In this article, we will consider the treatment of HPV, how to live and what to do with such a disease, we will also tell.
The papilloma virus is a whole family of viruses that cause a person to develop warts, papillomas, along with dysplasia or cancer of the cervix, and, in addition, the genitals. This is the most common viral infection of the genital area. Once in the body, it is firmly fixed in it for a long time. Symptoms of the disease do not appear immediately. The virus can simply doze off, waiting for the right moment. As a rule, such a moment is a weakening of the immune system. Damage to the body occurs not only from the inside, but also from the outside. On the skin and mucous membranes, unpleasant growths can occur in the form of papillomas, warts and condylomas. In the event that HPV treatment is not started on time, the consequences can lead to considerable problems. Therefore, the sooner action is taken, the fewer complications will appear in the future.

Virus Information
Over a hundred types have been discovered in fifty yearspapillomavirus. Eighty types are considered pathogenic for humans. According to data, 70% of the population is currently infected with this virus. Virus types 16 and 18 more often than others leads to cervical cancer. The papilloma virus in the vast majority of cases is considered the cause of the development of cancer of the genital organs, not only in women, but also among men, including.
What is the treatment for HPV 18, 16 and other types?
Oncogenic classification
Oncogenic classification is called a division of virus types, which takes into account the likelihood of developing cancer depending on the subspecies. In practical medicine, there is a division into 3 groups:
- HPV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is considered a non-oncogenic group.
- HPV 6, 11, 42, 43, 44 - this group has a low probability of developing oncology.
- HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 59, 68 - the group has a high oncogenic activity. In a woman's body, the risk of a possible cancerous process in the cervix and mammary glands under the influence of these viruses increases. In men, oncogenic subtypes can cause bladder cancer. Treatment for HPV 33, 16, 18 and other types will be discussed below.
Naturally, these strains do not always indicate that oncology will definitely occur. But with the slightest change in well-being and with the appearance of various growths on the mucous membranes and skin, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination in a medical institution in a short time.
Treatment of HPV in women depends directly on the type.
Diagnosis of disease
Withindiagnosis before direct treatment, the following procedures for examining patients are carried out:
- PCR analysis. The main method for diagnosing this virus is the PCR reaction. The material for analysis is taken from the vaginal mucosa, and, in addition, from the cervix. In men, the material is taken from the mucosa of the penis. The resulting PCR reaction can sometimes show a false result, especially if the conditions for its implementation were violated. For example, even a simple push of the table on which the study was performed can lead to inaccurate results. According to modern research, up to twenty percent of all results of this procedure are false. Moreover, this fact does not depend on the equipment and the quality of the reagents used.
- Conducting a Digene test. This is currently a new study that is gaining popularity in medicine. Such a test is performed to determine the presence of a clinically significant concentration of virus. Thanks to this test, it is possible to identify how high the degree of oncogenicity of the virus that is in the patient's body. The Digene test is used in combination with cytology.
- Mandatory examination by a gynecologist, and, in addition, by a urologist, if it is a male patient.
- Carrying out a cytological study. As part of this study, a smear is analyzed, which is taken during a gynecological examination. This study is often referred to as liquid cytology. At the same time, specialists under a microscope determine the presence or absence ofchanged cells. Normally, pathological cells should not be in any case, they arise only with the development of the disease. The presence of such cells may indicate cervical dysplasia in women. Treatment for HPV 18 and other types should be started immediately.
- Histological examination. As part of this diagnostic procedure, a small piece of tissue is examined, which is also taken during a gynecological or urological examination. Another name for this study is the so-called "biopsy". Under a microscope, specialists assess the degree of pathological changes in the tissue that was taken for research.

