Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Burn from celandine: symptoms, first aid, healing ointments for burns

Burn from celandine: symptoms, first aid, healing ointments for burns

Burn from celandine: possible causes - careless handling of drugs and juice. Symptoms of a burn, skin manifestations, how food poisoning is characterized and if the celandine got on the mucous membranes. First aid. Pharmacy ointments and folk ways to eliminate the consequences of a celandine burn

Is it possible to fly a plane after a stroke: the opinions of doctors, all the pros and cons

Is it possible to fly a plane after a stroke: the opinions of doctors, all the pros and cons

The main reason for this dangerous pathology is that one of the vessels of the brain is blocked by blood clots or foreign objects. Blood cannot get through this barrier, as a result, acute oxygen starvation occurs, and some of the cells die. This phenomenon is called "ischemic stroke". Is it possible to fly after such a pathology, it is better to find out in advance

Swollen knee and hurts - how to treat?

Swollen knee and hurts - how to treat?

If the knee is swollen and hurts, this is a reason to sound the alarm and take care to restore working capacity, restore activity of life and avoid disability in the future. Without knowledge of the clinical symptoms and understanding of the processes, this cannot be done. And advanced forms of diseases can lead to an inflammatory process, secondary pathologies, limitation of physical activity and deprivation of mobility. Below we will take a closer look at why the knee is swollen and sore

What kind of disease is bulimia: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

What kind of disease is bulimia: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

According to medical statistics, most often bulimia is diagnosed in women under the age of thirty-five. It is also found in the strong half of humanity. Eating disorders in men are more complicated and more difficult to treat. An individual with this pathology is constantly pursued by such obsessions as losing weight and eating

Where the stomach hurts: description, symptoms, possible causes and features of treatment

Where the stomach hurts: description, symptoms, possible causes and features of treatment

Where is the stomach and how does it hurt? Why is there discomfort in this area? Now let's take a look at these questions

Numb left cheek: causes, symptoms and treatment

Numb left cheek: causes, symptoms and treatment

Cheek numbness is not a very common problem. However, if your left cheek goes numb, then the cause must be established by the doctor. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, be sure to contact a medical facility. In some cases, this symptom may indicate the development of a serious problem. But for what reasons does the left cheek go numb? How to deal with this symptom? We will talk about this in the article

Seborrhea - what is this disease? Description of symptoms, treatment and possible consequences

Seborrhea - what is this disease? Description of symptoms, treatment and possible consequences

Modern people, due to the lack of free time, prefer to treat the symptoms of the disease, rather than eliminate its cause. This approach subsequently leads to the development of the disease into a chronic form, the destruction of the body from the inside. Seborrhea refers to such disorders. Its first stage usually occurs in adolescence, when there is no hurry to seek medical help. Then the disease makes itself felt throughout life, manifesting itself as unpleasant symptoms

Calculous pyelonephritis: causes, symptoms, effective treatment, recovery period and urologist's advice

Calculous pyelonephritis: causes, symptoms, effective treatment, recovery period and urologist's advice

Prognosis for life in the presence of calculous pyelonephritis is determined by how severe the obstruction to urine outflow is. The prognosis is also determined by the intensity of inflammation. The more severe the pathological change, the more pronounced the clinical manifestation. The disease in this case is usually secondary

Is it possible to smear herpes on the lips with brilliant green?

Is it possible to smear herpes on the lips with brilliant green?

Brilliant green solution is an excellent antiseptic, which some experts recommend to treat foci of herpes pathology. The tool prevents the attachment of a secondary infection, which often occurs when combing itchy areas

Ductal changes in the liver: what does it mean, signs and treatment

Ductal changes in the liver: what does it mean, signs and treatment

Ductal changes in the liver are a serious pathology affecting the entire gastrointestinal tract and, in fact, the human body. Not surprising, because we are talking about the most voluminous parenchymal and glandular organ. If changes occur in its ducts, through which the secret is excreted from the body into the external environment, then the state of a person changes. Why are they happening? What are the reasons? Can this condition be corrected? About this and much more in detail in the article

The tip of the nose goes numb: causes, possible problems and opinions of doctors

The tip of the nose goes numb: causes, possible problems and opinions of doctors

Often people wonder why the tip of the nose goes numb? At the same time, it is quite difficult to feel the pathology. You can easily feel when a leg or arm is numb, and the lack of sensitivity at the tip of the nose can only be detected by touching it. Sometimes the condition is accompanied by "goosebumps" and a slight tingling. But this does not cause much discomfort. Not everyone understands the reasons why the tip of the nose goes numb. And treatment always depends on what became the reason for the development of pathology

Headache, vomiting, nausea: causes and treatment

Headache, vomiting, nausea: causes and treatment

Headache is often accompanied by nausea of varying severity, in some cases with bouts of vomiting. This condition can have a huge number of reasons, which it is desirable to understand with the help of a doctor. Headache, nausea, vomiting - what can these symptoms mean?

