Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy is diagnosed in 7% of women and develops most often in the last trimester. The mechanism of occurrence of this pathology has not been fully understood. In 70% of cases, this condition is associated with the restructuring of the body that occurs after conception.
General information
Thrombocytopenia is a blood disorder characterized by low levels of platelets (formed from giant red bone marrow cells). What is the role of these cells? If a wound forms in the body, a large number of platelets rush to it in order to “glue” it. Then there are changes in the plates themselves and the aggregation of new cells instead of those previously used to close the wound. In this disease, platelets are either rapidly destroyed or synthesized in small quantities.

In the body of a he althy woman in the absence of pregnancy, the number of these cells varies from 200 to 300x109/l. Their lifespan does not exceed seven days, then they are utilized in the liver or spleen. If athe number of these cells is markedly reduced, a woman is diagnosed with thrombocytopenia during pregnancy (the norm is 150x109/l for a woman in position). Doctors sound the alarm when this figure is below 140x109/l.
The main function of platelets is participation in blood clotting - an important protective reaction of the body. In addition, these tiny cells contribute to the nutrition of the inner lining of the artery, which ensures its elasticity and resistance to various kinds of external damage.
Women in position quite often face this pathology. However, it does not always carry a danger to the fetus and manifests itself in negative consequences.
Main reasons
Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy is relatively common. It can develop due to many reasons:
- Changes in the hormonal level.
- Increased blood volume.
- Nephropathy.
- Irrational nutrition and vitamin B12 deficiency.
- Infections of a viral nature.
- Allergic reactions and systemic ailments.
- Intrauterine fetal death.
- Placental abruption.
- Taking certain groups of drugs.
A sharp decrease in the number of platelets may be of a physiological nature, that is, be insignificant (at least 140x109/l). As a rule, such a condition does not differ in obvious symptoms and is detected only during a routine examination. In this case, treatment is not required, but constant monitoring of the tests is necessary. In the pathologicaldisease, the doctor must first establish the cause of the pathology and immediately prescribe treatment. Otherwise, the risk of developing rather dangerous complications increases.

Clinical picture
Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy has a more vivid and varied description of symptoms than in other patients. For women in position is typical:
- Appearance of small bruises on the skin after touching.
- Bleeding from the uterine cavity.
- Nose and gum bleeding. This symptom cannot be called specific, since many pregnant women develop an inflammatory process in the gum area due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
It is these clinical manifestations that accompany thrombocytopenia during pregnancy. Photos of patients who had to deal with such a diagnosis are presented in abundance in specialized medical reference books and other resources on the relevant topics.
The symptoms of this disease indicate a serious violation of the hematopoietic process. This is really dangerous, and not only during the period of bearing a baby, but also during childbirth. Lack of proper treatment can cost the life of even the most pregnant.

Secondary thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
Secondary thrombocytopenia is more commonly diagnosed in mid-pregnancy. As a rule, in this case, the disease develops as a result of irradiation of the body, poisoningtoxic substances. In addition, a decrease in the number of platelets can be observed due to the intake of certain medications. The disease is very dangerous for the child, however, with timely diagnosis and timely treatment, the prognosis in most cases is favorable for both the child and the mother.
Confirmation of the disease is primarily based on laboratory diagnostic methods. It consists of several stages:
- Collecting anamnesis.
- Medical examination.
- Blood test.
- Aspiration bone marrow biopsy.
A blood test is the most informative method for determining the quantitative content of platelets. If a medical examination reveals obvious symptoms of the disease (rash on the body, small hemorrhages), then the doctor may additionally prescribe a bone marrow puncture. In the case of a predominance of a large number of megakaryocytes in the smear, most likely, platelets are destroyed or accumulate in the spleen. Only after all of the above diagnostic measures, thrombocytopenia during pregnancy is confirmed. Treatment is prescribed on an individual basis, based on the general condition of the patient, the fetus.

Conservative Therapy
Cases of the development of this disease, when there is a possibility of serious consequences, are quite rare. If the pathology is accompanied by a slight decrease in platelets, there are no significant immune disorders in the body, special therapy is not required. Thrombocytopenia duringpregnancy with critical parameters involves treatment only in a hospital with the obligatory observance of bed rest until the quantitative parameters of the blood return to normal. Special therapy is required only in severe form of the disease, when the platelet count drops to 20x109/l. As a rule, women are prescribed glucocorticoids. An excellent option is considered "Prednisone". To minimize the negative impact on the fetus, in each case, the doctor selects the dosage and duration of the drug.
Severe variants of the disease, when drug therapy is ineffective, surgery is recommended to remove the spleen.
Today, Western experts are actively developing new drugs aimed at combating such pathologies as thrombocytopenia during pregnancy. Reviews about them so far are mixed. These products are known to contain a substance that stimulates the production of megakaryocytes.

Help of traditional medicine
Doctors today recommend conservative therapy as one of the main ways to combat the disease of thrombocytopenia. During pregnancy, treatment with folk remedies is also actively used. It is important to note that the recipes of our grandmothers are best used in conjunction with medicines and only under the supervision of a doctor.
On the positive side, the most common beets have proven themselves in the fight against this pathology. Recommended before bedgrate and sprinkle with sugar. In the morning, you should squeeze the juice from the pulp and use it on an empty stomach. Despite the fact that the taste of such a "medicine" is far from the most pleasant, the result is worth it.
Sesame oil not only regulates the number of platelets in the blood, but also accelerates blood clotting. For treatment, it is enough to add oil to salads when cooking.

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy: consequences and prognosis
In general, the prognosis for this disease is favorable. In half of the cases, it is due to hormonal changes in the body, which is quite natural for this period.
The greatest danger is autoimmune thrombocytopenia during pregnancy. What does it mean? Antibodies of a woman through the placenta enter the blood of the fetus, provoking the death of platelets in it. In this case, after confirming the diagnosis, any obstetric intervention and surgery during childbirth is prohibited. The thing is that such surgical manipulations can cause intracranial hemorrhage in the baby.
Childbirth with uncomplicated disease is carried out by a conservative method. If appropriate treatment fails or the general condition of the pregnant woman worsens, a decision is usually made to perform a caesarean section. This approach allows you to protect the fetus from injury and control possible blood loss during childbirth.

To prevent the development of such a pathology asthrombocytopenia during pregnancy, it is necessary to minimize all factors responsible for the dysfunction of the woman's immune system. It is recommended to isolate it from patients with various infections. It is very important during the period of bearing a baby to refuse to take certain groups of drugs (anticancer, sulfonamides, anticoagulants, etc.). You should also protect the body as much as possible from the effects of toxic substances, radiation. In the early stages of pregnancy, an additional consultation of a geneticist and a hematologist is prescribed if similar cases of the disease have already been recorded in the family.
This article provides detailed information on the topic "Thrombocytopenia: causes during pregnancy, main symptoms and methods of treatment." Competent and timely therapy allows you to forget about this pathology forever. Stay he althy!