The feeling of numbness in the legs is called numbness. During this condition, the sensitivity of the skin is lost, there is a tingling sensation, a feeling of crawling, burning, as well as an unpleasant sensation of tightness. Numbness in the legs is an ambiguous symptom, since quite often it indicates poor circulation in the limbs, which can be either a full-fledged problem or a consequence of another disease. Therefore, it is very important to determine the method of treatment and the causes of numbness in the toes in time. The sooner this is done, the sooner you can return to your usual way of life without pain and other unpleasant moments.
The feet and lower legs are subjected to a lot of stress every day, as they bear the weight of the human body. At the same time, they are far from the vascular, nervous system and many other important organs that need good blood circulation. The cause of numbness and swelling of the legs can bethe following violations:
- The appearance of tunnel syndromes.
- Vascular diseases.
- Pathological conditions of the spinal cord or brain.
- Tumours.
- Frostbite.
- Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise.
To determine the exact cause of the problem, you need to see a doctor. He will make a differential analysis, conduct the necessary clinical studies, and also tell you what to do if your leg is numb.

Tunnel syndromes
If the legs become numb and numb constantly in the same place, this may indicate the presence of a compressed nerve. If problems appear with the right limb on the outer part of the thigh, this indicates neuropathy of the external nerve, located very close to the surface of the skin. In this case, the leg may become numb from squeezing this area with a trouser belt, as well as various items that are in pockets.
If the inner surface of the thigh goes numb, this is a consequence of nerve damage. In this case, only a doctor will know what to do if the leg is numb. This deviation is a serious problem that requires urgent intervention by a specialist.
Vascular disease
Circulation in the legs often slows down due to vascular disease. Problems are manifested by the following symptoms:
- Constant fatigue in the legs.
- Dilated veins.
- Low pulsation in the main arteries.
- Pain in calves while walking or afterlong standing.
- The presence of bilateral lesions of arteries and veins in the legs.
- Pale and bluish skin of the extremities.
- Trophic processes.
If these symptoms are ignored, an increase in ischemia can develop, which will later lead to a disease such as gangrene.
Numb feet are always a sign of some kind of malfunction in the body. You can compare symptoms for a long time, wonder what to do if your leg is numb, and also eliminate puffiness with home remedies. But the problem cannot be eradicated in this way. Therefore, when complaining of symptoms such as numbness of the legs, pain, feeling of weakness, fever, it is necessary to be diagnosed by a therapist. The doctor will first of all make an examination, collect information about the genetic diseases of close relatives, and also find out everything about the diet and lifestyle. After a thorough examination, the therapist usually gives a referral to a neurologist or phlebologist.
If the leg gets numb only occasionally, you can not torment yourself with trips to the doctors. Most likely, this problem indicates a banal circulatory disorder. In this case, the therapist will give recommendations regarding what to do if the leg is numb, and will let you go home. However, if additional unpleasant symptoms are identified, it is necessary to check your own he alth through numerous tests and procedures. Doctors can prescribe the following:
- Echoencephalography. It must be done in order to exclude intracranialpressure. This pathology is often accompanied by numbness of the limbs.
- Doppler ultrasound of the neck, cerebral vessels. The procedure is necessary in order to assess the condition of the circulatory system.
- Doppler legs. With it, you can determine the presence of poor circulation in the legs.
- Examination and ultrasound of all vital organs.
- Spirography to determine the state of the respiratory system.
Causes and treatment of numbness of the toes are also determined by standard studies in the form of urine, blood and liver tests for analysis.
What to do when your feet are stiff
The main and most common cause of the problem is poor circulation. Very often, people in search of a solution do a lot of tests and constantly visit doctors complaining that their leg is numb. They invent a lot of diseases for themselves, which they actually do not have. And only such a procedure as Doppler helps to determine the true cause.
Goosebumps in the legs, as well as stiff and numb limbs, in this case, are disturbing due to poor blood flow. Doctors call this condition paresthesia. Poor circulation gives temporary numbness to the extremities. You can easily get rid of it at home. There are several ways to quickly restore blood circulation and eliminate the symptom of swollen legs.
Change the position of limbs
Quite often unpleasant goosebumps and tingling in the legs occur due to a long stay in one position. For example, when throwing one limb onto another. If legsnumb, sitting on a chair, it brings a lot of discomfort to the whole body. If you stay in one position for too long, it can cause severe numbness in the lower extremities, especially if there is a problem of poor blood circulation in them. Such a posture provokes compression of blood vessels up to the knee area.
In addition, it often causes pinching of nerve endings located near the vessels. So that the stiff leg ceases to bring discomfort, and the violation of the blood circulation of the lower extremities does not lead to a sad outcome, you just need to change your position to another, more comfortable and convenient one. This will release the nerve endings and promote unhindered blood flow. Quite often, the leg that is located above begins to go numb. After normalization of blood circulation, a pleasant warmth will spread through the body, a slight tingling sensation will appear, which will disappear after 2-3 minutes.
Get up from chair
To normalize blood circulation when a leg becomes numb, you can not only change your sitting position, but also stand up. Under the influence of gravity, the biological fluid will begin to actively flow to the stiff limb. Arteries are made up entirely of smooth muscle fibers that contract and push blood in time with the heartbeat. When a person gets up abruptly, it speeds up this process. Having risen, you need to do the following movements:
- Move your stiff leg in different directions. You need to do this in a circular motion for at least 15 seconds in one go. Such an exercise will favorably affect the blood flow and quickly eliminate the feelingnumbness.
- In a standing position, you should try to make a slight stretch of the stiff leg. To do this, lean forward and touch the fingers of the lower extremities.
What you shouldn't do is start moving the numb body part too fast. Even if you feel tingling in the legs like needles. All movement must be done very slowly and carefully.

