Inflammation of the synovial membrane is a fairly common disease that is often encountered in orthopedic practice. Moreover, in most cases, the inflammatory process is observed in the knee. So what are the main causes of synovitis of the knee joint, what are the signs of the disease? These questions are of interest to many people.
Main causes of knee synovitis

Today, it is customary to identify several main causes of the development of the inflammatory process:
- The most common in medical practice is post-traumatic synovitis of the knee joint. In this case, the inflammation of the membrane is caused by a mechanical injury to the knee (for example, a blow or a fall), which is accompanied by damage to the internal articular parts.
- In some cases, the inflammatory process is caused by various diseases: arthritis, hemophilia, etc. This is reactive synovitis of the knee joint,accompanied by secondary inflammation.
- The most severe is the chronic form of inflammation, since it is very difficult to diagnose it in the early stages. Its main symptoms - fatigue when walking, slight soreness - practically do not cause concern in the patient. In the meantime, progressive inflammation can lead to dangerous consequences (up to complete immobility of the joint).
Knee synovitis symptoms

The clinical picture with such a disease may look different, since the symptoms and their intensity depend on the form and cause of the development of the inflammatory process. If synovitis is caused by severe trauma, then the symptoms are very characteristic. Inflammation is accompanied by effusion into the internal cavity of the joint and severe swelling. The slightest touch responds with pain, the joint is almost completely immobilized. Along with this, there is a sharp increase in temperature and a deterioration in the patient's condition.
At the same time, the chronic form in the early stages is accompanied only by increased fatigue while walking and minor discomfort. As the effusion accumulates in the joint cavity, there is limited movement, pain, and dropsy of the joint may develop. If left untreated, gradual sprains and sometimes dislocations are possible.
In some cases, synovitis can be complicated by the penetration of infection into the joint cavity, which is fraught with the appearance of a purulent process.
Treatment of knee synovitisjoint

With such a disease, treatment is selected exclusively by a doctor, unauthorized use of drugs is prohibited. In the initial stages, when the symptoms are not too pronounced, conservative therapy is possible, which includes taking anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and ointments. Patients are prescribed medications that eliminate swelling and normalize blood circulation. In the presence of an infection, it is advisable to use antibiotics. In addition, therapeutic exercises and various physiotherapy are an obligatory part of the treatment.
If the disease is accompanied by severe pain, then it is possible to use special prostheses that limit the movement of the joint. Only in the most severe cases, surgical methods of treatment are used.