It's quite difficult to cope with daily activities when you are haunted by excessive sleepiness. People suffering from a chronic lack of energy are familiar with situations when such a state comprehends spontaneously, interferes with work, assimilation of information and negatively affects he alth. It doesn't matter where the person is. He can fall asleep both standing in transport and attending a presentation in his company. Why do you always want to sleep? There are a number of factors that provoke hypersomnia, which are divided into two groups: serious disorders of the body and physiological, natural causes. This resource provides information on how to minimize the former and take care to eliminate the latter.
Main causes and symptoms
Chronic fatigue and hypersomnia are always closely related. A direct influence on a person in the waking state is how much time he spent in the arms of sleep. The lack of night rest affects the general state of he alth and leads to various diseases. People who limit themselves in this pleasure should not be surprised why severe fatigue has become their already familiar life partner and they constantly want to sleep. Causes that contribute to drowsiness can be as follows:
- unbalanced lifestyle;
- non-compliance with night rest;
- stress and overwork;
- various pathologies;
- bad habits;
- dry indoor air.
All of the above causes can lead to negative consequences, which are manifested by the following symptoms:
- problematic waking up in the morning;
- severe need for afternoon naps;
- lack of energy and efficiency;
- memory deterioration and reduced concentration;
- poor appetite.
As already mentioned, the causes of hypersomnia can be divided into two groups: the presence of pathologies and conditions resulting from an unhe althy lifestyle. Let us immediately consider the factors that depend on us, which everyone is able to eliminate.

Not enough rest
People often try to solve all their affairs by reducing the quality of sleep. Anyone who deliberately sacrifices a night's rest for the sake of work and other concerns mistakenly believes that in this way they will solve all problems and more.succeed. However, in this scenario, the pace of their activity gradually begins to decline due to chronic fatigue and absent-mindedness. After all, a floating work schedule is reflected in the very quality of sleep. The body begins to use its potential and stops functioning at full capacity. And only when our reserves are running out, we begin to notice that we have no energy and constantly want to sleep. What to do? Arrange the daily routine, work and rest!
Often, some external factors interfere with a good rest. For example, artificial lighting left at night, extraneous noise. Watching exciting films and bad exciting news just before bed has a negative effect on the nervous system.
Influence of lifestyle
Do you like to eat tight? If so, then the question "what makes you constantly want to sleep" will always haunt you. Long ago, after some scientific research, experts crossed out the opinion of people that a very hearty lunch can be beneficial. According to some, it can provide the body with energy for the rest of the day. However, you will agree that we do not receive any charge of vivacity. And most often after eating a large amount of food a person tends to sleep. The thing is that the body spends its resources on the digestion of many products, it is difficult for it to switch to another type of activity at this time. But breakfast an hour after waking up is essential. It is important to set the biological clock in motion, so it is better to eat on a schedule.
Quite often, smokers complain that they constantly want to sleep. Lethargy in such people gives rise to a bad habit that provokes spasms of blood vessels, as a result of which the brain does not receive enough oxygen. Like excessive consumption of coffee drinks, nicotine leads to asomnia. Over time, this results in daytime sleepiness and other disorders of the nervous system. With a moderate intake of caffeine in the human body, the adrenal glands synthesize hormones of joy, which has a positive effect on concentration and gives cheerfulness. However, with excessive use of a fragrant drink, these organs simply do not have time to produce norepinephrine and adrenaline, and this leads to lethargy.
So, we have more or less figured out why sometimes severe fatigue manifests itself and you constantly want to sleep - the reasons are tritely simple. In such cases, it is comforting that it is in our power to take measures to eliminate the negative factors that prevent us from leading a fulfilling life. The main thing is to repay the debt to the exhausted body in a timely manner.

Sleepy in the winter season
Many people experience the so-called winter sleepiness. At the same time, at other times of the year, they feel quite normal. Lack of sunlight, short daylight hours, vitamin deficiency and dry indoor air - all this induces sadness and creates a favorable environment for the appearance of lethargy. In medicine, this phenomenon is called seasonal affective disorder. This is a temporary form of depression that can be avoided.without medication.
People who are prone to these mood swings always look forward to spring. After all, with the advent of heat and sun, all negative symptoms will disappear. However, the winter must somehow survive. If you constantly want to sleep and have no energy, what should you do? Doctors recommend their patients to use vitamin and mineral supplements during the cold season. This greatly improves the condition and improves the mood of a person. Also important is the timely ventilation of the room. By letting moist air into the room, you can avoid the state of drowsiness. Take regular walks outside and include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Before you start taking a vitamin complex, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination to find out what your body really needs. The doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe vitamin D, which is produced by exposure to ultraviolet light. It is the need for it that often causes chronic fatigue in the winter.

