Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home

Is it possible to treat it at home with obvious symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve? Even with good knowledge in home medicine, a person is not able to cope with all diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that if you have any diseases or signs of them, seek medical help.

Specialists with the help of world-recognized methods are able to defeat your ailment. However, not all people have the opportunity to use the methods of traditional medicine, which forces them to treat all their ailments at home. Self-therapy for any neurological pathologies with folk remedies can show high efficiency, including in the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms arising from inflammation of this nerve always remain the main issue in patients. In order to understand the causes of inflammation, one must understand the essence of the problem.


The sciatic nerve is a major nerve, which is the largest among all belonging toautonomic nervous system. He is responsible for the execution of signals from the brain to all organs.

This is a paired and rather long nerve, and, when disconnected, it goes to each of the two legs. It extends from the spine straight down to the knees, where it branches. The fork gives him the ability to control the foot. Also attached to this nerve are other large nerve fibers that are responsible for controlling the legs. A person does not notice nerve problems until they begin to show symptoms of sciatica.

sciatic nerve
sciatic nerve

The course of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease. The thickness of this nerve is quite large compared to others. It is about the size of an average person's finger, so you can imagine what will happen if sciatica is not treated. Symptoms of any irritation appear almost immediately. The pain can be both sharp, pulling, and aching. It is aggravated not only by movement, but also by the usual cough. In addition to all of the above, numbness of the limbs may occur. If the lesion has reached an impressive size, then the patient may develop a complete limitation in movement.

Why does it hurt?

It hurts because there is a strong irritation of the nerve, for example, with available s alts. This condition is called neuritis. Neuritis can either occur in conjunction with other neurological diseases or be an independent disease.

There are many causes of sciatica. Symptomsand treatment most often depend on the cause that caused this inflammation.

sciatic nerve
sciatic nerve

Causes causing neuritis:

  1. Hypercooling.
  2. Infectious inflammation of a nerve or its surrounding tissues.
  3. There are not enough nutrients (vitamins) in the human body to keep nerve endings in good shape.
  4. Nerve injury from injections.

Causes of pinching

Problems with the sciatic nerve may appear due to the presence of: tumors; swelling of adjacent tissues; muscle spasm; structural disturbances; injuries where muscles, ligaments, or bones adjacent to a nerve grow the wrong size, causing unnecessary stress on the nerve.

Also, the sciatic nerve can be pinched due to such influences:

  1. Changes in the structure of the vertebrae that have arisen due to degenerative diseases of the spine, displacement, trauma or other process associated with the destruction of the vertebrae.
  2. Excessive strain on the back muscles.
  3. Various neoplasms on the spine.
  4. The rotting of the flesh surrounding the spine.
  5. Excessive pressure on the nerve due to the fetus in the abdomen, which is due to the increase in the size of the uterus.

How do doctors treat?

It is best to treat this ailment under the supervision of a doctor, since it is possible to determine the cause of its occurrence most accurately only with special diagnostic methods. These include checking the underlying reflexes with ultrasound or x-rays, which most accurately show the cause of the pinching, as well asa blood test, which is necessary to determine the pathogen. Many people ask: "Which doctor should I contact?". If you feel that you have obvious signs of a pinched nerve, then immediately contact a neurologist, if not, then a therapist.

sciatic nerve
sciatic nerve

Qualified treatment of the sciatic nerve may consist of the following techniques, as a result of which the cause of pinching is eliminated:

  1. Restructuring nutrition, be sure the diet should consist of foods rich in vitamins and trace elements.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. Professional massage
  4. Light and relaxed exercise under the supervision of a specialist.
  5. Treatment of specialized drugs, the main purpose of which is to eliminate symptoms.
  6. The use of corticosteroids - steroid hormones that can fight stress.
  7. Surgery if all of the above fail. Usually used for severe nerve damage. To preserve the nerve, the intervention removes the affected area, and the remaining roots are smoothed and stitched together.
  8. Vasoconstrictive traditional medicine. For nerve inflammation, they are very effective treatments because they do not involve taking drugs that use a synthetic base.

Why should you see a doctor? The doctor will tell you how to properly diagnose and in what direction to treat.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: how to treat at home?

Basicthe cause of the appearance of sharp pain is any mechanical damage to the nerve fiber, which is rather shallow under the soft tissues. What can traditional medicine provide in this case? Oddly enough, but in this case it is very effective, because we need to make an outflow of blood from the site of impact and inflammation as quickly as possible. The sooner this process occurs, the sooner the symptoms will pass. Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies, like other treatment, must be prescribed by a doctor, you should not treat yourself.