HPV treatment: modern methods
As part of the treatment of the papillomavirus, one thing should be borne in mind: this pathology may not completely disappear from the body. The immediate main goal of his therapy today is to remove the manifestations of the virus and reduce its concentration in the body. Thus, doctors are trying to ensure that the patient's immunity itself can suppress the virus. Today, HPV treatment is carried out in the following three areas:
- Procedures aimed at removing the manifestations of the virus. Thus, warts, condylomas and so on are removed.
- Prescribing antivirals to patients.
- Immune strengthening.
All of the above areas to combat the papillomavirus are effectively carried out by modern medicine. As for self-treatment, it has low efficiency.and can lead to disease progression. It is especially dangerous to self-medicate in the presence of diseases of the genital area.
Let's take a closer look at HPV treatment.
Remove manifestations
Removal of manifestations of the virus today is performed using the following methods:
- The procedure for removing papillomas with a laser.
- Carrying out radio wave removal of external manifestations of the virus. It is worth noting that radio waves vaporize the defective formation of the virus like a laser.
- The procedure for removing papillomas with a scalpel.
- The procedure for removing the manifestations of the virus with an electric knife. In fact, he is the same scalpel, but only electric. True, at present it is almost never used in cosmetology.
- Removal of papillomas and warts with liquid nitrogen.
- The use of cauterizing agents in the treatment of HPV type 18. In this case, local necrotizing preparations are used in the form of various acids and alkalis, for example, Supercleaner, Solcoderm, Duofilm, Verrukatsid and others.
Now let's consider ways to remove papillomas in more detail.
Modern techniques for removing papillomas
Such a method as electrocoagulation involves the removal of growths with the help of current. This technique has a number of advantages and disadvantages at the same time. This is generally effective, and, in addition, a method suitable for almost everyone to get rid of papillomas. But, nevertheless, it is quite painful. And the remaining wounds after removal of papillomas heal much longer than afteruse of radio waves. As a rule, the recovery period of the integument takes from ten days. In addition, as a result of improper procedure, the risk of relapse increases. In addition, the result of such an operation may be the formation of unattractive scars.
Cryodestruction in the treatment of HPV 16 in women involves the procedure for freezing the formation with liquid nitrogen. This technique is very effective. But healing itself can take up to three weeks. The consequences of this method are often edema of the affected area. In addition, a red bubble may appear, and the wound itself heals for a long time.
Laser burning is today a fairly popular and effective way to get rid of growths in the treatment of HPV 51. But, nevertheless, negative consequences can be:
- The appearance of a severe thermal burn that will not heal for a long time.
- Formation of a liquid bubble.
- The occurrence of a wet wound.

Scalpel removal surgery is used as a last resort in the treatment of HPV 52. It is used if the formation is located in a hard-to-reach place or has a large lesion diameter. The result of this event are long-healing wounds, the care of which requires a lot of time. In addition, there are scars that remain for life after the healing of the intervention area.
Radio wave treatment of HPV in women today is verywidely used for the treatment of external manifestations. I must say that this technique gives a fairly effective result. It is limited to minor consequences. After it, a slight redness is likely, but the wound heals quickly enough.
Use of antivirals
In addition to removing the manifestations of the virus, doctors also prescribe the following antiviral drugs to patients:
- Treatment with Isoprinosine. Doctors prescribe two tablets of this drug three times a day. The treatment course should last from fourteen to twenty-eight days.
- The drug "Allokin-alpha" is used in the treatment of HPV type 16 in women, one ampoule. The powder is dissolved in one milliliter of sodium chloride and injected subcutaneously every two days. The general course involves the use of six injections. Medicines for treating HPV in women are not limited to this.
- Means "Epigen intimate spray". They should spray the affected area four times a day for a course of treatment to be prescribed by a physician on an individual basis.
- The drug "Panavir" is effective in the treatment of HPV types 16 and 18. This tool is produced in various forms: in the form of a gel, spray, suppositories, injection solution, and so on. Its use directly depends on the location and extent of the pathological process.
- Using Aldara cream. The active ingredient in this product is imiquimod. The cream is used to treat HPV 56 in the presence of genital warts. It is considered quite effective.
What else does HPV treatment mean for women? How to live after such a diagnosis?
Immunity boost
Among other things, as part of the treatment of the papillomavirus, doctors also prescribe drugs that increase immunity:
- Immunal is usually prescribed for the treatment of HPV 16 in women, one tablet up to four times a day. The therapeutic course is from two to eight weeks.
- Means "Reaferon". The contents of the vial are diluted with water and drunk half an hour before meals. The drug is taken twice a day for ten days.
- Preparation "Polyoxidonium". As part of the treatment of HPV type 16 with this remedy, one suppository is used inside the vagina, it can also be applied to the rectum, this is done at night. The course of therapy is ten doses.
We looked at what HPV treatment is. How to live and what to do?

Consequences of HPV pathology
So, seven out of ten people are infected with the papillomavirus to a certain extent in the modern world. This pathology lives in the human body and does not manifest itself until such time as immunity decreases. HPV causes significant harm to the human body, depriving a full and happy life, manifesting itself in the form of disgusting growths, and, in addition, warts. Its first signs of presence in the body are the so-called papillomas. If left untreated, the disease will spread further throughout the body.
About the consequences of infection with this viruspeople tend to think extremely rarely. I must say that patients are mainly concerned about the external manifestation of the disease. When formations appear, after a number of treatments for HPV 31, 33, 51 and other types, scars may remain on the surface of the skin, and sometimes red blisters appear. But, nevertheless, an unattractive papilloma is just the tip of the iceberg. And when a person gets rid of it with celandine, which was plucked from the garden, he will not be able to protect himself from the appearance of more serious complications. The most well-known, and at the same time very common, consequences that can occur after HPV treatment are:
- Formation of new papillomas with condylomas and warts.
- Development of papillomatosis. Such a pathology is characterized by an extensive growth of growths, bringing discomfort and affecting the overall picture of the disease.
- The appearance of scars, which are the consequences of the removal of papillomas.
- The appearance of bleeding. As a result of the removal of papilloma, especially when it occurs within the framework of home conditions, a similar phenomenon can often occur.
- Getting infected. When injuring the growth, which, by the way, occurs in half of all cases, the risk increases that absolutely any infection can get into the open wound area.
- The appearance of purulent discharge from the formations.
- Formation of ulcers. They can occur as a result of prolonged friction of papillomas on clothes.
- Development of a precancerous condition of the female genital organs.
- Appearancecancerous growths in the internal organs.
- Development of oncology of the skin.
- Development of asphyxia in children. Against the background of the defeat of the children's larynx with papillomas, breathing problems can often occur. In the event that the lesions immediately spread to both walls of the larynx, and the glottis closes at the same time, then the onset of suffocation is not ruled out.

