Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Nephrotic syndrome - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Nephrotic syndrome - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Consider that this is a nephrotic syndrome. This is a complex of symptoms that develops with kidney damage and includes massive proteinuria, edema, and impaired protein and lipid metabolism. The pathological process is accompanied by dysproteinemia, hyperlipidemia, hypoalbuminemia, edema of different localization (up to dropsy of serous cavities), dystrophic changes in the mucous membranes and skin

Restless Leg Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Restless Leg Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Many people complain that they constantly feel tired in their legs. And often it appears for no apparent reason. Restless Leg Syndrome is common. To cope with it, the causes should be identified, and only then the doctor can prescribe treatment

Chronic urticaria: etiology, symptoms

Chronic urticaria: etiology, symptoms

Chronic urticaria is a disease characterized by the development of allergic reactions in the body. Contact with an allergen leads to inflammation of the skin, including nerves and vessels located in the dermis. In the process of development of inflammatory reactions, blisters of red color appear on the skin

Trombophlebitis of superficial veins: causes, symptoms and treatment

Trombophlebitis of superficial veins: causes, symptoms and treatment

The term "thrombophlebitis of superficial veins" refers to a pathological condition in which an inflammatory process develops in the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, a blood clot is formed that clogs the lumen of the veins. The disease can be both independent in nature and be a sign of progression in the body of another disease

The hand is numb and does not go away - what to do? Causes and treatment

The hand is numb and does not go away - what to do? Causes and treatment

Practically every person had to experience such a state when one or another part of his body, after being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, lost sensitivity. However, people often complain that their hand is numb, and before that it was not at all in an uncomfortable position. How dangerous is this phenomenon? Why are hands numb? Do I need to rush to the doctor for the appointment of treatment?

Burning after bowel movements: causes and treatment

Burning after bowel movements: causes and treatment

Burning in the anus that occurs after defecation is a very delicate problem, so not everyone turns to a specialist with such a question. However, it is important to remember that self-medication in this case can aggravate the situation, since only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the pathology and prescribe the optimal therapy

Removal of the bladder: possible causes, description of the procedure, consequences, postoperative period

Removal of the bladder: possible causes, description of the procedure, consequences, postoperative period

Most often, surgery to remove the bladder in men and women is performed against the background of oncological disease of this organ. If the cancerous processes that began in the mucous membranes have spread to the muscle walls, resection is indicated. Currently, among other malignant pathologies, localized in the bladder is quite common, only slightly inferior to the degeneration of the prostate

Symptoms and treatment of ischemic stroke

Symptoms and treatment of ischemic stroke

Stroke is a serious disease that can greatly undermine the he alth of the patient. What are its causes and what is the treatment?

Rotavirus in infants: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

Rotavirus in infants: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention

The symptoms of rotavirus in infants are quite characteristic, so this disease can be easily recognized. Treatment must be comprehensive, and the attending physician prescribes it in order to prevent the occurrence of complications. In addition, it is very important to follow a diet that promotes faster recovery

Rotavirus: symptoms in a child without fever, treatment and prevention

Rotavirus: symptoms in a child without fever, treatment and prevention

Every parent cares about the he alth of their baby. However, children tend to get sick, in the period up to three years, most children suffer from ailments such as chickenpox, rubella, roseola, rotavirus, and so on. After the illnesses received, the baby develops a strong immunity. This is what allows him to protect himself in the future. This article will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of rotavirus in children

Cystitis in women. Disease prevention and treatment

Cystitis in women. Disease prevention and treatment

Cystitis is a disease of the bladder. This inflammatory disease most often occurs in women due to the peculiarities of the structure of the urinary organs. Cystitis in women is treated by a urologist or gynecologist

Treatment, causes and symptoms of ascites

Treatment, causes and symptoms of ascites

In this article, we will look at the symptoms of ascites, as well as the main treatments. According to experts, such a disease can occur suddenly and consistently develop over just a few months, while being accompanied by flatulence and discomfort in the abdomen

Interstitial cystitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Interstitial cystitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Interstitial cystitis is called inflammation of the bladder, not associated with infection or trauma to the organ. Pathology occurs mainly in women of childbearing age. In this disease, the inflammatory process affects the intermediate (interstitial) tissue located between the bladder mucosa and muscles. Many nerve endings are concentrated in this space, their irritation leads to pain

Pancreatitis: treatment at home

Pancreatitis: treatment at home

There is such an unpleasant disease as pancreatitis. Treatment at home is possible, although it may not seem the easiest. Let's figure it out

Dizzy when you get up. Why?

