Stomach ache and nausea: causes and treatment

Stomach ache and nausea: causes and treatment
Stomach ache and nausea: causes and treatment

Any ailment is a reason to seek medical help. If you feel sick and have a stomach ache, the reasons can be very different. It is important to prevent the development of dangerous complications. What diseases can cause similar symptoms? Consider the most common.


The disease is associated with inflammation of the pancreas. Some eating habits, such as the abuse of spicy and too fatty foods, fast food, and alcohol, can provoke the acute development of the pathological process. In rare cases, inflammation is caused by pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Pancreatitis can be a complication of Coxsackie's disease or mumps. If the stomach hurts and feels sick, the reasons for the girl may be taking estrogens. In both sexes, the disease often develops against the background of the use of thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids.

Woman has a stomach ache
Woman has a stomach ache

Characteristic of the disease in the acute phase is pain. Unpleasant sensations may be present in the epigastric region or take shingles.character. The pain is worse after eating. Nausea and vomiting with bile are common signs of pancreatitis. If help is not provided to the patient in a timely manner, the body temperature rises, symptoms of general intoxication of the body are added.

In acute pancreatitis, hospitalization is mandatory. Novocaine blockade is used to relieve severe pain syndrome. To deactivate pancreatic enzymes, proteolysis inhibitors are prescribed. To prevent infectious complications, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used.


According to statistics, appendicitis is the most common pathology of the abdominal cavity. The disease is associated with inflammation of the appendix of the rectum (appendix). In most cases, unpleasant symptoms are caused by pathogenic bacteria: staphylococci, enterococci, E. coli. Due to the kink of the appendix, conditions are created for the rapid multiplication of pathogens.

During the period of gestation, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly due to squeezing neighboring organs by the growing uterus. If the stomach hurts and feels sick, the reasons for women who are waiting for replenishment must be clarified as quickly as possible. The life of mother and child directly depends on this.

Nausea in a child
Nausea in a child

Surgical removal of the appendix is a common tactic for treating the disease. After the operation, the patient needs to follow a low-calorie diet, drink more fluids. Antibacterial drugs are used to prevent infection of the wound.

Intestinal obstruction

The pathological condition is associated with a violation of the patency of semi-digested food masses through the intestines. Unpleasant symptoms can be observed against the background of an abdominal injury, when a foreign body enters the digestive tract, and intestinal spasm. There are many other factors that cause this condition. Therefore, if the stomach hurts and feels sick, the reasons must be clarified as soon as possible. Acute intestinal obstruction can lead to necrosis of the intestinal wall. Refusal of timely therapy is fraught with death.

If an intestinal obstruction is suspected, the patient is urgently hospitalized in a surgical hospital. Initially, the doctor tries to stimulate intestinal motility with medication. The drug "Neostigmine" can be used. If conservative therapy does not show good results, surgery is performed.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Functional disorder of the large intestine due to psycho-emotional reasons. Unpleasant symptoms often develop against the background of depression, stress, various phobias. In rare cases, the disease is caused by intestinal infections or physical injuries.

If the stomach hurts and feels sick, the causes in a child can often be associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Signs of the disease are often observed in children against the background of the loss of loved ones, moving to another city. The baby may experience alternating diarrhea and constipation, flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen.

Man has a stomach ache
Man has a stomach ache

If the cause of the diseaseare emotional disorders, the patient is assigned a consultation with a psychologist. To restore bowel function, probiotics, drugs with lactulose are prescribed. Particular attention must be paid to the diet. Eat often, but in small portions. You need to give up fast food, semi-finished products, too fatty and spicy dishes.


The pathological process is associated with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In 90% of cases, unpleasant symptoms are provoked by infectious agents. Inflammation of the mucosa can be caused by staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, streptococcus. Less commonly, pathology develops against the background of helminthic invasions, taking certain aggressive drugs.

Signs of acute gastritis usually appear suddenly. If the upper abdomen hurts and feels sick, the causes may be associated with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In addition, the patient will complain of belching, loss of appetite, problems with stool. A dangerous sign is bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by bloody vomiting or chalk.

Abdominal pain and nausea
Abdominal pain and nausea

Complex therapy helps to cope with gastritis. The patient needs to follow a diet. You will have to refuse fried, too s alty and spicy dishes. Antibacterial therapy is mandatory. If symptoms of gastric bleeding appear, the patient is prescribed strict bed rest and the drugs Vikasol, Etamzilat, Octreotide.


