Quite often the nasal mucosa can become inflamed in case of exposure to various viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergies. Doctors distinguish several types of inflammation. Common signs include pain, fever, trouble breathing, and nasal discharge.
When the first signs appear, it is important to diagnose and treat to prevent the development of complications.
Types of pathological condition
Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the sinuses can be different, it all depends on the course of the pathological process. It is important to correctly determine the type of disease and treat.

Nasal sinuses of a he althy person are normally filled with air, which moves freely through the fistula. In a sick person, various fluids accumulate in them, in particular, such as mucus and pus, which leads to inflammation. This can be facilitated by neoplasms that appear in the nasal passage. Modernmedicine distinguishes between such types of pathology as:
- sinusitis;
- ethmoiditis;
- sphenoiditis;
- sinusitis;
- frontit.
If all the paranasal sinuses become inflamed at the same time, then this is pansinusitis. At the same time, the symptoms of each of the diseases are different, which makes it difficult to diagnose. Distinguish between acute and chronic course of the disease. The latter mainly manifests itself when the treatment of a cold was carried out poorly, as a result of which an inflammatory process begins in the patient's nose.
Therefore, it is very important to know the symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, so that when the very first signs appear, immediately consult a doctor. In this case, you can not self-medicate.
Disease in children
Inflammation of the sinuses in a child (a photo of a child suffering from an illness can be seen below) is quite common. Some diagnostic difficulties lie in the fact that the manifestations of the pathology are quite extensive. It is very difficult to diagnose newborns and infants.
Older children with inflammation of the sinuses complain of mucopurulent discharge from the nose, congestion, shortness of breath, and a feeling of fullness in the eye area. In the acute course of the disease, there is also an increase in temperature. In children, inflammation is characterized by a longer course. Manifested by difficulty breathing, bad breath, cough, nasal congestion.

In infants, the disease is accompanied by general symptoms, such asmoodiness, lack of appetite, weight loss, tearfulness, worsening sleep. Often there is also swelling of the eyelids. This is due to the fact that in babies the ethmoid sinus is located near the eye sockets, and the wall between them is not yet sufficiently formed.
Treatment is selected separately for each baby, depending on his age, form of the disease and severity. Often, it includes taking antibiotics for 2-3 weeks, as well as drugs whose action is aimed at narrowing the sinus mucosa. Antihistamines, antipyretics, painkillers, moisturizers are also required.
If conservative treatment does not give any improvement and bone destruction begins, then surgery may be required. The danger of acute inflammation lies in the fact that in the absence of therapy, complications may occur. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, the child is often hospitalized.
Fungal form of the disease
It occurs quite often. In this case, only one nasal sinus or both can be affected. The most common fungal inflammation occurs in people who often take antibiotics, receive topical steroid therapy.
Disease caused by fungi can occur in HIV carriers, as well as in people suffering from diabetes. The cause of its occurrence is often fungi belonging to the genus Mukor, Candida. Symptoms are similar to a bacterial infection.
The course of the disease may vary somewhat. It can be mild and gradual or fast and heavy. Treatment is carried outsurgically, which involves the removal of fungal masses and polyps from the nasal passages. Additionally, antifungal medications are required.
Chronic disease
Chronic inflammation of the sinuses is characterized by a long course. Symptoms can persist for 2-3 months even with all the required therapeutic measures. This form of the disease occurs in children and adults. The maxillary sinuses are often affected, inflammation of the frontal sinuses is somewhat less common.
Among the signs of chronic inflammation, it should be noted the presence of discharge from the nose, which is watery, mucous or mixed. Also symptoms are difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion, pain, cough, sore throat, provoked by the flow of mucus down the back of the throat.
You may experience a headache, localized mainly in the eyes, forehead and nose. Often the patient's sense of smell is disturbed or disappears. Chronic inflammation can lead to the growth of mucosal polyps and their filling of the entire nasal cavity. It is mainly observed in people who have problems with the immune system, or in those who suffer from diseases of the mouth and teeth.
Acute inflammation can go into the chronic stage if treatment is not started in a timely manner or it is carried out incorrectly or incompletely. Pathogenic microorganisms also play an important role, as well as the anatomical features of the location of the mouth of the nasal passages. For diagnosis, the patient is examined and examined with the help of specializedmethods.
Often there is a need to puncture the affected sinus. Treatment of chronic inflammation involves the removal of the pathologically altered mucosa and the expansion of the mouth. Of the medications, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed, which reduce the mucous membrane and remove mucus from the nose.
Causes of occurrence
Deformation of the intranasal structure can provoke inflammation, namely:
- hypertrophic rhinitis;
- structural anomalies;
- deviated septum.
The most common factor provoking the inflammatory process are viruses. As a result, the mucous membranes produce an excessive amount of mucus. It is dangerous if a bacterial infection joins a viral disease.
In addition, inflammation of the amniotic sinuses can be triggered by a fungus. It can be caused by the constant use of antibiotics, which adversely affect the immune system, disrupt the microflora and lead to the occurrence of infectious mycosis.
Not always inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can be triggered by microbes. Quite often, the causes can be cold air and certain chemicals. The cause of the development of the inflammatory process may be an allergic reaction. It leads to vasomotor rhinitis and severe mucosal edema.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses and the treatment of the disease are interconnected, it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the pathological process. With sinusitis, the patient develops abundantand thick nasal discharge that is yellow or green in color. There is also a constant headache. Pain is noted in the inflamed area, there is a feeling of pressure from the inside, especially during palpation and head tilt.
Cough may also appear due to the constant flow of mucus down the back of the throat and its irritation. Gradually, the symptoms intensify, the temperature rises and the general state of he alth worsens.