Unproductive cough - what is it? Treatment of unproductive cough

Unproductive cough - what is it? Treatment of unproductive cough

A lot of painful sensations are delivered by an unproductive cough. What it is - even a child knows. The patient suffers from discomfort in the throat, loses the ability to breathe and talk normally. In addition, it is sometimes very difficult to cope with the problem that has arisen. No less important are its causes, which can turn out to be both a harmless catarrhal disease and more severe pathologies

Cough in adults does not go away for a long time: causes, methods of treatment, possible consequences

Cough in adults does not go away for a long time: causes, methods of treatment, possible consequences

Coughing is normal. It is a consequence of the penetration of any foreign objects into the respiratory tract, for example, aspiration contents or exudate. In most cases, cough develops against the background of the course of the pathological process. Normally, it should last for a maximum of 1 week. A prolonged cough in an adult most often indicates that the patient ignored the signs of the disease, and therefore the pathology turned into a chronic form

Pain in the solar plexus: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the solar plexus: causes, diagnosis and treatment

An article about the causes of pain in the solar plexus in men and women. The main factors influencing the appearance of discomfort between the ribs are considered

Testicular pain in men: causes and consequences

Testicular pain in men: causes and consequences

What does testicular pain in men indicate? The answer to this question is of interest to many representatives of the stronger sex. In fact, this symptom is accompanied by various diseases, including both disorders of the reproductive system and pathologies of other organ systems

Stroke of the left side - features, causes, consequences and features of recovery

Stroke of the left side - features, causes, consequences and features of recovery

Stroke on the left side is quite common and is a very common problem. This disease is a sudden acute violation of cerebral circulation, which manifests itself in the form of blockage of the vessels that feed it, and a number of neurological symptoms. The consequences of such a condition are very different and largely depend on the area in which the pathology has developed. It is very important to carry out timely diagnosis and adequate treatment

Diabetes insipidus: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Diabetes insipidus: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

About what diabetes is, perhaps, it is not necessary to speak. We all know about this disease, and some, unfortunately, know firsthand about it. But how does this pathology differ from diabetes insipidus? Symptoms and treatment of this disease will be discussed later in the article

Thyroid adenoma: symptoms, treatment, surgery, reviews

Thyroid adenoma: symptoms, treatment, surgery, reviews

Thyroid adenoma is a benign tumor that grows from the cells of the organ. The danger of this neoplasm lies in the fact that it causes serious violations of the endocrine function, and is also prone to malignant degeneration

Pain in the stomach during pregnancy: what to do and how to treat?

Pain in the stomach during pregnancy: what to do and how to treat?

Pain in the stomach during pregnancy can occur for a variety of reasons, which is why it is very important to conduct diagnostics and comprehensive treatment in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of complications and normalize well-being

How to treat VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) with medicines and folk remedies

How to treat VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) with medicines and folk remedies

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex of symptoms caused by dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system. Doctors have more than a hundred signs of the disease. In the modern world, according to statistics, about 70% of the world's population is diagnosed with VSD

Gastritis: symptoms, first signs and diagnostic methods

Gastritis: symptoms, first signs and diagnostic methods

Symptoms of gastritis can be very different, it all depends on the characteristics of the disease and the form of its course. To obtain a full-fledged complex treatment, it is important to conduct timely diagnostics, which will help identify ongoing disorders in the body. Delayed therapy can provoke many dangerous complications

Hypothyroidism and pregnancy: consequences for the child, planning, reviews

Hypothyroidism and pregnancy: consequences for the child, planning, reviews

Thyroid diseases occur in people living in various countries of the world. According to studies, the largest number of patients suffering from such disorders have insufficient iodine content in the body. Individuals who regularly eat fish, seafood, and seaweed rarely have this problem. The combination of hypothyroidism and pregnancy occurs in about two percent of women

Chickenpox in pregnant women: the danger of the disease

Chickenpox in pregnant women: the danger of the disease

Chickenpox is an acute viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. About 90% of all infected are children under the age of 14. However, chickenpox is also common among adults, who suffer the disease much more severely

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy. Consequences, details

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy. Consequences, details

Sinusitis is a purulent inflammation that covers both paranasal sinuses or one of them. This disease is also called rhinosinusitis. It is dangerous with complications that can occur if you do not start treating it on time. Sinusitis during pregnancy is especially dangerous, since in this situation not all methods of treating this disease are suitable for a woman

What should I do if my lower back hurts when walking?