Meaning of different phases and cycles of night rest
The study of the course of night rest is the science of somnology. In the course of research, it has been proven that sleep during these hours consists of four cycles, which, in turn, include all existing phases. These stages are determined by varying degrees of brain activity. All of them have a clearly defined alternation order. The state opposite to wakefulness is divided into two phases by specialists:
1. Paradoxical. This is a fast-flowing sleep, which is characterized by complete relaxation of the muscles and high functioning of the brain. At the same time, the thinking organ does not work with information coming from other systems, does not send commands regarding any reactions.
2. Orthodox. The slow phase, characterized by the complete passivity of the eyeballs, no eye movements occur during it. It has the following stages:
- nap;
- light sleep;
- moderate;
- deep.
Full cycle, orthodox + paradoxical, has a duration of 1.5 to 2 hours. Fast takes only a quarter of the time of the total night's rest, slow accounts for 3/4.
Plunging through drowsiness into sleep, a person alternately goes through the other three stages, and then moves in the opposite direction. Thus, cycles flow in a circle. Given sufficient time allotted for rest, this process occurs up to four times. It is normal for our body to wake up after a REM (paradoxical) sleep.

How to determine the right time to wake up in the morning?
The body of each person is individual, therefore the required number of hours given to night rest will be different for each. How much sleep do you need? The determining criterion in this is the state when, after waking up, a person feels that his strength is fully restored and he is ready for wakefulness. Waking up, you can not continue to luxuriate inbed, as this contributes to the deterioration of well-being. It happens that the alarm clock rings at the wrong time, in the stage of deep sleep. As a result, it is difficult for a person to wake up and start his working day fully.
Specialists have developed a system that can be used to calculate the average night's rest rate. You need to try for 7-10 days to go to bed at the same time. At the same time, lead an active lifestyle during the day to get tired enough. You also need to ensure silence in the morning hours and do not set an alarm. After waking up on your own, you should immediately get out of bed. The hours at which the body was in a state of rest will be your personal standard. An adult usually needs to take from 7 to 9 hours for a good sleep, 6-7 is enough for the elderly.
If you have adjusted your rest, go to bed and get up in the morning at the appointed time, and during the day you feel excessive sleepiness, then you need to seek the help of a doctor. Next, consider a number of diseases in which people may complain that they constantly want to sleep heavily.
Iron deficiency negatively affects the overall well-being of a person. If the malaise is caused by a deficiency of this element, this fact cannot be ignored. The level of hemoglobin must be controlled, otherwise it will lead to a disease such as anemia. To prevent a severe form of the disease, it is necessary to take therapeutic measures immediately after the appearance of the first negative symptoms. What to do if you constantly want to sleep because oflack of iron? First of all, experts recommend replenishing the diet with the necessary products. Sources of iron are: beef liver, meat, egg yolks, pomegranate fruit and juice, spinach, legumes and apricots. However, it is far from always possible to solve the problem with the help of useful products. Doctors often resort to prescribing iron-containing medicines. In pathological conditions, drugs are administered intravenously. In this case, therapy requires patience, since its course can last up to six months.
The disease is associated with functional disorders of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones such as thyroxine, triiodothyronine, calcitonin, tetraiodothyronine. The disease usually develops against the background of an already existing disease. Most often, representatives of the fair sex suffer from hypothyroidism. Hormonal balance in their body is of great importance. When organic substances are synthesized in sufficient quantities, metabolic processes proceed normally and vitality is at a high level. A deficiency of thyroid hormones leads to the fact that you constantly want to sleep, and fatigue does not leave a woman even after rest.
Although thyroid disorders are considered the main symptom of hypothyroidism, other symptoms of the disease have been noted. These include: weight gain, shortness of breath, hair loss, dryness of the epidermis, fragility of the nail plates, apathy, absent-mindedness, menstrual irregularities. If this disease is suspected, it is recommended to take an analysis of the biological fluid for hormones, MRI, ultrasoundthyroid gland. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, appropriate hormonal therapy is prescribed.

