Dermatitis is an irritation of the skin on the hands. Pathology appears quite often, since the hands more often than other parts of the body come into contact with external stimuli. In addition to the external environment, the skin is affected by internal factors that can also cause inflammation. Due to the multiplicity of causes that cause dermatitis, the classification of the disease has a large number of signs and characteristics.
Main reasons
Treatment of dermatitis on the hands is prescribed only after determining the type of lesion, the causes of its occurrence.
The main types of irritants that cause inflammation on the hands, including on the forearms, bends of the elbows:
- Physical - friction, temperature, radiation, pressure, etc.
- Biological - reactions to natural allergens (pollen, plant sap).
- Chemical - inflammation from the action of varnishes, paints, washing powder, detergents, cleaning products, etc.
Internal causes of dermatitis are:
- Food intolerances/allergies (citrus fruits, strawberries, eggs, chicken, etc.).
- Poisoning by substances of chemical origin by direct contact, after ingestion through the stomach, respiratory tract.
- Allergic reaction to medication. Most often occurs if the composition of the drugs includes nickel, chromium, analgesics, antibiotics, etc.
- Allergic reaction to cosmetics, perfumes, fungal infections, helminth infections, etc.
- Heredity to atopy. The reaction appears against the background of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, autoimmune diseases, liver diseases, etc.
Often, patients themselves notice that dermatitis appears after stress, prolonged neurosis, during a period of depression or hormonal failure. In people with a hereditary tendency to allergies, reactivity will be much more intense. Treatment of dermatitis on the hands and other parts of the body should be carried out without fail. Lack of therapy can result in skin atrophy.

Types of lesions
Methods of treating dermatitis on the hands depend on the type of inflammation and the cause of its occurrence. Currently, ailments are classified as follows:
- Itching dermatitis is a reaction of the nervous system to irritants, including those of allergic origin.
- Complication of an existing disease - diabetes mellitus, liver or kidney disease, helminthic invasion, etc.
- Infectious lesion, which iscause of dermatitis on the hands. Treatment of the underlying disease relieves the rash, which is a manifestation of the pathology. Types of infections include streptococci, staphylococci, etc.
- Dermatomycosis is a fungal infection, manifested by the characteristic forms of mycids. Inflammations of this type appear only with reduced immunity.
- Cold dermatitis (dry) is a consequence of the action of low temperature on the capillaries, causing them to spasm. Outwardly, it looks like spots of a bluish, burgundy hue, there is a strong burning sensation, itching, dryness of the skin.
- Red dermatitis - the appearance of a nodular rash (papules) of a pink hue on the bend of the elbows.
There are always reasons for dermatitis on the hands. Treatment is prescribed only after their clarification and determination of the severity of the lesion. Acute atopy causes severe inflammation, itching, swelling, burning, and pain. The skin becomes red-pink. With chemical, thermal and physical damage, blisters filled with liquid can form, as well as areas with a dead layer of skin. Bursting, the blisters leave erosive areas with constant wetting, gradually they become covered with scales, crusts.

Treatment of chronic dermatitis on the hands is long-term. With advanced forms of pathology, the skin in the affected areas thickens, peeling is often present, dryness of the integument may be accompanied by painful cracks. With mechanical damage, serous blisters form on the palms or dermatitis can take the form of a densecalluses.
Dry dermatitis most often occurs on the fingers in the form of blue-red swelling with itching and burning. Contact dermatitis is relieved by the absence of temporary contact with the irritant and completely disappears when the irritant is removed from the area of frequent contact.
Common types of dermatitis and their treatment
There are several types of irritations that are quite common and respond well to treatment:
- In the cold season, many are haunted by cold dermatitis on their hands. Treatment includes the use of external agents and medication. The affected areas are lubricated with ointments intended for the treatment of allergies (Losterin, zinc ointment, Fenistil, Radevit, etc.). In case of systemic damage, a specialist may recommend taking antihistamines (Claritin, Tavegil, etc.) and vitamin complexes for general immunity strengthening.
- Many are familiar with contact dermatitis on their hands. Treatment consists in the complete exclusion of the allergen from the sphere of one's life and the treatment of the consequences of the lesion. The patient is prescribed ointments for the treatment of affected areas of the skin ("Dawn", "Radevit", "De-panthenol", "Videstim", etc.). In some cases, the doctor may prescribe topical treatment based on hormone therapy or steroid group drugs, antifungal creams / ointments. The appointment of a particular drug is associated with the type of lesion provoked by the main allergic factor.