Dizzy when you get up. Why?

Dizzy when you get up - what is it? After all, unreasonable dizziness, at least, is alarming

Symptoms and treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies at home: reviews

Symptoms and treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies at home: reviews

50% of women worldwide suffer from an unpleasant disease - ovarian cysts. The nature of the treatment is largely determined by the type, size and good quality of the neoplasm. This article describes the treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies

How to treat corns on the feet

How to treat corns on the feet

The formation of corns on the soles of the feet is a common nuisance among women who prefer to wear uncomfortable shoes with stilettos and heels. Uneven distribution of weight makes the skin rough. However, there are many other factors that can provoke the appearance of corns. Let's look at common causes of the problem, as well as ways to eliminate seals on the skin of the feet

How to cure thrush at home?

How to cure thrush at home?

What is candidiasis (thrush)? Varieties of the disease, causes of development and symptoms. Traditional medicine and folk methods of dealing with thrush. How to treat candidiasis in pregnant women, men and children?

Kidneys hurt: what to do at home?

Kidneys hurt: what to do at home?

Water quality today can hardly be called even satisfactory. In water pipes, it is stuffed with harmful additives and chlorine. In natural reservoirs - discharges of industrial enterprises. This causes the delicate filtering tissue of the kidneys to gradually fail. And the man says that his kidneys hurt. What to do in this case and how to help yourself?

What to do, eye twitches: causes, treatment

What to do, eye twitches: causes, treatment

An article about the causes of eye twitching. The options for self-disposal of an unpleasant ailment with the help of simple manipulations and traditional medicine are considered

Effective treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies: the best recipes, reviews

Effective treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies: the best recipes, reviews

Pancreatitis is a disease that can bring a considerable amount of discomfort to a person of any age. In the case of a particularly advanced form of the ongoing disease, even death can occur. How to treat pancreatitis with the most effective folk remedies? In the reviews of various methods left by doctors and patients themselves, some recommendations are offered regarding the use of certain methods of eliminating or alleviating the disease

Ischemic heart attack: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Ischemic heart attack: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Article about the causes and symptoms of a heart attack in coronary heart disease. Possible methods of treatment and features of pathology are considered

Metabolic changes in the myocardium: features, symptoms, causes and treatment

Metabolic changes in the myocardium: features, symptoms, causes and treatment

Metabolic changes in the myocardium are now quite common. In most cases, this deviation does not pose a serious danger, but sometimes it can lead to he alth problems

Glomerulonephritis: pathogenesis, clinical guidelines, symptoms, diagnosis and diet

Glomerulonephritis: pathogenesis, clinical guidelines, symptoms, diagnosis and diet

Glomerulonephritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the small vessels of the kidneys called glomeruli. According to the etiology, manifestations, course of the disease and its outcome, several forms are distinguished. What are they characterized by? What generally provokes the occurrence of this disease? What is the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis? What symptoms indicate its presence? And how to deal with this disease? This is worth talking about in more detail

What is arthroscopy: description of the procedure, indications, features, reviews

What is arthroscopy: description of the procedure, indications, features, reviews

Arthroscopy allows you to diagnose and treat serious ailments. To date, this is one of the sparing procedures, which is characterized by a short recovery period. Consider the features of this procedure, its pros and cons

Chlamydia discharge: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and advice from a gynecologist

Chlamydia discharge: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and advice from a gynecologist

Chlamydia is a serious and widespread infectious disease. They get sick at different ages, but most of all it affects young people. And this is logical, because the main method of transmission of the disease is sexual contact. Allocations with chlamydia are accompanied by severe itching and burning. It is not easy to cure the disease. You may need more than one course

Green diarrhea and its treatment

Green diarrhea and its treatment

This article will discuss what green diarrhea is. You will learn the main causes and symptoms of this pathology. It is also worth mentioning how to treat green diarrhea in different situations

What causes warts on the hands? Why do warts appear on the fingers of children?

