Hernia of the spine is a rather dangerous pathology, in the absence of treatment of which the development of complete or partial paralysis is possible. The sooner treatment begins, the more likely it is to achieve a long-term remission and lead a normal life. Symptoms of spinal hernia in women are quite obvious, and ignoring them can lead to partial immobility. You should completely reconsider your diet and lifestyle after making such a diagnosis. Unlike men, the fair sex is less likely to listen to the signals of their own body and are ready to endure pain and other symptoms of spinal hernia. Women have such a character trait as patience and a tendency to deny the problem - this can lead to unpleasant consequences, since the onset of degenerative changes in the spineirreversible.
What is a spinal hernia
Intervertebral hernia is a fairly common disease that is increasingly being diagnosed in relatively young people. This pathology is characterized by displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the vertebra, as a result of which the fibrous ring is torn. After that, the nucleus flows into the canal of the spinal cord, damaging the processes of nerve cells. Treatment of the disease can only be successful in the early stages, in the later stages the prognosis is unfavorable.
In order to understand the causes of the symptoms of spinal hernia in women and men, you should delve a little into human anatomy. There are no blood vessels in the intervertebral discs - oxygen comes from the spinal muscles. In case of malnutrition, cartilage begins to break down. This process can be provoked by the features of the physiological behavior of a person. This is a forced or voluntary lack of physical activity, a constant presence in one position. Depending on the location of the neoplasm, the intervertebral disc of any part of the spine may suffer:
- cervical;
- breast;
- lumbar;
- sacral.

Causes of the development of the disease in women
So, the following are the most common causes of spinal hernia symptoms in women:
- a sedentary lifestyle that provoked venous congestion;
- prolonged deficiency of minerals and vitamins;
- alcohol abuse,which, as you know, washes away minerals and vitamins necessary for cartilage tissue;
- genetic predisposition to defects in the musculoskeletal system (quite rare).
Unlike women, the most common cause of spinal hernia in men is trauma. Injuries of the spine (regardless of which department - a hernia can develop in any) can damage the innervation of the intervertebral disc. This can lead not only to the gradual development of a hernia, but also to a number of other pathologies. Women can also injure the spine, resulting in a hernia, but this happens less often with the fair sex than with men.
Medical classification of spinal hernias
There are several criteria by which a spinal hernia can be classified. The prescribed treatment and the fact whether it will be possible to achieve remission and get rid of the symptoms of a hernia on the spine in women depend on the accuracy of the diagnosis. In the photo below - a hernia on an x-ray.

So, classification according to the location of the lesion of the intervertebral disc:
- cervical region (hernia is relatively rare here, this area accounts for only about 3-5% of cases);
- damage to the intervertebral space in the lumbar (for women, this location is the most common - this is due to the peculiarities of the development of the musculoskeletal system);
- thoracic or sacral injury.
It is the lumbar spine that takes on a big load if a woman sits at a table for a long time. It is a well-known fact that women are more likely to do office work, which involves many hours of being in one position. Also, walking in heels contributes to a high load on the lumbar region. This is another factor that contributes to the symptoms of lumbar herniated discs in women.
Also in orthopedics there is a classification of spinal hernias according to the degree of protrusion:
- protrusions (prolapse) are diagnosed if the size of the protrusion is up to 3 mm;
- prolapses are diagnosed when the size of the protrusion is up to 6 mm;
- extrusion (formed protrusions), if the size of the protrusion of the intervertebral disc is up to 15 mm.
The severity of symptoms of spinal hernia in women depends on the location and degree of protrusion. Treatment, for example, of protrusions in the cervical region and in the lumbar region will be completely different. In the first case, physiotherapy and exercise therapy will be required, and in the second case, even exercise therapy will need to be performed with caution, or even completely abandoned, resorting to surgical intervention. The exact classification of a hernia and the appointment of treatment should be carried out by an orthopedist or surgeon. Self-medication in most cases not only does not improve the condition, but also aggravates the patient's condition.
How a hernia manifests itself in the cervical spine
Symptoms of a herniated cervical spine in women usually appear between the ages of 30 and 45years. You should contact an orthopedist as soon as possible and begin therapeutic measures. In the tissues of the intervertebral structures, changes begin, in addition to a hernia, osteochondrosis may begin to develop. Fibrous rings become fragile, symptoms become more and more aggravated. The course of treatment will depend on the degree of damage.
Symptoms of spinal hernia in women (a photo of an x-ray of a sick person is shown below):
- If the hernia is located between the cervical vertebrae CI and CII, the patient complains of insomnia. Sleep problems are characterized by disruption of sleep phases and difficulty falling asleep. The patient suffers from tinnitus and frequent headaches. The neck often "numbs", the vertebrae crackle when you try to turn your head. In connection with insomnia, problems with the psychological state often begin: the patient becomes irritable, intolerant, and may even seek help from a psychiatrist. However, the true cause of ailments is the development of a hernia and cerebrovascular accident.
- Symptoms that occur when the intervertebral disc is damaged, located between the vertebrae CII and CIII, due to the fact that this area is the blood supply and innervation of the tissues of the forehead, eyeballs and tongue. Flies often flash before the eyes, the head often hurts and sweats a lot. The so-called torticollis develops - it is more convenient for the patient to keep her head tilted rather than straight. Taste perception is disturbed, vision is reduced, panic attacks may begin, the patient is haunted by a feeling of derealization.
- Protrusion of the intervertebraldisc, located between the vertebrae CIV and CV, leads to disruption of the innervation of the oral cavity, lips and nose. the patient suffers from vague pains in these areas. There may be a suspicion of sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc., however, an otorhinolaryngologist, as a rule, does not find such diseases, since the cause is a hernia of the cervical spine.
- Herniated intervertebral disc that separates the VI and VII vertebrae, infringes on the root that innervates the tonsils and muscle tissue of the shoulders and neck. It is difficult for the patient to turn her head, there are pains in the shoulders and neck. The voice may become hoarse for no apparent reason. Weakening of the muscles of the neck and arms. There is shortness of breath, pain of an unclear nature in the region of the heart.
- When the intervertebral disc, located at the junction of the cervical and thoracic spine, is damaged, the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted. In parallel with the development of a hernia in this area of the spine, patients suffer from frequent bursitis, arthrosis, and thyroid diseases. At the same time, it is important to treat the root cause - a hernia, to restore nerve patency. After that, the negative symptoms associated with the main diagnosis will decrease.