When sinusitis occurs inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Both the main symptomatology and additional signs are present, namely:
- nasal congestion on both sides;
- nasal voice;
- loss of smell;
- pain in the upper jaw;
- hearing loss;
- feeling full.
When the frontal sinusitis occurs inflammation of the frontal sinuses. This disease occurs much less frequently than sinusitis, but it is more difficult. Typical symptoms of this disease are:
- swelling and discomfort in the eyes and nose;
- pain above the eyebrows and forehead;
- heavy breathing;
- photophobia.
Etmoiditis is an inflammation of the ethmoid sinus mucosa. Due to the location of the cavity, pain in the bridge of the nose, swelling and redness of the inner corner of the orbit are considered characteristic signs. The discharge has a fetid odor. This disease is rare, but threatens with dangerous complications.
Sphenoiditis - inflammation of the main sinus, that is, the sphenoid cavity. This diseasevery often becomes chronic and difficult to treat. Most patients suffer from symptoms such as:
- pain in the back of the head;
- discomfort in the nasopharynx;
- heavy discharge;
- vision deterioration;
- double vision.
If characteristic symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a doctor for an examination.
To determine how to treat inflammation of the sinuses in adults, you must first conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Initially, the doctor conducts a survey and examination of the patient. In this disease, a laboratory blood test may indicate severe leukocytosis. This usually indicates an acute inflammation.

The most complete information about the condition of the sinuses can be obtained during computed tomography. This technique helps to identify mucosal polyps, fluid accumulation and other pathological changes.
X-ray techniques for examining the nose have become much less common, as they are less informative than tomography. They are mainly used in acute forms of inflammation. Sometimes a sinus puncture is indicated to collect the contents and administer the medication.
Features of treatment
When the first symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses appear, treatment should be started immediately to prevent the rapid spread of the pathological process and the occurrence of complications. Systemic therapy includes taking such drugs,like:
- antibiotics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antihistamines;
- mucolytics.
Furthermore, nasal drops, saline rinsing and physiotherapy are required. In severe cases, surgery may be required.
Medicated treatment
How to cure sinus inflammation? This can only be determined by a doctor after an examination. At the initial stage of the course of the disease, the nose is washed with saline solutions. Saline or sea s alt sprays work well for this. Tools such as Aquamaris or Humer have proven themselves well.
They liquefy the secret of the nasal sinuses, eliminate swelling, reduce inflammation. These drugs contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels in the mucosa. Together with the liquid, mucus, viruses and foreign particles are removed. However, it is not possible to use only saline solutions as monotherapy.

It will help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of inflammation of the sinuses treatment with vasoconstrictors. These drugs have certain pros and cons. This medicine helps eliminate swelling for 12 hours, which promotes healing and reduces discomfort. However, it is worth remembering that with prolonged use, these drops are addictive. You can use them no more than 5-7 days. Such means as Naphthyzin, Otrivin are considered good. For children, it is recommended to use the medicine in a diluted dosage.
In the treatment of purulent inflammation of the sinuses, it may be necessary to use mucolytics, whichwill help to remove thick mucus. In addition, these funds help improve the function of the epithelium. The drug "Sinupret" has good properties. It has a natural composition, so it rarely provokes side effects. Mucolytics have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. They have a positive effect on the course of the disease.
To eliminate puffiness and more rapid discharge of mucus, hormonal agents are prescribed. This is an effective medicine for inflammation of the sinuses, which does not have a harmful effect on the body. That is why hormonal drugs can even be used to treat children. Such drugs as Nasonex, Avamys, Flixonase have proven themselves well.
In case of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are required for inflammation of the sinuses. Basically, penicillin drugs are prescribed, in particular, such as Amoxicillin. They act very quickly on bacteria. In some cases, this drug is not enough. Bacteria are very adaptable and develop drug-resistant strains. This makes therapy much more difficult.
With sinusitis, as well as allergies to penicillin, macrolides, in particular, such as "Erythromycin" or "Azithromycin", may be prescribed. These agents are effective against bacteria and rarely cause pathogen resistance.
It is worth remembering that the medicine for inflammation of the sinuses should be selected only by the attending doctor, taking into account the available indications and contraindications.
Folk remedies
Manyare interested in how to quickly relieve inflammation of the sinuses with the help of folk remedies, as they are effective and safe. It is worth remembering that they can be used only at the initial stages of the course of the disease and after consultation with the attending physician in order to prevent the development of complications.

A good remedy is steam inhalation over jacket-boiled potatoes. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After its completion, you need to clean your nose and go to bed, while covering your face with a towel.
To cope with inflammation of the sinuses help hot compresses that need to be applied to the face in the area of the maxillary sinuses. To do this, use hard-boiled eggs, heated sand, sea s alt, placed in a bag. You can also apply rye flour and honey cakes to your sinuses.
You can also use various drops made from the juice of medicinal plants. For example, you can use the juice of garlic, aloe, red beet, Kalanchoe diluted with water.
Surgical treatment
If the patient has parietal inflammation of the sinuses, surgery may be required. When the normal outflow of fluid is disturbed and it cannot be normalized by other means, a sinus puncture may be required. This is an invasive intervention that should only be performed by a specialist.

In addition, the doctor can open the sinus with special tools and clean it from the pathologicalcontent.
It is important not only to know how to cure sinus inflammation, but also how to prevent the onset of the disease. As preventive measures, you can recommend such as:
- complex treatment of respiratory organs;
- getting rid of all foci of infection;
- immunity boost;
- establishing the required microclimate in the house;
- carrying out sanitary and hygienic procedures.
You need to be very careful about various colds, as they often lead to various kinds of inflammation in the sinuses.