A quite normal question arises: "Is it possible to heat the site of inflammation so that the blood drains faster?". By no means, the maximum is pleasant warmth. If the temperature is high, then the tissues at the site of inflammation will only draw more blood, which means it will only get worse.

sciatic nerve
sciatic nerve

Is it possible to somehow heat the sciatic nerve in the presence of symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve? Treatment with folk recipes does not involve high-temperature exposure. Folk remedies used, such as tinctures and compress formulations, are used only at room temperature.

If the patient does not want to use the methods of medical treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, and the symptoms are still tolerable, then the following measures should be taken.


Compresses are quite popular, this is confirmed by reviews of the treatment. Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with their application pass quickly enough.

In case of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the following recipes for dry compresses are used:

  1. They take about 250 grams of warm s alt (sea), which are then put into a cloth bag and applied to the lower back. Keep it until the s alt has completely cooled down.
  2. Stir heated propolis and beeswax. From the resulting mass, make a cake. Now you need to wrap this lump with something heat-insulating, for example, an ordinary towel. Attach to the lower back and keep it for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Grated potatoes combine with chopped horseradish root and a spoonful of honey. Before applying the mixture, the skin must be lubricated with olive oil. Cover the place of application with gauze. A slight burning sensation may be present, which is a sign that the mixture is working. Remove the compress after half an hour and repeat every other day.

Cool compresses also work well. Low temperatures reduce blood flow by constricting blood vessels. The cold causes the blood vessels to constrict, which leads to an increase in pressure. For such a compress, take a piece of ice, wrap it in a cloth, attach it to a sore nerve.

sciatic nerve
sciatic nerve

In Bubnovsky's article "Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment", a method of treatment with compresses was described. Symptoms subside within half an hour, and in some cases even earlier, nerve irritation disappears no less quickly.

Decoctions and infusions

Among folk remedies, decoctions are used for treatment. Three times a day, you should take a decoction of the leaves of Kalanchoe and aspen. Quickly help relieve pain infusion of calendula. You can take a decoction before meals, regularly, at least 4 times a day. To enhance the effect, viburnum is added to the above recipes. The broth is made very simply: grass is placed in a saucepan, after which it is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 3, boiled over high heat, after which it cools and is ready for use.


To relieve pain in the lower back, it is recommended to rub with the following compositions:

  1. Dry flowers of white acacia, filled with boiling water, insist and rub into the lower back at a convenient time. It is also helpful to lubricate the nerve along its entire length.
  2. Honey diluted with black radish juice. Lubricate this mixture into the skin and rub until dry.

After rubbing with this composition, the skin takes on a red appearance, which can be seen in numerous treatment photos. Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve immediately subside after using this tincture.


For inflammation of the sciatic nerve, many experts advise taking baths with various additives, such as horseradish and young pine branches.

Physical exercise and healing massage

This disease often occurs in cases where the back of a person does not have sufficiently strong muscles, or at some point the muscles could not stand it, which causes a hernia of the spine. For the treatment of this disease, healing massages are recommended, as well as light physical exercises that increase the outflow and inflow of blood.

Stretching the muscle and good circulation is the main goal of easygymnastics, which we will now try to tell:

  1. In a standing position. Try to stand as evenly as possible, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, raise your left hand up, and your right along the body. Try tilting slightly to the right and then to the left.
  2. Lying on a flat surface, try to bend your leg at the knee joint, then pull your hands to the opposite shoulder.
  3. In a sitting position. Imagine that you are an office worker: legs in a cross, hands behind your head. Very gently and carefully try to twist your torso in different directions.

The above measures will help in the treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve. Symptoms of nerve inflammation will immediately pass if you can remove this pinched.


If the patient is not helped by folk remedies, then he is looking for other ways to defeat this ailment, especially if progressive symptoms do not give life. Drug treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve and other nerves is the most effective and is carried out if folk remedies have not given the desired result.

sciatic nerve
sciatic nerve

Such drugs of local and general action are designed to speed up the recovery process. Physiotherapy consolidates the result obtained from drug treatment. The main method is treatment with injections. Symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve disappear after a week's course of such therapy. Medications come in steroid and non-steroid types.

Non-steroid drugs

When visitinghospitals, the doctor most often reports the merits of using medical treatments for sciatica. Symptoms of the disease, when using them, pass faster. These drugs are used to relieve ailments directly related to pain. Nowadays, you can find a huge number of medicines in this category. They come in fast and long acting.

Steroid drugs

Another category of drugs are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used to treat sciatica due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. These medications are specially designed for the production of the hormone hydrocortisone by the human body. Steroid treatment is prescribed for a short period of time not exceeding two weeks.

In conclusion

We hope that after reading this article, you understand how precious a he alth thing is. We remind you that traditional medicine is not a panacea, it can only speed up metabolic processes, relieve pain and redness, but trust the treatment exclusively to specialists. Also, do not neglect contraindications, as this can cause complications and aggravate your he alth.
