Smear on the microflora in women: what shows, deciphering the results

Smear on the microflora in women: what shows, deciphering the results
Smear on the microflora in women: what shows, deciphering the results

Bacteriological research today occupies an important position in medicine. What does a microflora smear show? The results of the analysis make it possible to judge the functional state of the organs and systems of the body, to detect deviations and diseases in a timely manner, to determine the effectiveness of treatment, the fact of the patient's recovery. There are several varieties of such smears: for women, for men, collection of material from the nose, throat and ear.

In this article we will analyze in detail what a microflora smear shows in women. How this procedure is carried out, how to properly prepare for it, how to decipher the test results, what diseases are detected.

What is this?

Why is a swab taken for microflora in women? Let's start with the fact that all human organs, including the genitals, communicating with the external environment, have a constant and fairly abundant microflora. These are useful, conditionally neutral, pathogenicmicroorganisms. Normally, their number is balanced in certain proportions. But with the development of infections or other diseases, this balance is disturbed.

Smear for microflora (for women - gynecological) is a bacterioscopic method for studying biomaterial. Its main advantages: simplicity of procedure and speed of results. They do it simply: the doctor holds a special tool along the mucous membrane.

Further, the resulting biomaterial is stained, treated with special saline solutions. It is then carefully examined under a microscope. As a result of such a study, a specialist can see protozoa, fungi, bacteria, viruses. It is rather difficult to determine their genus, species, since the microflora is quite similar in appearance, it can significantly change under the influence of drugs or other external factors.

But to estimate the size, shape, number of such microorganisms is quite real. Based on this information, a specialist can judge the state of the patient's organs and vital systems, talk about the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, the degree of its development, even if it does not manifest itself outwardly.

Further, the collected material can be additionally used for bacteriological seeding on the flora of mucous membranes. What it is? Such an analysis makes it possible to identify pathogens of infectious diseases, their ratio, as well as the sensitivity of these organisms to antibiotic drugs.

what does a swab from the pharynx show for microflora
what does a swab from the pharynx show for microflora

Fauce swab

Let's also decide what showsthroat swab for microflora. This is no longer a gynecological procedure. The biomaterial is collected from the oral mucosa.

Such an examination can be prescribed to a patient with the following:

  • Angina with plaque on the mucous membranes.
  • Mononucleosis due to infection.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Stenosing laryngotracheitis.
  • The appearance of purulent formations near the tonsils.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Frequent runny nose, sore throat.
  • Suspicion of whooping cough or diphtheria.

It is important to properly prepare for the procedure. Otherwise, the test results will be false. The preparation rules are simple:

  • Do not eat or drink anything 2 hours before the procedure.
  • Do not brush your teeth or gargle before sampling.
  • Before the procedure, do not use balms, solutions, rinses, sprays containing antibiotics or antimicrobial components.

The analysis is collected simply - a cotton swab is inserted into the patient's mouth and pressed against the back surface of the tonsils and pharynx. The procedure is painless, but somewhat unpleasant, as some patients feel the urge to vomit during it.

What does a throat swab show for microflora? As a result of the analysis, the following organisms are found:

  • Diphtheria corynobacteria.
  • Pneumococcus.
  • Listeria.
  • Meningococcus.
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Hemolytic streptococci.
  • Hemophilus influenzae.

If the content of these microorganisms does not exceed 104 CFU/ml for each item, there is no need to prescribe antibiotics to eliminate this pathogenic flora. Otherwise, a susceptibility test of identified organisms to antibiotic drugs is carried out.

In the results of the analysis, this is indicated by a "+" sign next to each of the drug names. The more pluses, the more sensitive the microorganism to the drug. This means that treatment with it will be more effective.

Indications for analysis

How do a smear in women for microflora, sticks? The contents are separated from the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix or urethra. From which location depends on the test results.

Among the main complaints of the patient are the following:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen when urinating.
  • Itching, burning in the vaginal area.
  • Irritation in the genital area.
  • Suspicious vaginal discharge.
  • Long-term use of antibiotic drugs.

What a smear shows for microflora in women is also necessary for girls planning a pregnancy. In addition, the analysis is prescribed as a preventive measure for the timely detection of sexually transmitted infections.

a smear on the microflora in women, which shows
a smear on the microflora in women, which shows

How to prepare for the procedure?

The result of a microflora smear in women also depends on the correct preparation of the patient for the procedure. And, of course, from the correct actions of a doctor whencollection of biomaterial. Only in this case the results of bacteriological examination will be informative and reliable.

In particular, a gynecological smear is prescribed to a woman only during the period when she does not have menstrual bleeding. At the same time, one or two days before the procedure, it is prohibited:

  • Douching.
  • Have sex.
  • Take a bath.
  • Use lubricants.

On the very day of the procedure for collecting biological material, experts do not recommend performing hygiene procedures of the genital organs using various detergents. 2-3 hours before the smear, the mucous membranes of the intimate zone are forbidden even to wet. Therefore, you can not go to the toilet.