Walk to improve circulation
If there is an opportunity not only to change position and stand up, but also to take a walk, you must use it. Walking will help increase blood circulation and quickly relieve symptoms of numbness. At the same time, it is very important to feel the leg, since the first minutes there will be a very high risk of stumbling and falling. In order not to get an accidental injury, you need to walk slowly, controlling your every step. If both legs are numb, and there is no way to walk, you need to shake them in a sitting position.
After changing positions, tingling in the legs like needles can last no more than 3 minutes. If it lasts longer, the problem is most likely not poor circulation. If you do not change your posture, do not get up and do not walk for several hours, this will lead to serious damage to the leg. Therefore, you should not ignore first aid for stiff limbs, you need to try to develop them as soon as possible. It is very important for a person who often encounters such a problem to know how to prevent numbness in the legs and restore blood circulation in them. To do this, you can use simple, but no less effectivemethods.
Only wear comfortable shoes
Often, feet become numb and numb due to wearing bad shoes that are made of poor quality materials or do not fit. Too tight shoes will limit the normal process of blood circulation, as well as squeeze the nerve endings, which will inevitably lead to swelling of the limbs. This is especially true for those people who walk a lot throughout the day or stand in shoes for a long time at work. From them you can often hear complaints that the leg is numb and colitis. Such people need to pay special attention to the choice of shoes.
It should be very comfortable and spacious, but at the same time be exactly the right size. Ideal shoes that will not interfere with the circulation of the legs, well support the heel and fold of the foot, and also leave room for the toes. It should also be borne in mind that it must be made of quality materials and have the same insoles so that the feet can breathe. The following tips are recommended:
- Give up pointy-toed shoes. This is especially true for women who love to wear pointy high heels.
- When your feet get numb, the reasons may be tight lacing of shoes. Therefore, when identifying unpleasant sensations, you need to weaken it, providing space for the leg.
- It is better to buy a new pair of shoes in the afternoon, as at this time the feet are slightly larger than in the morning.
- When working at a desk, take your shoes off whenever possible.
If you follow these recommendations, swelling of the legswill disturb much less often.

Bath to restore blood circulation
Tingling in the lower extremities may occur due to overexertion of the calf muscles. In this case, it will be necessary not only to speed up the process of blood circulation, but also to relieve pain along with muscle tension. To do this, you need a warm foot bath with the addition of s alt. It may be marine, but it is better to buy English in a pharmacy for these purposes.
It contains magnesium, which relaxes muscles and restores blood flow in them. Improving the circulation of the lower extremities from the use of such a bath will come instantly. If the leg is not only numb, but filled with excess fluid, after a warm bath, you need to lower it into cold water. Keeping a sore leg in it is recommended until it starts to go numb.
Before you get up, you need to pull the limbs out of the bath, dry them with a warm towel and move away from the slippery floor, putting them on a stand under your feet. This is necessary in order to eliminate the risk of falling due to relaxed muscles. It must also be remembered that frequent numbness of the limbs may be due to a lack of nutrients. This is especially true of calcium and magnesium, as well as the lack of vitamins B6 and B12 in the daily diet. This lack of micronutrients is especially pronounced when the legs become numb during sleep.

