The word "AIDS" is known to every person on earth and implies a terrible disease, against which there is an uncontrolled drop in the level of lymphocytes in human blood. The state of the disease is the final phase of development in the body of HIV infection, leading to a lethal end. The first descriptions of the disease date back to the 80s, when doctors around the world were faced with its manifestations.

Statistics data
At present, AIDS in Russia is spreading at a tremendous pace. Statistics officially recorded the number of infected people. Their number is shocking with its zeros, namely, there are about 1,000,000 patients with HIV infection. These data were voiced by V. Pokrovsky, head of the Center for Epidemiology of the Russian Federation. Statistics say that only during the Christmas holidays in 2015, the number of people who received HIV infection corresponds to the figure of 6000. Pokrovsky noted this data as the highest figure in all previous years.
Typically, the issue of AIDS becomes the most talked about twice a year. The AIDS Center announceswinter (December 1) Day of opposition to the disease. In the first days of May, the Day of Sorrow for those who died from the "plague of the 20th century" is held. However, the topic of AIDS and HIV infection was touched upon outside of these two days. The UN statement said that the Russian Federation has become the world center for the spread of HIV. Especially frequent cases of the disease were registered in the Irkutsk region. It has become the generalized center of the HIV epidemic.

Such information once again confirms the process of increasing the disease. V. Pokrovsky has repeatedly stated this, and UNAIDS documents also reported this. Dmitry Medvedev, during a meeting of the commission on he alth protection, confirmed the presence of cases in the country and an increase in the number of patients by 10% annually. Terrifying facts were voiced by V. Skvortsova, who believes that in about 5 years AIDS in Russia can reach the level of 250%. These facts speak of an all-encompassing epidemic.
Percentage of cases
While discussing the problem, V. Pokrovsky argues that sexual intercourse is a typical way of infecting women. The fact is that AIDS in Russia is recorded in more than 2% of the male population aged 23 to 40 years. Of which:
- with drug use - about 53%;
- sexual contact - about 43%;
- homosexual relationships - about 1.5%;
- children born to mothers with HIV infection - 2.5%.
The statistics are truly shocking in their performance.

Reasons for AIDS leadership
Specialists note two main indicators of the deterioration of the situation in this area.
- AIDS in Russia is spreading at such a rapid pace due to the lack of programs to combat it. The fact is that in the period 2000-2004, the Russian Federation received support to overcome this problem from an international fund. After the recognition of the Russian Federation as a country with high incomes, international subsidies were suspended, and domestic subsidies from the country's budget became insufficient to overcome the disease.
- The disease is progressing by leaps and bounds due to the use of drugs through the use of injections. The AIDS Center confirmed that about 54% of citizens got the disease "through a syringe".
Statistical data shocking the mass of the disease. The risk of becoming HIV-infected is increasing every year. The number of deaths from this disease has also increased.

According to V. Pokrovsky, there are 205,000 people who died from AIDS in Russia. This figure covers only surveyed segments of the population. This includes patients who are already registered as infected. According to experts' forecasts, potentially hidden carriers of HIV who do not receive treatment and are not registered with a doctor should be added to this number. In total, the figure may reach 1,500,000 people.
The most problematic area for AIDS
The AIDS statistics in Russia show how big the problem is. At the moment, the most critical situation is consideredcovering the Irkutsk region. The chief doctor of the region for the fight against the disease stated that almost every 2 people out of a hundred have a confirmed HIV test. This corresponds to 1.5% of the total population of the region.
Three out of four incidents involve sexual contact between people under the age of 40. When clarifying the circumstances, it often turns out that an infected person did not even suspect that he had become a carrier of the infection and that he needed intensive treatment.
In the report of V. Pokrovsky, the phrase was heard: “If 1% of women carrying a fetus are found to have HIV according to the results of a blood test, then epidemiologists have the right to classify the disease as a generalized epidemic.” It was this figure that was confirmed by the doctors of the Irkutsk region. The situation escalated due to the lack of a specialized center in the region and the negligent attitude to the problem of the regional governor.

Along with the Irkutsk Territory, a difficult situation is observed in 19 other regions. These include areas:
- Samarskaya;
- Sverdlovsk;
- Kemerovo;
- Ulyanovskaya;
- Tyumen;
- Perm Territory;
- Leningrad;
- Chelyabinsk;
- Orenburg;
- Tomskaya;
- Altai Territory;
- Murmanskaya;
- Novosibirsk;
- Omskaya;
- Ivanovskaya;
- Tverskaya;
- Kurgan;
- Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug.
The Sverdlovsk and Irkutsk regions occupy the first place in the black list, followed by Perm, followed by Khanty-Mansiysk district, Kemerovo region concludes the list.
The leadership of the regions is far from encouraging. In these areas, you can take the test anonymously at any medical institution.
AIDS: cost of treatment
If anonymous testing is free in most cases, then the treatment itself will require significant investments. The pricing policy of pharmaceutical companies in the field of antiretroviral therapy in our country is quite tough. So, when comparing prices, it can be noted that the course of treatment in African countries is $100, in India it will be from $250 to $300, but in Russia about $2,000 should be paid for it. Such an amount for many residents of the country is unbearable.
Statistics indicate that over the past year, only slightly more than 30% of the sick population was able to receive antiretroviral care. The reason for this fact is the inflated prices set by drug suppliers.
If it turns out that the partner is HIV-positive, it is urgent to take the test. AIDS is a dangerous, deadly disease, so delay in examination can end badly for the patient.

Interesting facts
- For the first time, people on the planet learned about the disease only 3 decades ago.
- The most insidious strain is HIV 1.
- Compared to the original virus, today's HIV has become more adaptable and tougher.
- In the 80s, the disease sounded like a synonym for a death sentence.
- The first case of infection was recorded by doctors inCongo.
- Many experts are of the opinion that it was the reuse of syringes that led to such a rapid spread of the disease.
- The first to open the list of people infected and dead from AIDS was a teenager from Missouri. This happened in 1969.
- In America, homosexual Steward Dugas, who died of HIV in 1984, is considered the first spreader of the disease.
- The list of famous people in the world who have died from the virus can be read with tears in their eyes. The disease claimed the lives of Arthur Asche, Freddie Mercury, Isaac Asimov, Magic Johnson and many others.
- The case of Noushon Williams is considered egregious, who, knowing about his infection, deliberately infected his partners, for which he received a prison sentence.
- Don't be discouraged if the diagnosis is "HIV", our immune system is able to resist the disease. So, out of 300 people, the body of one copes with the disease on its own. This means that our body includes a gene that can protect us from the virus, and we can hope that soon a terrible diagnosis will not mean a death sentence.