The term "cystitis" refers to inflammation of the bladder. According to statistics, the disease is more often observed among the female half, which is due to physiological characteristics: the urethra in women is naturally wider, shorter than in men, so an infectious agent can easily enter the body. On average, about a third of all women on the planet are sick with cystitis - this is exactly the frightening figure voiced by medical statistics. Much depends on lifestyle, age and environmental factors, individual characteristics of the organism.
Where did the trouble come from?
It is easier to understand what cystitis is, if you understand the causes of its occurrence. The risk of the inflammatory process is at any age, in representatives of any gender. Acute hypothermia or an excess of fried, spicy foods in the diet can provoke infection. The disease often haunts those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Injuries to the mucous organs of the urinary system, venereal, gynecological diseases in a chronic form can play their role. An infectious agent can enter the bladder from other foci of inflammation in the body. There are certain risks associated with unprotected sex and the neglect of basic rules of personal hygiene.
According to statistics, most often they learn from their own experience what cystitis is, people who are faced with hypothermia of the pelvic region, lower extremities. Avoid prolonged sitting in the cold. If it is cool outside (especially on frosty days), it is important to use warm shoes, underwear is not the best time for light silk robes.

Many people who are forced to sit in the workplace for a long time also know well what cystitis is. This leads to congestion in the pelvic region. You can not sit without a break for 4-5 hours. Even if the job requires such a pastime, you should allow yourself regular breaks of at least a quarter of an hour.
About risk group
Cystitis treatment is more common in women than in men. Persons suffering from chronic gynecological pathologies are at particular risk. At the same time, a favorable environment for the infectious agent is formed in the pelvic organs. As soon as a focus of inflammation appears in the body, soon harmful microorganisms penetrate the urinary system. If a venereal disease is established, a gynecological infection is detected, it is important to cure the disease until complete recovery. Neglect of therapy, neglect of the case can cause numerous complications.
Often in womenobserved cystitis during pregnancy. A special risk group is the initial timing of gestation. The body undergoes hormonal changes, while the immune system weakens - this process is provided by nature to prevent rejection of the fertilized cell. Such processes lead to the formation of conditions especially favorable for pathological forms of life. A feature of the treatment of cystitis in an “interesting” position is that it is extremely important to choose drugs that will help restore maternal he alth, but will not harm the embryo. Self-medication during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, the risk of harming the baby is too high.
However, not only pregnancy, but also any hormonal disorders, changes, imbalance - this is a situation in which the likelihood of cystitis in women is high. Treatment may be required against the background of vitamin deficiency in the body.

Hygiene as a guarantee of he alth
It is equally important to follow the rules for both women and men. The risk of cystitis is high (reviews of the disease and therapy, by the way, this is very demonstratively confirmed) against the background of the following bad habits in everyday life:
- use of thick underwear made of synthetic fibers;
- daily use of panty liners;
- Insufficiently frequent replacement of pads, tampons during menstrual bleeding;
- non-compliance with urination.
The latter deserves special attention: it is important to visit the toilet at least five times daily, inotherwise, stagnant processes are observed, urine decomposes into components, which becomes a comfortable condition for the infectious agent.
Very often, cystitis in men (however, this cause is also common in women) is observed against the background of infection with Escherichia coli. Staphylococci can enter the body through the skin, through the intestines. Bacteria enter the urethra and move upward to the bladder, where the active reproduction of the colony begins.
Cystitis: what happens?
There are two main forms: acute, chronic cystitis. The first option is a pronounced symptomatology of the disease. As a rule, the disease is preceded by a provoking factor. The second form is less pronounced, more often observed against the background of other human diseases.
Another classification involves referring cystitis to a primary or secondary disease. There are pathologies of a bacterial nature and those that are not. Most often, cystitis in men and women appears against the background of microscopic pathological organisms. Inflammatory processes can provoke gono-, entero-, streptococci. An infectious agent can enter an organ through lymph, blood, ascending, descending.

A non-bacterial variety of the disease is fixed if the walls of the bladder are exposed to the negative influence of chemical components, drugs and other substances that enter the body from the outside. There are thermal, toxic cystitis. There are cases when the disease was observed against the background of allergies. There are also beamalimentary forms.
Sometimes drugs for the treatment of cystitis are needed against the background of bladder damage by the previously mentioned aggressive factors. In this case, the disease is primary. Secondary is observed against the background of pathologies of the bladder or organs located nearby. There are many cases when treatment was required for gallstones, adenoma, urethral stricture and other diseases.
Manifestations of the disease are directly determined by its form. If cystitis is acute, the picture is bright, specific: the patient suffers from severe pain, the urge to urinate is observed very often (several times per hour). Chronic cystitis at the stage of remission may not manifest itself at all.
Sharp shape most often attracts attention:
- cloudy urine;
- pain;
- increased urge to urinate.
If the illness is particularly severe, fever may occur. Sometimes blood impurities are observed in the urine. Patients describe sensations as the inability to completely empty the bladder. The strength of the pain at the end of urination is possible so strong that the sensations reverberate in the intestines.
If the mentioned symptoms bother a man, it is important to make an appointment with a urologist as soon as possible. In a strong half of humanity, primary cystitis is extremely rarely observed, more often the disease develops against the background of other pathologies. The most typical provoking factors are diabetes, stones, prostatitis. Symptoms similar to those described may indicate non-gonococcal urethritis.
Sometimes it is extremely difficult to suspect thatdrugs are needed to treat cystitis: the disease does not manifest itself as symptoms. It can be diagnosed only by chance - for example, at a routine preventive examination of a patient, when passing biological fluids for analysis for a different reason.