Hernia of the thoracic spine: symptoms in women
Pathology occurs in the thoracic spine. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner treatment can be started. Symptoms of a hernia of the thoracic spine in women are as follows:
- Pain in the heart of unknown etiology. Patients often feel that they haveheart disease, but the EEG refutes this suspicion. If the pain is persistent, you should definitely visit an orthopedist.
- Manifestations of intercostal neuralgia. Stinging pains in the sternum of unclear etiology - this is most often intercostal neuralgia, one of the symptoms of spinal hernia in women. Lumbar or thoracic - this can only be confirmed with accuracy after a CT scan.
- Hand numbness, fine motor impairment is also a common symptom.

How a hernia of the lumbar spine manifests itself
Depending on the stage of the process, the symptoms of a hernia of the lumbar spine in women may be as follows:
- Pains of aching, dull nature in the lumbar region. In some cases, pain may not be in the center, but on the sides of the lower back. In this case, the pain becomes less pronounced in the supine position. Often patients confuse this symptom with kidney disease. In fact, the cause is a hernia of the spine in the lumbar region.
- Female patients often complain of a feeling of "leakage" in the lower back. When you try to stretch or bend over, this causes a rather sharp pain sensation.
- In the morning, numbness may be felt in the lumbar region, as if the blood flow in this place has been disturbed or the place has been treated with anesthesia. This symptom of a hernia of the lumbar spine in women occurs in the initial stages. Later, when the disease progresses, pain appears.
Symptoms of sacral herniaspine in women
The sacrum is located at the very bottom of the back, in front of the coccyx. This area of the body receives a lot of stress in those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Symptoms of a hernia of the lumbosacral spine in women are as follows:
- sharp pain in the sacrum and coccyx when trying to bend down or turn the body;
- in the morning, a feeling of numbness in this area of the body, while trying to get up, pain may appear (its intensity depends on how far the pathological process has gone);
- pain radiates to the lower abdomen, to the pelvic area, sometimes it is a symptom of bladder diseases, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination.
Methods of treatment of spinal hernia
Depending on the location and stage of the hernia, the treatment will be different. In some cases, regular exercise therapy is sufficient, while in others, surgical intervention is indispensable.

Many patients numb the pain with painkillers for years as the hernia progresses. You can’t let the pathology take its course - you should regularly take physiotherapy courses, take all the drugs prescribed by the orthopedist and surgeon (even if at first glance it seems that taking the prescribed medicines will not bring any benefit).
Conventionally, there are three stages of treatment in orthopedics:
- pain relief with medication and complete rest;
- massage and complex therapy;
- if necessary - surgicalintervention;
- rehabilitation, recovery.
If after 3 months the condition worsens (neurological deficit syndrome, potency decreases, limbs go numb, pain increases), then surgical intervention is prescribed - an extreme measure of treatment due to an increased risk of complications.
The use of pharmacology in the fight against spinal hernia

The following groups are commonly used as pharmacological drugs:
- Muscle relaxants allow you to achieve relaxation of the problematic muscle group, as well as to balance the pathological skew of the spinal column. The parallel use of physiotherapy allows you to achieve remission in the early stages.
- Painkillers for symptoms of hernia of the spine in women (lumbosacral affected, thoracic or cervical - it doesn't matter) can relieve the patient from pain. This is not a treatment in the truest sense of the word, but simply a way to get rid of the manifestation of pathology for a while. The most commonly used painkillers are Tizanidin, Tetrazepam, Mydocalm.
- Gels, ointments and other painkillers specifically for local, external use. These are Tylenol, Indomethacin. With regular use, they can get rid of pain, relieve inflammation, but do not directly affect the hernia.
- Paravertebral blockade with novocaine (involving the introduction of an anti-inflammatory hormone), capable of instantly - for two to three weeks- relieve the patient of pain. It is permissible to perform three to four blockades during the course of treatment.
- Vitamin-mineral complexes with components that have a positive effect on the quality of cartilage tissue and improve the functioning of nerve fibers - Milgamma, Neurovitan.
- Drugs that improve blood flow and lymph flow in the affected areas. Such drugs also help relieve swelling, sometimes inflammation. These are Actovegin in injectable form, Berlition, Pentoxifylline.
- Chondoprotectors stimulate the restoration of cartilage structures. The most popular are "Chondroitin", "Artron complex". They should be taken for a long course, otherwise the result of therapy may not be noticed. Alcoholic drinks are excluded during therapy.

Physical activity after diagnosis
It is very important after the course of treatment (especially if there was an operation) to observe the regime of physical activity. Only the attending physician can give exact recommendations on the quantity and quality of physical activity. But all patients are forbidden to lift weights, weightlifting and strength fitness are prohibited.
Optimal types of physical activity - exercise therapy, sparing exercises from callanetics and yoga, short walks, and swimming. All movements must be performed carefully, if pain occurs, immediately stop the load.