If the stomach hurts below and feels sick, the reasons will not necessarily beassociated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Similar symptoms can provoke cystitis. The pathological process is caused by inflammation of the walls of the bladder. The disease is widespread and most often has an infectious nature. Women are more at risk for cystitis due to the structure of the urethra. The urethra in the fairer sex is wide and short. Through it, pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate into the bladder.

Cystitis is most often caused by opportunistic bacteria (E. coli, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus). Less commonly, inflammation develops as a complication of sexually transmitted diseases.

If the stomach hurts and feels sick, the reasons for a woman may be associated with acute cystitis. There are other signs of the pathological process, such as burning during urination, urinary incontinence, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

doctor and patient
doctor and patient

With timely treatment, the disease can be quickly de alt with. Broad-spectrum antibiotics, uroseptics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. During the treatment period, it is important to exclude fatty and spicy foods, drink more fluids (water, compotes, fruit drinks, teas). In the acute period, bed rest is recommended.

Testicular torsion

If the stomach hurts and feels sick, the causes in men and boys may be associated with pathologies of the genitourinary system. Acute malaise often provokes testicular torsion. Volvulus of the spermatic cord leads to the infringement of its constituentthe composition of the elements. As a result, a pronounced pain syndrome develops, extending to the inguinal region. With torsion, the blood supply to the testicle is significantly reduced, and the risk of organ death increases. Therefore, assistance to the patient should be provided immediately.

A common cause of testicular torsion is excessive testicular mobility due to lack of normal attachment to the scrotal floor. The disease often develops against the background of congenital elongation of the spermatic cord. Risk factors also include outdoor games that lead to injury.

What to do if the boy is sick and his stomach hurts? The causes of the pathological condition must be clarified as soon as possible. At an early stage of the disease, conservative therapy helps. The doctor performs external manual untwisting with the patient in the supine position. If this tactic does not show good results, surgery is performed.

Ovarian cyst

Pathology is a tumor-like formation of a benign nature. The cavity on the leg has a liquid content and a tendency to grow. Usually a cyst develops for a long time and at the initial stage it may not make itself felt. If the stomach is nauseated and hurts, the causes may be associated with the torsion of the legs of the formation and the development of the inflammatory process. The rapid increase in the tumor leads to the growth of the abdomen, squeezing neighboring organs. The patient sometimes suffers from frequent urination and constipation.

Woman feeling unwell
Woman feeling unwell

Several factors can provoke the development of an ovarian cyst:thyroid gland, hormonal disorders, frequent abortions, inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. If the lower abdomen hurts and feels sick, the causes of the pathological condition must be identified as early as possible. When the cyst is torn, surgery is performed. If a woman seeks help in a timely manner, only the tumor will be removed. The functionality of the reproductive system will not be affected.

Ectopic pregnancy

If a fertilized egg implants and begins to develop outside the uterus, it is fraught with serious complications. If timely treatment is refused, a threat to the life of a woman arises. At the initial stage, while the fetal egg is small, the representative of the weaker sex may not be aware of her condition. What to do if the stomach hurts and feels sick during a delay in menstruation? All ladies should know about the causes and treatment of this condition. You can’t put off going to the gynecologist.

Provoke an ectopic pregnancy can be factors such as the presence of an intrauterine device, previous surgeries on the appendages, congenital anomalies in the development of the reproductive system. Treatment is carried out only by surgery. The fallopian tube is removed completely or partially. The sooner a woman seeks help, the greater the chance of getting pregnant in the future.

Food poisoning

Acute toxic damage resulting from the consumption of low-quality foods is fraught with serious consequences. If the child’s stomach hurts and feels sick, the reasons must be clarified in the very first hours after the appearance of unpleasantsymptoms, as dehydration can develop, threatening the life of a small patient.

child drinking tea
child drinking tea

Emergency care aims to remove dangerous toxins from the body. In the conditions of a medical institution, gastric lavage and a cleansing enema are carried out. Additionally, auxiliary preparations are prescribed that restore the water balance in the body and eliminate the negative effects of toxins (Regidron, Activated Carbon, Atoxil, etc.).


Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are dangerous symptoms. Self-medication with the development of such signs is absolutely impossible to engage in. In the first hours it is necessary to seek qualified medical help. The doctor will find out the exact causes of the patient's condition and prescribe the appropriate therapy.
