Many people at least once in their lives have experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon as warts. Growths can appear all over the body, and every person needs to know how to deal with them. Papillomas of this type are quite common in both children and adults. In this article we will talk about warts on the foot. Of course, this is one of the most unpleasant localizations of growths. The presence of a neoplasm causes severe discomfort, as well as pain. Despite the fact that papillomas are benign growths, they must be treated in a timely manner. Otherwise, complications and other unpleasant consequences may occur.
Causes of warts on feet
Growths occur in humans in most cases due to the ingestion of papillomavirus. The infection is transmitted by household contact, that is, it is very easy to pick it up. Physical contact with the sick, touching the objects that he used - and you became infected with the virus. It is worth noting that many people have an infection in the body, but not everyone knows about it. People begin to worry only when it is no longer possible to move normally due to the presence of warts onfeet. The reasons for their appearance are different. We list the main ones:
- decrease in immunity;
- malnutrition;
- hormonal failure;
- excessive sweating;
- depression, emotional breakdowns, psychological trauma;
- poor hygiene.
HPV (human papillomavirus), coupled with one of the above causes, has a pushing effect on the appearance of growths. Places of spread of infection are public baths, saunas, gyms and swimming pools. Do not use other people's slippers or towels, as the virus can be introduced into the body and through them.

Interesting fact: many parents attribute the appearance of warts in children to contact with frogs and toads. Experts in the field of medicine assure that there is no objective connection between the occurrence of growths and these animals. Therefore, on the part of parents, it is necessary to ensure that the child also observes the basic rules of hygiene.
In medicine, there are several classifications of warts on the foot. In our material, the main one will be presented. So, there are two types of growths:
- Ordinary. Papillomas of this type often occur as a result of contact with an infected object. Outwardly, they look like a wart with clear boundaries of different colors and shapes. For example, the growth may be round, oval, and its shade will vary from yellow to brown. Concerninglocalization, then the papilloma appears both on the hips and on the feet. The patient practically does not experience pain, such growths can be treated with folk remedies.
- Solar. This is a more serious type of papillomas, they often occur in areas of severe trauma and pressure. In adults and children with excessive sweating, such growths are observed most often. A photo of a wart on the foot of the plantar type is presented below.

It should be noted that the emerging papilloma has a convex shape, but over time it becomes flat due to the load on the foot. A distinctive feature of the plantar growth is the stratum corneum. In addition, sometimes papillomas grow in the form of multiple neoplasms.
If you suspect that a wart has grown on the foot, and not a callus, then you need to contact a specialist. In this case, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor will confirm the diagnosis and tell you about the most effective methods of treating warts on the feet in a particular situation.
It is worth noting that growths are not formed everywhere on the foot, most often they can be found on the fingers or at the bases. Sometimes papillomas are observed on the heels. Warts are usually round and oval in shape, their size varies from 1 millimeter to 2 centimeters. Quite often, a patient can observe the fusion of several formations. The wart on the foot has a predisposition to change color: in the initial stages it is light, and then turns brown or gray.
If we talk about symptoms, it is worth noting that doctors distinguish discomfort when walking and pain in this area. If nothing is done, the inconvenience will only increase due to the growth of papilloma inside the subcutaneous tissue. In order not to be mistaken in the diagnosis, the doctor uses the method of dermatoscopy. With its help, the upper stratum corneum is removed. Then experts examine the resulting slice structure. This method immediately allows you to distinguish the spine from another skin defect.
What to do if a wart appears on the foot? You should contact a specialist to prescribe therapy for you. Self-medication is not recommended to avoid complications and unpleasant consequences.
Methods of dealing with growths
How to get rid of warts on the feet? There are several ways to achieve this goal. Each situation is different, so the methods of dealing with the virus may vary. In any case, after the appearance of a neoplasm, the patient should think about fixing the problem. You do not need to scratch the growth or try to somehow cure it yourself, this can lead to serious injury. It is better to consult a dermatologist at the first opportunity.

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe you the treatment of warts on the foot. Perhaps it will be drug therapy, including the use of ointments and medicines. In another situation, the doctor will prescribe removal with the help of surgical intervention. It depends on the type of wart, the severity of the disease andnumber of growths.
Drug Therapy
As already noted, you need to start fighting papilloma as soon as possible. If you ignore this advice, then the discomfort will only increase. Medicines in some situations are able to cope with the virus and the growths that have appeared. There are drugs that will help remove the spikes. Consider the most effective of them:
"Cryopharma". The action of the drug is to freeze the papilloma, after a while it disappears altogether. Warts on the foot go away gradually. If the build-up is too large, it needs to be reapplied

- "Solcoderm". The composition of the drug includes nitric and acetic acid, so the method is quite painful. Before application, it is necessary to remove the keratinized layer of the skin. Cells are destroyed under the influence of acids, with their help the papilloma is destroyed. The process of skin restoration lasts approximately two months.
- "Super Celandine". There are situations when there is a wart on the foot of a child. Treatment is usually done by parents on their own, using this tool. Despite the effectiveness of the drug, it is better to consult a dermatologist first. It is necessary to steam out the spike and apply a drop of celandine. Before this, it is recommended to lubricate he althy skin with a fat cream. Alkali destroys papillomas in three days.
Watch out for side effects. For example, when using Cryopharm, the skin aroundeducation turns white, this is a normal situation. Often, to eliminate warts on the foot (see photo below), doctors prescribe antiviral drugs ("Acyclovir") and vitamin complexes ("Immunal").