Massage for good circulation
This pleasant and he althy procedure will help relieve tension inmuscle of the stiff leg and improve blood flow in it. You can go for a massage to a specialist or ask a loved one about this service. The procedure should begin with the study of the toes. Then you need to rise during the massage higher and higher to the very calves. This technique will contribute to the fact that venous blood will be actively sent straight to the heart, without stagnation in the lower extremities. For a more effective effect, you need to ask a specialist or a loved one to press harder on the skin. However, there should be no pain or discomfort from his movements.
Immediately after the procedure, you need to drink as much pure non-carbonated water as possible. Thus, toxins and decay products that are "stuck" in the body will come out much faster. Massage will speed up their removal, and water will help this process. If you do not replenish the water balance after the session, you may experience slight dizziness and even nausea. When massaging, it is better to use a fragrant lotion based on peppermint oils. This remedy perfectly tones the skin and muscles of the legs.

Yoga classes
These exercises are the most important and necessary part of the culture of the Indian population. Such a reverent attitude to yoga is not accidental. It has long been famous for its ability to improve he alth. This happens due to proper breathing, meditation, as well as the performance of certain postures that relieve diseases and muscle stiffness.
Yoga poses help stimulate energy flow, they can stretch and strengthen musclesof the whole body, as well as affect the spine and improve the quality of posture. Yoga classes will not only make a person more flexible, but will help prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as numbness of the legs, which often occurs during prolonged sitting. The problem of a sedentary lifestyle can lead to various unpleasant consequences. Numbness and numbness of the limbs is one of the most innocent. That is why it is so important to move and practice yoga.
After getting acquainted with this technique, the body begins its transformation. Muscles after regular exercises will stop hurting, and limbs will become numb even in the most uncomfortable positions. Those who are just starting their journey in the knowledge of yoga may complain of mild pain in the muscles, as well as many other parts of the body. However, after a couple of days, it completely disappears.
Amazing lightness, bliss and flexibility penetrate the body. The calf muscles stop hurting from walking, sleep normalizes, and numbness of the limbs no longer bothers. When doing yoga in order to improve blood circulation, it is worth remembering that the visible effect will continue as long as a person goes to training. If you start training, all the unpleasant symptoms associated with poor blood flow in the legs will return.

Acupuncture for poor circulation
If poor blood circulation in the limbs worries very often and brings a huge amount of discomfort to life, it is necessary to look for radical and unusual ways to get rid of this problem. One of them is the procedureacupuncture. The method is the use of the thinnest needles that are stuck into certain energy points. The procedure is very effective, and therefore in 99% of cases the result from its application exceeds all expectations. It relieves pain in any part of the body. The needles help eliminate the inflammatory process, as well as significantly improve blood circulation throughout the body.
That is why acupuncture is used for chronic insufficiency of blood supply to the legs, as well as for symptoms that are associated with this disease. Despite the effectiveness and many rave reviews about the procedure, some doctors do not recommend this treatment method. This is due to the fact that it is extremely rare to find a truly qualified specialist who thoroughly understands the practice of acupuncture. Quite often, people fall for scammers who promise to rid them of all diseases with the help of needles. In this matter, you should trust only those professionals who have proven themselves well among friends and relatives, whose recommendations you can trust.

Helpful tips
To keep your feet from getting numb, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- Do not cross one limb over the other while sitting. The cross-legged position often causes numbness.
- Don't stand or sit in one place for a long time. Being on your feet, it will be more useful to move than just stand or sit. This is especially true for those who have a sedentary job.
- Quit smoking. Thisa bad habit is very bad for blood pressure and blood flow.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Ethyl alcohol is extremely toxic to the body. It acts like a poison on small blood vessels and nerve endings.
- With a sharp numbness of the leg, you should try to move each finger individually, and then the entire foot.
- Be more active, love sports and walks in comfortable sports shoes.
- Do a daily contrast shower. It will strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation.
- If you have to sit a lot due to work or study, you need to change your posture more often, move and shake your lower limbs more. You can also use a special footrest. The higher they are, the less risk of numbness.
If the leg is not just numb, but also starts to hurt a lot, has lost sensitivity, there is severe weakness, dizziness, and the color of the skin of the limb has changed, you need to call a doctor as soon as possible.