Specific dermatitis
Manyproblems creates dry dermatitis on the hands. Treatment is based on finding out the nature of the disease, which may be caused by cold, the influence of allergic contact agents, seborrhea or other causes. The task of the doctor is to make an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication at best will not bring results, and at worst will cause complications.
Long-term treatment dermatitis:
- Dry or seborrheic dermatitis is a fungal skin infection caused by a weakened immune system. The treatment uses an integrated approach aimed at strengthening the immune system, eliminating the cause that caused the weakening of the protective functions of the body and suppressing the development of fungal flora. External agents for neutralizing the fungus are of an auxiliary nature and help limit the spread of the fungus on the skin. Directional ointments are used - Miconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, etc.
- Common diseases include allergic dermatitis on the hands. Treatment is prescribed after identifying the type of allergy. To date, more than 3 thousand agents that cause pathology are known, including plant pollen, food, chemical agents, household dust, etc. Allergy tests and a series of general analyzes are required to obtain a picture of the disease. Therapeutic measures can be systemic if the allergy is the result of an immune system reaction or local if the irritation is the result of contact with the allergen. External ointments (Lokoid, Sudocrem, etc.) and oral agents (Suprastin, Enterosgel, Diazolin, Smecta, etc.) are prescribed.
Many faces of chronic dermatitis
Many patients are haunted by atopic dermatitis on their hands. Treatment is difficult in cases where the skin reacts to multiple factors. This disease is hereditary chronic with periods of exacerbation and remission. Various reasons can provoke a reactive surge - neurosis, immune response, colds, food allergies, medications, etc.

Therapeutic measures are systemic. Treatment of dermatitis on the hands of adults and children is implemented comprehensively throughout the entire period of exacerbation. During the period of remission, general strengthening agents are prescribed. The doctor selects an individual therapy program for each period of the course of the pathology:
- During the period of exacerbation, it is recommended to take glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines. When a bacterial infection is attached, antibiotics must be prescribed (orally or by injection, ointments and aerosols).
- During the period of remission, a series of means to maintain the condition is recommended - sorbents, complex vitamins, moisturizing skin creams, immunomodulators. Spa treatment is recommended, a course of sanatorium therapy.
Due to the fact that atopic dermatitis is chronic, the patient needs constant attention to his he alth. Treatment of dermatitis on the hands must be started at the first sign of its appearance in order to prevent the irritation from becoming chronic, to prevent infections from joining mild manifestations.
Contact dermatitis: features
Treatment of contact dermatitis on the hands of adults begins with the exclusion of the irritant from all areas of the patient's life. The affected areas are disinfected, restoring, moisturizing, nourishing skin care is provided.
Quite specific has symptoms of contact dermatitis on the hands. Treatment includes a number of restrictive measures, for example, the exclusion of contact with water; when working in a humid environment, protection in the form of latex gloves is necessary. For hygiene procedures, it is better to use hypoallergenic soap. All foci of inflammation need disinfection and local treatment with ointments.
Treatment of dermatitis on the hands will be more successful if you follow a diet that includes enough water, natural oils for salad dressing. Harmful foods are excluded from the diet - smoked meats, sweets, sauces, pastries, citrus fruits, some types of berries, fatty fish and meat.
External remedies
External remedies effectively help with unaggravated dermatitis on the hands. Treatment with ointments is carried out under the supervision of a specialist (dermatologist), who selects a therapeutic drug.

