Vlash eaters in dogs: urgent treatment required

Vlash eaters in dogs: urgent treatment required
Vlash eaters in dogs: urgent treatment required

Video: Vlash eaters in dogs: urgent treatment required

Video: Vlash eaters in dogs: urgent treatment required
Video: Огурцы не будут желтеть и болеть! Это аптечное средство поможет увеличить урожай! 2025, January

Vlaseeds are blood-sucking parasites belonging to the family Trichodectidae, order Mallophaga. These are small wingless yellowish or brownish insects with three pairs of limbs. Their body length is from 1.5 to 5 mm. Mouth apparatus gnawing type. They can feed on blood, lymph, particles of the epidermis. They are similar to lice in dogs. The photo demonstrates and confirms this well. The difference is the head, which is much wider than the body.

lice in dogs
lice in dogs

The dog can pick them up, as a rule, when in contact with homeless infected relatives. Parasites cause itching, accompanied by scratching, and sometimes biting the affected areas. The animal loses weight, lags behind in growth and development, the body's defenses fall sharply. Large concentrations of ectoparasites are found at the base of the tail and on the inside of the hind limbs.

Vlasoedy in dogs breed quickly. In 4-6 weeks, the egg becomes an adult insect. A fertilized female can lay about 100 eggs (nits). As a rule, they are located at the base of the hair, and they are fixed by the hardening secretion of the glands. After 1-3 weeks, the larvae emerge from the nits, and after another three weeks, after three molts, they become sexually mature insects, ready forfurther reproduction.

lice in dogs photo
lice in dogs photo

Dog eaters can be identified in a very simple way. The pet must be covered with a dark cloth heated to 500C. Parasites are heat-loving, high temperatures will lure them to the surface of the hairline, or they will crawl to fabric, where they are clearly visible to the naked eye.

Vlas-eaters in dogs can cause quite serious diseases, as they are their carriers. For example, mice and rats are carriers of leptospirosis. Parasites, moving from an infected rodent to a dog and biting it, introduce the causative agent of the disease into the blood, which begins to multiply rapidly. Puppies and young animals can die in this situation within 2 days. In addition, allergic dermatitis caused by the saliva of parasites can be provoked by lice in dogs. When combing, open wounds appear on the animal's body, which can serve as a "gateway" for infection. That's why it's so important to get rid of them.

Vlasoyed in dogs treatment
Vlasoyed in dogs treatment

A lot of problems and inconvenience can be caused by lice in dogs. Treatment consists in ridding the animal of parasites. Insecticides will help with this. The dog can be bathed in a solution of chlorophos (0.75%) or an emulsion of cyodrin (0.15%). After two weeks, the procedure must be repeated. In the cold season, when it is undesirable to bathe an animal, if it lives in the yard, you can use dusts of chlorophos (3%), sevin (3%), karbofos (4%). A good effect can be achieved when washing with zoo shampoos.("Demos-Lux", "Apit", "Lugovoy", etc.) or treated with insecticide-acaricidal sprays or drops ("Bars", "Defendog", "Dana", etc.). Be sure to burn the bedding, and treat the leashes and collars with boiling water.

As a preventive measure against infection with lice and other parasites, it is necessary to carry out periodic treatment of the animal or use anti-parasitic collars, wash the room with water with the addition of zoo shampoo, treat (change regularly) the litter, and avoid contact with stray relatives.