Medication poisoning in adults often occurs due to ignoring the doctor's instructions and the instructions that came with the medication. Symptoms of an overdose largely depend on the general state of he alth, the type of drug taken and, of course, its dosage. But all cases of drug poisoning have one thing in common - the victim under any circumstances needs emergency first aid.
Some information
Medication poisoning can be accidental or intentional. In the first case, children are more exposed to this condition, but adults face only minor intoxication. If we are talking about a deliberate overdose, you can get pretty serious poisoning. Such intoxication is considered extremely dangerous - in the absence of appropriate assistance, even death is possible.
The most common overdose of several groups of medicines: antipyretics, analgesics, antidepressants, hypnotics andtranquilizers. Due to the fact that narcotic compounds can also be presented in the form of drugs, poisoning with them is diagnosed quite often.
Medication poisoning (according to ICD-10 - T36-T50) can occur for various reasons:
- deviation from the recommended dosage;
- acceptance of overdue funds;
- uncontrolled therapy;
- combination of drugs from different groups that cannot be combined;
- Wrong choice of drug.

In fact, such intoxication can lead to very sad, and sometimes even irreparable consequences. So don't take this condition lightly.
ICD-10 drug poisoning codes - from T36 to T50.
Common signs
In each individual case, drug poisoning may have certain characteristics. Depending on the type of medication that provokes it:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - sudden pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea. In some cases, there is also a feeling of coldness in the hands and feet, severe shortness of breath, increased salivation, loss of vision.
- Cardiac glycosides - delirium, syncope, arrhythmia, likely vomiting and abdominal tenderness.
- Antidepressants - lowering blood pressure, blurred vision, confusion.
- Antihistamines - drowsiness, redness of the integument, rapid pulse, dryness duringmouth, shortness of breath, lethargy.
- Antiseptic drugs - nausea and acute pain.
- Analgesics - migraine, tinnitus, fainting, heavy sweating.
- Drugs for diabetics - vomiting, a sharp increase in appetite, apathy, anxiety, paralysis of the legs and arms, dizziness, perspiration, increased pressure, impaired speech function.
- Sleeping pills - alternating drowsiness and excessive arousal, deep sleep can take the form of a coma.
- Drugs that affect the liver and kidneys - the occurrence of insufficiency, pain in the lower back or in the right hypochondrium. Often, such poisoning occurs while taking antibiotics or alcohol.

Among other things, there may be other symptoms characteristic of intoxication associated with any drug:
- redness or blanching of the skin;
- unaccustomed breath odor;
- expansion or constriction of the pupils - most often observed in case of poisoning with a group of opiates.
But be that as it may, if such symptoms appear, the victim should be given emergency assistance, call a team of doctors and try to find out from the patient what specific medications he took.
General rules for the treatment of drug poisoning
Whatever means a person is poisoned, the first thing to do is to call a team of doctors and take emergency resuscitation measures:
- Try to find out which medication you tookinjured and in what quantity.
- If the remedy was taken orally, wash the stomach and give the patient sorbents. But keep in mind that such a procedure is contraindicated in case of poisoning with cauterizing agents, for example, potassium permanganate, iodine, ammonia. as well as acids and alkalis.
- If the medicine got inside through the lungs, take the victim outside, let him catch his breath. Rinse your mouth, eyes, nose and throat with cool water.
- If the medicine gets into your eyes, wash them thoroughly, then apply a bandage of gauze or use glasses. To eliminate inflammation and disinfection, use Albucid or Levomycetin.
- Then let the patient rest and keep him comfortable until the specialists arrive.

No matter what drugs poisoning was provoked, the liver almost always suffers more than other organs. To normalize its work, it may take some time and the use of certain medications. A positive result can be achieved with the help of hepatoprotectors and nutritional supplements with lecithin, omega-3, selenium, amino acids, chromium and antioxidants. Although it is best to consult a doctor for advice.
Barbiturate poisoning
Almost all derivatives of these drugs are absorbed fairly quickly, and for the most part it is the digestive tract. The lethal dosage is 10 medical doses of the drug.
Acute poisoningdrugs with a hypnotic effect is characterized by suppression of the activity of the central nervous system. The key symptom is respiratory failure and the active development of oxygen starvation. Very quickly, breathing becomes irregular and too infrequent.
In this case, the patient's reflex functions are inhibited. Pupils at first constrict and react to lighting, and then expand, there is no reaction. Death can occur against the background of paralysis of the respiratory department and a significant violation of blood flow.
There are several stages of poisoning with sleeping pills:
- first - falling asleep, excessive drowsiness appears, slow reaction, apathy, but the person is able to communicate;
- second - superficial coma, fainting;
- third - deep coma, there is a lack of all reflexes, the work of the central nervous system is suppressed;
- fourth - a post-coma state in which consciousness gradually returns.
Probable complications of such intoxication are: pneumonia, bedsores, tracheobronchitis.
First Aid
Barbiturate poisoning requires emergency intervention. The first step is to remove the poison from the body. To do this, flushing with about 10-14 liters of water should be resorted to, it is desirable to use a probe. If the victim is conscious, you can artificially induce vomiting after taking warm water. You can use ordinary s alt, mustard powder, or subcutaneously "Apomorphine".
Foraccelerated withdrawal of barbiturates, drinking plenty of fluids and taking diuretics is recommended. In severe drug poisoning, intravenous administration of a 5% solution of glucose or sodium chloride is indicated.

