Measles symptoms in adults are usually much more pronounced than in children. The older the person, the more severe the infection process. If a child suffers this disease relatively easily and without consequences, then an adult often develops complications. In childhood, measles treatment is carried out mainly at home. Adult patients often have to be hospitalized in a hospital. Infection is especially dangerous for pregnant women and the elderly. Recently, outbreaks of this disease have been observed quite often, so everyone needs to know how measles manifests itself in adults.
Pathogen and transmission routes
Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. Its causative agent is morbillivirus. This microorganism is poorly resistant to the external environment. It is quickly killed by high temperatures, sunlight and exposure to disinfectants.

After a disease, antibodies form in the blood of a person and immunity is established. Re-infections are extremely rare, mainly in patients with a sharply weakened body's defenses.
Since the virus does not survive well in the environment, it is not transmitted by contact or alimentary means. The only route of infection is airborne. The patient sheds viruses while talking, sneezing or coughing. They enter the mucous membrane of a he althy person, begin to multiply, and then enter the bloodstream. This is how infection occurs.

Do adults get measles? Many people mistakenly believe that this is a "childhood" infection. However, adults often become infected with this disease, especially if they did not suffer from this disease at an early age. Since this disease leaves behind immunity, you can protect yourself from it with the help of vaccination.
Incubation period
The incubation period for measles in adults is 1 to 2 weeks. At this time, a person does not feel any deviations in well-being. There is still no high temperature, signs of damage to the nasopharynx and rash. The virus is just starting to multiply on the respiratory mucosa.
However, even at this stage, an infected person is dangerous to others. In the last 2 days of the incubation period for measles in adults, the patient begins to shed the virus. The person remains contagious until day 4 of the rash period.
Catarrhal stage
The disease begins acutely, without warning. At this time the virusalready in the blood. The catarrhal stage is characterized by inflammation of the nasopharynx and intoxication of the body. Symptoms of measles in adults are:
- The patient's temperature rises sharply to +40-41 degrees. Such high numbers are typical for adults. In children, the temperature is usually lower. The fever lasts for several days, may be accompanied by delirium and clouding of consciousness, and then subsides. However, during the rash period, the temperature rises again.
- There is a severe headache with photophobia. General well-being worsens, weakness increases. The patient has to stay in bed.
- The patient is worried about frequent dry cough. Breath becomes hoarse. In adults, the disease is very often complicated by tracheitis and bronchitis.
- The throat becomes inflamed, red and swollen.
- The cervical lymph nodes increase.
- There is a runny nose with mucous or purulent discharge.
- The conjunctiva becomes inflamed, the eyes become red.

In the catarrhal stage, the disease is sometimes difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of measles in adults during this period resemble those of other infectious diseases. Inflammation of the nasopharynx is observed with influenza, tonsillitis, SARS and many other pathologies.
However, there are specific symptoms that are unique to measles, which can be identified already at the initial stage. On the mucous membrane of the cheeks in the region of the molars, small white spots with a red border can be seen. They appear towards the endcatarrhal period. This is a specific manifestation of measles infection. They are called Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots.
The catarrhal period lasts about 2-5 days. During this time, the patient's condition worsens and the symptoms increase.
Eruption period
Shortly before the rash appears, the patient's temperature drops and his condition improves somewhat. However, this relief is deceptive. Soon there is a new jump in temperature, and a rash appears on the 3-5th day of illness.
Rashes appear on the body. They first cover the face, chest and neck, and then spread to the trunk and limbs. The rash looks like red nodules (papules). These formations can merge with each other, this is the difference between the symptoms of measles in an adult and the manifestations of rubella. A confluent rash is noted only with measles infection. With rubella, the rashes are located separately from each other.

This period lasts about 4-5 days. During the rash, the patient's condition worsens and the inflammation of the nasopharynx and eyes worsens again.
Recovery stage
4 to 5 days after the onset of the rash, the patient begins to recover. The body temperature decreases, the general condition normalizes. At the site of the rash, age spots first form, and then slight redness and peeling of the skin. Full recovery occurs on the 12-15th day of illness.
This is how the disease goes with the classic uncomplicated variant. However, in adults, measles infection is sometimes atypical.
How does measles manifest itself in atypical forms in adults? Pathology can be both easy and very difficult. There are three types of disease:
- Erased. The human condition is slightly disturbed. The symptoms of measles in an adult are mild. This variant of the development of the disease is possible after vaccination or the introduction of sera.
- Hypertoxic. This is an extremely severe form of the disease that requires immediate hospitalization. There is a very high temperature, severe intoxication, as well as damage to the brain and heart.
- Hemorrhagic. The patient has subcutaneous hemorrhages and bleeding from internal organs. This form of pathology poses a danger to the life of the patient.
Hypertoxic and hemorrhagic forms of measles are not common. Basically, such severe types of the disease are observed in people with immunodeficiency.
Possible Complications
Complications of measles in adults are due to the addition of a bacterial infection. The virus dramatically weakens the immune system. As a result, a person becomes susceptible to secondary infections.
A dangerous consequence of measles in adults is pneumonia, which can turn into pulmonary edema and be fatal. Another severe complication is meningoencephalitis. It occurs as a result of the addition of a meningococcal infection. Sometimes the consequence of measles can be multiple sclerosis, a severe chronic disease of the nervous system that is difficult to treat.
In the catarrhal period of the disease, the consequences ofsides of the respiratory system, oral cavity, and middle ear. Inflammation of the nasopharynx is complicated by otitis media, stomatitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis.
Measles infection can affect the liver and intestines. After the illness, the patient may suffer from enterocolitis and hepatitis. In severe cases, the excretory organs are involved in the infectious process, pyelonephritis and renal failure occur.
Measles is very dangerous during pregnancy. The causative agent of pathology penetrates the placenta and causes malformations or death of the embryo. The virus can also lead to miscarriage or premature birth. In many cases, the disease is an indication for abortion.
In adulthood, complications are much more common than in children. Therefore, at the first sign of measles in an adult, an urgent need to consult a doctor.
In the initial period, measles must be differentiated from other infectious diseases: influenza, SARS, rubella, whooping cough. At the catarrhal stage, pathology can be identified by spots in the oral cavity. They appear on the 2nd or 3rd day of illness. This sign, combined with symptoms of a nasopharyngeal lesion, is indicative of a measles infection.
The doctor also examines the patient's throat. With measles, there is inflammation on its back wall. Wheezing is heard on auscultation.