How to formulate a diagnosis?
Only a doctor can understand what he had to deal with. The patient is sent for laboratory studies of biological fluids, ultrasound. If acute cystitis is detected, it is necessary to drink a course of antimicrobial drugs. Cystitis pills help quickly, the clinical picture exhausts itself. When acute manifestations disappear, the patient is sent for cystoscopy, during which samples of the biological tissues of the bladder are taken from the inside for examination using special technologies. Since cystitis in women is often observed against the background of gynecological pathologies, it is important to be examined by a narrow specialist in order to detect diseases.
If a chronic form of the patient is suspected, the patient is referred to:
- multiple types of urine tests;
- cystoscopy;
- ultrasound;
- biopsy;
- PCR.
It is important to make a differential diagnosis so as not to confuse cystitis and urethritis - a pathology in which the inflammatory process is localized in the urethra. With urethritis, the patient complains of burning, sharp pain during urination. However, in practice, these problems often occur simultaneously.
A name for everything
If the cystitis pills don't showpronounced effect, the disease is delayed, the patient is sent for additional examinations. We'll have to do a series of tests to rule out a malignant neoplasm, tuberculosis. Sometimes prostatitis is similar to cystitis.
It should be remembered that inflammatory processes in the bladder can cause an increase in temperature, but not more than 37.5 °C. If the fever is higher, it is likely that there is a kidney disease. I'll have to get checked out by a urologist.
How to treat?
Treatment of cystitis is quickly possible if the disease is detected early, while it was possible to accurately formulate all its features and select the appropriate drug therapy. It is important that the process takes place under the supervision of a doctor. If the patient wishes to use traditional medicine, you can combine them with traditional approaches, but do not replace one with the other, otherwise the chances of a full recovery are minimal. Basic aspects of cystitis therapy:
- bed rest;
- use of prescription drugs;
- strict adherence to diet.
Patients should drink warm liquid daily in large quantities.

The acute form of the disease requires the use of anti-spasm drugs. Antibiotics are indispensable for cystitis. Medicinal herbs that activate the process of urination will benefit. If the pain syndrome bothers you very much, you should take drugs to eliminate spasms of the muscles of the bladder. The most popular in pharmacies are sold under the names "Papaverine", "No-Shpa". Usually the client has a choice: either tablets or suppositories can be used.
Features of therapy
Treatment of cystitis is quickly possible if the patient follows all the recommendations of the doctor, and also uses (in consultation with the doctor) traditional medicine. First of all, these are medicinal herbs. Most helpful:
- lingonberries;
- bearberry;
- special fees for kidneys.

You can drink natural fruit drinks on cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries. There is a wide variety of herbal medicines on the pharmacy shelves. Most famous:
- "Cyston".
- Fitolysin.
- Kanefron.
All of these medicines must be combined with large volumes of warm liquid - the patient must use it daily. To facilitate urination with severe soreness, you can wash the perineum with warm soda water.
To alleviate the patient's condition, you will have to adhere to a special nutrition program. For the period of illness, they completely refuse pickled, s alted and smoked foods, spicy dishes. Milk, all dairy, as well as fruits will benefit. The most pronounced positive effect of watermelon.
The treatment of chronic cystitis is especially difficult. Instructions for the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor must be followed unconditionally. Usually prescribed antimicrobial agents. At the same time, it is recommended to take formulations that normalize the process of urine outflow. If foundadenoma, you need to start its treatment. It is possible to identify a narrowing of the urethra, then procedures will be needed to return the gaps of the passage to normal.
As part of the fight against chronic cystitis, the patient undergoes a complete examination of the body. Emphasis is placed on the search for infectious foci. Medicines for cystitis are taken after passing laboratory examinations of biological fluids. During the tests, it is determined which pathogen caused the disease, to which medications it is sensitive. Based on this information, a medication course is prescribed.
Folk wisdom against inflammation
Treatment of cystitis at home shows effectiveness if combined with traditional medicine and non-classical medicine. The simplest folk method is based on the use of milk. Three liters are boiled, from which a mug is poured into a basin for a foot bath, wrapped up to the waist in a shawl. When the liquid cools slightly, add a new portion. This is continued until all the product is used up. For a second procedure, you can again take the same milk. It is recommended to repeat the activities until the patient gets better.
Another method of treating cystitis at home involves the use of bricks. Two halves are heated, put in a metal container, the edges are wrapped with cloth. The patient sits down on the container, wraps himself in a blanket up to the waist and sits until the warmth of the brick is felt. At the end of the procedure, you need to lie down in bed. Such an event is advised to repeat several times a day.