To prevent the development of pneumonia and a sharp rise in temperature, antibiotics are prescribed - intramuscularly "Amidopyrin". Vasoconstrictor drugs are used to normalize vascular tone. To activate the work of the heart, fast-acting glycosides are needed. If the patient's heart has stopped, it is necessary to inject adrenaline and give a massage.
Antidepressant poisoning
This group of drugs is characterized by rapid absorption in the stomach and distribution throughout the body, which increases the toxic effect. The prognosis for such poisoning is always extremely serious, because the lethality with such intoxication reaches 20% when using more than a gram of the active substance.
The cardiovascular and central nervous systems suffer primarily. Almost immediately after poisoning, overexcitation, hallucinations occur, and the temperature drops. Respiratory function is gradually suppressed and coma develops. With such poisoning, cardiac arrest and cardiopathy are often the main causes of death.
The patient's pupils dilate, the oral cavity dries up, the work of the digestive tract is disturbed, sometimes intestinal paresis occurs.
First aid for poisoning with drugs of the antidepressant group
The first thing to do is to wash the stomach with soda, s alt or activated charcoal. The procedure must be carried out in the first 2 hours after the incident, and then repeated. It is advisable to use an enema.
Vometic drugs are considered effective in such a situation. It is strictly forbidden to use cardiac glycosides, if breathing problems are observed, artificial ventilation of the lungs is necessary.

Hypertensin is used to normalize vascular tone. To eliminate convulsions and overexcitation, you need to take Aminazine and barbiturates. Physicians also recommend intravenous administration of Physostigmine. This drug lowers the pulse and raises blood pressure.
Tranquilizer poisoning
Symptomatology is manifested in the suppression of the functions of the central nervous system. Due to muscle weakness, a tremor appears, the heartbeat is disturbed, and pressure drops. The main symptom of poisoning with drugs of the tranquilizer group is an increase in peristalsis of the digestive tract, accompanied by dry mouth.
In severe intoxication, other signs are also noted: hallucinations, confusion, convulsions, severe arousal. In addition, tachycardia, blue skin, and breathing problems cannot be ruled out.
How to help
The primary role is played by timely washings using activated charcoal, a laxative from s alt and a siphon enema. Equally important is the use of drugs for norm althe work of the heart - "Cocarboxylase", "Strophanthin", "Korglikon", vasoconstrictor drugs, as well as alkaline solutions. In the future, oxygen therapy is recommended for patients.

Poisoning with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs
With such intoxication, tinnitus, vision loss, all kinds of stomach disorders, including diarrhea, rapid noisy breathing, most often appear. In severe lesions, the development of a coma is not excluded. It is not uncommon for patients to experience uterine and nosebleeds. The further prognosis for such drug poisoning (ICD-10 code - T39) is most often favorable.

After gastric lavage, a glass of vaseline oil is introduced through a probe, after which a laxative is taken - 20 g of sodium sulfate. The victim is shown plenty of fluids and enemas every hour. Such therapy is necessary until breathing normalizes.
Poisoning with drugs for the cardiovascular system
With such intoxication, intravenous drip of novocaine with glucose is necessary, as well as intramuscular - magnesium sulfate and subcutaneous - diphenhydramine. If drug poisoning (according to ICD-10 - T46) has led to convulsions and difficulty breathing, the use of a 10% solution of barbamyl, 8-10 ml intravenously at intervals of half a minute, is required. This therapy is carried out until the eliminationconvulsions. Enemas with 1% chloral hydrate are also used.
If the described help in case of poisoning with drugs of the glycoside group was unsuccessful, intravenous administration of Ditilin followed by artificial respiration is necessary. If the pulse has become too rare, the use of "Atropine" and calcium chloride intravenously is required. In the future, the patient is recommended oxygen therapy.