How is the procedure performed?

Gynecological Pap smear is a safe and virtually painless procedure. It doesn't feel any different than a normal visit. The material is taken, depending on the indications, from the mucous membranes of the urethra, cervix or vagina.

To collect microflora, the specialist uses a special medical spatula. It looks like a plastic stick with a slightly expanded end. After taking the material, the physician distributes the contents with the same spatula over a clean glass slide. The latter must be marked where the biomaterial was taken from - from the urethra, vagina or cervical mucosa.

microflora in a smear is the norm in women
microflora in a smear is the norm in women

What diseases can be detected?

What does a microflora smear show in women? ViaThis simple, quick and relatively inexpensive test can confirm or rule out the presence of the following diseases:

  • Vaginosis bacterial.
  • Vaginitis - aerobic or atrophic.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Human papillomavirus.
  • Inflammatory processes caused by gonorrhea.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Human herpes types 1 and 2.
  • Epstein-Barr virus.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Pale treponema.
  • Mobilunkus.
  • Ureaplasma.
  • Gonococcus.
  • Mycoplasma.
  • Gardnerella.

What does a microflora smear show in women?

After the biological material is examined, laboratory assistants fill out a special document, which indicates the results of the work performed. What does a smear show for the microflora of the vagina or cervix? The number of certain cells, inclusions, microorganisms in the studied material:

  • Squamous epithelium.
  • Leukocytes.
  • Yeast.
  • Lactobacilli.
  • Key cells.
  • Diplococci.
  • Gonococci.
  • Leptothrix.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Mobilunkus.
  • Streptococci.
  • Enterococci.
  • Staphylococci.

If a woman's microflora in a smear is mixed, moderate - what does such an analysis result indicate? Of course, only an experienced doctor can correctly interpret a medical document. But still there are basic points that the patient herself is able to understand. However, such self-diagnosis should not be consideredsufficient - a doctor's consultation is necessary in any case.

a smear on the microflora of the vagina, which shows
a smear on the microflora of the vagina, which shows

Deciphering symbols

Let's turn to the interpretation of the smear on the microflora. In women, it can be taken from the mucous membrane in several locations. Accordingly, the main designations differ in them:

  • U - urethra.
  • V - vagina.
  • C - cervical canal of the cervix.

Next, you should pay attention to the main names of inclusions, microorganisms that can be found in the smear:

  • L - white blood cells. These cells can be found on the mucosa both in a relatively he althy state and in the case of illness. Their main value here is the protection of the genital organs from infection. If leukocytes are found more than normal, this gives the specialist the right to judge that an inflammatory process has begun, an infection has penetrated the organ system.
  • "Ep" - epithelium. These are, respectively, cells of the mucous membrane, which are found both in a relatively he althy state, and in the case of illness, infection. If the epithelium is absent in the results of the analysis, then there is reason to talk about a violation of the hormonal balance in the body of a woman. However, in the case when the indicators for the epithelium go beyond the norm, this indicates the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Slime. Such an element will necessarily be present in a small volume both in the vagina and in the cervical region of the cervix. But its presence or an increase in the content in the urethra canindicate the beginning of the development of inflammation.
  • General indicators of microflora (or "other microflora"). You need to carefully study this section of the medical document. In the vagina of a woman, Dederlein sticks must be present, moreover, in large quantities. Their other name is lactobacilli. These microorganisms are the body's natural defenders. Their number can reach up to 95% of all available microflora. And these are normal indicators.

Lactobacilli form lactic acid. With its help, the necessary balance of acidity is maintained on the mucosa, which protects against the penetration of pathogens. During pregnancy, the number of Dederlein sticks decreases naturally. It can also occur with certain diseases.

smear on microflora in women
smear on microflora in women

Exceeding normal levels

Microflora in a woman's smear. What does this mean? A specific answer is given only by the attending doctor, having fully studied the results of the analysis. It all depends on the ratio of microorganisms, inclusions of various cells, elements. If their volume exceeds normal values, there is reason to talk about the development of infection, inflammation.

You can independently judge this probability by paying attention to the number of "+" opposite certain names in the certificate. There can be four options:

  • "+" - some excess of the norm. But without suspicion of the development of the inflammatory process.
  • "++" - moderate increase. Such an indicatorsays the inflammation has already begun to develop.
  • "+++" - increase the number of certain elements. Inflammation has not only appeared, but is already developing and progressing.
  • "++++" - copious amount. An alarming indicator by which one can judge the presence of a serious disease that has affected the genitourinary system. About the advanced stage of infection or illness, the formation of an oncological nature.

What should not be in the analysis results?

If a woman has a polymorphic microflora in a smear, what can this mean? On the mucous membrane there are not only beneficial, protective microorganisms, but also relatively neutral and even pathogenic ones. About this or that illness it is possible to judge, having learned their balance. The presence of a small proportion of pathogens does not always directly indicate the development of the disease.