The most commonly used are:
- Propolis ointment, "Skin-Cap" - effective in weeping forms of dermatitis, have a drying effect, relieve itching, swelling, redness of the skin. This group of ointments dries not only the lesions, but also he althy areas of the skin around dermatitis. As soon as weeping dermatitis disappears,you must immediately stop using this category of drugs, continued use may cause an allergic reaction.
- "Dexpanthenol", "Bepanten", "Fenistil" - to eliminate itching, swelling, discoloration of the integument. Have a moisturizing and softening effect.
- "Radevit", "Atopra" - enriched with a vitamin complex (A, E, D) that promotes the regeneration of the epidermis.
- "Lokoid", "Belosalik", "Celestoderm", "Advantan" - a group of corticosteroid ointments. These types of external agents are prescribed in cases where all previous methods of external therapy have failed.
- "Triderm", "Fucikort" - antibiotic-based ointments to eliminate a bacterial infection or fungal infection. Appointed in case of infection of wounds.
Dermatitis in children
Treatment of dermatitis on the hands in childhood is limited to symptomatic therapy. Experts recommend products for external use. It is believed that dermatitis in a child goes away on its own when the milestone of 7 years of life is passed. Doctors prescribe moisturizing ointments and skin creams (Advantan, Hydrolipidic, Bepanten, etc.). If this approach has not yielded results, then the pediatric dermatologist, after additional research, will prescribe funds for systemic treatment.
Treatment of dermatitis on the hands of children with allergic reactions is accompanied by the appointment of sparing antihistamines (Telfast, Zirtek, etc.). Moist wounds are treated with talkers or zinc ointment. A pronounced itching is neutralized with ointments, for example, "Gistan",Elidel.

Children's dermatitis requires careful diagnosis, most likely allergic reactions are related to diet, contact with unsuitable tissue, pets in the home, or poor hygiene. Before using medications, including oral medications, it is worth eliminating the most common food allergens from the menu.
Also, doctors will recommend using hypoallergenic products when bathing, and using oils of natural origin - almond, linseed or olive to soften the skin. Often such measures are sufficient to completely eliminate irritations and dermatitis.
Folk remedies
Treatment of dermatitis on the hands with folk remedies is aimed at eliminating the consequences of dermatitis that has appeared, disinfecting the resulting skin lesions and healing wounds.
The following recipes will help in the fight against manifestations:
- Infusions of St. John's wort, oak bark, celandine are used to moisturize the skin of the hands. Used as rubdowns.
- Propolis and olive oil ointment relieves irritation, promotes regeneration, softens the skin. Mix one part of crushed propolis with four parts of unrefined olive oil in a glass container with a wide mouth. Place the vessel in the oven and heat to melt the propolis. Once all solids have dissolved, mix thoroughly and cool to room temperature (stir occasionally to prevent segregation). Ointment is used to lubricateaffected areas of the skin of the hands.
- Lotions to relieve irritation, eliminate peeling and soften the skin from a decoction of flax seeds. 2 tablespoons of seeds pour 0.5 cups of water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, insist and strain. In a decoction, moisten the cloth and apply on the affected skin in the form of a compress.

To relieve symptoms and irritations, there are a large number of recipes, many of them eliminate dermatitis on the hands. Alternative treatment is based on the use of plants that act as allergens for many people. If a patient is diagnosed with allergic dermatitis, and the patient demonstrates reactivity to pollen, plant sap, then traditional medicine can aggravate the situation. The same danger lurks when using bee products.
It is almost impossible to protect yourself from an allergic reaction. Each person can unexpectedly get dermatitis for previously harmless means for him.

Take the minimum precautions necessary, their range includes:
- Hand skin care (nutrition, moisturizing, thorough washing with hypoallergenic detergents).
- He althy food with plenty of grains, fiber, vegetable oils, proteins.
- Creating a favorable psychological environment at home and at work, avoiding stress.
- Minimize the use of harsh household detergents, do not usemass-produced air fresheners, etc.
- Exercise in moderation.
A person cannot avoid dermatitis on the hands, at least once in a lifetime this unpleasant irritation will happen to everyone. In treatment, it is important to take action immediately and not allow a small trouble to turn into a big chronic problem.