Health 2024, October

Treatment of enuresis in a child: reliable methods and feedback on the application

Treatment of enuresis in a child: reliable methods and feedback on the application

Incontinence in children is a fairly common problem. It can be associated with both physiological disorders and psychological factors. Naturally, many parents are interested in questions about how the treatment of enuresis in a child looks like

How to straighten the nose: ways and methods, results, photos

How to straighten the nose: ways and methods, results, photos

The nasal septum is a very thin plate of bones and cartilage, which is designed to divide the nasal cavity into left and right parts. An operation to straighten it is prescribed if there are serious causes and symptoms that interfere with normal breathing

Suffocating when coughing: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Suffocating when coughing: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Cough is a sign of many diseases, which often go unnoticed. Physical activity places increased demands on providing the body with oxygen, therefore it can provoke a cough, revealing diseases that remain in the shade for the time being

How to identify a microstroke? What is a microstroke, its consequences and treatment

How to identify a microstroke? What is a microstroke, its consequences and treatment

The most frequent cases of death or disability are usually associated with stroke and various disorders in the brain. In this article, we will find out what a microstroke is and how it manifests itself, how to avoid this process and diagnose it in time

Waterburn: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, and Treatment

Waterburn: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, and Treatment

Feeling of heartburn can occur as a result of heavy drinking during meals. Water enters the body in excess, which neutralizes the production of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, if a person has eaten fried or fatty foods, the gastric receptors will be irritated

Cerebellar stroke: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences, rehabilitation

Cerebellar stroke: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, consequences, rehabilitation

Cerebellar stroke is considered one of the most dangerous diseases. After all, the cerebellum is located very close to important vital centers. It is responsible for coordination of movements, balance, orientation in space, fine motor skills

Throat blocked: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Throat blocked: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Throat congestion is a very unpleasant phenomenon. After all, in addition to perspiration and pain, this symptom interferes with eating and greatly weakens the body. Difficulties in communication are also associated with pathologies of the throat

Cheekbones hurt: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

Cheekbones hurt: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

An ENT doctor can be contacted with various complaints, including pain in the zygomatic region. Various pathologies can be hidden behind them, and therefore one cannot do without timely high-quality diagnostics and treatment

Pain when inhaling in the back: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and treatment

Pain when inhaling in the back: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical supervision and treatment

Pain when inhaling in the back is a common occurrence, from which no one is immune. Unpleasant sensations can arise due to a large number of reasons. The effectiveness of further treatment depends on the type of disease detected and the degree of its development

Coccyx fracture: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Coccyx fracture: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Fracture of the coccyx is quite rare due to the fact that the segmental bone is well protected. But if the injury does happen, urgent medical care is needed, otherwise unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided

Cold on the lips: causes, methods and remedies

Cold on the lips: causes, methods and remedies

Each of us knows the feeling when you go to the mirror in the morning and see small swellings on your face. A cold on the lips obviously does not paint us outwardly and, among other things, causes painful sensations. It would seem, nothing terrible. Most people do not treat this pathology in any way, believing that the disease will recede on its own. However, the virus is not so simple, and it is almost impossible to remove it completely from the body

Focal pneumonia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Focal pneumonia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Pneumonia is a dangerous disease of the respiratory tract. When the first symptoms are detected, treatment should be started as soon as possible in order to avoid serious consequences

Umbilical hernia in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Umbilical hernia in children: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Umbilical hernia occurs in every fifth child, and in most cases does not pose a serious danger. However, sometimes there are advanced cases when surgical intervention is indispensable

Pseudotuberculosis in children: symptoms and treatment

Pseudotuberculosis in children: symptoms and treatment

In children, as you know, the body is not yet formed, so the infection easily penetrates inside and begins to multiply. To reduce the risk of developing pseudotuberculosis, it is necessary to strengthen the child's immunity from childhood

Dislocation of the ankle: types, symptoms and treatment

Dislocation of the ankle: types, symptoms and treatment

Dislocation of the ankle is one of the most common injuries of the lower extremity. No one is immune from getting such damage, but in order to minimize the risk, you need to follow the rules of prevention

Pain in the eyes: causes, symptoms and treatments

Pain in the eyes: causes, symptoms and treatments

Each of us met with pain and pain in the eyes, but not everyone knows the causes of the symptom. As soon as you find the first signs, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist or optometrist

Kyphosis of the spine: types, degrees, symptoms, causes, classification, treatment

Kyphosis of the spine: types, degrees, symptoms, causes, classification, treatment

Kyphosis of the spine is a fairly common occurrence these days. Many people do not pay attention to their posture, which in the future can result in serious he alth problems

Dehydration: causes, signs, treatment

Dehydration: causes, signs, treatment

Dehydration occurs due to lack of fluid. This is a very dangerous disease, ignoring which can lead to death

Why does baby have green poop? Causes and treatment

Why does baby have green poop? Causes and treatment

Green poop in a child can be associated with many reasons, including those that do not affect the he alth of the baby. When observing such an unusual phenomenon, it is extremely important to pay attention to the frequency, duration of bowel movements, the consistency of feces, as well as the presence of certain impurities in it

Bags under the eyes in men: cause and treatment

Bags under the eyes in men: cause and treatment

Bags under the eyes are almost every person. The reasons can be very diverse: from a banal lack of sleep to the presence of serious diseases. In this article, we will tell you what causes swelling and how to deal with them

Types of edema: description and treatment

Types of edema: description and treatment

What are the types of edema? How do they differ and what are their reasons for development? You will find answers to all these questions in this article

Twitching eye is an unpleasant and demanding attention pathology

Twitching eye is an unpleasant and demanding attention pathology

Rapid eye movements of the interlocutor during the conversation, as a rule, are associated with insufficient attention on his part. You can take them for a careless attitude towards the speaker. However, such a phenomenon as a twitching eye is an uncontrollable process for some people