It is important to understand that the described virus is a serious disease. It cannot be ignored. Also, you should not self-medicate, otherwise you can aggravate the condition of the disease.
HPV and possible oncological consequences
A number of papillomaviruses are known to medicine for their high oncogenicity. For example, when infected with species 16, 18, 33, 39, 52, 59, the risk of oncological processes greatly increases. Introduced into human DNA, the infection begins to cause the process of cell regeneration. Due to this, a malignant formation can form. In women, papillomavirus can cause cervical cancer. In addition, papillomavirus can become the cause of oncology of the liver, intestines and lungs, and, in addition, the stomach in 10% of cases.
The most common site of this infection has always been the genitals with the human anus. The main reason for this, first of all, is the fact that the disease belongs to the category of pathologies that are sexually transmitted. In this regard, it is worth noting that often the cancerous process affects the human reproductive system. Anyway,if after infection with this virus there is any seal, you need to go to a specialist as soon as possible. The necessary tests make it possible to determine the type of viral infection along with the degree of its oncogenicity.
This is why it is so important to provide complete and timely treatment of HPV in women.
Consequences of removing viral formations
In the event of any growths on the skin and mucous membranes, of course, the question arises of how to remove them. Often such operations give a positive result. But in some situations, there can be negative consequences. Thus, the removal of papilloma can bring a variety of consequences, and everything will depend directly on the type of operation used, and, in addition, on the skill of the operating specialist.

HPV: how to prevent negative consequences
Any complications in the presence of the human papillomavirus occur due to an untimely visit to the doctor. As a rule, ignoring the symptoms, or self-medicating, a person begins to expose himself to unjustified danger. To avoid complications, a person needs to follow several of the following recommendations:
- First of all, you need to contact a specialist already at the first manifestations of the disease. In the event that at least one small formation appears on the skin, one should not delay time and hesitate to visit the doctor. At the same time, it is very important to pass all the necessary tests to identify the type of virus and determine the current treatment methods. HPV18, 16 are quite common.
- It is recommended to take only those drugs that are prescribed directly by your doctor. Self-medication with dubious drugs can only aggravate the course of the disease. In addition, the treatment of the papillomavirus should be carried out comprehensively and as part of an individual approach.
Men as carriers of infection
HPV-infected men are often the reservoir of infection, putting women at greater risk of transmitting the virus. It is necessary to separate the carriage of the virus without clinical manifestations and situations in which the virus leads to those in the form of genital warts. In this regard, doctors often recommend examining men for the papilloma virus if women have clinical manifestations, and not just a latent carriage of the infection.
The most effective examination is considered to be aimed at detecting the virus in a scraping of the epithelium of the glans penis. In addition, recently it has been actively recommended to conduct an examination of the material that is taken from the anus. For this, the following two methods are used: polymerase chain reaction and DNA hybridization in solution (in another way, this test is also called the "Dijin test"). True, in a number of European countries, testing men is still not considered mandatory.

As with women, HPV is also a factor in the development of cancer in men. Experts believe that the types of HPV that affect the epithelium of the anal region are identical to those thatcause cervical cancer. Anal cancer in 40% of cases affects men. The incidence of anal cancer is on the rise, with an annual increase of two percent.
HPV treatment reviews
Reviews about this disease are contradictory. The papilloma virus, with its negative impact on the reproductive system of people, is one of the most regularly discussed problems today. The danger of infection with various types of the virus exists not only for women, but also has negative consequences for men. According to statistics, this infection is considered one of the most common today. About 70% of adults are infected with some particular type of this virus or several at the same time.
Are there any other reviews on HPV treatment?
People confirm that the majority of carriers of the infection do not even know about it, considering themselves clinically absolutely he althy. The infection can be transmitted only through direct contact, mainly through sexual contact. The virus can multiply and develop in the epithelium of the skin, and, in addition, in the mucous membranes of the genital organs, throat and mouth. To avoid serious consequences of this pathology, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Treatment is most often successful if started promptly.