"Pancreazim": instructions for use and description of the drug

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"Pancreazim": instructions for use and description of the drug
"Pancreazim": instructions for use and description of the drug

Video: "Pancreazim": instructions for use and description of the drug

Video: CANKER SORE - Treatment and mouth ulcer causes © 2025, January

Many people, trying to keep up with the rapid pace of life, have forgotten that proper nutrition is the key not only to their he alth, but also to life. Quick snacks, lack of warm food and an unbalanced diet very often become the causes of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to help the digestive system a little to cope with the performance of its functions, in such situations, doctors recommend taking Pancreazim. The instructions for use contain a large amount of information, which we will try to understand in more detail.

Pancreazim instruction
Pancreazim instruction

Composition and pharmacological action of the drug

This remedy is based on three pancreatic enzymes, thanks to which the complex pharmacological action of the drug is achieved. The first is amylase, whose function is to break down starch. The second enzyme is lipase. This substance, together with bile, is responsible for the process of splitting fats and fatty acids, as well as vitamins of groups E, D, K, A,turning them into energy. As for the third component of the drug "Pancreazim", the instructions for use say: it is a protease. This enzyme, belonging to the class of hydrolases, promotes the cleavage of the peptide bond between amino acid compounds in proteins.

Due to its complex composition, the drug facilitates the digestion of food and contributes to a more complete absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the small intestine. In people suffering from pancreatic ailments, the remedy compensates for insufficient exocrine function, improving the digestion process.

Pancreazim instructions for use
Pancreazim instructions for use

Who is the drug indicated for?

The remedy can be recommended for cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis and other diseases that are the result of insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function. In addition, the instruction recommends taking Pancreasim tablets for chronic inflammatory-dystrophic ailments of the gallbladder, intestines, stomach and liver. It is also recommended as part of complex therapy after radiation exposure or resection of the organs of the digestive system, which are accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea and disturbances in the process of digestion.

Doctors advise taking the drug "Pancreazim" (the instruction confirms this information) to people with normal gastrointestinal function, in cases where nutritional errors occur. The drug is also recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle in order to improve the digestion of food. Patients may be prescribed medication forchewing disorders and before undergoing an ultrasound and x-ray examination of the abdominal organs.

Pancreazim instructions for use analogues
Pancreazim instructions for use analogues

Contraindications and dosing system

Before you get acquainted with the rules for taking the medicine, it is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to take it for people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug and for patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. The instruction recommends using Pancreazim only on the recommendation of a doctor. The specialist will be able to correctly calculate the dosage for each patient, depending on the degree of insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes and the age of the patient.

If we consider the general information about the dosing system that the instructions contain, then the maximum dose for an adult per day is 15,000 units / kg, for children over 18 months - 100,000 units, but for crumbs up to one and a half years you can give 50,000 units. As for the duration of treatment with Pancreazim, the instruction recommends coordinating it with your doctor.

Pankreazim instructions for use reviews
Pankreazim instructions for use reviews

Drug Interactions

The drug is often prescribed as part of complex therapy. Therefore, doctors take into account the peculiarities of drug interactions. So, it is not recommended to combine it with antacids, which contain calcium or magnesium. After all, the action of the latter can reduce the effectiveness of pancreatic enzymes. In addition, if the drug is prescribed"Pancreazim", instructions for use of the tablet does not recommend taking with medicines containing iron. This is explained by the fact that enzymes can reduce the absorption of this substance.

Side effects of medication

Despite the fact that the composition contains only pancreatic enzymes, the body may react negatively to taking the drug. So, on the part of the digestive system - this is constipation, nausea, diarrhea and discomfort in the stomach. In isolated cases, patients may experience an allergic reaction on the skin in the form of a rash and hyperemia.

In addition, taking the drug "Pancreazim" (instructions for use, reviews of patients and doctors confirm this information) can cause a negative reaction from the metabolism. So, if a person takes high doses of the drug for a long time, hyperuricosuria may develop, and in cases of frequent overdose, patients experience an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood plasma. Despite the rather large list of side effects described above, you should not be afraid to take the medication if it was recommended by a doctor. After all, the specialist who prescribed the therapy and calculated the dosage was guided not only by the severity of the diagnosed disease, but also by the individual characteristics of the patient.

Special conditions for the use of the drug

Many people believe that this drug is completely safe. They don't even bother reading the instructions for use. But such carelessness in relation to the drug and one's own he alth can lead to the most unexpectedproblems. To avoid such situations, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the features of the use of the drug "Pancreazim".

Tablets Pankreazim instruction
Tablets Pankreazim instruction

Instructions for use analogues, which include pancreatic enzymes, prohibits the use of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. But with cystic fibrosis, the dosage of the drug should be clearly calculated and correspond to the amount of enzymes necessary to digest the amount of food consumed. In this disease, it is better not to exceed the daily dose of 10,000 units / kg in order to avoid the development of fibrous colonopathy in the ileocecal intestine.

If a child needs medication, only a doctor should calculate the dose and set the duration of therapy. After all, the high activity of lipase can negatively affect the intestinal motility of the baby and cause constipation. In addition, patients under 12 years of age should increase the dosage of the drug gradually.