What causes warts on the hands? Why do warts appear on the fingers of children?

The appearance of warts on the fingers at first glance seems like a minor problem. Is it possible to seriously worry about this scourge? Why get rid of them? And why is such a small nuisance so troublesome, because you don’t always remember about it?

Treatment of constipation in adults at home

Treatment of constipation in adults at home

Constipation causes a lot of problems. It causes discomfort in the stomach, spoils the mood. Treatment of constipation in adults is necessary. Fecal masses, being in the intestines, poison its walls. Because of this, people become depressed, experience fatigue, depression, headaches

Pityriasis rosea: treatment, symptoms, prevention

Pityriasis rosea: treatment, symptoms, prevention

Pityriasis rosea, Gibert's lichen or pitiriasis is not such a rare skin disease that affects a person with a weakened immune system after suffering a viral illness. According to statistics, female people get pink lichen more often than men. The disease affects adults under 40 years of age and children after the age of ten

What does a diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis mean? What are its symptoms, and how is it treated?

What does a diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis mean? What are its symptoms, and how is it treated?

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a common disease. It causes a lot of trouble, can be sexually transmitted, often recurs, so you need to know how to treat thrush

Swollen knees: causes

Swollen knees: causes

Swollen knees can indicate a range of medical conditions. In addition, the cause of swelling may be a recent injury. Read more about this in this article

Swollen knees: causes, which doctor to see and how to treat

Swollen knees: causes, which doctor to see and how to treat

A swollen knee is a signal of the body about the presence of a pathology of the knee joint of various etiologies. Diagnosing this disease is quite easy, since there is always a swollen condition, and the person is not able to move normally. Doctors name several reasons contributing to the development of such a pathology

Bleeding mole - features, causes and methods of treatment

Bleeding mole - features, causes and methods of treatment

Moles are found on the human body in large numbers. Sometimes they are localized in the place where friction and irritation by the tissue is regularly carried out in the process of human movement. Under such conditions, the nevus can be damaged. If blood is leaking from the formation, it is important to see a doctor, as serious he alth problems can arise

Severe chills: causes. Why is there a strong chill at night?

Severe chills: causes. Why is there a strong chill at night?

The article will focus on such a symptom as chills. The causes of this condition, as well as possible diseases - all this can be read in the text below

Phlebitis - what is it? Symptoms, causes, treatment of phlebitis of the extremities

Phlebitis - what is it? Symptoms, causes, treatment of phlebitis of the extremities

Phlebitis is a disease caused by inflammation in the venous walls. They can begin for various reasons, from the complications of varicose veins to the penetration of microbes into the blood vessels when they are injured. About what phlebitis is dangerous and how to treat them so that there are no irreversible consequences, read this article

Herpes on the lips: causes, symptoms and treatment

Herpes on the lips: causes, symptoms and treatment

Once in the body, herpes remains there until the end of a person's life. Usually he is in a "sleeping" state, but in some periods it can worsen

Modern treatment of HPV in women and men. Consequences of HPV

Modern treatment of HPV in women and men. Consequences of HPV

The papilloma virus is a whole family of viruses that cause a person to develop warts, papillomas, along with dysplasia or cancer of the cervix, and, in addition, the genitals. This is the most common viral infection of the genital area. Once in the body, it is firmly fixed in it for a long time. Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately

What are the symptoms of thrombophlebitis

What are the symptoms of thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis of the limbs is a disease of the legs, accompanied by swelling, pain along the veins, redness and thickening of the skin

After eating, the pressure rises: causes, recommendations for compiling the menu, consequences

After eating, the pressure rises: causes, recommendations for compiling the menu, consequences

After eating, the pressure rises: what to do about it? Perhaps there are no he alth problems, or maybe it is gastrocardiac syndrome or dumping syndrome? The most dangerous foods that lead to increased blood pressure. What can be done at home, what foods should be discarded?