Various pathologies of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading position in the modern world. Meteorological dependence, obesity, regular stress - all these factors sooner or later force many people to turn to a cardiologist with complaints of high blood pressure. Unwillingness to be treated threatens with a heart attack or stroke. Such conditions are dangerous and can lead to disability or death, therefore, having felt the first alarming bells, you should go for a consultation with a doctor.
A little about the disease
A hypertensive crisis is a pathological condition in which there is a sharp increase in blood pressure.

It can occur at any age, but the majority of patients are those who have crossed the 50-year milestone. It is not uncommon for a crisis to occur at 30 or even 20 years old.
No one is immune from cardiovascular disease, however, people suffering from pressure fluctuations are most at risk.
A crisis can occur for no apparent reason or asconsequence of certain circumstances.
It is extremely important for such patients to eliminate the irritant in time, give the necessary drugs, and in severe cases, call an ambulance.
According to official medical data, a hypertensive crisis is the main reason for the arrival of doctors at home, and no more than 25% of people can provide timely assistance.
Pathology can proceed in different ways. The classification of a hypertensive crisis is based on the severity of the patient. It is divided into the following types:
- First (uncomplicated). It proceeds relatively easily and does not pose a serious threat to the patient. May cause dizziness, pain, chest pressure, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms can be de alt with on your own. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position and drink the drugs recommended by your doctor.
- Second. It is characterized by a severe course. In the absence of therapy, it often affects other organs. Such a patient is in dire need of emergency medical care. Most often, a heart attack or stroke occurs in such patients. Therefore, they are advised to monitor their he alth and changes in blood pressure.
Depending on the factors that caused the deterioration of he alth, the modern classification of hypertensive crisis divides it into the following types:
- Neurovegetative. Not associated with any pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Occurs as a reaction to severe stress. It manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache. Lasts an averageabout 2 hours. Does not require inpatient treatment. Many who have experienced similar symptoms feared a stroke or heart attack. According to doctors, in the absence of other pathologies, there is no risk to life either.
- Water-s alt. It occurs as a result of a failure in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system that regulates internal balance. The patient may be disturbed by dyspeptic symptoms, impaired coordination of movements, severe headache. This state may last for several days.
- Encephalopathy. Represents the greatest risk of strokes and heart attacks. Such patients should receive urgent medical care, otherwise, epileptic seizures may occur against the background of acute cerebrovascular accident, with subsequent damage to its tissue. Often, ambulance doctors do not have time to arrive on time and ascertain the death of the patient.
What makes you feel bad
It often happens that after an attack of hypertension, a person cannot understand what provoked him. The most common reasons include:
- strong emotional shock;
- a sharp change in the weather, in particular fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, wind, rain, etc.;
- eating certain foods, especially s alt;
- taking certain drugs or stopping them;
- alcohol abuse, smoking.

According to statistics, most often the pressure rises from excessive excitement andpanic, so these patients need to pull themselves together, otherwise it can lead to he alth problems.
Characteristic symptoms
Based on the classification of hypertensive crisis, the clinic can differ significantly. Each person is individual and tolerates the increase in pressure in different ways. For one, 180 is not a real threat, for another, 130 is critical.
The most common signs of an incipient crisis include:
- a sharp deterioration in well-being;
- weakness in arms, legs;
- unsteady gait;
- trembling all over the body;
- headache and heartache;
- chest tightness;
- appearance of black "flies" before the eyes;
- discoordination;
- severe nausea and vomiting with no relief.

If the patient is not given the necessary assistance, there is a considerable risk of complications that may occur:
- fainting;
- complete or partial paralysis;
- speech disorder;
- vision loss;
- cardiac arrest due to myocardial infarction.
The degree of severity and severity depends on the classification of hypertensive crisis.
First Aid
When warning symptoms appear, a person should be laid down and their blood pressure measured. If the indicators are unsatisfactory, it is necessary to give drugs that lower blood pressure and additional funds, depending onclassification of hypertensive crisis (sedatives, painkillers, etc.).

