Why does a child's butt hurt? What to do if the butt hurts?

Why does a child's butt hurt? What to do if the butt hurts?
Why does a child's butt hurt? What to do if the butt hurts?

A small child is an endless joy for parents, accompanied by a huge responsibility. The crying of a newborn is a real puzzle for young mothers and fathers, because the baby is not able to explain its cause. Nature comes to the rescue, laying the sucking reflex in the baby, thanks to which he is able to receive the highest pleasure and calm. If the baby continues to cry and cannot be calmed in any way, it is necessary to seek the advice of a pediatrician.

butt hurts
butt hurts

Time is running, year after year fly by unnoticed, the child is growing. As early as three years of age, children are able to express their wants and needs. And then suddenly a mother hears from her child: “My butt hurts.”

What should I do if my baby complains of this kind of pain?

What to do if a child complains that his butt hurts? First of all, make sure that the child does not mix up the name of the part of the body that hurts him. To do this, ask to show where exactly he feels discomfort. Then ask when he felt the pain and how bad it was.

Examine the baby's bottom to determine whether or not there is visible damagemechanical nature. You may see a rash, which could be caused by a food allergy, for example. You may find a bruise or abrasion, which is not uncommon in an active toddler.

child has pain in butt
child has pain in butt

If these minor troubles are not confirmed, and the child continues to claim that the butt hurts, you should immediately consult a doctor. The pediatrician will conduct an examination, find out the cause of the pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What can cause pain?

Why does a child's butt hurt? Top Reasons:

  • infectious disease worms;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and, as a result, disorder of the stool;
  • mechanical injuries: bruises and fractures.

What could be the basis for the development of the above reasons?

Why does a child's butt hurt? The basis for the occurrence of pains of this kind, as mentioned above, may be an infection, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, or mechanical injuries.

For a kid attending a children's educational institution, whether it's a kindergarten or a school, worms, in particular pinworms, are not uncommon, which lead to constant and intolerable itching. The result of this is pain from scratching. The reason for their appearance is simple: in crowded places, the child does not follow the rules of personal hygiene sufficiently, for example, does not wash his hands before eating and after using the toilet. Finding out if this problem might be causing your child's pain is simple. You need to take an analysis at the nearest clinickala.

why does my butt hurt
why does my butt hurt

Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract in a child in the modern world have become more common. Frequent, loose stools are a sign of diarrhea, in which the delicate skin becomes inflamed, resulting in pain. The opposite situation is also possible, when the child does not poop for 2-3 days. This is a reason to sound the alarm, as the baby has constipation, as a result of which the butt hurts more and more. In the event that parents did not have time to recognize constipation in a baby in time, complications such as anal fissure and even hemorrhoids are possible. An anal fissure is the result of the fact that solid feces, accumulating in the intestines for a long time, damage the skin of the sphincter at the exit. Repeated injuries lead to the formation of a non-healing and profusely bleeding wound. The whole process is accompanied by severe pain.

The cause of pelvic pain can also be internal injuries: a bruise or fracture of the coccyx, which could be formed in a baby, for example, during an unsuccessful descent from a hill. This is a very serious injury, the severity of which will be recognized by x-rays. The treatment of such a condition is long and mandatory, otherwise the pain can become chronic and accompany a person for life.

How to save a child from illness?

What to do if the baby's butt hurts? First of all, you need to see a doctor. Remember that self-medication can be harmful to he alth. In the event of a positive fecal test result for the eggworm, drug treatment will be prescribed, the results of which, as a rule, are not long in coming.

Sometimes children get sore butts if they suffer from constipation. The reason for this is the wrong diet. You should limit the consumption of flour, sweet and fatty foods, include foods containing coarse fiber (cabbage, carrots, herbs, etc.) in the menu. It is also recommended to give the child to drink plain water, and not tea and sweet soda. There is no medical treatment for chronic constipation resulting in an anal fissure. In this case, only creams and suppositories are prescribed, which relieve pain and help accelerate tissue regeneration. In order to get rid of the crack, it is necessary to prevent mechanical damage to the sphincter, that is, to normalize nutrition, thereby eliminating constipation.

what to do if butt hurts
what to do if butt hurts

It is impossible to be inactive and careless about such a problem. An anal fissure very quickly turns into hemorrhoids, and in this case, surgical intervention is no longer enough. In addition, constant bleeding leads to a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which, in turn, affects the entire body as a whole. Self-medication of intestinal disorders in children is unacceptable, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Can a child's complaint of pain have a psychological basis?

Sometimes there are situations when the cause of the pain is found and the problem is eliminated, but the baby continues to claim that he is in pain. No need to scold the child and claim that he is lying. Children perceive pain differently than adults. Severe injury accompanied by pain for a long timesensations, leaves a trace in the subconscious of the baby, and for a long time he feels pain on a psychological level. The child just needs to be distracted. Perhaps it will be enough to go to the store with him and buy him a toy that he has long dreamed of.

How to properly respond to the complaints of the baby?

Does the child have a pain in the ass? The complaint of the baby should not be ignored by his parents. The motto "it will hurt and pass" is not always appropriate. Especially do not neglect the constantly repeated complaints of pain, even if the problem is not visible. Timely correct diagnosis will significantly reduce the treatment time and eliminate the likelihood of complications. However, the problems should not be exaggerated.

why does a child have pain in the butt
why does a child have pain in the butt

Bruises and abrasions are common for fidgets, as are sudden allergic reactions at a young age to food. An immature digestive system protests, but with age, the body adapts and food allergies usually go away. In addition, a child who is constantly examined and taken to doctors by overly suspicious parents, subconsciously begins to feel sick, even if, as a result, the results of tests and examinations show the opposite. Regular walks in the fresh air, hardening, proper balanced nutrition and a normal daily routine are the minimum that the parents of their baby should provide in order for him to be he althy.
