Chlamydia is a serious and widespread infectious disease. They get sick at different ages, but most of all it affects young people. And this is logical, because the main method of transmission of the disease is sexual contact.
This disease is especially dangerous for the fairer sex. Many people do not know that he is sick, because the disease is often asymptomatic. There are no clear statistics on the incidence of chlamydia. However, the disease is much more common than other STDs.
In the article, we will consider the symptoms of discharge in chlamydia in women. We cannot provide a photo for aesthetic reasons.
So, the discharge can be of completely different colors - from transparent to yellow-green. It all depends on the time of infection and the severity of the pathology.

Reason for selections
WhenIn chlamydia, the main cause of discharge is cells infected with the microorganism Chlamydia. When they die, together with the products of the functioning of chlamydia and intercellular fluid, they form a mucous environment emanating from the urethra.
In the human body, bacteria go this way:
- getting on the mucous membrane of the body - infection and rooting in cells;
- reproduction inside cells, which leads to rupture of the membranes of the affected cells and their death;
- inflammation of the mucosa - after being released from dead cells, chlamydia "attacks" he althy cells, which leads to infection.
The question of what kind of discharge for chlamydia worries many women. In a he althy woman, the discharge has a yellow-white tint and practically does not smell, sometimes it can be sour, with chlamydia they become:
- sticky and watery;
- colorless, sometimes white;
- not abundant, stick to the wall of the cervix and only a doctor can detect them;
- bloody and brown, may occur with complications due to neglect of the disease.
Also keep in mind that:
- The secret does not acquire a characteristic smell;
- impurities with pus - the first signal of complications.

Chlamydia symptoms
The symptoms of the infection are, unfortunately, not pronounced, in 45-65% of those infected the disease develops without any obvious symptoms, which greatly complicatesdiagnostic process. It should be noted that the symptoms of chlamydia begin to appear after the incubation period, which lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.
The main symptoms that can signal the development of chlamydia are:
- painful urination;
- mild lower abdominal pain;
- itching and burning sensation in the genital area;
- discharge from the urethra (in men) and the vagina (in women). At the same time, the discharge in men is quite scarce, has a transparent color. In women, vaginal discharge, on the contrary, is either mucous or mucopurulent with a yellowish tint, characterized by an unpleasant odor;
- weakness and a slight increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees (this temperature is typical for the inflammatory process).
It should also be said that the above symptoms of infection disappear by themselves after two to three weeks, even without adequate treatment. However, the disease itself does not go away, but becomes chronic, and immunity to re-infection is not developed.

Chlamydia drug treatment
Chlamydia is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of infection by the microorganism chlamydia. This disease can be sexually transmitted, and it is highly contagious and difficult to treat.
Medical treatment of chlamydia should be chosen only after diagnosis, taking into account the symptoms of the disease and the complexity of the developing inflammation. Also into accounttake the results of the immunogram, general tests and some additional studies. This venereal pathology is treated with a course that lasts about 3 weeks, but in difficult cases, it may take a little longer. The fact is that chlamydia is far from being able to respond to the introduction of certain medications in all cases.
After chlamydia treatment, the discharge should disappear. If this does not happen, the therapy continues.
These drugs are divided into 2 groups:
- teteracyclines;
- macrolides.
Even the most expensive treatment regimen will not cure chlamydia without antibiotics. Nowadays, treatment is carried out according to two eradication schemes:
- Using 3 drugs - 1 proton pump drug and two types of antibiotics.
- Combination of 2 antibacterials, an antisecretory agent, and bismuth.
For the treatment of chronic and acute chlamydia, macrolide antibiotics are usually used. These drugs contain a lactone ring, which allows drugs to penetrate deeper and accumulate in diseased cells.

Typically, the following remedies are used to treat chlamydia:
- Erythromycin;
- Midecamycin;
- "Vilprafen";
- Clarbact;
- Azithromycin;
- Roxithromycin, etc.
Drugs of this group can be prescribed for a mild form of chlamydia. The use of tablets "Doxycycline" and "Tetracycline" is shown. The first drug can be replaced by the following: Vibramycin or Dorix. Also recommended is Unidox Solutab, the medicinal form of which increases the bioavailability of the drug by almost 90%.
It is very important that the course of treatment for chlamydia is prescribed by the attending physician, since self-medication can cause rather unpleasant consequences and be harmful to he alth.

Herbal treatment
The best herb for treating chlamydia is saxifrage femur. This plant has a detrimental effect on chlamydia. A decoction of the herb can be used by adults and children.
The medicine is prepared as follows:
- 1 tsp herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water (for adults 1 tbsp. l);
- the plant is infused for 12 hours;
- the infusion is filtered and cooled.
The medicine is taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals, 1/3 cup. In addition, you can use a decoction for washing the eyes and douching. The saxifrage thigh safely fights chlamydia during pregnancy when medication is not desirable.
No less effective is the extract from the arborvitae, which will be needed for douching. This method of treatment must be combined with the intake of herbs inside. Thuja has an excellent anti-allergic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The malise plant has a bactericidal property. It contains a special oily substance that effectively fights bacteria. Crushed plant in the amount of 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and insist 1-2 hours. Infusion take 1-2 sips in the morning and evening for 2 weeks.
It improves blood flow and fights bacteria infusion of parsley. To do this, 45 g of the plant is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boiled for 5-6 minutes, and then infused for another half an hour, filtered, cooled and taken 2 tsp. per day for 2 weeks.
For treatment, you can prepare a herbal collection with St. John's wort, yarrow, bird cherry and walnut. To prepare a drink, you will need to prepare 35 g of raw materials, which are sent to a water bath for 25 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled, filtered from grass, and taken 5 times a day before meals. To achieve a good result, you must take the decoction for at least 2 weeks.

The main cause of chlamydia is unprotected vaginal or anal sex. The disease is caused by an increased content of chlamydia bacteria. What to do to prevent chlamydia:
- Be protected when having sex with a partner.
- Women are more susceptible to chlamydia, so they should take care of the cleanliness in the house more, as infection is possible even at home (at high humidity and temperature, the number of these bacteria increases inseveral times).
- Observe the simplest rules of hygiene.
Advice from gynecologists
Let's see how female chlamydia can be cured:
- Don't try to cure it yourself, you will only hurt yourself.
- You need to go to the clinic, get tested and start treatment.
- The most optimal treatment is taking antibacterial drugs or antibiotics of the erythromycin or azithromycin group.
- Also, in addition to antibiotics, you can take antifungal drugs (fluconazole or interferon).
- Strict sexual hygiene is required.
- It is not advised to have sexual intercourse while intoxicated.
Following these simple rules, you can easily avoid the disease. The main thing is to take care of yourself and your he alth.