For the endocrine system, the adrenal glands are an important and necessary element. In our body, they are represented by small paired glands. Each of them has its own form. They are placed above the kidneys.

This organ produces several types of hormones that are supplied with the blood, and this is reflected in the work of our entire body. For example, they affect the metabolism, the tolerance of stressful situations. That is why you need to take seriously the choice of treatment, since the improper functioning of this organ leads to serious disorders throughout the body. Many are hesitant to take hormonal drugs because they realize what side effects they can have, and prefer to resort to proven "grandmother's" recipes.
Adrenal glands: symptoms and treatment of folk remedies at home
There are many diseases that affect these glands. Each individual disease has its own symptoms. But it is possible to suspect that the adrenal glands are failing, even according to generalsymptoms:
- hypotension (below 60/90);
- severe weakness in the muscles of the whole body (in some cases, atrophy);
- decline in vitality;
- blood sugar drops (hypoglycemia);
- bones become brittle (osteoporosis);
- memory deterioration;
- irritability and temporary apathy;
- loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting;
- pigmented areas form on the skin;
- obesity.

Having found such symptoms, you need to seek advice from an endocrinologist. Problems with the adrenal glands in some cases are a threat to life. It should be noted right away that the treatment of adrenal glands with folk remedies should be carried out carefully, since traditional medicine is not fully familiar with diseases of this kind. It is also important to avoid self-medication without the knowledge of a doctor.
Can I use traditional medicine?
Some patients are convinced that they can cope with this serious disease on their own, with the advice of friends or the Internet. But this view is misleading. Treatment with folk remedies of the adrenal glands should take place only with the approval of the endocrinologist. In addition to the main therapy, you can add recipes that have been tested over the years. Such an approach can actually lead to a faster recovery.

But to begin with, the treatment of folk remedies for the adrenal glands should begin with a revisionyour diet. Nutrition affects the state of these glands, so you will have to refrain from chocolate, coffee and similar products. The ban also applies to nuts and legumes. Naturally, alcoholic beverages are excluded. Tea can be drunk only weakly brewed. As with many diets, you will have to give up s alty and fatty foods.
Addison's disease
This disease affects the adrenal cortex, as a result of which its ability to produce the required amount of hormones is lost. This deficiency can be identified by a change in skin tone (bronze tint), muscle weakness and severe hypotension.
Treatment of the adrenal cortex with folk remedies can speed up recovery. Here are some recipes:
- Infusion of horsetail. Grind the plant well, then pour it with steep brew (1 tablespoon per glass). Let it brew for about 10 minutes. This remedy should be drunk as a tea 15 minutes after eating.
- Snowdrop tincture. For this recipe, you need to collect 80 pieces of snowdrops. Flowers are filled with vodka (500 ml). The tincture is aged for forty days in daylight. After this, the product must be filtered. The medicine is taken three times a day before meals (for 20-30 minutes). One dose - 20 drops.
- Infusion of crushed geranium. A teaspoon of geranium is infused in a glass of var. The liquid is filtered after it has cooled. After eating, the infusion should be drunk like regular tea. Such treatment with folk remedies of the adrenal glands will help in the production of hormones.
Adenoma of the adrenal glands
Adenoma is calleda benign formation resembling a capsule, inside which a homogeneous solid mass is contained. This condition is considered dangerous because there is a chance that it will develop into a malignant tumor. Also, adenoma, as an independent disease, causes difficulties in the production of hormones.

You can determine the presence of a lesion by shortness of breath, weight gain, sweating, pain localized in the abdomen and chest, as well as hypertension. In addition, the hormonal background worsens. Women may have a coarsened voice and menstrual irregularities.
How many hormones are produced?
To start taking drugs, it is important to know in what "mode" the adrenal glands work. Treatment with folk remedies involves a decrease or, conversely, an increase in hormone emissions. With intensive production, Cushing's syndrome can develop. At the same time, weight gain begins, headaches and excessive fatigue appear. Other symptoms include high blood pressure and red streaks on the thighs and back.
Adenoma treatment
If adrenal adenoma is detected, treatment with folk remedies can be useful only in the early stages and only after agreeing with the doctor. In other cases, surgery is usually performed to remove this growth.

In order to improve the production of hormones, you can make geranium tea according to the recipe that was suggested above. If ait is necessary to reduce hormonal "emissions", white and black mulberry will help. To do this, two types of leaves are poured with hot clean water, and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. This medicine should be taken instead of water.
If a tumor of the adrenal gland is found, treatment with folk remedies is reduced to the normalization of hormone production. To do this, you can cook horsetail. It is brewed and taken as tea after meals.
Another tip is to cook lungwort. For this, 30 grams of raw materials are poured with a liter of var. It is recommended to take the tincture before meals three times a day. The dosage is one glass.

In addition to unloading the adrenal glands, treatment with folk remedies should be accompanied by a diet. At this time, you can not eat dried vegetables, chocolate products, legumes, nuts and tea. At the same time, it is recommended to "lean" on baked apples and parsley.
Adrenal cyst
This disease is considered rare for the adrenal glands. Usually this lesion is solitary and develops on one side only. In very rare cases, bilateral cysts are observed. They usually begin to develop at the age of the embryo. Since that time, they have been growing very slowly and do not make themselves felt. Only in adulthood can such education give some signals. You can detect a cyst with an extended ultrasound.
Symptoms of Adrenal Cysts
As a rule, this disease is painless and does not have specific characteristic symptoms. Sometimesthe pathological process can show signs of pulling pain in the area, which is slightly above the waist. If the cyst has grown to a large size, it can compress the organ and lead to impaired functioning of the adrenal gland or kidney. As a result, arterial hypertension develops.
Cyst treatment
The nature of the treatment largely depends on the size of the cyst. If the process does not exceed 4 cm, you can do without surgery, while it is recommended to see a specialist every 6 months so that inflammatory processes can be detected in time. If the size of the cyst exceeds the "norm", drastic measures are required, while traditional treatment or the use of traditional methods can be harmful.

If there is a small (up to 4 cm) adrenal cyst, treatment with folk remedies should be discussed with the doctor. There are several recipes that can help with this disease:
- Burdock juice. Grind clean leaves of the plant through a meat grinder. Squeeze the gruel through gauze. Take only before meals. Dosage: 20 milliliters. The course of treatment lasts three months. The juice is placed in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
- Infusion of elecampane. For preparation, the root of the plant must be well crushed. The blank (30 g) is placed in a 3 liter jar. Yeast (20 g) is also added here. Boiled warm water fills the container to the very top. Put the infusion in a warm corner for two days. The finished medicine is taken in 100 ml. It is recommended to drink it beforeare going to eat. Before use, the product is warmed up in a water bath each time. It is necessary to drink the entire infusion, then take a break for two weeks.
It should be noted that the use of such methods requires responsibility. But if a person takes his he alth seriously, treatment with folk remedies will give its results.