Many women at least once in their lives faced such an unpleasant phenomenon as thrush. This disease has very unpleasant symptoms, but it is not difficult to treat. In this article, we will talk about why thrush occurs after menstruation, what are the causes and symptoms of this disease, and also get acquainted with the main methods of its treatment. Read the information provided carefully in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.
What is thrush in women
Before you begin to understand why thrush appeared after menstruation, it is very important to understand what this disease is. In the scientific world, this pathology is called candidiasis. But in the people we call it thrush, since women have a large amount of white discharge from the vagina,very similar in texture to cottage cheese or sour milk.

The disease provokes the development of a fungus such as Candida. In a small amount, it lives in the body of every woman, and is an important part of the female microflora. However, if for some reason the amount of this flexibility began to increase rapidly, then a woman develops a disease such as thrush. After menstruation, as well as before them, the rapid growth of the fungus can cause discomfort. This will happen in any case if favorable changes have occurred in the female body.
Why does thrush appear after menstruation
Some women experience cheesy discharge after menstruation. There are several reasons why this might happen:
- Thrush after menstruation may appear if a woman has chosen the wrong means for personal hygiene. So, synthetic flavored tampons and pads can provoke the occurrence of this disease.
- Another reason why there is a thrush every time after menstruation is a woman's failure to comply with all hygiene requirements. Do not forget that you need to wash at least twice a day, as well as change your underwear. At the same time, it should be sewn from natural fabrics that are pleasant to the body.

- A fairly common cause of such a disease is hormonal imbalance during themenstruation process. As a result, the microflora changes, and pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply in it.
- Why does thrush appear after menstruation? Pay attention to your immune system. Quite often, it is weakened immunity that gives impetus to the active reproduction of pathogenic fungal microflora.
Why the disease can begin to develop just before menstruation
Let's also consider the main causes of thrush before menstruation:
- Hormonal changes in the body.
- The defenses of the female body have failed.
- Changes in the microflora of the vagina, which were caused by very frequent hygiene procedures. First of all, douching should be attributed here. The washing out of the natural microflora adversely affects the condition of the mucous membrane. She becomes highly susceptible to attack by foreign microorganisms.
- Illness before menstruation can occur if a woman is forced to take antibiotics for a long time. Such drugs destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also the correct microflora, which is so necessary for women's he alth.
- The disease can make itself felt if the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is not very aware of the rules of personal hygiene. Gynecologists recommend using only those cosmetics that have been made on a plant basis. Also, be extra careful with scented pads and tampons made with a synthetic base. Such materials contributevery rapid reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
Presence of thrush during the process of menstruation
It is very important to pay attention to the fact that thrush can occur in women during menstruation. In this case, the curdled discharge will mix with the blood, so women may think that the endometrium leaves the body in this way, and simply ignore this phenomenon. However, the presence of candidiasis can cause a very strong unpleasant odor, as well as a burning sensation in the vulva. At the same time, thrush can prolong the course of menstruation, and make them more painful.

Please note that if you do not treat thrush (it does not matter when it started: before menstruation, after or during them), then the disease can become chronic and begin to bother you regularly.
Main symptoms of pathology
If thrush always starts after menstruation, this is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist for advice. Perhaps there is a very serious problem behind this simple fungal disease. Every woman should familiarize herself with the symptoms of thrush in order to recognize this pathology in time and start treating it in a timely manner. And so, let's consider what are the symptoms of such a common disease as thrush of the female genital organs:
- Vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese. In a large amount of mucus, you will be able to notice small white dots, which in their consistency will be very similar to cottage cheese. This can be seen especially clearly when wearing black underwear.
- Women complain of a strong feeling of itching in the area of the external genitalia. If you start combing the affected areas, then the condition will worsen even more, since the causative agent of the disease will be able to penetrate into deep tissues;
- In some cases, a woman experiences severe cutting pain when urinating. This is due to the fact that the protective functions of the mucous membrane of the urethra are reduced, which means that it becomes very sensitive to such an aggressive liquid as urine.
- Severe burning sensation and discomfort during sexual intimacy. Please note that you should not have sex until you are completely cured of this pathology.

