Tumors that develop in the oral cavity are malignant processes. They can be located not only on soft tissues, but also on the jaw.
Gum cancer is one of the most common oral diseases. It is characterized by the appearance of low-quality processes that are in the mucous membranes. The risk group most often includes middle-aged and older men, as well as those who have suffered from a variety of dental diseases in the past.

If there is no treatment, the detrimental pathological process begins to spread and affect more organs and tissues. If this problem is started, then metastases will appear in the future, after which the mortality rate increases.
The appearance of such a neoplasm can lead to:
- presence of carious teeth;
- inflammatory processes;
- drinking and smoking;
- poor oral hygiene
- mechanical damage to teeth.
People who have tongue piercings are also very susceptible to this disease. As you know, this decoration often causes injury to the oral cavity,after which the infection can actively take root and spread, which later causes gum cancer.
There are four stages of the disease:
- The tumor reaches a size of 1 cm and is located in the mucous layer.
- The neoplasm grows up to 2 cm in diameter and 1 cm in depth and does not extend beyond the tissues. There is 1 metastasis on the affected side.
- The compaction is 3 cm. The roots may not yet be, or they are just beginning to collect in the lymph node and lesions.
- Metastases are located in the facial bones of the cavity, in the skull and carotid artery. They can also reach parts of the body such as the liver and lungs. It is difficult to treat gum cancer at this stage.

The initial stage of the disease does not make itself felt. A tumor that grows and grows in tissues, compresses nerve endings, destroys the work of most organs and causes pain that is very difficult to endure.
The disease can manifest itself in different ways, so it is quite difficult to diagnose it. But still, the patient himself can suspect the presence of such a neoplasm if he carefully monitors his he alth. The main sign of cancer is swelling of the gums, which is constantly increasing. Everything comes to the point that the affected area becomes large enough and begins to squeeze the adjacent teeth, which causes terrible discomfort, in which most often they go to the doctor.
Further, a seal appears in the oral cavity, in which pigmentation has changed. Quite often this place is surrounded by small sores or cracks. You can also see blood if you slightly touch the epicenter. The gum becomes painful. At first, these sensations are local, but after a while it is difficult for the patient to open his mouth.

Visually, this tumor can be described as a red neoplasm with white foci located on the tissues of the cavity. This disease is often confused with leukoplaxia, erythroplaxia, ulcers or gingivitis, but certain signs (excessive ulceration of the surface and an abundance of blood vessels) can confirm that this is gum cancer. The symptoms described above are very diverse and can confuse even the most scrupulous patient, so you need to be attentive to yourself and regularly undergo medical examinations.
To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to visit the dentist every six months. You also need to independently monitor the mucosa, and if suspicious phenomena are found, immediately show to specialists.
If the doctor suspects a tumor, he recommends:
- visit an oncologist;
- undergo a cytological examination, which searches for atypical cells;
- do a biopsy to determine the type of disease;
- take an x-ray that will confirm or disprove the presence of metastases in the lower jaw.

Gum cancer is difficult to recognize, so the above studieswill help in this, as well as prompt further treatment, which is prescribed only by specialists in this field.
Who gets sick the most?
This problem affects those who abuse alcohol and have chronic problems with the gums or teeth. Also, improper or completely absent hygienic care, lack of teeth or poor-quality prostheses that injure the mucous membrane have a negative effect. Gum cancer is most commonly present in smokers, betel leaf chewers, and those with oral lesions. This problem can get people suffering from the papillomavirus and herpes, as well as those who like to eat hot and too spicy food.
This disease can appear on the mucosa in three forms:
- Cancer ulcers occur in the form of wounds that have jagged edges and bleed when in contact with a toothbrush or when pressed.
- Papillary - seals appear in the form of tubercles.
- Infiltrative - the process penetrates deep, has no boundaries, strong pain appears even at rest.

Each of these forms is dangerous, as the problem is already present, and it is best to seek medical help at the first stage.
Gum cancer, which is difficult to treat, is eliminated in three stages:
- surgery;
- radiotherapy;
- chemotherapy.
During the operation, doctors cut out the patient's tumor and the soft tissues that surround it(mucous, muscular and vessels). The removed material is sent for laboratory testing. They can show how progressing and how far the disease has gone. If the neoplasm has spread throughout the jaw, then surgeons remove the submandibular triangle.
Radiotherapy can be given before or after surgery. In the first variant, both the surrounding tissues and the tumor itself are exposed to radiation, and in the second, the area where the neoplasm was located. Very often, such a procedure is prescribed as a prevention of the recurrence of the disease, because it is possible.
Chemotherapy is most often prescribed for those patients in whom the removal of gum cancer is impossible, because there are contraindications to surgical intervention. In rare cases, it is used as an adjunct to radiation therapy to enhance the effect.

At the time of this treatment, doctors prescribe drugs (in injections or capsules) that well inhibit the growth of negative cells, and also kill a small part of them. These include the following medicines:platinum;
- anthracyclines;
- epipodophyllotoxins;
- vinca alkaloids.
At the time of therapy, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient, since under the influence of such strong pills immunity is reduced, which opens up access to many viruses and infections. In order to support the body in combat readiness, a course of useful microelements and vitamins is prescribed. At this point, it is recommended to pay special attention to your diet and useonly he althy foods that can help fight the disease.
Classic methods of treatment are recommended to be combined with alternative medicine. A variety of massages, acupuncture, as well as rinsing and compresses based on medicinal herbs significantly improve oral he alth and strengthen the whole body.
Like other cancers, gum cancer can reappear. In order to avoid relapse, the patient should be examined and donate blood for tumor markers 5 months after treatment, and in some cases even earlier. It depends on the degree of the disease.
In order to minimize the possible percentage of the appearance of a tumor, it is necessary to perform the following simple procedures:
- Carefully and thoroughly care for the oral cavity;
- be attentive to the process of eating food, as well as to the composition of products and their properties;
- eliminate bad habits and work with harmful fumes;
- follow medical advice when treating dental problems;
- use quality toothpastes and rinses.

It is necessary to visit a doctor 2 times a year, who will be able to assess the condition of the cavity and suggest the necessary procedures to maintain normal he alth.
The ability to cure an ailment depends on the stage at which the disease is located. Even if signs of gum cancer were detected at the very beginning, not all patients immediately seek medical attention.help, and this is their main mistake. The disease can be complicated by the fact that all unpleasant sensations are often attributed to the consequences of a dental problem. After their removal, the passage remains open and infection can enter the hole, which accelerates the spread of cancer.
Despite all this, the mortality rate is very low. As statistics show, on average for 5-6 years they survive:
- at stages 1-2 80%;
- by 3 – up to 40%;
- by 4 - up to 15%.
If you plan the treatment correctly, you can achieve remission in more than 30% of cases.