Cough with sputum in a child: how to treat, causes, review of drugs, advice from pulmonologists

Cough with sputum in a child: how to treat, causes, review of drugs, advice from pulmonologists
Cough with sputum in a child: how to treat, causes, review of drugs, advice from pulmonologists

Wet cough is the body's response to an infectious-inflammatory process or irritation of the respiratory tract by allergens. In this case, sputum is formed in the bronchi, which comes out when coughing. In children, the process of mucus discharge can be difficult. How to treat a cough with sputum in a child? And what drugs facilitate the release of bronchial mucus? We will answer these questions in the article.


Parents are always alarmed when they notice a cough with phlegm in their children. How to treat a sick child? First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the appearance of such symptoms. Doctors believe that a wet cough is less dangerous than a dry one. If sputum comes out, it means that the bronchi are cleared of mucus and microbes.

Wet cough often occurs in infants. At the age of one year, children may accumulate mucous secretions in the nasopharynx, which must be removed with a nozzle suction. This is not always a sign of illness; this phenomenon is also observed in he althy babies. But if the mucus is not removed in time, it can enter the respiratory tract and cause a wet cough.

He althy children may cough up to 15 times a day. Most often this happens in the morning. This is the norm, in this way the body is freed from microparticles that have entered the respiratory tract.

But often a wet cough is one of the manifestations of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. This symptom is noted in the following pathologies:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • lung abscess;
  • late stages of influenza and SARS.

With viral respiratory infections (ARVI, influenza), a wet cough never appears at the onset of the disease. First, the child's temperature rises and he alth worsens. In most cases, a runny nose occurs. Then there is a dry cough. After a few days, sputum begins to separate. This symptom is a sign of a quick recovery, as pathogens are removed along with the mucus. When a wet cough occurs, the fever usually disappears and the general condition improves.

Wet cough in a child
Wet cough in a child

However, coughing up mucus is not always a sign of infectious diseases. Allergic reactions and bronchial asthma are also accompanied by the appearance of a cough with sputum in a child. The treatment of such pathologies differs from the treatment of respiratory infections. In allergic diseases, antihistamines are most often prescribed andbronchodilators, but medication to help clear mucus is also needed.

Warning symptoms

In some cases, a wet cough can be a sign of serious pathologies that require immediate medical examination and treatment. Only a specialist can tell why a child has sputum and how to treat this disease. Alertness in parents should cause the following pathological manifestations:

  • unusual sputum color (green or rusty);
  • admixture of blood in mucus;
  • wheezing and whistling in the chest;
  • high fever with wet cough;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • prolonged wet cough (lasting weeks or months);
  • chest pain;
  • sudden bouts of wet coughing.

When such symptoms appear, the child should be urgently shown to a pediatrician or pediatric pulmonologist. These are signs of serious pathologies of the respiratory system. It may be necessary to take sputum for bacteriological analysis to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Examination by a pulmonologist
Examination by a pulmonologist

Type of sputum and possible diseases

To understand how to treat a cough with sputum in a child, you need to pay attention to the nature of the mucus. Of course, only a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary drugs. But the appearance of sputum suggests a possible disease.

Bronchial mucus can be of different colors and consistency:

  1. Rusty hue. This color of sputum indicatesfor pneumonia.
  2. Green. This is a sign of an infectious disease. This color is given to the mucus by leukocytes that fight the causative agent of the disease. Green sputum is most often seen with bronchitis. The inflammatory process in the bronchi often occurs as a complication of viral respiratory infections.
  3. Stained with blood. This is the most dangerous option. Blood in the bronchial mucus appears with tuberculosis or heart failure. However, if the sputum is difficult to separate, then a small amount of reddish impurities may be present in it. This is due to the fact that with a strained cough, a child may burst small vessels in the throat.
  4. With an admixture of pus and an unpleasant smell. This type of sputum is characteristic of a lung abscess. This dangerous pathology is a complication of pneumonia or severe influenza. Purulent sputum is also separated from bronchiectasis, which develops after viral and bacterial infections.
  5. Vitreous viscous mucus. This type of sputum is most often found in bronchial asthma.