And, of course, the bad smell. In fact, it is not much different from the normal smell of the vagina, but it is stronger and richer
The very first signs of the onset of thrush
The causes, symptoms and treatment of thrush are described in this article. It always starts the same way, so it is simply impossible not to notice it. Consider how it makes itself felt from the very beginning of its occurrence:
- very profuse white thick discharge from vagina;
- the vulva and vagina turn reddish;
- women begin to worry about severe itching in the genital area, which is further enhanced by sex.
Importance of treatment
It is very important to start urgentlytreat thrush in a woman after menstruation. After all, if you do not start to eliminate it in a timely manner, then the situation will become even more complicated, and this can lead to serious consequences.
Treatment with conservative methods
Thrush is treated with oral medications or vaginal suppositories. Both the first and second means are very effective. However, only a doctor can prescribe the most suitable drug for you.
Use of oral tablets
Both pills and vaginal products have their benefits. So, drugs for oral use can be taken on any day of the cycle, regardless of menstruation. There are a lot of effective remedies for thrush for women intended for internal use. Some of them need to be taken for one week, while other treatments will only take you a day.
Usually pills are very effective, and are able to quickly relieve the patient from disturbing her symptoms. However, it should be borne in mind that they have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Oral drugs can have a large number of undesirable effects on the female body.
Using vaginal suppositories
Today, there is simply a huge amount of effective remedies for thrush for women. Quite often, gynecologists prescribe to their patients drugs intended specifically for topical use, since they do not enter the systemicblood flow, which means less harm to the body. Of course, you can use them before and after menstruation. However, if you still have spotting, do not use this method.

According to experts, the treatment of thrush during menstruation is usually not very effective. Therefore, it is best to start this process after they are over. Otherwise, the symptoms of the disease will simply weaken while you decide that you will get rid of it. So the disease will imperceptibly turn into a chronic form.
Nystatin drug
Candles and Nystatin tablets (instructions for use for thrush are in each package) are often prescribed by gynecologists to women who suffer from this disease. This drug has two forms of release. Depending on your condition, the doctor will tell you which one you should buy. In some cases, it is recommended to use the remedy both topically and orally. So the healing effect will come much faster.

Pills are taken two to three times a day for two weeks. Usually this period is enough to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.
Suppositories are inserted into the vagina twice a day for ten to fourteen days. The product should be used only after hygiene procedures. Insert the suppository as far as possible into the vagina, and then lie on your back for a while.
Candles and tablets "Nystatin", instructions for use whenthrush, which is described in this article, are indeed very effective in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. However, do not forget that in no case should you self-medicate. Only a qualified doctor can tell you if this remedy is right for you. He will also determine whether it is suitable for the treatment of thrush after menstruation for you.
Preventive measures
In fact, thrush can be prevented by following some recommendations from experts. Namely:
- Start up your immune system.
- Create a he althy eating habit. Reduce the consumption of sweet and starchy foods, as well as highly spicy, fatty and s alty foods.
- Eat dairy products daily, as well as fruits and vegetables.
- Do not self-medicate with antibiotics. Such drugs should be taken in short courses and under the strict supervision of a physician.
- And, of course, follow the personal hygiene of the genitals.
Can the disease go away on its own
Many of the fair sex are interested in the question of whether thrush passes after menstruation. For some reason, women hope that the disease can disappear after menstruation on its own. However, miracles do not happen. If you notice that the symptoms are no longer so pronounced, then this only indicates that at the moment the disease has subsided. But, as soon as you get cold or stressed, you will face this enemy again. Therefore, it is very important to treat thrush regardless of the day of the cycle.

During menstruation, do not use topical products. At this time, treatment can be carried out only with oral medications, or if there are contraindications to them, just take care of your immune system. But after the menstruation is over, you can already start local treatment.
If thrush and itching begin after menstruation, this indicates that your he alth is in danger, which means you need to start taking urgent measures. Never ignore a thrush. It is very important to cure this disease to the end, otherwise there is a huge risk that the disease will become chronic. Stay he althy and take care of yourself, and then your body will take care of you.