In the article, we will consider why gases do not leave the intestines.
It is necessary to know exactly the cause of such a phenomenon in order to get rid of this symptom and prevent a recurrence of an unpleasant situation. So why won't you pass gas from your intestines?
Causes of gas formation
In the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, up to 0.5 liters of gases are allowed in the stomach, where some of them pass into the intestines during digestion and are excreted from the body naturally. An increase in this volume to 3 liters will occur in the event of:
- dysbacteriosis;
- infectious bowel disease;
- malnutrition, including soda water;
- lactose intolerance;
- parasitic diseases;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- irritable bowel syndrome.

With these ailments, an increase in the size of the stomach, the appearance of acute flatulence with an unpleasant odor is possible. All this can still be supplemented by a strong rumbling, the occurrence of belching, the appearanceconstipation and diarrhea. With a sufficiently large accumulation of gases, the appearance of pain and a violation of the psycho-emotional state are noted. Why are gases not leaving? Everyone needs to know this.
Elimination Tactics
With a long flow of gas formation, it should be fought. There are many ways to do this: medication, herbal therapy, nutrition correction, physical activity. Medications should be used when symptoms need to be relieved quickly, and other methods do not help.
So, gases are not leaving, what should I do?
With prolonged constipation, it is necessary to use laxatives, you can also use herbal preparations, which are sold in pharmacies. If the cause of increased gas formation is the presence of malignant or benign neoplasms, then surgical methods are used to eliminate them. If the cause of discomfort lies in dysbacteriosis, then patients are prescribed course therapy with probiotics and prebiotics.

Nutrition with increased gas production
If gases do not leave the intestines, the main principle of the diet will be the elimination of foods that cause fermentation from the daily diet. These include:
- fresh bread made from premium wheat flour;
- all legumes;
- fresh fruits (citrus fruits, berries);
- fresh and sauerkraut;
- tomato;
- bow;
- radish.
Vegetables are recommended to be cooked beforeuse. Fruits are also recommended to bake or make decoctions.

Doctors recommend in such cases to keep a food diary, in which you should write down each meal. And in case of deterioration of the condition, exclude products that cause an increase in gases. It is imperative to reduce the amount of milk consumed - it also provokes unpleasant processes. During this period, bran is very useful - it is a source of he althy dietary fiber that helps to remove harmful substances from the body. They should be used in small amounts four to five times a day.
No to soda
When the gases do not go away, it is strictly forbidden to drink mineral water, Coca-Cola, etc. You should not drink alcohol either. Strong coffee is better to replace with herbal infusion.
It is considered useful to include foods rich in protein in the diet. Meat products should be consumed boiled or stewed. You can replace meat with lean, steamed fish.
It is necessary to adhere to the principles of separate nutrition in order to prevent the mixing of proteins and starch in the body.

Exotic cuisine
Be extra careful with unfamiliar or exotic foods. Such products are not always well tolerated by a he althy body. Do not eat Chinese or Asian food for flatulence.
Gastroenterologists, if the gases do not go away, recommend:
- chew food thoroughly;
- completelystop chewing gum;
- to spend fasting days more often, which will allow not only to restore the digestive system, but to remove toxins of various kinds.
Treatment of increased gas formation in adults
If the cause of the disease lies in stress, then the state of the nervous system should be improved. It is necessary to use natural sedatives: motherwort, valerian. But they should be taken only after the doctor's recommendations.
A patient whose gas formation is caused by other symptoms must definitely undergo a medical examination in a medical institution, where they will help to identify diseases:
- chronic pancreatitis corrected with enzyme preparations;
- gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcer, in which antispasmodics and medications are prescribed to eliminate the causes of the disease;
- unilateral inflammation of the small and large intestines, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and other intestinal lesions that require complex treatment.