The specified format for treating cystitis at home is not allowed for everyone - first you need to check with the doctor how useful thermal procedures will be. In some forms of the disease, they are strictly prohibited and can cause an exacerbation. It is categorically impossible to do warming up if cystitis is detected in a woman with fibromyoma, myoma. A much more effective approach is the use of infusions and decoctions of diuretic plants. The duration of the course is up to two months. To prevent exacerbation from time to time, you can re-take medicinal herbs. After acute cystitis, it is recommended to drink preventive courses every three months. If a chronic form is detected, the frequency is every five months.
Safe and effective
Treatment of cystitis in women at home most often involves the use of a variety of herbal medicines. The collection on thyme has proven itself especially well. This plant is combined in equal amounts with dill seeds, parsley leaves, St. John's wort, knotweed. The infusion is brewed in the calculation: a glass of boiling water per teaspoon of a mixture of herbs. The finished medicine is eaten for three weeks. Frequency of use - three times daily. Single dosage - half a glass. After the course, take a ten-day break and repeat the approach. Three consecutive cycles are required for a pronounced effect. Usually, patients feel noticeably better already during the first course, but only a fully completed program will be the key to getting rid of the old sore.
You can treat cystitis in women at home with cornflower. On a dried handfulinflorescences take 300 g of boiling water and insist the liquid for half an hour. The finished drug is drunk twice a day - 150 g in the morning, the same amount in the evening. It is recommended to use the product in large sips.
A quick improvement can be seen if you eat a liter of fresh lingonberries. True, such a measure does not cancel the continuation of the therapeutic course, but it will not be so bad to feel sick.
All of these compounds and recipes are effective only if practiced simultaneously with the treatment of the classical approach. The patient must follow a diet, otherwise no drugs will give a positive result.
Cystitis: Complications
If you start treatment correctly, after a week (sometimes a little longer) the symptoms completely exhaust themselves, but completed ahead of time or insufficiently responsibly carried out therapy can cause the disease to become chronic - only acute manifestations will disappear, but the inflammation itself will remain. One has only to chill a little - and now cystitis will be right there again. The chronicle can cause scarring on the back wall of the urethra, which reduces the volume, and this causes frequent infection. If you abandon the therapy of the disease ahead of time, the infection can spread to neighboring areas. The kidneys are the first to suffer, so cystitis initiates pyelonephritis. The patient is disturbed by frequent urge to go to the toilet, the lower back hurts, the temperature rises, and there is a tendency to edema.
If you do not undergo the correct treatment of cystitis in full, this can cause the disease to go intointerstitial form. Infection affects both the mucous membranes and the tissues underneath, including muscle fibers. The walls of the bladder are covered with scars, which leads to deformations, the organ shrinks, and the volume decreases. With such a disease, the only reasonable therapeutic approach is the removal of the diseased bladder and the formation of its analogue from the tissues of the intestine by the surgical method.
"Interesting" position
Very often diagnosed with cystitis during gestation. As statistics show, every tenth patient first encounters cystitis during pregnancy. The reason, as indicated above, is the suppression of the immune system. Hormonal changes play a role. Immunity becomes weaker, any hypothermia leads to various diseases, and the bladder is an excellent location for the unhindered reproduction of microbes. In order not to encounter cystitis during the period of gestation, you will have to protect yourself from the cold, strictly follow the requirements of hygiene. It must be remembered that a sharp change in climate can easily provoke acute cystitis. An increase in the volume of the uterus plays its role - it squeezes the bladder, and this causes insufficient outflow of fluid, therefore, the reproduction of pathological microorganisms.
During pregnancy, the prevention of cystitis is much more important than at any other time, since the possibilities for its treatment are severely limited. Some medications affect the fetus, and the effects of others are not yet well understood, so the choice of drugs is very important.severely limited. At the same time, treatment is required as soon as possible, as the infection can spread to the kidneys and cause complications.
Appearances and passwords
As a rule, the treatment of pregnant women is carried out using drugs that affect locally. Among antimicrobial drugs, there is only one remedy that is widely used in this case - this is Monural. The medicine shows a good result even with a single dose, but all the features of the course should be determined by the attending physician. In some cases, therapy is enhanced by taking Amoxiclav, Canephron.

One of the effective approaches to the treatment of cystitis during childbearing is instillation. A catheter is placed in the bladder of a sick woman and antimicrobial compounds are applied. It can be a variety of oils, as well as preparations "Rivanol", "Protargol". After the introduction of the drug, it is necessary to withstand up to ten minutes with a full bladder. It is possible to carry out instillation only in a hospital, under the supervision of the attending doctor. This approach has proven to be a very positive result, but is not used very often, as it is associated with some danger to the fetus.
What is cystitis, we found out. It should be emphasized that it is unpleasant for everyone, but it is especially dangerous for pregnant women. When carrying a child, the kidneys are faced with an increased load, and an additional aggressive factor in the form of an infectious focus further depresses the organs. An infection in the ureter can easily penetrate higher and causeacute pyelonephritis. With such an illness, a pregnant woman needs to be urgently hospitalized.