap should be used with a tendency to boils, ringworm, pyoderma, psoriasis. The tool is used as first aid for frostbite or skin burns. Soap is effective for prone to skin inflammation and itching. It is used to eliminate black spots on the face.
Birch tar soap and shampoo do not include preservatives, dyes, fragrances. This is a natural product, after application of which there will be no smell on the skin. The product with birch tar improves metabolism in the skin, provides a disinfecting effect. It restores he althy cells of the epidermis.
Tar has a resolving effect, which is required in the presence of infiltrates. The component normalizes sleep, eliminates irritability. Since tar increases the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays, avoid exposure to the sun after application.
Psoriasis treatment
Can tar soap treat psoriasis? According to reviews, this remedy is effective, as it reduces peeling, activates cell nutrition, prevents the development of a secondary infection, and heals damaged skin. Tar soap for psoriasis provides:
- disinfection, elimination of germs;
- itching relief;
- eliminate inflammation and skin irritability;
- removal of purulent formations.
Wood tar is a dark thick liquid, resin, which is created by dry distillation of wood. Usually softwood is used.
The most popular is birch tar, which is made from birch bark. It contains betulin, which has an antiseptic, antioxidant effect, eliminates inflammation. You can use tar soap for psoriasis every day, and for some people it is recommended twice a day.
Types of soap
The benefits of tar soap for the skin allows you to use it to restore the epidermis. At the same time, there are several effective cosmetic products:
- tar soap from Nevskaya Kosmetika;
- Bio Beauty gel soap;
- Tegrin Medicated Soap.

This beauty product can be made by yourself. This will require birch tar and baby soap in equal quantities. The components are heated, mixed, rolled into balls and dried. The resulting product can be used for daily procedures. Is it treatedpsoriasis with such soap? For these purposes, the products are ideal.
The best remedies
How to treat psoriasis at home? Tar shampoos are used to treat the scalp:
- "Psorila".
- "Friederm tar".
- "Tar for a bath".
- Algopix.
With psoriasis, it is advisable to use special detergents that allow you to quickly eliminate the signs of the disease, reduce the severity of symptoms. According to reviews, tar soap disinfects the skin, improves blood flow in damaged tissues, which speeds up the recovery of the affected area.

This remedy dries out the plaques, so they disappear over time. The safety of soap is due to the absence of chemical components. During washing, special attention should be paid to areas with severe rashes. After that, it is advisable to rinse the skin with a solution of chamomile or calamus.
Terms of use
How to use tar soap for psoriasis? When treating this ailment, some requirements must be observed:
- For oily or combination skin, when there is a tendency to oiliness, the product is used twice a day. For dry and sensitive skin, it is better to use soap no more than once a day.
- After application, the affected areas are rinsed with decoctions of medicinal plants - chamomile or calendula.
According to reviews, tar soap for psoriasis is effectively used in the form of masks. They are performed once a week. Soap (10 g) rubbed ongrater, after which the mass is poured with warm water (1: 2). The composition is stirred until smooth and applied to diseased areas for 15 minutes until dry.
You can wash off the mask with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. It soothes the skin, activates blood flow, relieves inflammation. For nail psoriasis, this mask is done daily for hands or feet.
For the head
Effectively tar soap for scalp psoriasis. In this case, the head should be washed with the product 2 times a week. At the same time, it is important to abandon cosmetic shampoos. Soap allows you to restore the structure of the hair, accelerate their growth, eliminate dandruff. It is important that it be dark brown, it is better to choose the 1st category (72%). First you need to whip the foam, and then apply to the scalp. Liquid tar soap is also suitable for these purposes.

The product is hypoallergenic, suitable for all skin types. It contains birch tar, and auxiliary substances are rapeseed and coconut oils, glycerin. The tool is very simple to use, after washing, rinse your head thoroughly. Liquid soap has an anti-inflammatory, keratolic effect, cleanses the head of flaky scales.
For body psoriasis
If psoriatic plaques are on the skin, tar soap should be used instead of gel. It is necessary to use them until the exacerbation disappears. The foam is applied by hand, plaques are especially carefully treated.

Afterwashing, it is desirable to rinse with a decoction based on chamomile or calamus. According to reviews, the regular implementation of such procedures will quickly bring positive results.
When Pregnant
During the bearing of a child, tar soap is allowed to be used. If it is used during pregnancy, you need to check if there is an allergy to the remedy. For this, a sensitivity test is performed. A small amount of foam is applied to the inside of the elbow and wait 20 minutes. If during the day there are no negative manifestations at the site of application of the foam, then the product is suitable for the scalp and body.
If the body reacts normally to soap, then it is suitable for body and scalp care. It is advisable to use it twice a week. Tar soap is great for treating psoriasis during pregnancy, when many medications are prohibited.
Soap should not be used for exacerbation of psoriasis, as well as for dry skin. You can not use it if you are allergic to tar. Another remedy is contraindicated for skin sensitivity and kidney pathologies.

All cleaning products with tar are useful and effective. But you need to use such funds only in consultation with a dermatologist, taking into account the characteristics of the skin, the reaction of the body.