Causes and treatment of microbial eczema: ointments, photos

Causes and treatment of microbial eczema: ointments, photos

Microbial eczema is a disease that can be chronic, its treatment should be comprehensive. An obligatory step in the treatment of this disease is the use of topical preparations - ointments, creams

Why does the lower eyelid of the left eye twitch: causes and treatment

Why does the lower eyelid of the left eye twitch: causes and treatment

From the article you can find out why the lower eyelid of the left eye twitches, how to fix the problem with folk remedies and other methods

Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear is a common phenomenon, the causes of which can be very different. Lymph nodes are an integral part of the immune system and play the role of a biofilter. They take part in metabolic processes and protect the human body from microbes, thereby forming immunity

Measles, virus. Signs, symptoms and consequences of the disease

Measles, virus. Signs, symptoms and consequences of the disease

More recently, doctors began to think that they would soon be able to defeat measles, a virus that, having one hundred percent susceptibility, caused epidemics for many hundreds of years and was the main cause of death in young children. The World He alth Organization has already been able to achieve a twenty-fold reduction in mortality from this disease and planned to completely eliminate the risks of infection in several subject regions by 2020

Air in the stomach after eating: causes, treatment, how to get rid of

Air in the stomach after eating: causes, treatment, how to get rid of

Many people are familiar firsthand with such a nuisance as air in the stomach. This is a fairly common pathology. Very few people, unfortunately, pay attention to such a problem. This physiological process in medical practice refers to functional disorders of the gastrointestinal system and is called "aerophagia" in scientific terminology

Atopic skin: what is it?

Atopic skin: what is it?

Atopic dermatitis is a fairly common problem. This disease is associated with allergic reactions. It is accompanied by a rash, redness of the skin, the formation of cracks on it. Atopic skin is the result of a sluggish allergic process in the body. It is characterized by increased sensitivity and dryness, which, under certain conditions, flows into full-fledged dermatitis

A set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Massage zones for cervical osteochondrosis

A set of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Massage zones for cervical osteochondrosis

Today, this disease is very common and causes many people great trouble, and sometimes, if not treated properly, generally leads to disability. To prevent this, you need to know how to help yourself, and for this it is enough to perform special exercises

Deep depression: signs and treatment

Deep depression: signs and treatment

Deep depression is detrimental to the human psyche. It even leads to suicide. Symptoms may be incomprehensible to others, but the therapist immediately recognizes the ailment. Methods of treating the disease depend on the condition of the patient. The sooner medical care is provided, the higher the chances of a speedy recovery

Trachea hurts when swallowing: causes and treatment

Trachea hurts when swallowing: causes and treatment

If a person has a pain in the trachea, then perhaps an inflammatory process is taking place in his body. It is necessary to identify the cause of the symptoms and begin treatment. In some cases, surgery is required, and sometimes you can cope with the disease yourself

Grave bone - features, causes and reviews

Grave bone - features, causes and reviews

The grave bone is a benign cystic formation of a rounded shape, up to 3 cm in diameter. It is localized near the joints. It is a small bump filled with viscous contents that look like transparent jelly. It can appear on any part of the body: arm, leg and even on the forehead. Scientifically called hygroma

Ulcers in the tongue: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period

Ulcers in the tongue: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period

In adults and children, sores and pustules on the tongue may appear from time to time. What methods of therapy will be prescribed depends on the causes of ulcers in the tongue. This article analyzes the most common diseases that provoke the appearance of a problem and effective methods of therapy

Oculomotor nerve damage: symptoms

Oculomotor nerve damage: symptoms

The oculomotor nerve belongs to the group of mixed nerves. It consists of motor and parasympathetic fibers. It is due to the oculomotor nerve that the raising, lowering, rotation and other movements of the eyeball are carried out

Pancreatic juice: description, composition, functions and features

Pancreatic juice: description, composition, functions and features

A person produces about 1.5-2 liters per day. pancreatic juice. Secretion is controlled by the nervous and endocrine systems. With a large amount of pancreatic juice, which secretes iron, an acute and chronic stage of pancreatitis develops. With a lack of secretion, a person quickly loses weight, although he has an increased appetite and eats a lot

Moderate condition: assessment of the patient's condition, criteria and indicators

Moderate condition: assessment of the patient's condition, criteria and indicators

The severity of the patient's general condition is determined depending on the presence and severity of decompensation of important vital functions of the body. In accordance with this, doctors decide on the urgency of performing and the required volume of diagnostic and therapeutic measures, indications for hospitalization are determined along with transportability and the likely outcome of the disease

Drug Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms, First Aid, Diagnostic Testing and Treatment

Drug Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms, First Aid, Diagnostic Testing and Treatment

Medication poisoning is considered one of the most dangerous. If a person has taken too large a dose of strong drugs, then there is a high risk of death. You need to know how to act in a situation if someone is poisoned

What is the yellow ligament of the spine and how is hypertrophy of this tissue manifested?

What is the yellow ligament of the spine and how is hypertrophy of this tissue manifested?

The yellow ligament is an important structure that connects the arches of adjacent vertebrae. Thus, the ligaments protect the spinal cord from kinks and compression

Maternity fever: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Maternity fever: causes, symptoms and treatment features

A group of diseases caused by infectious infection of women in labor during childbirth is called postpartum sepsis, or, as they said in the old days, puerperal fever (fever)

Fracture of the forearm: rehabilitation and treatment

Fracture of the forearm: rehabilitation and treatment

The article will tell you what is a fracture of the forearm, what are the methods of treatment and rehabilitation for this injury