The park in Essentuki is one of the main attractions of the resort town, which has a long history dating back to the mid-nineteenth century. This is a wonderful place for recreation and sports. There are many comfortable cafes and restaurants that are guaranteed to make your stay enjoyable and carefree.
How it all began
If you go to this park in Essentuki today, you simply won’t believe that literally two centuries ago this place was a swampy and bare area. She did not dry out even in the summer and did not stand out at all. Nowadays, the Resort Park in Essentuki has become one of the main assets of the city, which attracts tourists and local residents, holidaymakers coming from all over the country.
Initially, its construction was planned by Count Vorontsov in 1848. We started it within a year. In parallel with the construction of the gallery of spring No. 17, they began to plant trees, drain swamps, and plant flowering gardens. As a result, the arrangement of the Kurortny Park in Essentuki stretched forseveral decades. Repeatedly, the whole process was slowed down due to funding problems and other difficulties. At the same time, construction work did not stop completely. Over time, the park is getting closer and closer to its modern appearance. Pavilions and galleries were built, the waters of healing springs were enclosed in pipes, and bathrooms were equipped.
Then, a theater appeared on the territory of the park in the city of Essentuki with an iron annex, which was bought at a fair in Nizhny Novgorod, decorative sculptures and several openwork arbors.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the park spread over an area of 35 acres. At the same time, it was conditionally divided into three parts - the Upper with bathrooms and sources, Vorontsovsky, or Lower, and the new Panteleimonovsky park. So, the latter got its name thanks to the church of St. Panteleimon, located nearby.
Parts of the park
Vorontsovsky Park in Essentuki is famous for its unique shady alleys, which have long become favorite places for unhurried walks of holidaymakers and tourists. Drinking pump-rooms in antique style are located on the park alleys. They can still be seen in their places, but they already perform an exclusively decorative function.
The youngest is Panteleimonovsky park, ideal for walking in summer evenings. It regularly hosts a variety of children's parties, dance evenings for adults, souvenirs, postcards and newspapers are sold in tents.
A church was built at the end of the 19th century, later a parochial school appeared with it, a reading room was opened,library and post office. Together with the school and the temple, this park in Essentuki soon became the center of the cultural life of the entire city.
Before the revolution, his visit was paid. The cost was 20 kopecks. It was possible to purchase a season ticket for the entire course of treatment for three rubles. Separately, at that time it was required to buy a graduated individual glass, which was stored at the source.

During the years of Soviet power and in the modern period, the park in Essentuki has constantly developed with varying degrees of intensity. It is worth recognizing that its most active development took place in the post-occupation period, when the Great Patriotic War ended.
At that time, the entrance to the park was decorated with cascading staircases with fountain complexes, and a pond was dug out on the territory and several new medical buildings were equipped. At that time, the medical park in Essentuki fully lived up to its name.
It still looks attractive and comfortable today. Thanks to the diverse and rich vegetation, the air is filled with amazing healing aromas, and fountains, gazebos and elegant decorative sculptures are placed along the park alleys. Rosaries and well-groomed flower gardens delight the gaze of holiday-goers.
How to get there?

Address of the Resort Park in Essentuki: Krasnoarmeiskaya street, 13. It is located on the territory of the Stavropol Territory, in a place attractive for tourists from all over the Russian Federation.
Knowing the address of the park in Essentuki, you can easily get to it. Arriving at the city railway station, you can arrive at your destination by taxi or bus number 6, 9 or 21. You will need to go to the stop "Sanatorium" Kazakhstan ".
Main Alley

On most photos of the park in Essentuki, you can definitely see its main alley. It starts in the central square of the city, goes past the springs No. 4 and No. 17, the mechanotherapy building, leading tourists to the mud bath in the resort part of the city.
Along the alley of the Resort Medical Park in Essentuki, there are elegant pump rooms, bizarre fountains, antique-style sculptural structures and openwork gazebos.
Experienced holidaymakers who come to Essentuki not for the first time are advised to have nuts or a handful of seeds with them. The fact is that on the way you will definitely meet a lot of squirrels. People have tamed them for a long time, they often feed them, so they willingly descend from the trees, they can even sit on the hand of a vacationer. If you turn off the main alley, you will find yourself on specially marked paths designed for therapeutic walking. They are called he alth paths here.
Entrance to the park