Lower blood pressure is often the result of significant blood loss, as well as stress, heart disease, heavy physical exertion. As a rule, the condition is not an independent disease. It can signal disorders in the endocrine system or serious mental disorders. However, there are people who feel great under such pressure. So this is their norm.
It is a completely different matter when, at low rates, severe weakness occurs and you constantly want to sleep. This suggests that the blood supply to the vessels of the brain is reduced, and oxygen deficiency is created. In addition to chronic fatigue, irritability, dizziness, fainting, pain, nausea are observed. In this case, it is necessary to visit a qualified therapist and find out the cause of hypotension.
If, after consultation with a specialist, no serious pathologies are found, the doctor can prescribe a number of measures that can help regulate blood pressure. These include: a contrast shower, taking drugs of natural origin, a set of special exercises. The patient is required to learn how to independently control blood pressure. Medicines that are good at helping to cope with hypotension are Eleutherococcus and ginseng root tincture.

This disease is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. When sugar enters the body of a he althy person, it is converted into energy with the help of insulin. Then glucose further enters the cells, and the person feels a surge of strength. In the presence of diabetes, insulin synthesis is impaired, leading to malaise and lethargy. If type 2 diabetes develops, the cells lose their sensitivity to this hormone. As a result, people with diabetes constantly want to sleep. Such patients do not have energy even to carry out elementary daily activities.
Along with similar symptoms, the following manifestations are observed: increased hunger, unquenchable thirst, dry mouth, dizziness, dizziness, constant urge to go to the toilet. There are also problems associated with vision, which are expressed in a bifurcation of silhouettes. The treatment of such an ailment is carried out by an endocrinologist. He will give directions for the study of urine and blood and prescribe the appropriate treatment, which cannot be delayed.

Other reasons
If you constantly want to sleep and have no strength, you need to analyze what has changed recently in your lifestyle. Perhaps the reason for this was the medications that were prescribed not so long ago. In this case, you need to carefully read the instructions and consult with your doctor. Sometimes specialists prescribe other medicines. However, there are times when you can not interrupt the coursetreatment and drowsiness will have to be considered as a temporary phenomenon.
Another cause of hypersomnia can be depression. It is usually accompanied by increased apathy and excessive sleepiness. However, it is categorically impossible to make such a diagnosis on your own, and even more so to prescribe antidepressants. If an emotional disorder is not caused by temporary life difficulties and does not go away for a long time, you should urgently seek help from a specialist.
When you constantly want to sleep, the cause of fatigue may be a recent illness. In most cases, this is considered the norm. Intestinal infection, SARS, influenza and other colds are accompanied by weakness. Sometimes the recovery period can last about a month. At this time, you need to rest more and sleep more than the standard norm.
Stopping breathing during sleep helps to reduce blood supply and, as a result, lethargy and absent-mindedness during the day. In medicine, this disorder is called sleep apnea. At night, the airways narrow, preventing oxygen from reaching the lungs. In the vast majority of cases, the disease occurs in overweight people and smokers. As a rule, it is accompanied by snoring. To avoid such attacks, you can not use sleeping pills and sedatives, alcohol at night. It would be good to watch your weight and leave bad habits. Experts advise sleeping on your side to reduce the chance of holding your breath.
Recommendations from experts
Let's say you are a completely he althy person, but at the same time you have no strength andalways want to sleep. What to do in such a difficult situation? Try incorporating the following activities into your life schedule:
- Decide on a nighttime routine and try to stick to it. Go to bed no later than 11 o'clock. It is advisable to go outside before going to bed.
- To relax, you can take a bath with the addition of soothing medicinal plants or essential oils.
- Don't eat dinner right before bedtime or an hour before bedtime. In extreme cases, you can drink kefir or milk. Never drink coffee or strong tea in the evening.
- Maintain a normal temperature in the room (+18 oC) and ventilate it every evening. In summer, you can sleep with the window open.
- The right choice of mattress is of great importance for a normal rest. It should be even and fairly firm. Instead of a pillow, it is recommended to use a roller. Train yourself to sleep on your back. This is the most optimal position for proper rest.
- Get up right after waking up, do exercises. Before leaving the house, do not forget to have breakfast.
Don't expect a problem to be solved right away. Some time should pass after a radical change in lifestyle. But then there is hardly any reason to complain that you have no strength and energy and you constantly want to sleep.

If you cannot understand why you constantly want to sleep, always seek help from qualified professionals. However, when youyou yourself are the culprits of your situation, try to pull yourself together and correct the situation. Indeed, in the vast majority of cases, this is true. Most likely, you noticed that during periods of good rest, many of your questions were easily resolved and a lot of all kinds of things were done. Admit to yourself that most often we still know why we want to sleep all the time. We think you agree with this.