Special alertness should be caused by the constant release of blood when coughing with sputum in a child. Treatment in such cases should not be delayed. With tuberculosis and heart failure, taking classic expectorants is not always effective. Cough is just one of the manifestations of the pathological process in the lungs or heart. It disappears only after the treatment of the underlying pathology.

Classification of medicines

How to treat cough with phlegm in children? Today it is issueda large number of drugs for the treatment of respiratory diseases. These medicines can be divided into two groups:

  1. Symptomatic remedies. These drugs do not affect the cause of the disease, but relieve unpleasant symptoms. This group includes drugs that stimulate sputum discharge and thin mucus.
  2. Etiotropic drugs. They act on the very cause of the appearance of a wet cough.

Medicines for symptomatic treatment are divided into the following groups:

  1. Expectorants. These drugs act directly on the cough center of the central nervous system. They stimulate bronchial motility and help the mucus flow out.
  2. Mucolytics. These drugs make the sputum thinner. As a result, the mucus comes off more easily.
  3. Broncholytics. Relax the muscles of the bronchi and relieve spasm of the airways.

These remedies have different indications for use. For example, at the beginning of a respiratory disease, viscous sputum is often produced when a child coughs. Treatment in this case will consist in the appointment of mucolytics. These products will help to thin the mucus, and it will easily come out of the bronchi.

Suppose that the baby has a wet cough and sputum is coming out. How to treat a child? In such cases, expectorants are indicated. They will help to completely free the bronchi from mucus and make breathing easier.

Bronchodilators can be distinguished into a special group of drugs. These drugs are mainly used for bronchial asthma, accompanied by spasm of the airways and a wet cough. ATin some cases, bronchodilators are prescribed for prolonged bronchitis.

The drugs for etiotropic therapy include the following types of drugs:

  1. Antibiotics. These funds help fight pathogens of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. However, these drugs are ineffective in viral pathologies.
  2. Antihistamines. They are used for a wet cough provoked by an allergic reaction or bronchial asthma. They suppress the body's response to the allergen.

Next, we will consider in detail all of the above groups of drugs.

Can I give antitussives

There are drugs that suppress the cough reflex. These include:

  • "Sinecode";
  • "Stoptussin";
  • "Panatus";
  • "Codelac Neo";
  • "Libeksin".

It should be remembered that such drugs are categorically contraindicated when sputum appears. They are only suitable for the treatment of dry coughs, such as whooping cough. Often, parents make a big mistake by giving the baby such drugs for any cough.

If a child has sputum, then it is impossible to suppress the cough with medication. This will lead to stagnation of mucus in the bronchi and the development of pneumonia. It is necessary to take drugs that help to remove sputum, and do not inhibit the cough reflex.

With viral infections, a child often develops a cough without sputum. How to treat a baby? Even in this case, antitussive drugs are indicatedfar from always. They are prescribed only for dry painful cough, when mucus is not produced at all. If sputum is formed, but in a very small amount, then expectorants are indicated. In this case, only a doctor can decide what kind of drug the child needs.


Quite often, with respiratory viral infections and bronchitis, a child's sputum does not come out well. How to treat this type of cough? In such cases, it is necessary to take funds to thin the mucus - mucolytics. It is important to remember that sputum retention in the bronchi is quite dangerous. This can lead to the growth of bacteria in the respiratory tract and the development of complications.

Absolutely all types of mucolytics are incompatible with antitussive drugs. This combination of drugs can cause dangerous mucus stasis and breathing difficulties.

In pediatric practice, the following types of mucolytic agents are most often used:

  • "Bromhexine";
  • "ACC 100";
  • "Ambroxol".

Let's look at these drugs in more detail.

The drug "Bromhexine" is produced in the form of tablets or syrup ("Bromhexine Berlin Chemie"). Its use is indicated for coughing with sputum difficult to separate in a child. Treatment should last no more than 5 days. A longer course of administration is permissible only with the permission of the doctor. Syrup can be given to children from the first days of life, and tablets - from 6 years old.

