The life of a modern person is maximally filled with all sorts of things related to work, household chores, sports, study. A big load in all this falls on the legs. But over the years, a person notices that they suddenly begin to “refuse” from such loads that are familiar to these parts of the body - sometimes the joints get sick, then a bump appears on the leg under the skin, then the veins bother. Of course, I immediately want to know how this could happen. What can be done to restore he alth? Which doctor should I contact?
Seals on legs
The formation of so-called "bumps" on the legs is a fairly common occurrence. What are the symptoms?
Usually, the first appearance of such a neoplasm does not cause alarm, and the person does not go to the doctor. Anxiety occurs when a bump on the leg under the skin begins to rapidly increase in size, causing severe pain. In addition, inflammation and suppuration appear. An ugly appearance during such a process is also important.
Cones can be very different due to origin,appearance, position on the legs. They are single and numerous, hard and soft to the touch, reddened and ulcerative, painful and not. Neoplasms are benign and malignant.
The bumps that appear on the legs have a variety of causes - a violation of fat metabolism, swollen lymph nodes, skin cancer, cyst, lipoma, fibroma, moles, warts and much more.
Methods of treatment directly depend on the causes of the disease, and only a doctor knows about them. Therefore, you should immediately contact a dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, dermatovenereologist or oncologist.
Why cones grow

Do not ignore one of the most common diseases associated with the growth of "bumps" or "bones" on the legs. In medicine, it refers to ailments of the musculoskeletal system and is called "forefoot deformity." What are the causes of this disease?
A bump on the leg (under the skin) appears as a result of the incorrect position of the joints of the foot. And this often leads to wearing uncomfortable shoes. The perverted position of the joints entails not only the growth of the bump, but also the curvature of the toes, the appearance of corns, corns, and flat feet. All this is accompanied by an uncomfortable condition, severe pain.
The reasons for the appearance of such cones are different. One of the main ones is the wrong shoes. It is noticed that the problem in 98% of cases worries women, and only in 2% the disease develops in men. Why is this happening? About the difference in male and female modelsno shoes to speak of. And if we consider the statistics of the disease only in women, then it is as follows: 50% of all representatives of the weaker sex noted signs or suffer from similar diseases.
Constant wearing of high-heeled shoes, childbirth, professional characteristics, increased stress on the legs, age - all this will certainly give its negative result after some time. If a woman does not want a bump on her leg under the skin to become a real problem for her in the future, it is necessary today to reconsider her attitude to shoes, loads, and lifestyle.
How to cure bumps on the legs?

The question of the treatment of the disease must be addressed with an orthopedic doctor. Methods of restoring he alth will depend on the stages of development of the disease.
In the initial stages, changing shoes, some physiotherapy, traditional medicine can be an effective remedy.
If the disease has become more serious, then corrective insoles, insoles, interdigital ridges, fixators are added to the listed methods.
The most complex forms of such deviations from the norm are treated by surgery after special studies. Surgery is recommended only in the most extreme cases.
Traditional medicine
During the development of high technologies, one should not discount the centuries-old experience of folk wisdom and knowledge. Grandma's advice is sometimes very simple, but effective.
From the bumps on the legs and the pain thataccompany the disease, you can try to get rid of in several ways:
- Application of iodine mesh.

- Propolis compress.
- Cabbage leaf wrap.
- Compress of raw potato pulp, foot bath.
- Massage with laundry soap.
- Lubrication with camphor oil.
- S alt baths.
- Decoctions, infusions of herbs for internal use (bearberry, horsetail, birch buds, cranberries).
General recommendations
Compresses, as well as baths, it is advisable to do daily before bedtime. One and a half to two months of persistent treatment will definitely give a positive result.
The best effect can be obtained if the procedures are carried out several times a day. At the same time, reduce the load on the legs.
During treatment, experts recommend excluding smoked, s alty and fried foods from the diet. Eat more plant and dairy products. Blueberries and stone fruits are very useful. Plentiful drinking is recommended (up to 2 liters per day). It is necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages of any strength, as well as juices or cocktails of non-natural origin.
Getting rid of excess weight will have a beneficial effect on the treatment. All procedures should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.