Diseases accompanied by asthenic syndrome

Diseases accompanied by asthenic syndrome
Diseases accompanied by asthenic syndrome

Permanent feeling of tiredness, lack of strength and appetite… It seems that everything around has become gray, I don’t want anything, nothing makes me happy. We try to cheer ourselves up with coffee. Relatives accuse us of laziness, and we completely agree with them. In fact, many dangerous somatic and mental diseases can be accompanied by asthenic syndrome. That is why, if the feeling of fatigue does not go away after good sleep and rest, if you spend more and more time trying to force yourself to do at least something, do not hesitate, see a doctor.

Asthenic syndrome is accompanied by a number of mental illnesses - such as depression, epilepsy, neurasthenia. It is these symptoms - lack of strength and appetite - that can signal that not everything is in order in the body and in the soul. Often depression, which, according to scientists, will become one of the most common diseases in a couple of decades, due to which a person finds himselfdisabled, accompanied by severe asthenic syndrome. Often it is he who is the only manifestation of this disease. However, do not rush to buy stimulants and multivitamins. Untreated or neglected depression can lead to tragic consequences, so the consultation of a competent specialist is simply necessary. If the doctor suspects that severe asthenic syndrome may have somatic causes, he should refer the patient for examination.

cerebro asthenic syndrome
cerebro asthenic syndrome

The state of increased fatigue, mood instability, rapid exhaustion may also manifest itself in the initial period of infectious (for example, tuberculosis, influenza, malaria, parasitosis) and oncological diseases, may accompany cardiovascular or gastrointestinal (CHD, ulcer, pancreatitis) diseases. As one of the significant symptoms, cerebro-asthenic syndrome appears in cases of impaired blood supply to the brain (in children, for example, due to birth trauma or problematic intrauterine development, in adults, with encephalopathies of various origins) or hepatitis. The doctor during the examination must exclude or confirm infectious causes or chronic intoxication. General and specific blood tests will help in this.

pronounced asthenic syndrome
pronounced asthenic syndrome

If such diseases are not detected, you may need to consult an endocrinologist: very often people suffering from asthenic syndrome experience hormonal disorders. Increased exhaustion cancombined with the so-called irritable weakness: a person is quick-tempered, easily loses his temper, tearful, but any emotions quickly fade away, tire.

After possible intoxication, infectious and hormonal causes are excluded, an examination can be prescribed - MRI or electroencephalography. In recent decades, it has been proven that people suffering from asthenic syndrome (otherwise - CFS, chronic fatigue) may have a virus that causes all the unpleasant manifestations. However, there is no specific therapy. The treatment will be aimed, first of all, at eliminating the cause of asthenia, and in addition - at the general strengthening of the body.