What should I do if my lower back hurts when walking?

Walk a bit and my lower back hurts, this expression can often be heard. Why is this happening and what to do? Symptoms of this disease can appear after a cold, a sharp tilt, lifting heavy objects. Another reason that your back hurts when walking is a long incorrect sitting at the table (stooped back)

Possible causes of nausea. Nausea: causes other than pregnancy (in women)

Possible causes of nausea. Nausea: causes other than pregnancy (in women)

Practically everyone has experienced nausea during their lifetime. Reasons, other than pregnancy, may be such that you did not even suspect

Diagnosis and treatment of streptococcal infection

Diagnosis and treatment of streptococcal infection

The article talks about streptococcal infection, clinical manifestations of the disease in one or another localization, as well as methods of treatment, including in children

Capillary angiodysplasia of the face: causes, treatment, photos

Capillary angiodysplasia of the face: causes, treatment, photos

Capillary angiodysplasia is a consequence of improper formation of the circulatory system and is a wine-colored, purple or bright red spots on the skin. The main difference from hemangiomas is the formation of large spots that increase as a person grows

Pleurisy of the lungs: what is it, how to treat folk remedies? Causes, symptoms and treatment of pleurisy of the lungs. What is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs?

Pleurisy of the lungs: what is it, how to treat folk remedies? Causes, symptoms and treatment of pleurisy of the lungs. What is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs?

According to statistics, every 10 of us annually suffer from pleurisy of the lungs. What is it, how to treat it, and what are the consequences and symptoms of such a disease? Can traditional medicine help in the treatment of this disease, and if so, how?

Steatohepatitis - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of steatohepatitis

Steatohepatitis - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of steatohepatitis

Steatohepatitis is a dangerous and serious disease, the symptoms of which are often invisible. Causes of development, the main pathologies that occur when the disease starts. Basic rules of therapy and preventive measures that will stop the development of the disease

Epidermal cyst (atheroma): causes, treatment, photo

Epidermal cyst (atheroma): causes, treatment, photo

For many people, for one reason or another, cysts can form on various organs or parts of the body. Their sizes and contents are different and it depends on many factors. The most common subcutaneous neoplasm is an epidermal cyst (atheroma), consisting of a hair follicle, epidermis, epithelium and sebum

Seals in the earlobes - possible causes and features of treatment

Seals in the earlobes - possible causes and features of treatment

Seal in the earlobes (ball) can appear for various reasons. Sometimes it develops into a malignant tumor. In what cases should you see a doctor? What treatment is prescribed for the formation of a ball in the earlobe? What are the methods of prevention?

Washing the tonsils: reviews, methods and features

Washing the tonsils: reviews, methods and features

The procedure helps to eliminate purulent plugs that occur against the background of chronic tonsillitis. It is not recommended to independently carry out such manipulations, as there is a possibility of tissue damage. The essence of the procedure is to remove purulent contents from the cavities of the tonsils through the action of a water jet or vacuum suction

Spinal decompression: features, exercises and recommendations

Spinal decompression: features, exercises and recommendations

Today, many people suffer from back pain. First of all, this happens due to the fact that a person leads the wrong way of life. For example, many spend most of their time at the computer, steering wheel, office desk. Also, the reasons can be attributed to strong physical exertion. Because of this, the spine is subjected to higher pressure, which causes discomfort and pain

Why do bruises appear on the body without blows?

Why do bruises appear on the body without blows?

Why do bruises appear on the body without a preliminary blow or bruise? You will find the answer to this question in the materials of this article

Obstruction of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Obstruction of the esophagus: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Obstruction of the esophagus can develop for many reasons, but if you suspect a pathology, you should immediately visit a doctor. The sooner an obstruction is detected, the more effective the therapy will be

Arthritis in a child: types of disease

Arthritis in a child: types of disease

Psoriatic arthritis in a child is rare: it occupies no more than 10% of the number of other types of this disease. Most often they suffer from 10-12 year old teenagers. This is due to a serious hormonal restructuring of their body

Pain in the back of the head: causes and treatment

Pain in the back of the head: causes and treatment

Headache in the back of the head is a symptom that often manifests itself not only in adults, but also in children. Some suffer from headaches for years, others may feel this symptom for moments. In no case should you ignore pain, because it is often a harbinger of serious illnesses

Myxedema - what kind of disease is this? Causes, symptoms and treatment

Myxedema - what kind of disease is this? Causes, symptoms and treatment

What is known about such a disease as myxedema? What are the reasons for the development of pathology? What is the diagnosis and treatment? We will try to answer these and other questions in our material