"Bromhexine" can be taken together with antibiotics, the mucolytic enhances their antibacterial effect. DuringDuring the course of treatment, the child should be allowed to drink as much liquid as possible. This will further thin the sputum.

"Bromhexine" is also produced as a solution for inhalation. When inhaled, the drug acts much faster than when taken orally. However, before inhalation, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, this type of treatment can cause increased coughing and bronchospasm.

The drug "ACC 100" contains acetylcysteine. This substance breaks molecular bonds in bronchial mucus and contributes to its thinning. This remedy is indicated for coughing with thick sputum in a child. Treatment should take into account the incompatibility of acetylcysteine with most antibiotics. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon antibiotic therapy. It is only necessary to maintain a two-hour interval between taking the mucolytic and the antibiotic.

Mucolytic "ACC 100" is produced in the form of granules. They are dissolved in water and taken before meals. The drug can be given to children older than 2 years. In pharmacies, you can also find a medicine called Fluimucil. This is a complete structural analogue of "ACC 100".

The drug "Ambroxol" refers to a new generation of mucolytics. It simultaneously thins mucus and has expectorant properties. Children's varieties of this medicine are produced under the names "Ambrobene" and "Lazolvan". They are produced in the form of syrup or tablets. The liquid form of the drug can be taken from birth, and tablets - from 6 years.


Mucolytic "Lazolvan"
Mucolytic "Lazolvan"

In the treatment of cough with sputum in children, herbal expectorants are most often used. These agents are the safest and rarely cause unwanted side effects.

Expectorants are prescribed for liquid sputum. If the mucus is viscous and difficult to remove, then taking such funds is possible only after a course of treatment with mucolytics.

The most commonly used herbal expectorants for wet coughs are:

  1. "Gedelix". The preparation contains an extract of ivy leaves. It is produced in the form of drops and syrup. The course of treatment should last at least a week. After the disappearance of the cough, the drug is recommended to be taken for another 2-3 days. In pharmacies, you can also find the drug "Prospan" with a completely similar composition.
  2. "Doctor Mom". This is a combined remedy, which includes extracts of ten medicinal herbs. This drug can also be taken with viscous sputum, as it has an additional mucolytic effect. The product is available in the form of a syrup. It can be given to children from 3 years of age. The drug also relieves inflammation in the airways and expands the lumen of the bronchi.
  3. "Muk altin". It contains marshmallow root. This plant has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is produced only in tablet form. It can be given to children from 1 year old. The medicine is contraindicated if the child has difficulty breathing.
  4. "Doctor Theiss". This is a syrup based on psyllium extract. It acts both as an expectorant and as a mucolytic. Therefore, it can be taken with thick sputum. The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 months of age.
Syrup "Gedelix"
Syrup "Gedelix"

What to do if a child has a cough with sputum in a year? How to treat a baby who has only recently come out of infancy? If the child is already 1 year old, then he can be given Doctor Theiss syrup or Muk altin tablets. At the age of up to a year, it is allowed to take the drug "Gedelix" in the form of drops. It can be added to various drinks such as milk or juice.


Often, when a cough occurs, parents immediately give their child antibiotics. However, such drugs have strict indications for use. They only work on bacteria. With viral infections, antibiotics are absolutely useless.

Only a doctor can prescribe antibacterial drugs, after evaluating the results of a sputum analysis for microflora. If bacteria are found in the mucus, then this is an indication for the use of antibiotics. The following medications are used to treat children:

  • "Augmentin";
  • "Sumamed";
  • "Macrofoam".

Children are usually prescribed suspension forms of the above antibiotics. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Suspension "Augmentin"
Suspension "Augmentin"

Simultaneously with antibiotic therapybe sure to prescribe means for symptomatic treatment. Along with antibiotics, mucolytics and expectorants should be taken to facilitate the passage of mucus.

It is not uncommon for a child to cough up sputum with viral respiratory infections. How to treat such diseases? Taking antibiotics is advisable only on the 5th-7th day of a cold. It is during this period that the bacterial microflora joins the viruses. However, only a specialist can prescribe such drugs. Unreasonable use of antibiotics can lead to a decrease in immunity, which is necessary to fight viruses.