However, there are a number of representatives of the microflora, the presence of which in the results of the analysis indicates infection (accordingly, a dash will mean that the woman is he althy):

  • Gonococcus. It is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes gonorrhea. Cocci in a smear in women for microflora should be absent altogether. If it was gonococci that were found, this may indicate the beginning of the development of inflammation of the cervix, urethra, fallopian tubes or even the rectum.
  • Trichomonas. These are plastically changing bacteria, which are quite difficult to identify when conducting a smear on the microflora. Therefore, the biomaterial for determining the presence of Trichomonas is additionally transferred for bakposev. If the bacteria werefound on the mucous membrane of the cervix, this indicates developing trichomoniasis.
  • Key cells. These are not alien microorganisms, but ordinary epithelial cells. Only glued with gardnerella and other pathogens. If they were found as a result of a gynecological smear, this usually indicates the development of vaginosis.
  • Candida. If the coccal microflora in a woman's smear should not be present, then these fungi can be found in small quantities in he althy women. But in the event that candida is contained in terms of indicators more than beneficial lactobacilli, this indicates that candidiasis (better known as thrush) is developing. In the early stages, the disease can be identified by slight itching during urination.
  • Atypical cells. These are the body's own, but modified cells. Their detection may indicate the development of oncological pathology.
what does a microflora smear show
what does a microflora smear show

Specific numbers and values

What does a smear show on the microflora of the vagina? First of all, the presence of pathogens on the mucous membrane, their number. With the help of such an analysis of the biomaterial, you can find out about the ratio of beneficial, neutral and harmful microflora. And on the basis of this information, to judge the development of a particular infection and pathology.

Depending on the place where the smear was taken from, the rate of indicators varies. For the vagina, these are the following numbers:

  • Leukocytes: 0-10-15.
  • Epithelium: less than or equal to 10.
  • Plime: None or eaten in moderation.
  • Key cells: none.
  • Gonococci (Gn): none.
  • Candida: no.
  • Trich: no.
  • Other microflora: Lactobacilli (Gram-positive Dederlein rods) are present in high or moderate amounts.

We continue to analyze what is the norm for microflora in a smear in women. If the biomaterial was collected from the mucous membrane of the cervix, the following values \u200b\u200bare normal:

  • Leukocytes: 0-30.
  • Epithelium: 10 or less.
  • Plime: none or in moderation.
  • Key cells: not present.
  • Gonococcus: no.
  • Candida: no.
  • Trichomonas: no.
  • Other microflora: not detected.

The norm for microflora in a smear from a woman taken from the urethra will be somewhat different:

  • Leukocytes: 0-5-10.
  • Epithelium: value equal to or less than 10.
  • Slime: no.
  • Key cells: none.
  • Gonococci: no.
  • Candida: no.
  • Trichomonas: no.
  • Other microflora: not present.

Types of conclusions

There are five types of conclusions throughout the study:

  1. Negative. There are no deviations from the norm, the woman is he althy.
  2. There is a specific inflammatory condition that needs treatment.
  3. Single cells with an abnormal nuclear structure were found in the epithelium.
  4. There is a suspicion of cervical erosion, malignancy, parakeratosis,papillomavirus, genital herpes.
  5. Has a cancer requiring immediate treatment.
microflora of a smear in women decoding
microflora of a smear in women decoding

Procedure for pregnant women

Pregnant women are prescribed microflora tests much more often. This is due to the fact that a simple smear allows you to notice infection in time, inflammation, which can be dangerous for both mother and child. Diseases of the genital organs significantly undermine the immunity of a pregnant woman, and can cause pathological development of the fetus.

Biomaterial sampling is standard here. However, when taking a smear from the cervical region of the cervix, the doctor must be extremely careful not to provoke a miscarriage.

Analysis of the collected material will allow timely notice of many dangerous conditions that have not yet begun to manifest themselves as characteristic symptoms: gonorrhea, syphilis, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis.

It should be noted that during gestation, normal indicators will differ slightly from the standard norms for a non-pregnant woman. First of all, this is due to the increased production of progesterone by the body. It, in turn, inhibits the division of leukocytes. Therefore, this indicator in a pregnant woman can be reduced to 20 units, which will not be considered pathological. But the excess, on the contrary, is dangerous. It indicates the beginning of the development of inflammation, which can lead to miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth of a child in the last trimester.pregnancy.

Aberrant indicators in the results of the analysis of a smear for microflora in women do not always indicate specifically sexual infections, diseases of the genitourinary system. They can be used to judge the beginning of the development of diseases such as malaria, typhoid, oncological pathologies.

Gynecological smear - a simple analysis that allows you to get quick results, additionally carry out bakposev. With its help, you can judge the beginning of the development of a whole list of pathologies. You know the basic interpretation of the results. However, this is only informational information - only your doctor can make a diagnosis.