What is an antifungal diet? When does a person need special nutrition? Why do fungal diseases develop and how to avoid them? This article will answer these questions.
Today we will talk a little about the well-known disease called "thrush", although in medicine the term "candidiasis" is more often used. This disease is diagnosed not only in women. Candidiasis affects both adults and children, regardless of gender.
You can get rid of and even prevent the appearance of candidiasis with the help of a special diet. Its principle is simple - it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. The main foods included in the patient's diet are vegetables and foods rich in protein.
Of course, a normal diet will not cure the disease, but will have an overwhelming effect on the development of fungi. The latter, in turn, have the ability to colonize in:
- gut;
- esophagus;
- oral;
- genitals;
- throat.
An antifungal diet, which will be discussed now, is necessary to prevent or treat an existing candidiasis. She fits likemen as well as women. First, we should talk about the specifics of the disease.

It is important to know that candida fungi live in the body of every person, but the activation of the disease occurs when the activity of protective barriers decreases - pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. To combat the disease, an integrated approach is used. The inflammatory process can be localized:
- in the genital tract;
- in the gut;
- in the esophagus;
- in the throat.
The reasons for the activation of the infection can be:
- immunity weakening;
- exhaustion of the body;
- stress;
- depression;
- treatment with antibiotics;
- malnutrition;
- lack of rest;
- taking steroids.
Not everyone knows how mycosis of the gastrointestinal tract manifests itself. With an inflammatory lesion, the following symptoms appear:
- heavy gas;
- bloating;
- fatigue;
- irritability;
- sweating;
- permanent colds.

An antifungal gut diet will help stop the growth of fungal microorganisms. Depending on where the focus of inflammation is located, the symptoms can be very different. The vaginal form is the most common form of the disease. Symptoms of thrush include:
- appearance of curdled discharge (have a specific sour smell);
- itching in the groin;
- rash.
If a fungal infection has activated in the throat, the following symptoms are possible:
- white bloom;
- redness;
- pain;
- bad smell;
- fever.
A fungus in the intestines can manifest itself by the appearance of the following signs:
- fatigue;
- irritability;
- sweet cravings;
- constipation;
- allergic skin rashes.
Cancer according to Tulio Simoncini's theory
Who first introduced the concept of "antifungal diet"? Tulio Simoncini, an Italian physician who specialized in the study of cancer but became famous for his research in alternative medicine. According to his theory, cancer is an overgrown fungus that is completely curable. Simochini suggests that "cancer" in medicine serves as a trick and a way to destroy people through chemotherapy.
This doctor offers his treatment option - an active lifestyle and a special antifungal diet. He believes that if you follow these two rules, then you can get rid of cancer. There is no evidence of the veracity of Simoncini's sayings, and experts are very skeptical about the work of the former oncologist. However, the diet he developed is really good for the body. It helps to cope with candidal diseases.
Causes and infection

Before we go directly to the diet itself, we suggest you listways of transmission of fungal diseases.
- transmission during intercourse;
- spread of infection from mother to child during childbirth;
- household transmission path.
The last item includes:
- sharing towels, bed linen, clothes, hygiene items;
- using someone else's scissors, nail files and other nail tools.
Fungal infection is very easy to catch in public places such as:
- toilet;
- sauna;
- bath;
- beach;
- pool and so on.
Superficial mycoses have now been considered. Deep forms (in which infection of internal organs occurs) can appear as a result of inhalation of dust if it contains spores of the pathogen.
Diet rules

The antifungal diet is based on some rules.
- Don't eat sugar and foods that contain it. The fact is that elevated glucose levels are an ideal environment for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
- It is necessary to limit the number of premium wheat flour products. Rolls, pastries, pasta, dumplings should be excluded from the diet.
- You can not eat a lot of fruits rich in sugar. Potentially hazardous foods include citrus fruits, bananas, pears, sweet grapes.
- It is necessary to include in the diet foods that are rich in protein (dairy products, poultry, fish,vegetables, legumes, greens).
- You can eat brown rice, barley and buckwheat.
- Never eat foods containing yeast.
- It is necessary to organize the correct mode - be sure to eat at the same time, at least 4 times a day, but in small portions.
Here are the basic rules on which the antifungal diet is based. The menu should be balanced and varied. It's pretty easy to stick to.
In this section, we offer a list of foods that you can and cannot include in your diet.
Can | Can't |
Dairy products | Sugar and products that contain it |
Poultry and eggs | Yeast (beer, wine, etc.) |
Fish | Wheat flour |
Vegetables and herbs | Fruits rich in sugar |
Beans | Some types of cheese |
Brown rice, barley and buckwheat | Foods high in starch |
Sourdough breads | Peanuts and pistachios (these nuts often contain mold) |
By adhering to these rules, you can easily get rid of an unpleasant fungal infection. It must be remembered: the disease is easierprevent than cure. Therefore, in the next section, we will discuss preventive measures.
As mentioned earlier, an antifungal diet helps not only to get rid of the disease, but also serves as a prevention of fungal infections. If you have successfully recovered from the disease, still stick to this diet plan.

An antifungal diet will help you with stomach problems too. To do this, you need to include more vegetables in your diet, including cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, celery, parsley, green peas. Eat fruits, giving preference to sour apples, cranberries, cherries, kiwi. Here it is worth remembering one rule - you should not abuse these products.
From dairy products, you should choose natural yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese. Protein can also be obtained from legumes, beef, poultry, eggs.
Oil can be used both sunflower and olive. Drink herbal teas and use lemon water or vegetable juice instead of store-bought sugary drinks.
Activation of immunity

An antifungal diet, reviews of which are only positive, serves as a means to increase immunity. But it is a strong immune system that is the key to he alth and protection against fungal infections. In addition to the diet, it is worth observing the rules of personal hygiene. Consult with your doctor - if necessary, he will prescribe you additional drugs to increase immunity. Try to leadhe althy lifestyle.
Antifungal diet: menus, recipes
Suitable dishes for menu planning:
- For breakfast: porridge with sour fruits on the water, tofu cheese, crackers, tea or coffee without sugar.
- Snack - fruit, yogurt, tomato juice.
- Lunch - boiled chicken, eggplant caviar, vegetable soup, beef steam cutlet, boiled beef, fresh tomato and cucumber salad, soy milk or vegetable juice.
- Snack - yogurt, fruit, a glass of kefir, tea without sugar.
- Dinner - cheese casserole, fresh vegetable salad, herbal tea without sugar.
As you can see, a good way not only to get rid of the fungus, but also to lose weight is an antifungal diet. Recipes can be very diverse.
As an example, let's take a way to prepare a dessert. Ingredients: 1 apple, a glass of kefir and cinnamon. The apple needs to be peeled, cut and mixed all the ingredients. Delicious breakfast is ready.

Fish cakes will also be useful. We will need: 0.5 kg of fish, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 egg, greens. Prepare minced meat from fish and onions, add grated carrots to it. Wait until excess liquid drains, and then add the egg and greens. Shape into patties and steam for 20 minutes.
He althy food and he althy eating is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.