The entrance to the park is located on the corner of International Street, which used to be called Kursovaya. It's near Theater Square.
Almost all of the existing entrances were built in 1955, like many in this park, they were also decorated in antique style. On the sides of the main entrance are the lower and upper terraces. Guests are greeted by two fountains - one is larger and the other is smaller. Behind the fountains is the theater-park building.
Love Kilometer Zero
Here is one of the main attractions of the park in Essentuki called "Kilometer Zero of Love".
This is a sculptural composition, which is designed in the form of a circle, made up of multi-colored paving stones. In the very center of this peculiar circle, two polished metal hearts are laid on a granite base.
Golden Cupid seems to be dozing right next to the ground. Apparently, he fulfilled the plan for the distribution of amorous arrows, now he is enjoying a well-deserved rest. Not far from this composition, there is a beautiful openwork metal bench.
Healing resort

In total, as many as 23 mineral springs were discovered on the territory of Yessentuki, in which there is a unique healing water with a special composition. Springs No. 4 and No. 17 have gained the greatest popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad, from where holidaymakers still come to improve their he alth.
For example, water from spring No. 17 was studied and described in detail by Professor Nelyubin back in 1823. Although it became known about the healing properties even earlier, in 1810, when they were discovered by a domestic doctor with German roots, Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz. It is believed that the water from this source is especially useful for gastritis. It is divided into thermal and cold.
The gallery itself also looks noteworthy, in the architecture of whichByzantine and English motifs are traced. The project of the gallery for spring No. 17 was developed by the architect Upton, and it was approved by Count Vorontsov himself. Construction was completed in 1852. However, due to earthquake damage, the gallery's opening had to be delayed by four years.
The gallery was named after Upton, who was the chief architect of the project. The south-facing façade he chose to decorate with Moorish-inspired arcades, which were extremely fashionable at the time.
In 1873, an openwork gazebo was installed near this gallery, which from the outside seems completely weightless and airy. Although in reality it is cast iron. None of the cataclysms of the 20th century touched her, so she still stands behind the gallery almost in its original form.
Mineral baths

Another feature of this park is the amazing mineral baths. Even today they are considered an important landmark of Essentuki. They are located in the Lower Park, while occupying a fairly impressive area.
This building opposite the mineral spring No. 17 was erected in 1902. The author of this project was the architect from St. Petersburg Baikov.
In 1938, the building was completely redone. A porch appeared on the left side, the second floor, the central entrance was decorated with an impressive portico, which is still supported by monumental columns. During the occupation by the Nazis, the building was badly damaged, but in 1949 it was already restored.
Thenreopened the inhalation, which is considered the largest in Europe. On its basis, a hospital was equipped, which was equipped in accordance with all the requirements of that time. It operated 44 treatment rooms, each with a pair of dressing rooms. The medical institution was equipped with a comfortable vestibule of an impressive size, as well as special rest and waiting rooms.
In the building of the Lower Baths, spa guests could take carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide and hydrochloric-alkaline baths. In addition, doctors arranged special gynecological procedures. The Lower Baths had its own hydrotherapy department (women's and men's).
In 1939, a central inhalation facility was established here.

The building known as "Mechanotherapy. Zander Institute of Orthopedics, Massage and Therapeutic Gymnastics" is of great interest to all visitors to this park. It is made in Fakhver style.
In the 19th century, the Swede Gustav Zander designed special simulators designed for passive and active exercises. For this resort, 64 such devices were immediately purchased. Zander's devices have survived to this day, becoming an important and attractive local attraction for many.
These views are familiar to many, since it was here that certain scenes of the cult Soviet comedy "Love and Doves" were filmed.
Sculptures in the park
There are a wide variety of cultural exhibits throughout the park. Oneof the most famous is called "Peasant with a Jug". She depicts a male figure irrigating a garden in front of her from a jug.
If you go straight along the main alley, you can see the gazebo, known by the unofficial name "Chance Encounters". It is believed that this is one of the most common meeting places for holidaymakers who come to relax on the water.

Directly under the gazebo you can find a kind of flower calendar, which has long been loved by tourists. Almost everyone who has ever been to this place has photos next to it.
On the upper terrace of the park you can see the main balneological center of the resort. Previously, it was called Nikolaevsky baths. This building was completed in 1899. It was built in the classical style, but with some improvements. In the courtyard, communal mud baths were prepared, mixing mineral water with several buckets of healing mud. The steam-heated trolley rolled back into the cabin, where patients could take a mud bath. Five to six thousand procedures were performed here daily.
Impressions of vacationers
In reviews of Essentuki, tourists always mention this park. They note that the architecture here is amazing and beautiful.
But the desire to walk in the park in peace and quiet turns out to be impossible. This is not allowed to be done by street singers and assorted merchants, located on most of the main alley. If tourists try to get off the centralroads, then they immediately encounter uncomfortable passages, which are sometimes very problematic to get through.