The best medicines for gas
Since flatulence is a phenomenon that often occurs after eating, the population is most often asked the question: how to get rid of increased gas formation?
Modern method of treatment, of course, is drug therapy. There are a very large number of drugs on the pharmacological market that effectively cope with this problem. They are divided into the following types:
- Sorbents. Activated charcoal always comes to the rescue. The work of sorbent preparations is to absorb oxygen bubbles and toxins. Their frequent use is not recommended, as they remove not only harmful substances, but also useful ones. Sorbents also include Smekta, Enterosgel, White Coal. Dosage and contraindications should be carefully studied in the instructions for these drugs.
- Defoamers or antifoam agents. The principle of operation of these drugs is the destruction of gas bubbles, thanks to the active substances that make up the composition - demiticone and simethicone. This group includes: "Espumizan", "SabSimplex", "Bobotik". These drugs do not adversely affect the intestinal flora and do not remove beneficial substances.
- Prokinetics. They carry out the removal of gases by activating the motor work of the intestine. The most popular drugs of that group are: "Motilium" (in addition to flatulence, it also copes with nausea, vomiting, bloating and belching); "Domperidone" (it fights the disease perfectly, but has a large number of side effects and is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and liver); "Passage" (its action is aimed at stimulating the withdrawal of a large accumulation of gases, has virtually no side effects).
- Enzymes. They normalize the digestive processes: "Mezim", "Pancreatin", "Creon", "Festal". A course of treatment from 1 to 3 months also eliminates heaviness and pain in the stomach.
It often happens that a child does not pass gases. What to do in this case?
Gas formation in children asshowing up?
Some doctors claim that the cause of flatulence in a newborn may be:
- Mom's diet, her diet should be varied and he althy, but it is desirable to exclude foods such as soy, peanuts, beans, whole milk, raw vegetables. This will eliminate the pain in your baby's stomach, and over time, you will be able to introduce new foods, while observing the reaction of the body.
- Artificial feeding of the child. This issue must be approached seriously and responsibly, first of all, determine the mixture, its composition and manufacturer.
- Swallowing large amounts of air during feeding due to improper latch on the nipple or bottle nipple. Mothers should keep the process of breastfeeding under control, overeating should not be allowed. When a child is very hungry, during feeding, he begins to choke and choke on food. Therefore, experts recommend interrupting feeding a couple of times, holding the baby in an upright position, this will help get out excess air.
You should also pay attention to the choice of nipples for the bottle. It should be appropriate for the age of the baby, the smaller the baby, the slower the milk flow should be.
When a baby does not pass gases from the intestines, what should I do? The doctor should tell you about this in detail.
Eliminating gas in babies
For the successful treatment of flatulence in a baby, you should often spread it on the tummy. You can also put the child on his back and bend his legs as if he is riding onbike.

A light massage of the abdomen helps very well, with light strokes in a clockwise direction.
If these manipulations do not help, you should use drugs. You can start with dill water, if there is no effect, then you can use drugs from the group of defoamers. They do not affect the chemical environment of the gastrointestinal tract. But the choice of any drug should be agreed with your pediatrician.
If an adult does not pass gases, you need to follow the advice of specialists, which are presented below.
Lifestyle advice for adults
During treatment, the patient should:
- limit stressful situations;
- quit smoking;
- go outdoors more often;
- periodically during the day to do a massage to relieve gas;
- off antibiotics;
- do light exercises to improve intestinal motility.
When an adult doesn't pass gas, what else to do?
Physical activity helps with gas
There are a number of exercises that will help you get rid of excess gas.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and tighten your abdominal muscles, stay in this position for 10-15 seconds.
- Bike Exercise - Lie on your back and pedal imaginary. It is better to keep the palms behind the back of the head.
If you are overweight, it is better to combine these exercises with workouts that stimulate fat burning. You should never self-medicate. Seek help from specialists in time if the gases do not go away.

Folk remedies in the presence of this pathology
You can also use traditional methods of therapy. They have certain advantages: safety, rare occurrence of allergic reactions, they have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
- Dill water. Allowed during pregnancy, as well as children from the first days of life. Take a spoonful of dried dill, pour boiled water (300 ml). Insist 2-3 hours. Take half a glass before meals.
- Collection of herbs from chamomile, cumin and valerian roots in equal proportions. The mixture is poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil. Infuse for about 15-20 minutes, and then filter. Use the medicine three times a day
- Dandelion roots. It will take 1 tbsp. l. herbs, it is poured with a glass of cool water. Infuse for 8-10 hours, filter and take on an empty stomach.