There are situations when drug treatment cannot help to remove the neoplasm, then there is only one method left - surgical intervention. It is best to carry out the operation in a hospital. Modern medicine offers many ways, which include, for example, minimally invasive techniques. There are also bloodless remedies that do not put an additional burden on the body. However, all methods have one goal - to remove the wart on the foot.
Fixed assets of this type include:
- Laser elimination. The bottom line is simple: warts are removed using a laser. Among the advantages, one can single out the fact that you can get rid of the neoplasm without affecting he althy tissues. In addition, the method is painless, it has practically no side effects, and the rehabilitation process is relatively quick and easy.
- Cryodestruction. Above, we mentioned such a drug as "Cryopharma". The drug is an analogue of this operation. Removal of warts on the foot occurs with the help of liquid nitrogen. The bottom line is that the spike is destroyed as a result of exposure to low temperatures. If we talk about the shortcomings, the long recovery period is striking. Formed at the site of the warta blister that takes a very long time to heal. In addition, it is necessary to constantly treat the skin area with an antiseptic. If you choose the wrong depth, there is a risk of scarring.
- Electrocoagulation. In this case, elimination occurs using a current of a certain frequency. This method is far from perfect, as it is aimed at combating small single formations. In addition, the impact of the electrodes is quite painful and does not guarantee a positive result. A skin scar remains at the site of the papilloma. The method is rarely used for objective reasons.
- Radio waves. This is just the bloodless removal method that we mentioned above. The essence of the procedure is the use of a radio knife, this is a relatively new development in medicine. The intervention involves cauterization of the capillaries, which prevents bleeding.
The attending physician will choose the remedy that is best suited in a particular situation. If the wart on the foot is large, then you can not do without surgical intervention. The operation is performed under anesthesia, after which a long period of rehabilitation begins. In fact, the defect will not bother you anymore, only pain and discomfort will be felt for a month.
Treatment of warts on the soles of the feet with folk remedies
Where without traditional medicine? Especially when it comes to skin growths. In this case, non-traditional methods will help not only relieve the symptoms, but also eliminate the problem. Of course, the plantar wart is unlikely to be removed with the help of herbs and plants, but to get rid ofordinary spikelet can.
Often, patients have a question: how to cure a wart at home? There are many very effective folk methods, which will be discussed. Among the leaders, celandine juice can be noted. The plant has unique properties, it contains aggressive chemical compounds that can destroy deformed tissues. Specifically, to combat warts on the foot, it is recommended to use fresh juice squeezed from the stems and leaves. The method of application is very simple: it must be applied pointwise several times a day on the formations.
Fighting illness at home
Besides celandine juice, there are other good recipes that will help in the fight against papillomas. It is not necessary to use medications to deal with the virus. Consider the most effective traditional medicine:
- The most popular ingredient is garlic. There are many recipes with this product, we will choose a more common one. You should chop a clove of garlic, and then attach the finished gruel to the spike. We fasten this whole thing with a plaster. You can add a little vinegar to the gruel to cleanse your feet.
- If there is no garlic, it is recommended to replace it with ordinary onions. The cooking method is about the same, only the onion does not need to be chopped much, and before applying it should be soaked in vinegar.
- Tea tree oil is a good antiseptic. Before applying it to the wart, it is necessary to thoroughly steam the skin in a hot bath with the addition of a small amount of householdsoap.
- Rowan has useful properties. The berry must be cut in half and applied to the papilloma, the compress is fixed with a plaster.
- It is also recommended to use rosehip, because it is an alternative to mountain ash in terms of useful features. Method of preparation: spread the pulp in a dense layer on the damaged surface, fix with a bandage and leave overnight.
- It is difficult to overestimate the properties of a plant like aloe. It will be quite useful in the fight against warts. Aloe leaves should be applied to the papilloma and the bandage changed regularly.
- As already noted, it will not work to eliminate plantar formations with folk remedies, but you can alleviate the symptoms. For this, propolis is suitable. From this tool a cake is formed, which must be applied to the spike. The neoplasm should be steamed in advance.
- The effectiveness of vinegar is questionable, although many people use this simple method. You just need to drip daily on papilloma. This must be done very carefully so that the acid does not get on he althy tissues.
Warts on the soles of the feet (photo below) can be removed in many ways. The main thing is not to self-medicate and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

In order not to fight the disease that has appeared, it is necessary to prevent its occurrence. To do this, follow simple preventive measures:
- don't neglect the simplest rules of hygiene;
- walking barefoot in public places is strictly prohibited;
- it is better not to wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, because the feet do not breathe and sweat, which is one of the factors in the occurrence of warts;
- necessary to avoid contact with infected people and the items they used;
- you need to eat right, take more vitamins and foods that strengthen the immune system;
- it is important to avoid trauma and stress.
It is worth noting that over time, benign formations develop into malignant ones. Therefore, treatment must be provided in a timely manner. It depends on how quickly you see a doctor when a problem occurs.
In conclusion
Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the main thing in life is he alth. If you take care of it, you can prevent most of the diseases and ailments. A wart on the foot is a very unpleasant problem that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. Ignoring diseases or other defects does not lead to anything good.

In rare cases, the body copes with papilloma on its own, and it disappears. However, one should not hope for such a result in all cases. In order not to guess, you need to consult a dermatologist. If necessary, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment. Following all the recommendations and advice of a specialist will ensure quick relief from the problem and a favorable period of rehabilitation.