Unlike antihypertensive pills, injections work much faster, so it is preferable to give them whenever possible.
You should feel better in 10-30 minutes. If this does not happen within 2 hours, it is imperative to call a doctor at home.
Before the arrival of the ambulance to the patient:
- tilt head back slightly;
- apply a cool compress to the head (on the back of the head);
- free the chest area.
Drinking during this period is not recommended. Fluid ingestion can trigger a gag reflex, causing an increase in blood pressure.
Taking medication on your own without consulting a doctor and making an accurate diagnosis can be dangerous.
How to measure blood pressure
To identify any type of hypertensive crisis, it is enough to have a tonometer on hand - a device for measuring systolic and diastolic pressure.
It should be in the first aid kit of every person suffering from this problem.
Today there is a huge selection of such devices on sale, they can be:
- Mechanical.
- Semi-automatic.
- Automatic.
- Mercury.
They all do a great job with the basic function of measuring pressure and differ in:
- number of additional features;
- value;
- technical specifications;
- design.
Everyone will be able to choose the most suitable option for themselves.
To obtain a reliable result when measuring, you should remember some features of the process;
- before starting, you should rest for 10-15 minutes;
- Right-handers wear a cuff on their left arm, left-handers vice versa;
- The reservoir that will receive air should be at the level of the heart and not too tight around the shoulder to the elbow.
When evaluating the results, it should be taken into account that the indicator from 140 upper and 90 lower is exceeded, although everyone is individual.
Severe hypertensive crises according to the classification require inpatient treatment. Emergency care can often save a patient's life. After admission, he will definitely undergo the following studies:
- electrocardiogram;
- cardiac Holter monitoring;
- electroencephalogram;
- vascular Doppler;
- echocardiography;
- Ultrasound of the urinary system;
- general and biochemical blood tests.
Therapy is selected individually, based on the results of the survey.
Prescribed drugs
The selection of an effective drug regimen is done by cardiologists.
The most prescribed groups of medicines that eliminate hypertensive crisis according to the WHO classification include:
- Nitrates.
- Calcium channel blockers.
- InhibitorsACE.
- Alpha-agonists.
It could be:
- "Nitroglycerin".
- "Clonidine".
- "Captopril".
- "Corinfar".

Many patients may need parallel treatment with a nephrologist, ophthalmologist, pulmonologist, neurologist. They may schedule an additional appointment:
- "Furosemide".
- "Magnesium sulfate".
- "Arfonade".
- "Benzohexonium".
- "Diazepam" and others.
Easy clinic and classification of hypertensive crises do not require emergency treatment. It is enough to drink the medicine previously prescribed by the doctor.
The main danger of high blood pressure is the development of severe complications. The main load falls on:
- kidneys;
- brain and central nervous system;
- eyes.
A severe attack of hypertension can provoke:
- acute or chronic heart and lung failure;
- myocardial infarction;
- angina;
- stroke;
- edema and pulmonary thromboembolism.

All these diseases are extremely life-threatening, so at the first sign of high blood pressure, you need to take action.
Doctor's recommendation
To patients who have experienced complications of a hypertensive crisis, the classification of which falls underthe second type, you should carefully monitor your he alth and follow simple rules:
- measure blood pressure daily;
- record the received readings in a separate notebook;
- diet;
- do exercises every morning, sign up for a pool;
- do not drink alcohol;
- quit smoking;
- visit a cardiologist once every 6 months, other specialists if necessary.
If such a condition is unusual for a person, you should still be examined. In the absence of pathologies, strong emotional stress and stress should be avoided.
Diet restrictions
Nutrition plays an important role in recovery. The main emphasis in the diet is on reducing the calorie content of the dishes consumed.
Must be excluded:
- flour;
- fat;
- sweet;
- fried;
- alcohol.
Recommended to eat more:
- dried apricots;
- prune;
- rosehip;
- cabbage;
- potatoes;
- cereals;
- greenery;
- beets;
- blackcurrant.

They are all rich in magnesium and potassium, which will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, brain and kidneys, which are the "target" organs in high blood pressure.
Hypertensive crises, classification, complications and emergency care - important information that will come in handy asthe patient himself and his relatives. They cause the most dangerous conditions that pose a real threat to life. Such patients should always have a blood pressure monitor and blood pressure medication in their first-aid kit.
People who are unaware of their problems are most at risk. When a sudden attack occurs, they usually do not have the necessary drugs, and their further fate depends on the timely arrival of an ambulance.