After a course of antibiotic therapy, children are usually prescribed probiotics. This helps to restore the intestinal microflora, which can be disturbed after taking medications.

Broncholytics and antihistamines

Broncholytics are drugs that eliminate spasm of the bronchi and improve the excretion of mucus. In most cases, they are prescribed for a wet cough provoked by bronchial asthma. Less often, doctors use such drugs to treat long-term bronchitis.

These drugs should never be given to children on their own. These are prescription drugs that can only be taken on the advice of a doctor. Their use is indicated only if the child is diagnosed with asthma or prolonged bronchitis.

It is important to remember that not all types of bronchodilators can be taken when sputum appears. Many drugs in this group (for example, "Bronholitin") are intended exclusively for the treatment of dry cough.

BThe following bronchodilators are used in pediatric practice:

  • "Salbutamol";
  • "Berodual";
  • "Fenoterol".

These drugs are available in the form of aerosols and solutions for inhalation.

Bronchodilator "Salbutamol"
Bronchodilator "Salbutamol"

How to treat cough with sputum in children if it is provoked by exposure to an allergen? In this case, it is impossible to do without taking antihistamines. These drugs eliminate the very cause of this type of cough. They suppress the body's immune response to an invading allergen.

Children are usually prescribed new generation antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness and lethargy. With a wet cough of allergic etiology, the following drugs are used (in the form of drops or syrups):

  • "Zyrtec";
  • "Zodak";
  • "Erius";
  • "Cetrin";
  • "Ketotifen".

If sputum does not come out well with allergies, then mucolytics and expectorants are used simultaneously with antihistamines.

Antihistamines are prescribed to children only after a thorough diagnostic examination. You need to make sure that the wet cough is allergic and not infectious.

Folk remedies

It is impossible to cure a wet cough only with the help of folk remedies. In most cases, sputum production is one of the signs of an infectious and inflammatory process in the respiratory system. Therefore, without the use of pharmaceutical preparations, there is no wayget by.

However, folk remedies can be a good addition to medical treatment. There are medicinal herbs that have expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. At home, you can make inhalations with decoctions of the following plants:

  • daisies;
  • thyme;
  • coltsfoot.
Inhalations with medicinal herbs
Inhalations with medicinal herbs

For a wet cough, you can also use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Composition of figs. 10 g of dried fruits are ground on a grater. The resulting mass is poured into 300 ml of hot boiled water, put on low heat and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the composition must be filtered and cooled. 80-100 ml of the drink is given to the child 3 times a day after meals. You can add a little lemon juice to the liquid, this will enhance the healing effect.
  2. Recipe with horseradish and honey. Horseradish must be chopped with a grater, and then placed in warm boiled water. The composition is insisted for 4 hours. In half a glass of milk, add 1 teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and horseradish infusion. The drink is taken three times a day after meals.

Many parents know that milk with burnt sugar helps with coughing. But this remedy is better not to use when sputum appears. Zhzhenka is effective only for dry cough.

You can apply an iodine mesh on the baby's chest or back. Iodine irritates the skin receptors and reflexively affects the bronchi. This method of treatment helps to thin the sputum and bring it out. Some traditional medicine experts recommend drinking when wet.coughing up milk with iodine. However, it is better not to give such a remedy to young children, as it can provoke nausea and vomiting.

Before using traditional recipes, you should consult your doctor. After all, children often suffer from allergies to food and medicinal plants.

Doctors' recommendations

Often there are cases of prolonged cough with sputum in children. What can be done to speed up the healing process? Pediatric pulmonologists advise following these guidelines:

  1. In the room where the sick child is located, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature +18 … +20 degrees.
  2. Wet cough is always aggravated by being in a dusty room. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of all dust accumulators, ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning.
  3. If you have a wet cough, give your child plenty of fluids to drink. This contributes to easier separation of mucus.
  4. If the child does not have a high temperature, then you should not give up small walks in the fresh air.
  5. You need to make sure that the child does not swallow sputum when coughing, but spit it out. Otherwise, the mucus with bacteria will get back into the body.

Following these simple steps will help your child recover faster and get rid of a wet cough.