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay helps to accurately identify the disease. It detects the presence of antibodies to the measles virus. Once a pathogen enters the body, the immune systemrecognizes it as a foreign substance and begins to produce special proteins to neutralize the microorganism. In some cases, an immunofluorescent test for the presence of the virus is prescribed.
Treatment of measles in adults can only be symptomatic. There is no specific medicine that kills the virus. If the disease is mild, then therapy is carried out at home. During a period of high temperature, it is recommended to observe bed rest, while it is advisable to be in a darkened room, since the disease is accompanied by a fear of light. Also, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids to relieve intoxication. In severe cases, the patient is hospitalized.
The following remedies are used to relieve the symptoms of measles:
- Medicines with paracetamol and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed for high fever and headache. These funds include: Aspirin, Coldrex, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Nimesil.
- Antihistamines. Their use is indicated during the period of rashes, to relieve itching. Assign "Suprastin", "Claritin", "Tavegil", "Dimedrol". You can also use a local remedy - a solution of Delaskin powder.
- Means for gargling. Apply the bactericidal drug "Chlorhexidine" and decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, oak bark. calendula.
- Mucolytics. These drugs promote expectoration when coughing. ATthe catarrhal period is prescribed by ACC, "Bromhexine", "Ambroxol".
- Eye drops. They are prescribed to relieve the manifestations of conjunctivitis in the catarrhal period. Use drops with chloramphenicol and "Sulfacyl-sodium". You can also wash your eyes with strong tea leaves or furatsilin.
- Antibiotics. These drugs are not able to fight the virus. Therefore, with uncomplicated measles, their use is meaningless. However, if a bacterial infection has joined the virus, then antibiotics are necessary.

Treatment of measles in adults with immunoglobulin is indicated only at the beginning of the disease. If a person had contact with a patient, then the introduction of serum will help to transfer the disease much easier. In this case, the infection often proceeds in an erased form.
Prevention and vaccination
Prevention of measles in adults is to limit contact with the patient. It is important to remember that this disease is very easily transmitted and very difficult in adulthood. The introduction of serum during the incubation period does not completely protect against the disease.
The only reliable protection against measles is the introduction of a vaccine. If the vaccination course was not carried out in childhood, then this can be done in adulthood. For patients under 35, vaccination is free.
When is the measles vaccine given to adults? First of all, it is recommended for previously unvaccinated people, women planning pregnancy, and travelers. Most often, the combined drug "Priorix" is administered. Hecontains weakened viruses, their entry into the body causes a response of the immune system. The vaccine protects not only against measles, but also against rubella and mumps.
There are temporary contraindications for vaccination. Vaccination should not be given to pregnant women, after the introduction of immunoglobulins, as well as during acute infectious diseases. It is not recommended to administer the drug to people with tuberculosis. When is the measles vaccine given to adults in these cases? If vaccination has been delayed due to pregnancy, it can be given after childbirth. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication. In case of illness, vaccination is done after recovery. After using immunoglobulins, the vaccine can be administered after 1 month.

There are also constant contraindications. The vaccine should not be administered to people who are allergic to aminoglycosides and egg white and to people suffering from tumors. If in the past a person has had hypersensitivity to the vaccine, then the vaccine should be abandoned.
The measles vaccination schedule for adults provides for two doses of the drug. Make a subcutaneous injection in the forearm. The vaccine is given again after 3 months.
After vaccination, a person may experience a fever, general malaise, redness and pain at the injection site. This should not be frightened, such symptoms are a normal reaction. They indicate the body's immune response. After about a week, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.
However, if a person has an allergy, pain in the abdomen or head after an injection,discomfort in the kidneys, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it. Such manifestations indicate a severe reaction of the body to the vaccine.