Treatment of streptoderma at home in children and adults

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Treatment of streptoderma at home in children and adults
Treatment of streptoderma at home in children and adults

Video: Treatment of streptoderma at home in children and adults

Video: Treatment of streptoderma at home in children and adults
Video: Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms of Parasites In Your Body 2025, January

Streptoderma is an infectious disease. Most often, this disease affects people with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases, as well as children. There are several treatment regimens for this disease, it is possible to treat streptoderma at home.

streptoderma treatment at home
streptoderma treatment at home

Characteristics of Streptococcus

Streptococcus bacteria is constantly present on our skin. Thanks to immunity, streptococcus cannot penetrate inside and cause inflammation. If there are even minor scratches on the skin or if the immune system is weakened, the bacterium penetrates the subcutaneous layers.

Streptococcus causes a disease such as streptoderma, treatment, photo, symptoms and diagnosis of which are described below. Streptoderma is dangerous because group A streptococcus is pathogenic for the kidneys and heart and can cause allergies or autoimmune diseases.

treatment of streptoderma with folk remedies
treatment of streptoderma with folk remedies

Curious facts about streptoderma

  • Exceptstreptoderma, streptococcus is the cause of tonsillitis, bronchitis, meningitis and many other diseases.
  • Among children's dermatological diseases, steptoderma is the most common.
  • Streptococcus causes about half of all skin diseases.
  • Streptoderma is more common in southern countries with subtropical and tropical climates.

Dry streptoderma or lichen

Dry streptoderma, the symptoms and treatment of which differ from other forms of the disease, is also caused by the bacterium streptococcus. In the common people, it is customary to call it deprive. It spreads easily between people. With timely treatment, dry streptoderma will not leave marks on the skin. A positive result in the treatment is given by both medication and folk remedies.

streptoderma symptoms and treatment
streptoderma symptoms and treatment

Among the causes of the disease are insect bites, swimming in a pool with contaminated water, thin epidermis. Dry streptoderma can be transmitted through clothes, hands, toys. In the spring, when immunity decreases and there are not enough vitamins, dry streptoderma is much more common. Home treatment should be carried out simultaneously with taking drugs to increase immunity.

This disease is dry spots up to 5 centimeters in diameter - white or pink, covered with a crust. Most often, the face, ears, lower jaw are affected, less often the disease occurs on the back and limbs. Dry streptoderma develops rapidly, body temperature does not rise, itching occurs.

Distinguishing dry streptoderma from fungal diseases allows diagnosis by seeding biological material. For treatment, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, vitamins. Affected areas of the skin are treated with disinfectants - such as fukortsin, iodine, brilliant green, and then with ointments containing antibiotics.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for a disease such as dry streptoderma. Treatment at home can be carried out with alcohol tinctures of elder bark, calendula, walnut.

Spots that remain on the skin after recovery disappear after a while.

streptoderma home treatment
streptoderma home treatment

Streptoderma in adults

In adults, streptoderma rarely occurs due to skin wounds, rather it can appear as a secondary infection. It can also be transmitted by contact from infected adults and children, through common things.

In adults, the disease is milder than in children. In three weeks, streptoderma in adults can pass, the treatment of which was carried out without medication. Advanced disease can spread throughout the skin.

Painful sensations with streptoderma in adults are practically absent, only if the infection gets on the ulcers, inflammation and fever can occur. In the acute stage of the disease, itching and burning appear. In patients with diabetes, the healing process can take several months.

The biggest mistake adults make when treating streptoderma is not going todoctor for self-treatment. As a rule, treatment of streptoderma at home with antibacterial drugs before diagnosis can change the clinical picture, which subsequently makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment should be carried out comprehensively, in the absence of contraindications, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy. Do not come into contact with chemicals and water.

Treatment in adults

Treatment of streptoderma with folk remedies is often effective. There are several recipes:

streptoderma in adults treatment
streptoderma in adults treatment
  • treatment of affected skin with tartar juice up to 5 times a day;
  • compresses from lovage root heal well;
  • for 3-4 procedures to cope with streptoderma will help wiping hellebore with tincture of water;
  • inside 100 ml before meals, you can use white willow bark, brewed in boiling water and infused all night;
  • echinacea tincture will help strengthen immunity - take it 10 drops dissolved in 15 ml of water before meals;
  • juice of celandine, lovage and calendula, passed through a meat grinder, squeezed through gauze, must be mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:1 and processed on the skin and taken orally after meals;
  • You can treat damaged skin with tincture of Japanese Sophora - to prepare it for 100 ml of alcohol, you need 2 tablespoons of dry grass, you need to insist it in a dark place.

If there are frequent recurrences of the disease, it is necessary to consult an immunologist. Treatmentstreptoderma at home should be accompanied by the intake of vitamin complexes and drugs to increase immunity.

Streptoderma in children

Many parents experience streptoderma in children. The following varieties are distinguished:

  • simple lichen of the face;
  • chronic diffuse streptoderma;
  • vulgar ecthyma;
  • mug;
  • streptococcal congestion;
  • impetigo.

Entire epidemics of streptoderma occur in schools and kindergartens, where infection can occur from a sick child and through toys and common things. The main reason for such an outbreak of the disease is non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Symptoms of streptoderma in children

In children with streptoderma, there is an increase in lymph nodes, the body temperature is low - up to 37, 5 °, it can last for a long time. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a bacteriological culture of the scraping and microscopy, which can be performed only before the start of treatment. If any drugs were used to treat the disease before going to the doctor, microscopic examination will not give accurate results.

Treatment of childhood streptoderma

If the child's general condition remains normal and the foci of the disease are isolated, local therapy is sufficient for treatment. In a more severe course of the disease, a course of hemotherapy, vitamin preparations, ultraviolet irradiation of blood and damaged skin is used. Therefore, the treatment of streptoderma in children at home is possible only at the initial stage.

treatment of streptoderma in children at home
treatment of streptoderma in children at home

Streptococcal seizures on the face are treated with silver nitrate. With the sluggish nature of the course of the disease, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for a course of 6 days. Children's nails need to be treated with iodine. For a faster recovery, sulfa drugs are used. All skin lesions are disinfected to prevent further infection. During treatment, all water procedures are canceled, it is possible to use chamomile infusion.

After treatment of the skin, it is necessary to open the resulting pustules and blisters with a sterile needle, which are then treated with brilliant green. After disinfection of the affected areas of the skin, a dry bandage with ointment is applied. Often crusts are smeared with salicylic vaseline.

Treatment of streptoderma in children at home should be carried out with the obligatory observance of several rules: a sick child must be provided with individual dishes, hygiene products, linen; the room in which he is located should be regularly ventilated, all items that he used should be disinfected. In hospitals, mandatory quartzization of the room where the patient is located should be carried out.

A sick child must be dressed in accordance with the temperature regime and in clothes made of natural fabrics so that he does not sweat.

streptoderma treatment photo
streptoderma treatment photo

Treatment of streptoderma at home in a family with several children should take place with mandatory isolation of a sick child.


To prevent streptoderma in adults and children, you must:

  • carry out timely treatment of all, even minor, skin wounds;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • timely treat internal diseases;
  • strengthen immunity, exercise, lead a he althy lifestyle.